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November 03, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-03

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

C.J of Vi.T7aItu.
Publie Daily (SnaCeceptet) during
the olic 0 year by
Subcriptios price $2.50 per year, invariably
in advane Single copies a rents. Subscrip-
tions say be left at the office of the DILY,
at Stoffet, with ay of the editora o
authorized solicior.
Commsnication should reach the office y
7 o'clochkaP. . i they are to appear the net
lay. Address all matter intended for publica-
tion o the Managing Editor. All buinen
cmmeuicatins shold e snet to the Bui-
THE U. of . DAILY.
Ann Arbr,.ini.
C. A. DEsso, Law' 94, Managing Editor.
NORMAN FOwasLit. .0, Asistsit.
1. A. SesLosc, Lit. Sd4, Asitit.
'. L. LouE, Li. '15 Asistoiit
3. A. LnRoss, Li. ', Ahletic Editor.
S. W. CURTISS. P. G. Li.. Busissrn Managr.
Wit. A. Mos, Lit. '0, Asitnt.
H. B. G amimis,'4 Frnte'iiir, '4.
Mis Lii' oists, '4. R. . Ha. 'M.
117. N. Chote, 'i.6 . M ot isgise, '9.
b. I'. sailie, 'lii. H. D. Tlako', '06i.
L. E. Coorad, '. C i. G. Jii.bsi,'9.
All copy oiso a hue offie beori'5:30 a. i.
of the Lipy(if publiatio.
THlEE will h'e an imprtn iffet-
log of the DAILY staff tomorrow
night at 7:30 o'clock. Every mem-
her wiii be fxpfctfd to be present,
as businfss of inportatce wii bf
As will appear from the aticle in
our news columns, we are not the
only university struggling with the
prfss flub question. lPress clubs,
if conduted in a practical manner,
are productive of much good, btt
on the other bland, no stecial bene-
fit is obtainesd froni the woork of a
press club if it i, liniteit to mere
discussions of sork. ToseClubsi
ace thte biest wher lpractica .tiind
theoretical wtrk lcanbe cii . is.il
If Miciests cats have oiti of tie
later kind, we soulil by all imians
establisih sne ;if oot, oe sec no
special reasois for agitating te qiles-
tion further.
Bix a new rule of the faculty a
student caught using unfair neas
in an examination will le sulject tn
dismissal froni college. This rule
takes the place of the old one xhich
treated the offense in a different
manner, subjecting the offender to
no stich humiliating punishmsent.
The faculty have crtaiily taken a
wise step in furthering rfform in
examinations. That under the pres-
ent plan much injustice is done is
evident to the most casual observer.
Oftentimes. the studest who least
deserves to pass off his work does
so by aid of unfair means, while his
neighbor, who believes in an honest

testing examination may fail through
no fault of his own.
It may be doubted, however, if
the present manner of dealing with

this evil is the best. Easteris in-
stitutions are adopting a method
which seems much more commend-
-able and one wvhich wve have reason
to believe would be a success in the
University of Michigan.
THE spirit which prompts the
sophomore and upper class girls to
~give the freshman spread is cer-
tainly commendable and designed to
create the beat of feeling among all
who participate. It is the aim of
those having tse spread in charge to
make it thoroughly representative of
all departments and ample arrange-
ments have been made for all. The
ladies are free from the class spirit
which often has a prejudicial effect
ansong the meni of different depart-
nments or eveu of different classes
in the same dlepartnment. In this
resfiect thle co-edts set an example
wvell wvortli the enmulation of the
meni of this university. The conm-
muittees are to be congratulated for
the thoroughness with wvhich they
have done their wvork, wvhichll i
makethe freshman spread of '93
one memorable in the annals of the
University. The DAILYv wishtes the
greatest of success to the spread and
to all such enterlprises which tend to
break down class prejudice and
unite the stuents in one hodly of
co-workers in the samoe great fifld
of knowledge.
Roman Archaeology and Life.
Thfe following concludes the sub-
jects for risserttioinis in coutse it


"Roman Painting," Mr. Ed. G. - JY .
McBride. Dec. 12. ___JI
'"Phe Life of the Early Choristias
at Rome," Mr.' N. A. Gilchrist.
'The Roman Law as a System of II
Humao Rights,' Mr. Alonzo H. , -r , OJ dtdU r
'ruttle. Dec. s8._
The Leland-Stanford regulations ,/I
for the football men require, as Is lie LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS,
asid SHORTHAND. Mdagnsithibiling-,nine
well as abstainence finnm alcohol and teac'hers;larenassendanase;food discipline; super.
iorwork;' weelisuppiedreadinieroomisdailyleteias
tobacco, that the men take eight Saturdasyeenisig receptios; opaen sheenrear
Exceptsonsal ticilities for placinsuets in posi-
hours sleep and abstain absolutely tisss-ssstlisnui.radussesgussrssssi..thilem. rivinr
from eating between meals. ForNewnctaou,adens
Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate :.°u RAILWAY. -
TimieTatile salilic -eetil uisnd p Altao 54.,019
Trains leave AiiiiAilsi ty cisitiral
Is tile1150st effective tsnd agree-
able remiedy in existence fotr 015
4:15iIi u liy I ii fo ~ "iiiat) ->i 1i .
prexceoti ig iodigfestioss,assd re- Scseici.-ily riurtirrUet iioeitti
lieviug rthose diseasses ars itng b"Iii iii cui rci t.In infiieIo
P0111 a (isot'dered stonoach oniyi
W.5 ii 11.4 . ',G. 'o.t
Dr. 'W. W. Gardner, Sp'ringfield,
Malss., says: -t saloe it as ass etcellestt Jttt e c t'at t i iiiiltitti lowt iiioi tilsosossi
peeveotativeof indigestuio, aol a pleasaoti 055 y 'sl ~tet. ceihtinso'te.

seater, antI sweetened."
fDeseripive ptoiilits't tree oss oppltintosi
Rumford ChemicaliWorhs, Providenee,E.I.
Beisace if Substitutes issd Issitatios.
For Sale by all Druggists
Oilyu tOtze Purfoeno-
a0stia~ce. E

Ssccssocs" frslc
1 Unabridged."l
toTen "ears spet
T in reviigt100red1
tiors riaslaociiauI
Nif a E verybody
1shousll ioin this
a , e ti qorseticiti
niioin sitwiie tn
A~ibaryiisfsef. astoieit'd

Sti';. 3.-A ju Ciii. D i. - ' .' L ' a l a iaaS tt.iii; 1ii iici tiie
Jto tat uo tin,'ArI. 'l.-I iilio i'l'c tsoot'u c i i ii 5tst-
H l landI. Dec. 1..- ' -' .7IiIi i iil vi. i i tii hiiv i s-
Mlr. Kirke Alexanuder. lie. . i 'I ic Y1 i't'iii °'sti isii c it'sou e.' lt n 5.
iThe T"T eIrailes itoAncieni ot uc' '' "', i dlt ! f t ll,,iiiJtil e du t orl. 4
M\r. Jas. J.I'carte, lic. 6. t . , , ' ct loe l i oil.. '
'lRomsan Antiusciuents i" Alt 0 'ti u. e. . Ir i o '
j te. 1 titiit totil lao ii cI'lle ). a tti ', EsTP5S
Harry hE.hBodmna. lice. I 1:. lt lI uts rit scat- 4100:ill iuiimk in S icilt5<<i ,.11 zS.4
Otloii~i tisiIcO nc sitliuiiii'li 'I'. o ug g~gg-- NoTSAINAI.
''Hilstory andl tnilueince of Roman Tcrlot .e ct t ~tittetrl>. 1ntmeeappo
Lawv Since thse Time of Justiniain," '' a I I ei.,. v 50 i iccio fi" 'sc u ihl~
Mft ttenry C. Crane. Dcc.. e 1(=,o'ii~'ul.iu.ucttiui'' ciitE ciitsecPcpcuo
"The Ihseory and Use of Music--
Among thse Romtans," M~r. Frank
Blriscoe. tDec. i3.
"'rie Roman Cataconubs, Mr.81
Hfoward Biement. Decc. rs.
"'floe Life of thue Early Christtians
at Ronme, " Miss Anmanda '\lcCoiibs.
Dec. z19.


"Roman Education," J. Mt.
Swift. Dec. 4.
"The Practice of Medicine Among
the Riomans," AMr. Chsas. Carpen-
ter. D~ec. 5.
"Thse Romnan M~onetary Systen,"
Mr. Clarence Clark. lice. 0.
"History of Ronian Lawi to the
rime of Justiniano''Ar. Ward N.
Choate. Dec. ii.


Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers.
"Best in tha World."
th prctofousspelnomaochin-
eyadesenotsu obleiatee-
it.,e ctake ausireplutat'o
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rositaisugs ortrautsof atdsuing
artits apriesad tfull de'cripi-
tions oftheselatsitueat,Free. CnR. STsAE& MONnRESTS.; C HICAGO.

lu Hill



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