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November 03, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-03

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VOL. IV.-No. 2)0.
'he Freshmen Spread Given by
the Sophomore Girls To-night
Wili be a Success.
'he Freshman spread, the only
annual gathering of all the college
girls, will be given tonight at Gran-
ger's Hall, where it was field last
year. The Sophomore class, through
the four committees, has been de-
voting every means to make the en-
tertainment successful and to insure
a good time in its fullest sense to all
The conmmnittee on invitations de-
sires to have it esp'cially announced
that the freshman spread is for all
college girls, irrespective of depart-
ment, and that if any, through acci-
dent, have not received written
invitations, they are requested to
come "just the sane. " The aim of
the spread is to bring all the univer-
sity girls together for one evening,
where co-ed light shall shine its
Ladies of the faculty sill be pres-
ent as chaperons, and a pleasant
program has been arranged, with
pretty souvenirs, niusic and refresh-
It was the desire to include the
girls of the School of Music in the
invitations, but the hall was found
only large enoughi to accommodate
University students.
College Press Clubs.
From the exchanges it is quite
evident that Michigan is not the
only University where it is difficult
to maintain interest in a Press club.
All the press clubs are going to re-
organize, but as yet few have done
so. At Wisconsin considerable in-
terest is manifested, and it is proba
ble that their press club will re-
organize. The establishment of
schools of journalism in some of
the universities may have some effect
on this matter. That the press
clubs are not enthusiastically sup-
ported, indicates a mismanagement
of their work rather than anything
Such a club is very different from
an ordinary literary club, and needs
to be handled in an entirely differ-
ent manner. Until this is realized
by those.connected with their man-
agement, little permanency can be
expected in their organization.
Journalism presents a practical



side, probably more than any other HOPE STILL WITH US. sSW /EsVE GOT ]EM"
subject undertaken by clubs, and The Wisconsin Football Team Con- A CAR LOAD OF
requires a practical handling. The fident of Victory.Our Men Will
reading essays and short discussions Make a Strong Stand. EIRJE + -. PIAN OS
are not needed near as niuch as the
dicuoneofdediedras mtterandthof Our prospects for tomorrow's JUST RECEIVED.
da.o.game with the University of Wis- Cases in Oak, Msahogony, walnut and Black.
plans of editing matter. The limi- consin have been considerably dam- To Rentor for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair.
tations of a paper's field, the policy cousinlhvehbeenicosieray dam-
ofth aprwatisnsv, iulsusaged, although it in safe to say that '
of the paper, what is news, and such tecnetwl en aeoe lgr"l bl 131
the contest wviii be no tame one. yo ya(
pertinent topics are much more to
prOur team is not yet discouraged by
the point in the work of college lie reverses it has indergone, but fit South Main St.
iiieta clubs.
is prepared to make a determined
This Looks Like Business. effort to regain its reputation.
The Castailan board set last Wisconsiii's captain was here a
evening for organization. E. few days since sizing ip the work of
( Ittaway, formerly of the Dm vour team, and was of the opinion
ivas chosen managing editor with that Wisconsin would not have
practically no opposition, while D. much trouble beating us. He be-
i. luiiteiswan chosen bnsisns nian_ lieves that they have a very strong
ager inithesame way. ichardteam, and is confident that they will wit'n youwanttheLatestitrioolitanstyles
agerin he ame wy. ichr dof $2,$3,14 or *s5 Shoes at 50e to "l a Pair less
(Quinn was elected assistant business beat Minnesota. Our men are not, than Ann Aror prices seni for catalogiue to
manager, the choice of an assistant however, quite ready to admit that
managing editor being left with Mr. Wisconsin will have such a walk-
away with us. The first part of the a a
Ottawa. S. H. P erry has been 101, 183-185Woo w i ,i
chosen temporary secretary. Messrs. week, practice was very poor and DETRIT, - - MICHIGAN.
Luten, Lyons and Ottawa were ap- interest seemed to be waning, but
the past two days have seen great N OT I C E -
pointed a committee to take any
further steps deemed expedient in improvement. Yesterday's prac- - iiv asoaiili.ittit, iiscity
bringing about a union between the lice, espsecialy, was noticeably het - land'nitsi is h iiayal tanails istaisoi
sIn t <a. <ia lit t . i ii isis d1).i susl' as-
Castatian and iallailo. ler, considering the difficultiesti n-usoisir iran so ii hisasisiS 'ita
The board intends to go to work ter whict the team is lsoring.
iimediatehy, and will do everything lack of the line we are in lesper- .
immediastlytsnCawi.lDdoeeverythias 7
sossihie to get out an excellent ass---- -- at iut.Cp.iyet vsshsIi - -- ...5R
sual. The board will have the ser- toisilitis, may play Saturday, but
vices of several of the best artists in Grosh, Leonard and artell are out
the University. It is not yet de- of it for the season. In the line we
cided whether prizes will be given are hetter circumstancedl, although
for literary work or not. The time we have lost Aldrich, who has ery-
of isssuing the annual cannot of sipehas and has had to go home. Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
course be definetely stated. How- Roger Sherman, at right end, is im-
ever, it is probable the publication proving daily, and can be relied on HOT LUNCHES,
will appear some time in April. for his usual good game. The ab- Lowney's qhocolates,
The next meeting of the board will sence of Dygert has made it neces- -A'---
be held next Wednesday evening, sary for J. Baird to give signals the TUTTLE'S
at 17 S. Thayer st. past few. days. Yesterday's prac- 48 S. STATE St.
tice was at times better than most
A Novel Reception, games, and if our men will only
At the Women's League reception look well after their defensive work
in McMillan Hall tomorrow at four we shall not need to be ashamed of
o'clock, Mrs. Dr. Martin, Mrs. E. Michigan's honor suffering. STATE s'T'RaEEr.
R. Sunderland and Mrs. Byron Tomorrow's game should prove
Cheever will give short talks on an interesting and exciting one, and
SPECIAL SAL E of Sweaters, Gymnasit m
topics connected with the Colum- the result of it is by no means a Suits, Umrellas, etc. eie
bian Exposition. World's Fair an- foregone conclusion. Let a good Fine Linen Writing Paper, 25 pro and.
ecdotes told by the girls and songs crowd again be on hand to hope Fine Wove Writing Paper, 2e per (arttr
sung by all will be features of the and yell for success. ream (120 sheets).
sung y al wil be eatues o the yellBuy the Waterman Fowtmain P, I). .
entertainment. Tea will be served. oneguaranteea for si"ve ois.
Every girl is requested to wear a The question of a senior glee club
tiny U. S. flag. Membership tick- will be discussed at an informal
ets will admit holder and three meeting of all '94s interested in the
friends. All other persons who scheme, today at 4 p. m., in Room
wish to attend will be charged ten 24. Bring your copy of the Yellow UNIVERSIY'TY IOKSTOOHE
cents admission. and Blue with you. STATE WrEe'r.

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