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October 03, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-03

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c Z Y ly reorganized we anticipate no dif-
~ ~ ficulty whatever in getting the papera

Football Prospects,
(Conatinned trem first sage.)

s'abrstwd Day (Sudays aecepted durit_
the Cltse yea, by
Subi-siptontpriee?..5pee yea, inveiaby
in adeanes'Singlesote sient sas. Sbsrp-
tons maybe lct as the ofttee at the DAIY,
at Stlets,swithsay oathetteditrt or
authoreized sliitrs.
Commntiatiss shtuld reecs the office by
7socack P. At. it they are o appear the et
Jay. Addess all meattee iteded tr pubie-
tionsto he lanitteEdis. Alt buttness
cemtunietsens shuld te ets tohe Busti
nss Mnagee.
Ann Aror, Mith.
C. A. DyvSs-,at w t"Jse'4, StnagigtFdtitst.
Nouststa 'tsts,tas, [At. t, s-itenL
11. A. St'ttDstat, it.'9. Assistant.
At i tttts ia.
S. W,UTSvSa.vY. G. it.. Busiess Slaat e.
Wyst.i..ttttsut,tit..7 A--Itnt.
A- stt.
I . . Attst<. I..+NV
wt .,ut 'a. "loi,9.W . ci sste, 'ttt stesnisei.
H. i.(last sets. 44. P. i.Mstatindse,'0.
1. f.. Cttoasssdt,'t. - ----
Alttvpyen t'i tl t i ttt' attits'eIort. ins
nf ie sity ei pttltttttsttt.
StM)Eo~N are sarned against care-
lessly leaving teir rooms unlocked,
as Ann Aror i at present, as it
aisways is at te beginning of tie
year, infested with sneak tieves.
A nunner of minor tets are re-
ported Sunday night and shoull he
sufficient to pt every one on his
guard. __ __
Tir_ attempt swill be oaesis
year to make the DAILY thoroughly
representtativee of all tein stersts
centering arosundl a large envrsty.
It awill be oir im not to devote too
nmuchspsiacc to ay oti susbject, at
the extense of soeuthing else. Its
this weiope to receive the hterty
co-operation of al.
Couns rioTTIforI ethe vacant place
ona the DAL).sY staff is waxig warn,
as we Std hoped it woldt, ansi the
outlook for securing active
men is good. All wvio desire to
conpete, anid have not done so,
should see the managing editor at
once and receive assignmesnts. On
the Yale Record and oter eastern
college papers the comnpetitive sys-
tem is declared a grand success,
and a position on the college paper
is deemed an honor well worthn
striving for.
WE are publishing nore news now
titan ever before and as a proof of
our statement se ask you to exam-
ine old files of tie DAss. Witi
our reduced editorial staff it taxes
our force to get the paper out on
time, ut as soon as our force is ful

otartreaesca sistus tei- Anothner familiar figure on the
Our eadrs an ssis usmatri-field is sinai one coach of last year,
all byinanting n ieun ofnov o the old Yale quarter-back, Frank
bydropptttg tinem in the BAste boxes 'Barbour. His experience of last
to be found in nearly every depart- year withn the nnen ought to aid hnim
unent b I litig. naterially in deleloping this year's
presnt pperancs, histeamt. He xiii remain through the
Filoe nactiresety~ear antesUthis entire season. Donnelly, Princeton
cvii be ti ativeyearat te U.of , has been engaged to coach te
M. iiti tso lctue curss uderline mesa and is expected about thse
thte control of student organizations, middle of tisis nnonthn. Trainer
anti two good cousrses arranged for Mutn iohscnreo h
by churcht organizations, it seemns (hsclcniino h ei
a rare treat is isn store for us inth ie ayia1 odtoa ftn nti
lineof ectresas oly he estman of eighteen years' exinerience
lineof ectues s oly tne estin training sprinters and other aths-
talent isas been secured. Isa tine lts trn iesnnrh a
lineonttiirfSanynsa- been engaged in training the Chica-
rged a scores of concerts never
befre tinlec inAtaa ..rbr. go Cycling Club, containisig such
No one wvho expects to mnake thecicnesallesniBret;lo
thte athletic teann of tine Boston Alt-
msost of tin university residence can
affrd o mss he xcelen opor-letit.Cltub whiile at Chticago. He is
aftuitnies rdti eaxcellent rtingr subjecting tinennen to hard, steady
tosniisespoiferedotnenoyearuof onefron
thse best musical andi literary talenttieitie Fononrsofrm
in he ounry.two to five miles are followved by roth
it ds otie.towseattisettintg stinexercises.
Txe co eds of tine tuniversity areThbahrositebsmntf
entiledtoand houd hve to linte unedical bttildinsg are entirely in-
preenttivs o th BItLY staff, adeq~uate for titeisurpose, but are
wiesentatison rtitnf me - tineonly ones asailable.'rTe men
titin" husfarwe avenotre-are at ipresenat at training tabnle at
ceiveui any apnplications, awhicin fact Ireitytiatis.
we take it, is not dtue to any inidis-
position to the representation bitt is Corsiell xvwilthtis year meet liar-
perhtapns owing to a feeling tat tine vard, Ptritnceton, anti Pennsylvania,
place sinould seek teavonnen and onthie Ifiot hail field.
not the aomen the place. 'Whiile A room innttgalls street, ocits-
tinis wotuldI aork in poitics, it avostrl iedi by taco nady stutdents, was visit-
scarcely be a safe policy so pursue cii iy thieves, Suntday night. Sev-
in the selection of I tiedesitors as eral articles of vaitteaere stoletn.
those osly, as-io feel an ajititudce for
for tine vork anti desire tine drill in
neavwsaper awriting, incidesnt to tine
position, svotiutaike tine test sic-. "_14


adSHORTHAND ttt-t':sts.'ttthsttts;siee
tthett tssire ttendat~ne;et stetl tttivstttt'-
tttttneti; secitstpted sc-dte sttssm;,dntts1Aue
Saturday eeingtreetis;ttt ptttnatolis'eitiretyenr
NE.csttestnst 5-settises ttts pltettg t'et'ttta i
tnssts th.'tsgttdstegtseansttessttttt. rvo> ts
espeses to's $5.5ts-5dtiPer seek its piate tststte.
Far xse Cataoue', andden
QTOLEDssO ttyf tec~tnt
< H vss tnj ,0
1 taI O
. It tGt, 5 tt, 5G
I' cOt 1 ' s55
t i ,S Ilc 'ass ti 't^SetINW I
a ttltNtiitnIi
tssnstlittt. Gesssss Lel'ayIds o'se. httdl'
lessssts-sne.sy sstttsttttt sitstOse
sis. tusstsasst sss t eti tsnsasi
sIe /Cnt pat-st Y dt,Ilttshst
9t i ,n 1 tdcim"
i:K154.4lo N16:tY:I t O
E. 15S. SIll. I:0- Manager


W' Nw A= MF-

1,r tas been a matter of conmilaint s___
in tine past thnat stushents, estensttter
a losng resfidence at te University, Horsf'ords Acid Phosphate j
avere not even acqucainteid aitshteir Is thte smost effectve ti nd sg'ee-
citiss-mates. 'his lamsentale coin-
dilion of affairs is fast beconming an aisle t'etstdyi exsnc ft'
impossibility aithth ie progressive tIprevetng sncligrestiost, ansu se-
studhent. iy nmcans of the nunser-
out class ansi general receptions, liexinthilose diseases arising
students are brought together to f'tnt a disoi-dered stosnatIs.
mingle, socially, in the stusdent life
of the U~niversity. 'r'hus, acquaint- Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
ansces are formed awith a large nuns- I Mass., says: "I valsse it us ass escellent
her of students. We can not urge preventative of indigestion, anti a pleasatt
too strongly upon tine new stusdents sacidlatesd drinkshlenspisteley dilutendhsiths
the profit ho be gained by attending water, andt sweetened."
the reception given under the auspi-
ces of the S. C. A., next Frisday Descripstivevpapss~het tree ott applition toss
Eunghns. Rumford ChemicealWorks, Providenice,R.I.
If you begin right, there is no Bewtierofusti ttes andsidsttsions.
ireason achy yousr list of acquaint- For Sale by all Druggists
Iances should not be large, and your
Sresidence at the University a sue- 'J iESw.acc E, lois. roero
cess oily. N.etservasnls-ntov st'sp cmterytes.

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