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October 03, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-03

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At a S,
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VOL. IV.-No. 3.


FOOTBALL PROSPECTS. the men mentioned, two other play-
'TheMen;ho re Tyin fortheers of experience are expected. who
Eleven-Four Coaches and a will greatly strengthen the team,
Trainer Engaged. one an end or tackle the other a
sman for hehindt the line.
XWhile it is too eartr to determine (Csontinued cc secnx Ige.
exactly swhat Michsigai's chances are f0
for victory in foothali this fail, lAres- OeigRcpin
eat inudicatiossgive assurance tihat Arrangenments are heing nsade for
oear teami will at least he equal to the ofeing- reception of the year
thai of last year. The faisiliar fig- bheiS . C. A., to he heilt at their
tires if (Caiptalin Dyget,]ays, mmodhxexx qtarters in Newvberry
(.mosi, .T Xilti XV. AC ii Iall, Friday night. A geineralinii-
Freund, anndLeonarsd saesntiscit vitationis isexteiet o I)allsltdexnts
anioin, the plaiyers oni the camps. osif the University, axid it is exteected
IDecke il iiiist ireturnisthis year, Ti p-sisal there will he an attexidance of
per pirohahly sot. Vioodixoilii swelve lhxuidred olt anid neiw stit-
Jeswetinderson aisdtbird llviiio5 50 txs. A recepitioniconimiittee of
lie misseid. ItMiyes wilhi. foxund at seventy wiii see that all preseint
right end asiarg 1 see. e i s knoiw each other. A novel nmethioit
improvinx in his wcork everxy yer.i of identification hsxbeen adopteit.
Greenleaf, 96,swho nmadte a good Upon a yellowc cant tieit to the tier-
showing, for the leans last yearis15sonhy oseans of a hlue rihhon, the
takiing care of the othe'r end. Ryannanme of the hearer is written. The
Avery asndt Ierbuirt are also 11)51 fi followving program has lieen ar.
for end.Thlie hiard xwork of the 1at- rainged:
ter, xxlisois xxi Ann Arhor high I. Scripitire, ieaxijac.
school hoy, is deserivingof niention. . Pri-es-er---------- i. .I,. xcixait.
v. Sici ---------------i-- ieii
linux tackles inist he se~l~ctedi~ from Wel,-icme itkxci.. -. A. Altcevv, Ii xxc
new material, oinig to liii loss of Secri -xcv S. (I. A.
5.D Sxsxte- uioixtvixirylxix~tc .
hhecke ansitheixtransfer ofGrifsfin to (;x-ssxxe- °rlxc i-tix-le exxx.'. x-c-fr
guardl. Neal aindtMurbch areai ptat c'if.'rcxvleci.
ing thse pi iosiionssat ipesiii hut -Aiiec - -
iii too early to staleihowc longx they- xt. Veix--- llow ciixxxc xxxx
xcii hod tieii. Mrrion,94 xxv A Boon to the Freshmn.
axnd Senter, '9 lit, are also tryingx
for tackie. The vcenter, alivay s our P'erhxaps the hest sift to the ncix
xweakest pont iiithlidefc siasx niv studiexatonxhis arrival ix AnnxaAr-
fortifiedl hy three veteransslithe xvio her is tie Students' IHand biofok,
Griffinis at the left guiardlaixilceiiter wichie is puixlisliedt annually- hy the
atd Hfenninxer on the oilier gxiaird. S. C. A. By3 reatdiing the Htanad
Aulls duiricix axndiititch.l reaiy-)1i bhooak, the freslhxiaixis giv-enxanxiin-
lug guxarvtonxthei.secoixi eleivexi sni sight into the workiings of the Uixi-
are in lie fox thxi. ilace.VaIu ersixy and a glsace at stuxdeint life
senx, xvho wxciplaiangxxa xsixiexii iithat scouldrttake ixonthis to learn,
gamat centersfter hlsxxenc t iiax ciouit its assistanxce. -
cixdeint of Saxixrdlay, xs ont ofifcI Thxis year's Htaixdt ook is the nmost
the season. ixaxiui andxiC iisxcompxliete thatxihasesver heexxissiuexd,
blxii95 iiexi,sire xxork ixig hard fxxr xaindcontiainxs a niass of valxuahle in-
exuater sait so far seexiito have the forixationi. 'Tle editors, Messrs.
fildix to thxemselv-es. Jewvett has notID. l". Carmnix and S. 1t. Shiley,
retuirnevl, hut there are (Irosix, sipeint coansidierahle time ini its lire-
aeelxlsnd Leonardt of thxe ohlt meii parttionx anid pubilicatioix. For the
andil iasiuin, Crozier, ,Avery, san ahle ixannser in swhiclh they lhaxe
Orchard L~ake boy, suit Cadwxeli,sdoixe their xork, great praise is due
captaini of '94 last year, fromiwlionitixeni.
to select the half-hacks. Groshx is Anx eidition oxl four thxoxsandl was
gutting nix a niagnificienit game ad issueth, ample to supply all dlemanaxds,
laying with a rn antI cash. He soil every nxew stiudeixt shoxild secure
has entirely recoveredt from his in- a copy.
jury received in the Cornell game The Hland hook was issuxed fronm
last year. Capt. D~ygert can he the Argus 'joh roonms, whichi fact
counted on to play his old reliahle alone insures its niecixanical excel-
game at full-hack. In addilticox to lence.

An Excellent Course of Twenty Lec-
tures Has Been Arranged by
the Inland League.
Fromi the list of speakers wxhichx
the fIslani L eague offers this year
at the remarkahly- loxc price of
twenty eveiings for onae dollar, wxithi
a stroxig prohahility of more, one
wxouldthtinxk that taleixt was offeredl
at lesi thxanasoxlxutecost. 'fle
League is nxo ixonger six experimient.
ilaxy xiiili e surprised that they
are ahie to offer so mnxy goodt en-
lerlaixiexais at so lowv a price.
flhe folliowing talenxt has bxeex xc-
Col. Geo. AXV. iaini, of 11-eixiucky-,
oin "Anioni- the M~asses, or 'fruits of
Hua IiiixCharacter."
N. J. Corey, of Bioston, 'iagneri-
an lectuirer and iluanist, six ilixistra-
ted lecture.
Earle Wiilfley, fornierly xithllo oth
antI Barrett, an ex-ening of comxic,
pathxetic and tragic readfiligs anid
character inmpersonations.
Iliss Jessie Broivn, of Clevelandt,
author anditeditiress, onxi Chil
Characters of Dickenis.'
Prof. -MicClintock, oif Ciciago
tin. tteneaxge (ihbes oxxixsix x-
perienxce wxitiitheiChleracinixCal-
P'rof. It. L illto avoxna-I
Prof. I. N. Taylor oxi Sonme Re-
centl lev-eioieits x in ixoxey hegis-
Imocf. Jeromexi. C Knxoxiwltonxon
sonme popuxlar legal subhject.
'rof. A. A. Staxley.
Il1xsicai Eveiixgs are also six-
ixounicexd, xndser ndirectionx of the
Chequxaixegoxi Orchxestra, flet. Gil-
lespie, director; Anni Arher Baxjo
ins tiiar Clxii, E. N. lliihie, vi-
linist, anixd Jay Taylo~r, vocaxlist.
G ourlaylinus., oflDetrxxit, xil give
wshat l iibe knxownx'sx xa Scotch
lvening, conxsistinxg of Scotch xongxs
aind selectivons onxScotch xxmusical
Negotiations are pendring wxiths
Rev. Drank Biristol, Shakesipearian
scholar, FranikILincoln, hunmorist,
and I-oin.:A. IX'.'T'ourgee, author of
'A1 Fool's E rransd '; and they aix-
noxunce also the strong prohahility
of havigtPresient (Harper, of Clxi-
cago IUnivers ity.
'Tickets are nosy on sale at various
plates iii the city and hy studensts in
the various departmxents.

PIi5 . Tuixci CENTi.:-]
.I S. MtINs Sc., SciOAlti,
Xe selervxtxxxxixxxx- iseiianxxmiluirfaxith
tox"0iLsty ad ax-rx-e i)ea'ixxe
Chxsxxii 5 xii)- r,
-,-N O0T IQ0E! -i---
Wexrix---.'toix. ,i- -We-i lixeexicci ixto
xxxsrixxsxelv-iM oth ier hiouse-xever locaedrs
her xxxln ()(xx. i d xy xxx ii y i lr i nr x
Auxirxicx. tud it pxi _ai' cornv-dx 1>yxc exsxxis or-
pri exi d i xix i se i-xsxia Tstiluixeby
t) t 'C Pi F,'T.
Artistic Photogiapher, 6 E. HURON ST.
Lowney's ghocolates,
S48 S. STATE St.
Ctxpiix. i xi0,0x. S xii lx- xsidP i tsx,5ix~xxi
I' - .-xccxxxcxx rt iin.iiixsixxvx ..Elxx-
c ig : Nr itit>tzliou-lit an 'ol i. L t(1> o
Classes io Dancing b iixxSixxurxxiy,
Oct. 'llx. 0Oiutxe, ixxeisi ixslil, . ilxxtixe
grxxxxdxiflxir. 0 Maynara Street.
Save xmxxxey, A fllxiilisephoI Lmr-, Mech.
5,eeu 5ta; loxxl xx atxeu2ceacxh.
LinenPateeir soud25c.
Ilext xi inte m Ii s- Eexy cxxeiguax-xxteed
foi fxve years
ILA.DING, 1 fIC ixiRtiSh
USxuili Staite Sireet.
4N. Staixi, xxxxx. sxxu r xxxxxcs.

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