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October 03, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-03

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51 So. MINtsSo. Iiretor and Nlana er.
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods colled for
and delieored. A. F. COVERT, Prop.
22 VYears iii the 14usaa'ess. /.'
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave-
Cor. Main and 5V.hington Strevi a.
A, L. NOBLE, IP rs. OBoERTPHL,t-s,lOsh'r.
'The 13. & Pt. )Prhg Store
Is the phaoe to boy ':ylioo. sO' r oDrugln.
Aeiie Spornges, l~r o.l,a, r°. F'c
3Z. ]E3JOLLY & C.s
W~hen youwa: aiopr bo o Fine Clo:late
('andieo. SOtoioryatocost. 0(wo, o'.~ o
(1-retteosod the liae-t Stockols Pipes in
the oCity.
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St.
46 S. State Street.
MONDA0S-Delarte Clam, Ip in.
TH(I ol 1'--Add-r rootCa h fr I do
Ladies' ClFsIr. .
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Assi Arbor. ich. (Fopitni S'Is4.0,0110.
Surpit lit)0,1d1.
Ilromnioril sode' r rt enrol Rani-La.sr'
of histState. 110ceires depoisits, toy-s ail
rel rhig n t r to ciso I cIity(-".0ofrho
'nil dStales. Drafts 'cashodt 1150. looiler
ide..'iflcoto. S.tl't}delo-:l . osI.to rent.
OEItt is:Ilris hob,. Prest:0. 1).
Harn'rr nVieo Pros.; Ii's'. E. ttiro'.lk,,Cs-
shierl;.J.Ftzil, Asst.tCl's ier.

An Excellent Course,
Tise Utity Club will this year
offer a corse which is certainly an
excellent ote for tle price. One
glance at 11he course at given belowv
it sufficint to atify Ilhe mot crii-
cat as to the merits of the etter-
The courte sil iclude twerty
lectures and entertainmsents, and the
price of tickets has een fixed at
only $itoo.
The announcenents contain the
following lectures:
Mrs. Laura Ormiston Chant,
"America as Seen through an En-
glish Woman's Eyes."
Rev. i. J. Savage, "Religion
anti Evoition.''
B. B. Nagrkar, of Bombay, Il-
Rev. Lce S. McCollester, of De-
troit, illustratedle lctre on ''Cathe-
drals 01fiEnglan."
IRev. Charles Flu'hrer, Ilf Gr1111
Rapidls, lecure0on 1110e''T'o'wer of
Rev. Charles Cravels, of 'Toldo,
lecures,with illilustraive reaings,
onl "Hanlet."
Rev. Reed Stuar, of Detroit.
Dr. Kellogg, Supesrintedet of
thle Battle Creek Santarlum.
1101. Austin Wlair, of Jackson,
'"rile Grea War Governor of Mici-
Mirs. Mary T. Lathrop, of Jack-
son, "A Lecture on Tenmperance.''
P'rof. A. A. Stanley, a lecure on
. N. Bilbie, one or m~or Msic-
al Recitals.
Palper on ''Thse nltence of Hab-
its of Thought on Insitutions.''
Professor Waler, ''Rousseau.''
Father Kelley, of S. Thomas
Caholic chulrch.
Professor Desey.
Mrs. Elsie Jones Cooley, ''Six
Month1s of IalianT'ravel.''
Rev. Caroline J. Barlet, oil Kal-
anmazoo,''A W'alk Through the
Dresden Art Gallery.''
Season ticket ill e lplaced on
tale in a few days. The price for
the twenty entertainments is only
Our Ssters In Law.
The last fort has been stormed;
the junior lasws can no longer lay
claim to the somewhat doubtful dis-
tinction of having fewer Co-edt than
any other department in the Uni-
versity. Last year there were but
two ladies in the sc1100, and tey
of course were set upon pedestals,
butalas, thehat of the law this emes-
ter will e kept constantly bobbing;
already to co-edt have registered, a

of svhom will graduate swith '94, and Tuie best tapor intthle West-The
S with 'a The fulture of osr Chicago ittler c eani.
T5 oll cult iiv ntwtor sieontd-hanrd
women is very bright, even the bar books rised itt ill 1111'eprp~tmtlls of
is begitsting to recognize their the unliversity, pa li th e l'lli Book
Stole, 'Otetstret, atrtediuced prices,

The following senior medics 11asf
been appointed to positions on 11sf
staffs of the various proestors in
charge of hospital work:IHarringon,
Heard, McClymonds, antI Gliddet,
on Dr. Nancrede's; Foley, Iligley,
Palmer and McKean on Dr. Martin's:
and Ereinfrank, Crane, Misses
Bigelow and S turgit on Dr. Dock's.
t-'i, 10,1. 11 Otrrisv relplilon ,-J"ololy
Es., Ot.v1, F101 ll::ll, 11. 01f1M . - D1. A. '.
'S.. Gt. 5 l'l1'idet Agllsop01n0i1g a0
d0r-oe, Novtoeoy Hal.
eat., Ot.1-ocdO:ll, U 0 .v1s. Alio, at
Atletic Field.
N1. ..Oet 1'-l: sd Leanne e-risrofe. 11.
..%vlilleti's etire('1sorl...
ElI 0 I 101-I wsih11to 5ff all sil-
del: - 1no ave uremovedl co-
diti. ,ill Rhetoric (Course s1, 1 a,
and z). Consultation hlors are
publish~ed in Announcenment.
F. N. SoIr.
Lost in New York, toniht.
Manlager' Sawsyer il giv ishpa-i
nifght itt Leoard Roe's gret stlhl-
tioti dramta,'"~Lst itt New Yorls.
Mlessrs. ('oltottandllolIyno romis
tn-uctr-ioadsioof tesv toolvery elblo-
ato senerly pfi1110d1by Aturlc'Volegt-
it, of the Mhadisotn Sualir'Teatre
NewsYoFlrk, atd Notitsna1111Tootme, tiC
theo Gtrand Olera Ilouse, St. Louis,11-
eldin~g the following specal sittitg.
ThteEBst iRiver ly tioonlilgt, Gnunt-
erey Slace, sosinte lhomse of tiii
bte SanulleJ.1.'Tfil'tn; Entttilais tlitll,
Itsne Asytu, Madlifson Sualre att
boalititft litanortauma'viesw'of Ness'York
II rboc is seen tliigit from Iedloe'o
tslandll, displain g tetohipinllg at 111-
choinfttile fo'egoundtmd111 te city ill
thedillstancei; fillinlate'd. 'The filt-
lilly is sid tos te unulsulliy strotg, il-
ciidittg L~ilie1B. Sinclair, IHeletiRuis
Car, May Sutro, Babry leee, Frank
Richallrrdsonl, Nat Mt. Wills, Thledtor'
llrigitss, Charles Jatckol,E, A. ltte.
Charles Johnson ardotither. Ittcidel-
tal tii the iactotn of the dramasss tmatny
teatid pleasinrg speeialteosil be1
[Nioices isrtetd in ths colmnr at the rair'
of cenrts pert'line. stecil ratro for otter,
timce, adt extr lies tarnrishrd byt0appingrat
the DAIL ttrio.
A SUITE To RN'T.-Paror, bo-
coonm, closet, bath-roonm, atd watec
closet. Meat by hot water system.
Light 10(1d 1011ea trished. 13 East
Huron street. Ladies preferred. It
See A. E.iRse at tie Cook House,
Tuesdaoy, Oct. 3d. Ile will save yot
from $t 10 to $I5 per soft ott Ant Arbor
pricecs1111 always guaratees qality,
it andt workmansthip.
State St. Musie Store-Wilsey.
LEcARtN T oAxE.-Gratgr's Aad-
emy is tow opett for te reeptions of
pupils. One block west of Unietsity
burilittgs. GroundltIfloor. 17

14.os'ii lObREN-1 sit, cotal, city
an isrd(ftel rn wate, 40 E. An. L1.Jadies
Gel711110Upho10lt-rig ssorsdone at
Martin Ilrtler's. Piesflow andI 11( sork
guarrantteed. 1-4
Soicitors Watedt-Ei qire aO t the
IT. f IN. DILYr office, Oers house
block, opposit10 Courtlo use05.
World's Fair 11015 at specialy wit
thte Inter 00ce11.
Rose' wfll e at tie Cook Htouse, Ot.
Slubscribe for the Dalily 11110r Uean.
T'le 'strongestline110of 50cdekwssear
ill the stale. Wagner , Co. 1-3
Kochl & Heinle1, dooilrs fls Furn'itr,
Carptrst, 111111iItlciret's ofsecaltes
Ift'1111utwouli )10vllmoney, ,buy 7011r
las, ltillicul uitiriitit~llboirs at Obe-
1i0111 o.'O~s, 55 1111''.10 amld rtail book1--
seliel's. Satel'ste e. 1-7
ill the lilter OearnI
Shlonr's B'i1l1011 ff111, ANo. 'I.7Nortr
Maint street. 1-7
Every' stden1t 'Sholdl register t
once0 at Brown's dSol", 11ore, 001r10rof
tot' is the o01111n(1110 l11tdII1b7'tele-
gahseg ersll1155'lt''. 17
Gt tile Daily Ititr Oeanr at Stoff-
lt"s, Oierhse015btlok.
G~o to Ilzlesvlo' Billliard 11all,
Sate tieletl. oiwly -enova'ttd. (101-
Ati:-l '),e. ho I ols It , Wst
Huro tll01r. ' oilli ttentifonlgiens
t clan~fin1andtepailrlilg sits IIhave
70110lifghtisis dye1do. 17
Spser Ii rrsondtenlc frons 1110U.
Msicl Stoot. Wilsey.
A 1111e 11fisplay' of L'atterLi''Lbrary
P'feces at Martinll Ialler. 1-4
BrNe 0syS111briht-1110 1111e1'Ocea.
Mrs. An111i'(~ard 1(1ter's daninelg
classes. 'erms Ladsis 1an111getl-
las, 04.1111f111'12 lssos; Ilosrte
S5.1111for 12 Ii"...11.1essn l(liicom1-
mencellI i day,117Oct. t',an111 datray,
Oct. 7. it
Sta11e'St-. Mslic Store-Wilsoy.
A 1 tVi-csr IliliI I papo-TInte1110
Mar11tinllealor' i saing it specil
elfort to Oatfisl lpele swithIgoots 1111
prices i thse hardtt imes. 14
Fill'aIiirt-las mlclo ai011 tt Glser's
Restamlll'i1t. 2ll. Hur Il~ontSt. 17
Chi'tin~ I~gs ir Soititgs. Matsy
11010thinlgs. WIagnerI'&,Co., 'Talors.
New Latltl}.Tr7 Iy 115 f110tie best
work y7011v0100a.W ork110donste in
eghthours tloxtral crarge. Ofie, 111
. Iltroor street. Works 4751 IW.
Hurton. Teleponet 81.
Stollet swill delier te Itter Oceat
to your roomt.
Rotllotrler A. E. tRose cats save 7010
Wait!0 Wait!I
onr (hOitoberi, Mr. A.. F.hose,
repesentinth~e tGuldett Eagle Cloth-
inrg Co., of 119 Woodward Ave., Detroit,
Mich., swill be rat tie Cook lotse switr
arfulitie of samples of fall atdwiter
goods. Mr. Iose aa catered to tie
stuldents for the past ive yearsantosia
always given satisfactiot, itt price, lit
anti workmanship.

1'.: E'. T. r \...1
M!i.5'.......tol 4, l.... . (
NDay 1' 11pvs.111 Il5'l0sODIy O'Ex ress .... 81
N. Y , h L i 1110 1:231 1 G . Is l. Extp.. t;10'i
A.M, Chi:N.1?xpreo~'... 8 51
Atlantic Ex.pressa 531 toeiic Ex.t-er". .10 20
0. N. Estpror....1.61
G. R. Exssr'- 111 dl
o.v..Hr stCG nES, 1II\V5. tLs-,s
(G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicasi:. Aol., Annl Arbor.
Student Work a Specialty.
Best Workmen anOhd ELotcrI ices inthe110City.
$2.50 per year.

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