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November 13, 1925 • Page Image 8

…EI mEVETROIT LLMOIRONICLE PAGE EIGHT CHAIRMAN FOR DANCE ON THANKSGIVING EVE 0 CI The J. L. HUDSON CO. Miss Bessie Good is chairman of the Thanksgiving eve dance which will be given on Wednesday night, Snowy Linens THE for the YORKTOWN Thanksgiving Table All society Items ad other local notes should be communic•ted to the office of The ppear In th• current week's Chronicle by S olock n Wednesday afternoon in order to a i•m.. Phone ...…

November 13, 1925 • Page Image 9

…A merica Awish Periodical Cotter CAI/TON MIMI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE NINE REPLTRATiralsiletitcrocLE /Marriages 1 ocial .and CHAIRMAN FOR DANCE OF LOCAL ORPHANAGE Qrsonat Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohen are co-chairmen of the seventh annual ZECHMAN•SCHWARTZ charity ball which will be :siven at r=se,===aa•osA---- A very pretty wedding was solemn- 1"- ized at the Twentieth Century Club Mr. and Mrs. Sol Zechman and Tuesday evening, Nov. 10,...…

November 13, 1925 • Page Image 10

…lit okiwrrjEwishistRornoz PAGE TEN 1 OBITUARY Sara Horowitz of Chicago, Mrs. Ida Greenberg of Chicago and Mrs. Ida Sides of Los Angeles, Calif. I 1 arr i s retired from active Mr' I I business some time ago. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. Alliance Deletes Word "Christian iags Ir"" imn Br Hermann Hocxler. ' 111 M OE HARRIS death of Moe Harris, Rabbi Franklin Makes Plea for With the 8 which occurre d on Sunday, N ov. c y , MRS. REVA LEA H WINE Doi...…

November 13, 1925 • Page Image 11

…A merican ffewish Periodical Colter CLIFTON ATINCI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN T --- - FOR SALE-Two-family brick ve- Baker Automatic CLASS IFIED Oa Burner itRONICUS fontiat Notts the trust company. "The Advantages of Life Insurance" is the subject this year. Terms, conditions and rules of the contest are almost identical with those of the two previous successful Receives Endorsement from neer, Dexter section. ;1,500 down. Six r...…

November 13, 1925 • Page Image 12

…0 NOVEMBER 18, 1925 1/11:11rntort/r4s'isn (Awn icus POHL'S (Continued From Page One.) New Kosher Restaurant The Finest Outside of New York and Chicago. at 8939 Twelfth Street You will be cordially welcomed. Special arrangements can be made for parties. DELICATESSEN LUNCHES Protect Your Walls and Curtains with UNITAS RADIATOR SHIELDS (From Correspondem• and Cables of J•wieh Telegraphic asoisyl of The Roumanian student, l'ascalutz...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 1


November 07, 1925 • Page Image 2

…ta""r• 111 -11 —S1-14"---- PAGE TWO OBITUARY --AS ONE \VOMAN TO ANOTHER- - kr Ann Tweed 'Owe was a dating mom suite at the Detroit Furniture Shops that I'd don, everything except wail a letter to Santa Claus to possess. !et me tell you about it. It has thatpriceless requisite Dignity. And the longer one dines On • generale furniture the more one rcalires that one simply mutt have solid, lignified pieces in the dining roan. In fact, Jack s...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 3

…A merica Pa l ish periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE THREE , usghnlyncta _ racy),..rForr,k_ Pres- the Jews, like C. A. Kinney Chosen Vice - tensibly and nominally ident and Cashier of New ther minorities, have been afforded I Griswold Bank. DISTINCTIVE equal political rights and economic op- portunities, the Jews have been forced WEARiNG s from page I.) (Contnued to continue a separate existence as a A. Kinney ha...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 4

…TimtkriltonlEwisnelitonictz PAGE FOUR graternal anb Sol C. Kraus of Philadelphia, grand ' master of the Independent Order B'rith Sholem, a national Jewish or- 1 0. ganization, will be in Detroit Nov. 12 Woodward J. W. E. W. North A meeting of the North Woodward to 15 as the guest of the Detroit Phi Kappa Beta. wish Women's Eu• I lodges. There are three local branches, 7 ' he Phi Kappa Beta Sorority held branch of the J e ropean Welfare Orga...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 5

…A merica Jewish Perievlical Cotter CLIPTON AMNIA • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO ii r 111-rstnIT //111511 14 tcoN IC U Unfair Business Methods Some of the 350,000 cards which The Ward Baking Company sent to the women of Detroit, entitling them to a full-sized 15-cent Ward's Cake, are being, redeemed by other cake manu- facturers. IIIIINIV This is unfair to the women of Detroit and the Ward Baking Company. With one of Ward's Fine Cake cards you ar...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 6

…intlATRol PAGE SIX 0 :41 4%1 .2.1 4.m 4■ 1 -it' it oGel* .v..S'Ielo .teior I .mac. 45/1 °IT 4.S1 got 4,...‘1 j r workers were compelled to return to the land because they could not be employed in the disorganized indus- tries, which in some cases had reached the low point of Co. 1. awl. Chronicle rillohlog but four per cent of production compared with pre-war NAIIMII Week?? by T. Russia. Due to many political and economic reasons Jose...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 7

…i ll/ deal 5CWIS11 periodical CeNter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE SEVEN; Acylentopdovibi 01AS. FRANK & SEDER'S FURS GUARANTEED AS TO QUALITY AND SERVICE • 01f5-1 - 1; ISO IsE. (Copywriiht, 1921. Grade Fur Coats gh Sale of Hi Saturday, at Two Special Prices 91 ". (JOSEPH- By Chas. H. Jos•os.) The I'lastic Age of 1847! Perhaps you picked this up in the newspapers. If you didn't, I think it worth the space to call it t...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 8

…149erktonimosnffixomicA PAGE EIGHT CHAIRMAN OF DANCE TO BE HELD NOV. 13 The J. L. HUDSON CO. On Friday evening, Nov. 13, the Bluebird Girls will hold their seventh annual, charity dance at Webster Announcing--- ma WOODWARD AND ADAMS All society items and other local not. •hould be communicated to the office of Chronicle by S o'clock Wedresd•y •fterneon in order to appear in the cu rrrr week's issue. Phon• Cadillac 1040. Society Edit°, ...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 9

…A mcricaH ffarish periodical Cotter CLIPTON AVENUE CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE, "IR FIE LT1 L' 10 1 11 1;tti N p P(VLE 'B. CHAIRMAN FOR DANCE OF LADIES AUXILIARY SYNAGOGUE DANCE PLANS COMPLETED 'EBEL@ Event at Shaarey Zedek Will Usher In Congregation's Social Season. A 'cornier'ful collect ion of Ilimelhochs Mrs. Joseph Fleischer is chairman , of the card party and luncheon given by the Ladies Auxiliary of B'nai Wootimud Ihr. Waa...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 10

…- lhEPETROIVIIM1! @ROA itql. . TEN • PAGE . "Liebestraum" for the second num-1DIRECTS SIMONS DANCE Soloist at Suday's Concert Will ber and the brilliant Second Polo- ORCHESTRA AT TULLER naive of the same composer conclud- Be Marguerite Schuiling. ing the program. Gerald Marks is personaly direct- Other Concerts. On Thursday and Friday evenings, armpit. art!! El Notre 011111111111.1 COUNCIL OF WOMEN HOLD FIRST MEETING T...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 11

…A merican lavish periodical Center 18. Jr. ■ 11. gInnneal 11115 CLIFTON AYINC1 • CINCINNATI 10, 01110 PAGE ELEVEN fie erionllornsnetRomicus INSTITUTE NOTES PERFECTION LODGE Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. and A. 51., will hold a special communica- Mother. Club: p. The Jewish Institute Mothers Club lion on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 12:30 will hold its first meeting of the sets- m., at the Masonic Temple, to attend sloe at the Balch School, ran...…

November 07, 1925 • Page Image 12

…NOVEMBER 7, 1925 111EnntotilaristitAittotout 1 MARSHALL DENIES CONGRESS CHARGES ON PACT OF AMITY Nadler Furniture Company Has Opened Store at 8011 Twelfth Street. (Contnued from page 1.) • The Nadler Furniture Company, 8041 Twelfth street, is now open for business with as select a stock of fur- niture of a dependable grade as one could expect to find in any store. Mr. Nadler is not unknown to the furniture trade of Detroit. For many years...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 1

…A merican Apish periodical Center - - CLITTON MINUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TELEPHONE Our New Location: 52 5 WOODWA RD CADILLAC IlEbETROI T 1-0-4-0 THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1925 VOL. XVIII. NO. 23 1. ly e Is Home AMERICAN RABBIS (Chosen Of President Orphan Hoe I DEBATE PALESTINE • RUSSIA QUESTION ne v t Darrow to Speak For B'nai B'r...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 2

…emirs En iiETIWYKIEWIS H C A ROINIU L PAGE TWO INSTITUTE NOTES Women group are held in the Jewish ORGANIZED PIONEER GROUP OF PALESTINE Upon an urgent appeal from the Pioneer Women of Palestine, a group of prominent Jewish women of De- troit have organized a branch which will be known as the Pioneer Women of the Kwuzah in Palestine. The women's Kwuzah in Palestine is not an idle name. There are now three Kwuzahs, situated at Petah Tik- v...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 3

…A merica Apish PerlaSal Cada CLIFTON ATINUI - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE THREE' ' TII I; VET I telt /MIMI (II I :ON !CIA It 11 a, 1 le ig We believe the competent administration of Mayor John W. Smith should be continued ed ed ' et at ct. by he re- tea of Ian De. the fol. nen riot ring sew- inter one- who 1 , lea [TICS- med —lay the Loyd 001, CIL El«ts crea• cr the Nlhert t the lirec- which vl Dr. ,f the passed salend no...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 4

…P kGE FOUR oir 4.4,t /iv . ■ S ' 1%. '146, 4.44,1• -.ter orityr iag • 11," • r i* • - - Scouting and the Cathedral of the Heart the first torrent of activity has spent itself, when a sense of security has been substituted for the uncer- tainty of new enterprise, when flux has given away to By RABBI WILLIAM U. FINESHRIBER h.• Jowl. Cbso.ele Publlokbas stability, that men begin to think in terms of social ac- reidletned WeelitY 11...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 5

…A merican lavish Perio&eut Center CLIPTON MINOS - CINCINNATI 10, OHIO PAGE FIVE n , IKOA Ana Oisfil)L1'1 0 I, P s DENVER HOSPITAL 1 'Moil otfpfiT5 (Continued from ?age 1) S'lver to Speak 1 For Local Lodge Cleveland Rabbi \\rill Give Ad- dress Following Perfection Lodge Banquet. berg Memorial, enables patients to substitute for their old indoor em- -- ployment a new out-door pursuit Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleve- I like this of He...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 6

…• jitebentor PAGE SIX OBITUARY I I FRANK JONES SEVEN PIECE SUPERB ORCHESTRA Gabriel Moyer died last Sunday morning at at home of his daughter, Mrs. Samuel Helper, 226 King ave- nue, at the age of 76 years. He was s intoriaz As a Goy Talks Yiddish A Reply to Ludwig Lewisohn. By S. NIGER d (Translated from the Yiddish. 1 I I KING WAH LO CAFE 1 ANNOUNCEMENT The executive board of the Inds. pendent Order B'rith Sholem of Phil alelph...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 7

…vimierica Pith Periodeal Cater CLIFTON AMUR • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE SEVEN 7abikiirort; - le. iii. a nd ice tch the ijor in the the Ian. iere MASTER HEAT GULAOR Perfect control if ,., P"4 your heating plant, no need for break- ing UP a nights nits Ii sleep to open up the fire in the early morning. Let The MASTER keep you c o m f o rtable and permit you another IQ... hour of rest and L. sleep. A Demonstration Call F DISCOVER ANCIENT ...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT p rle ic s o h r e d : d. accomplished. tuelly be Hoye Deserves Election .. t , h ta in ngs vided proportionately between Catho• Daniel he A i' l s able, sin. Based Upon Efficiency lies and Protestants. Repeated efforts sere, courteous and experi sliced. He tics to allot a portion to Jews have failed. merits your vote Novemh, ir 3. wil l and Ability. the average voter who si allied), de. Even if successful i t would be doubt- ful i...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 9

…A merica Pulls* periodical Carter curroN mama - CINCINNATI so, OUCO PAGE NINE ppligitor.OxisngtRanciA Nag he sin. He Will de. din atm: dates 0 re. :tie to o an. cater artier e. He from ender T of I , In. 4 ;4Fraternal zut Qilub ' , Stitrs Robinson-Cohen Decorators Preserve Your Individuality OUR IDEAS on interior on interior decoration for your own home probably are better than the ideas of most anyone else. All you need is some...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 10

…fitelkcruonjEwtsii(iinonica PAGE TEN OF THEATER BENEFIT PERFORMANCE The J. L. HUDSON CO. Mrs. Louis Lightstone of the North- western 'Noma's League of the United Ilebrew Schools is chairman Qrsona Fashionable Hosiery for Women at Moderate Cost "Sheer Countess" SILK HOSE All society Items and other lord norm should be communicated to the /Am at The ' Chronicle by 3o'cl k Wednesday afternoon in order to appear In the current week's a. Ph...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 11

…A merican Pa r ish Periodical eater CLIFTON AMU' - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 111.1111 ■11 °I.m..m."' PAGE ELEVEN ZOE berRs.frifEM ISa r.,{3S ittä@"' . 5 .. .. • ' r4; __.__ --- FEIRSTEIN•STROM I A pretty wedding was solemnized Talk at Congress for Peace ! last Sunday eyeing at the home November 10 to 12. N I of Mr. and Mrs. Mack B. Weiss of i 1 . 1670 Pingree avenue when Miss Edna Harry M. Holmes, an Australian rti !Strom became the brid...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 12

…&Derwrr,PtistigiFpri icus PAGE TWELVE starting Sunday afternoon. Cooper Lawley, Trine, Jean Holt and Wal- lace Eames and their offering is en- titled ''From the Battery to the Bronx ;" the second feature is Mlle. Marguerite and Frank Gill, direct Joe Smith and Charles Dale, with from the Paris boulevards, and their the Avon Comedy Four, headline the vehicle is entitled "Smart Songs, bill at B. F. Keith's Temple Theater Steps and Styles." Jo...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 13

…,4mcricaH lavish periodical Cotter WPTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THIRTEEN nsit al RON Kw E &mon . k_v_ MOSKOWITZ VISITS NOV . 4 TO 14 FOR THE COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE OF LAST JEWISH FARMERS TUESDAY NIGHT CAPTAINS HO HELD MEETING AT PHOENIX CLUB W Reports to D. A. Brown on Observe. Hoes and Work of J. D. C. Councilman William P. in which they ing the tr ag is situation find th emsel ves. "In the Odessa region where the Ort works w...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 14

…OCTOBER 30, 1925 MFIieritorrinoNn/ARonims AMERICAN RABBIS DEBATE PALESTINE RUSSIA QUESTION Edward A. Martin, Candidate j for Councilman, Helped Jewish Business Men. In an interview Edward A. Martin, (Contnued from page 1.1 endorsed by many of the leading down- town Jewish merchants as candidate it is on solid rock. If there is no den.' ger in the insertion of these words," for councilman, stated that he would he challenged Dr. Foster, "the...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 15

…AtE D ITROH; IEWISfiffi FAN ICIJ>S PAGE TWELVE Joe Smith and Charles Dale Headline Attractive Bill at Temple. starting Sunday afternoon. Cooper Lawley, Trine, Jean Holt and Wal- en- lace Eames and their offering is titled "From the Battery to the Bronx;" the eecond feature is Mlle. Marguerite and Frank Gill, direct ; Smith and Charles Dale, with from the Paris boulevards, and their Joe the Avon Comedy Four, headline the vehicle is entitle...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 16

…A merica lavish Periodical Cuter CLIFTON AVINUI •• CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THIRTEEN _ Tiit.bctitottkwisitelRoxictE OR THE COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE OF NOV. 4 TO 14 CAPTAINS F AT PHOENIX CLUB LAST TUESDAY NIGHT W HO HELD MEETING Councilman William P. BRADLEY • CLUB SHOWS LACK OF FAITH IN GOvr. Charge Polish Heads With Discrimin- atory Acts Against Jews. i BRITAIN REPORTS JEWISH PROGRESS enthusiastic re- NEW YORK.—An port of the succe...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 17

…jtsbigi run tirmsr. PAGE FOURTEEN Palestine or LIPSKY PREDICTS MORE IMMIGRATION Russia By LUDWIG LEWISOVIN Will Reach 70,000 Next Year, there are numerous Gentiles among Leaders Report on Recent To the Editor of the Nation: masses of man- Sir: Your columns being open to them. But the broad Zionist Congress. .(1:adrilisatrritan ds,b tylels i i,, hu tgihritg. tim ns.,! Barri;, anyone who pleads in a good cause,, in NEW YORK. — (J. T. A.I...…

October 30, 1925 • Page Image 18

…A merica ffewish periodical Carta CLIFTON AVINI./1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIFTEEN VicY)Ernorr,/posn (it nor+ Kat mosow.-(J. Year -The •eutive to gov- or the m due. oredic. destine Id thus lade by Zioniq Town Amen. nna re. Zionist LADIES' OPEN MEETING ---- of Pisgah The Ladies Auxiliary hold Lodge, No. 34, I. O. B. B., will • ! JEWISH SITUATION IS MACK B. WEISS - Strictly kosher an open meeting at the Stotler Hotel caterer for weddi...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 1

…)00 A makaldrewishibiodialaga CLIFTON AVEN V1 • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO Our New Location: 525 w oonwArin i bETROIT LWISII. 111101i1CL- THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1925 VOL. XVIII. NO. 22 ORTHODOX LEADERS WILL HOLD ANNUAL Will Adhere to • Agreement Grabski to Club of CONVENTION OCT, 24 Says Jewish Deputies. Polish Government' Living Up To Pact Union of American Hebrew Congregation...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO YKU14 tLI?: EW TOUCH THE PEN By Gertrude Harriet Neuwirth. (Continued from last week.) "Then I go to the bank," continued the old lady. "Such a grand build- ing! With white and golden where you 'hold on, and stiff men like po- litzmen, and from cages men look s out like by a prison, and always they look so .mad .s. . even at me with such a' bunch of money . . . so mad! Then I tell the man I want five hun- dred dollars . . . my bo...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 3

…A merica Pa r ish PerlaSeal Carter CLIFTON ATF.NUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO iltEngftton;PON/ 1 (f1f KosicLE a triumphant to the Keith-Albee Circuit Michigan Mutual Life; Clarence L. headline the bill to B. F. ing was held at the home of Miss fifth annual dance of the club, to be Girls Club it was decided to have Ayre.„ president of the American and will Betyt Weingarden of Farnsworth held Thanksgiving eve, Nv. 25, at Hallowe'en party on Satur...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 4

…..vt %NT -.071 4.M .5r: ••' e.vz v.: iv, TIIEDETROIFIalfft efROPUCLE ■••■ 7. OM. INI.B.1.1 ROT117. 14EPLTRot PAGE FOUR bT Isgl.• IntiNTLY IMICH14•111 ► Amish Chromic's Puillo lag Ca.. Joseph J. Cummins, President and Editor Jacob H. Schakne, General Manager Ramrod oe towesd.•la.. stetter March S. 191$. at the Poetofnco at notrolt, Mich.. under the Act of March I, lett. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Aven...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 5

…A merica Awisk Periodical eader CLIFTON ATINUZ • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO tiwor1'1tor1; /t,w13 ■ 101cur FUTURE OF HEBREW UNION COLLEGE IS TOLD BY PRESIDENT E FIVE pie center work in its manifold as - pects. Now we realize as never be- fore the urgent need for trained and able workers to till these important and fruitful fields; and there are many Jewish men and women all — over the *country ready and eager to (Continued tram Page 1) devote the...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 6

…MEI/UMW tAWISit (if RON KIT, ORGANIZES K , BASKETBALL TEAMS .etroit Lodge, No. 55, Knights of thins, has organized a six-team asketball league fully equipped through the contributions of Skol- nick's Haberdashery, Boesky Broth- ers Delicatessen, Ruskin Garage Com pony, Jacoby Cleaners, Greenberg Insurance Agency and Everybody's Music Shop. Games will commence on Nov. 1 and will continue every Thursday evening at the Shaarey Ze- RELEASE GER...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 7

…MIMIUMW IMUIM IUMmumeT ■ IIr 4mtericam lavish Periodical Coder 0 ,eugrom AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO uPtaxonllmtt PAG rtree now afoot for tertian the institution, is Deutsch, Buttenwieser, Lauterbach even No one denies th Ilebrew ideas and events. To Dr, wise an alumnus of and the others and that is prompting tensions. way both of comprehending Jacob Mann's notable volumes, "The now the dean of the University of Jerusalem, in a sense...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 8

…OCTOBER Pisiknoutr,/crasn(ARONIGM PLAN AUTUMN DANCE AT SHAAREY ZEDEK Louis Norman Joins Fielunal Agency of Detroit Life In- surance Company. M. E. O'Brien, president of the Detroit Life Insurance Company, an. nounces the association of Louis Nor- mhn with the Fishman agency of the D6troit Life Insurance Company, as a special representative. Mr. Nor - man is well known to all Detroit peo- ple as a successful business man with a wide acquain...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 9

…A merico Ag r isk PerioSeal Coster currON Annul - CINCINNATI ao, OHIO silLgrRAT, /2__ / GRIORONICI.13 rr_ HAKOACH TO COME H after he declined this of-iseen Iludson-Essex made this and oth- immediately fer, a bull of excommunication, signed er price announcements when least by Raphll and the orthodox raubis, expected. The buyers are asking appeared in the Asmonean, a new An- what there is different about Hudson- glo-Jewish publication, deba...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 10

…ThERCTKO110- 111SlIORONICLE PAGE TEN Philip Cowan C. Battat The J. L. HUDSON CO. .t r Engagetnritts Football Supplies in The Toy Shop Special Sale ll Oriental The Al socie ty Itms and other local notes should be communicated t• the office of l rig appear in the current armk's I Chroni cle by 5 oe clock Wednesday •Iterneen In order eceived . net Wee hums. Phone Cadillac 1040, Society Edam. Mall maims so as to be received The Detro...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 11

…ICS A men- cam ffewish Periodical Cemter CLIFTON AVINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE ELEIFIN 101 6 ' FIEPLTRATAWDOPR ONICI A arriages ocial and orsonal f irt hs ilimelhochs Wumlusrd roWisitincori, RUBINER.ZECHMAN ■ iseph The home of Mr. and Sirs. .f "----___ of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosenberg con- A. Zechman of 404 East Ferry ace- avenue are receiving attended the 1 Krohn Kirby Dr. Albert H. was beautifully decorated with of a son, annual m...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 12

…• h__Ventory jqnsn PAGE TWELVE I REV. J. S. RABINOWITZ PASSES AWAY OCT. 19 _AS ONE WOMAN TO ANOTHER—" Wis. Spiritual Leader in Mt. Carmel, Pa.. for 25 Years. Leaseea:.,Sold . by Ann Tweed Rev. Jacob Solomon Rabinowitz of 583 Leicester court passed away Mon- day, Oct. 19, at 12 o'clock noon fol- lowing an illness of the past year. He underwent an operation late in ON FARMER STREET STORE Lubin yo•lity foot wear, the , e r, oess ,, (01 ...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 13

…America 5eutish Perlaawl Coda CLIFTON AVENUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO n omotrimosnaiRoxiaz Mem LOEB STATE CHAIRMAN FOR ILLINOIS J. D. C. CIIICAGO.-(J• T. A.)--Jacob M. Loeb leading Chicago business man, outstanding commercial figure and vetersn volunteer in all local, na• tional and international humanitarian e ffort, has (the distinction of being the firsit tolahstme duty of the hum deeds of prominent men in this coun- try who have offered ...…

October 23, 1925 • Page Image 14

…IfiB PAGE FOURTEEN SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS ABLE INSTRUCTORS \ Cluses at Shaarey Zedek Are Led by Trained Staff. A staff which is composed of uni- , eersity graduates and teachers in the elementary and high schools of De- •'troit is in charge of the classes in • the Sunday School of Shaarey Zedek 'which opened last Sunday. Among the instructors in the upper grades I are J. B. Rogvey of the faculty of the Southeastern High School; Harry SFriedgut...…

October 16, 1925 • Page Image 1

…A merico 'wish periodical Carter Our New Location: 1 52 5 RD ' WOODWA I_ mirror, amyl • mircuogri so, our° HRONICL - THEbETRO1T Classes Organized for Benefit of Adults Desiring Further Knowledge, Club of Jewish Deputies First Epoch-Making Talk by Cool- Rejected Resolution idge Delivered at Omaha Taking into consideration the feet Agreement. that a great many Jewish young men Before Legion. and women who have never had the _ opportunit...…

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