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January 31, 1919 • Page Image 1

…A merica 5ewish Periodical &Ida CLIFTON AVIINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S KW FUME LICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, ' > UARY 31, 1919. VOL V. 140. 9 S IMON ROSENBAUM Detroit Zionists Collect $50,000 of $60,000 LITHUANIAN ENVOY Quota of the Zion Restoration Fund Paris—Lithua -tdO has sent a delega- .,00SEVELT MOURNED BY N: Y. ZIONISTS Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents City, State and Nation, Leaders of Fait...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE AGE TWO Annual Fur be To Insure publication all Items of interest for these columns should mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, 207 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381. Clearance Now Mr. Sul \V. Wolf has left for on Sunday, February 2nd, set :iside as Nlemorial Day by Presi- dent Wilson, there will be a spe- Chicago College of Physical Ed- cial memorial service at Temple ucation. B...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 3

…A merican ,fewisk Perio&al airier CLIFTON AVENUI - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE SOCIETY FURS SILVER WEDDING CELEBRATED. 32nd ANNUAL SALE Each and Every Article Reduced isit Our Factory and See Them Made '7' • Newton Annis Wholesale —MANUFACTURER— Retail • 13::' 239 Woodward at Clifford Established 1887 The Washington Progressive PROF. F. SZENDE AND MRS. ZENDE. Club gave a dance at the IIannah Prof. ...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 4

…111111111111111111111 --.... - I HE JEWISH CHRONICLE. • PAGE. FOUR THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company ANTON KAUFMAN - - • • - • • President ,ucal MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION In later years, it had steadily declined. Indeed, to such an extent was this true, that the very name of the lodge in some quarters Russian Jews Faithful to Country and Republic; 99 Per Cent Anti-Bolshevik ...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 5

…Americam ,fewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON MMUS - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Members for Save Money on TIRES "One Thousand Pisgah Lodge!" Slogan of Our New Wholesale and Retail Tire Store Is Open, Full Line of Guaranteed Tires and Factory Seconds At a Saving of 26% to 50%. Vulcanizing and Repairing. Work Guaranteed. All GRATIOT TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO Gratiot and Beaubien. the B'nai Brith Council I "Meet Frie...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 6

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE SIX 'r. and NIrs. Joseph M. Lam- pert, whose marriage wctired re- cently, are residing at the lintel Stevenson. Mrs. Lamport. who Buy Your Used Car from a Dependable Concern I .amport & Bros. NIrs. II. iross of 1:1I East \Var- r•n avcilue left this week for Our assortment of Used Cars is large and comprises Fords, Dodge Brothers, Buicks, Oaklands, Studebakers, Chevrolets, Hudsons, Wintons, Packards and Overlan...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 7

…A merican yewisk Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVINUI • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Y. J. L CLUB. It was at the evening service that artistic hand., and Miss Cohetil rem the larger tributes to 1)r. Franklin eit;on brought forth all the sweetness A little over a year ago the Young were paid by the people of all faiths. of the human appeal and all the maj- (Continued From Page 1. Judea Literary ChM w-as organized Though ...…

January 31, 1919 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT interest. The first volume will deal with "Who's Who"—the second with "What's What"—among the Jews of Detroit. "WHO'S WHO"—Volume 1, will contain biog- raphical sketches of the many, many Jews who have played a part in building up the present- day Detroit. Not only will it discuss the ca- reers of those emminent men of whom we are all proud and with whom we are all familiar but it will provide intimate biogra...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONI MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1919. 4y. NO. 8 pol010011115711VAIVOAll W1001-1-0,1 1 - 1 WeA. -00.1 11WV. OUR JUBILARIAN tele. oing men :akes em- em- •k to 533 h st 5,1 It 5 "zo 5 tis, 4 1 "A3 tl Coortriy of C..11. nos., RABBI LEO MORRIS FRANKLIN It It li You've labored well; and every year Bears tribute to a fine career; With modest heart, with Strength and W...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO and charming daughter of Mr. and not confined his labors to the church) joy of that hour, and vividly Mrs, Isaac (iberfelder. Ile ardently alone. He has actively Identified the details of it. lie fore the appointed hour, wooed and finally won the 'choice of himself with all branches of education- his heart and-s-he is still wooing and al work in the city and with the work Temple, then located on Washint of the A...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 3

…PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 1 Y 151 erect twenty-two lectures in eastern Temple was erected on Woodward ious caused him, shortly after his ar- member of the Central Conference of lie has worked camps and cantonments under the rival it Detroit, to organize the Unit- American Rabbis. Avenue and was dedicated in 1903. conscientiously and has been a most auspices of the Jewish Welfare Board. At the time of its completion it ed Jewish Charit...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR , Dr. Franklin Honored by Leaders of Life and Thought Far and Near. l Cow , my ideas and but to the great big genera munity. An appreciating public of all faiths of joy and in time of trouble lie has conceived to be right, has always been has so influenced It is difficult for us to fully express are offering their hand in congratu• endeared himself to every member a dominating and distinguishing char- ideals. ...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 5

…A merica lavish Periodical Coder CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Dr. Franklin Honored by Leaders of Life and Thought Far and Near. ess IT. his cola arils own, I rs rails El. sine ics as It firing 0 the 'iroadi both gatioll min- a w5, lees o or th e appre and n lbi an le, Ci of stend id ven b ie. Re pow lied t rsity feline there thoughl. pron. mularnn stands Ind faith. st acc)111. ddcr In ...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 6

…I F Y . ee THE JEWISH CHRONICLE. PAGE SIX Undoubtedly, as we have said, there are some Jews—perhaps a 1 considerable number—whom the description which Mrs. Frank gives Company Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing president may exactly fit. However, we are entirely convinced that they are not ANTON KAUFMAN as numerous as she seems to imagine. Certainly, her description will MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION not fit the ov...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 7

…PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ave Money on TIRES Our New Wholesale and iletall Tire Store is Open. and of St. Paul, District D. Frankel, Grand Lodge president. Mr. Frankel,' his kindly face glowing with pleasure at the royal greeting of the crowded banquet hall, rose in his place. Ile gave an eloquent exposition of the Maternity Corsets (Continued From Page Six.) Full Line of Guaranteed Tires and Jewish principles of life. It is prat-...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE EIGHT Judge Levy's control and, of course, Elizabeth A. Rohns, Mrs. John G. AUSTRIAN JEWISH pro-American from the moment of COUNCIL IS VOICE Rummy, Miss Caroline Sanger, Miss our entrance on the war. OF KIN IN NATION Frances \V. Sibley, Mrs. E. II. Smith, Besides this Mr. Untermeyer is the Mrs. Neil \V. Snow, Mrs. Mark B. head of the Jewish League of Ameri- YORK—For the past few NEW Stevens, Mrs. George C. Thrall, M...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 9

…America Awish Periorfical Carter CLIFTON AMUR - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE NINE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE THE JEWS OF FRANCE for hours before the altar of the Vir- gin in an old church of Rennes. BY STEPHEN LAUZANNE Politics Only Member of the French War Mission to the United States. Editor-in-Chief of the "Matin." I hesitated a little after having tragedy have performed deeds that written these four words, "The Jews have aroused universal a...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 10

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 2.E TEN --- Latest Hope for Jewish Rights in 2,000 Years Looms Before World in Great Men at Versailles Conference GREEK PRELATE FAITH LEAGUE IS NOW SUGGESTED $5,039,101 RAISED disposition of the Jewish question. UPHOLDS ZIONISM Never has a peace congress met IN WEEK IN N. Y. --- LONDON — Miss Ethel Behrens with an announced platform of such WAR RELIEF DRIVE J E. R LI S A,L E M—Porphyrios 11 uncompromising fair-dealing...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 11

…A NCliedit AWith Periatlleal Cotter CLIFTON AVINUL - CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE ELEVEI` THE JEWISH CHRONICLE interest. The first volume will deal with "Who's Who"—the second with "What's What"—among the Jews of Detroit. "WHO'S WHO"—Volume I , will contain biog- raphical sketches of the many, many Jews who have played a part in building up the present- day Detroit. Not only will it discuss the ca- reers of those emminent men of whom we are ...…

January 24, 1919 • Page Image 12

…- THE JEWISH CHRONICLE • - ••. - n ! — - - - " '.•••••• n i G . - -- . '`"* " - . .....--...--- . - 7(' .1 4, •...A.:(.. 1/ i .......„,, ...., 1"‘fii-':p .....4 ' -..a. -.--, tr and friends attending. sing of a Jewish art which has al- The meeting was opened by a short ready made a strong impression on business meeting, at which a resolu- the Jewish as well as non-Jewish tion was adopted, One Hundred Dollars more to the...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1919. ' VOL. V. NO. 7 B'nai Brith Members and Dr. B. Mossinsohn, Jaffa DETROIT POLISH NEWSPAPER Rabbi Leo M. Franklin Celebrates Friends Await Sunday and Gymnasium Educator, Will PRINTS ATTACK ON JEWS Twentieth Anniversary at Temple Tell of Palestine Growth Record-Breaking Initiation Polish Daily News, in Leading ...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE eied NIT% and N1rs. E. Schrieber, who. Mr. and Mrs. K. Baru, of 203! have been visiting Cleveland rel- Oregon avenue, gave a surprise atives, have returned to Detroit. birthday part)' in honor of their daughter, Julia, Sunday, January To insure publication all Items of Interest for these columns should be mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, 207 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381. ...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 3

…SOCIETY - 1 Miss Bessie Hodes entertained the following guests at a dinner and theater party Monday even- ing: Nliss Norma Fresh, Nliss Ruth Rosen, Nliss Hazel Frosh, Nliss Estelle Singer, Ali, Alice I lodes, Capt. A. J. Robbins, Li eu t. Mr. Alfred Hersh, son of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Hersh, of IS. Ilague avenue, has returned home front Camp Lee, \'a., hav- ing received his discharge front the army. - - Herman Glasier, Ensign Ibtrold NIr. and M...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Ever/ Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company President • - . • • - . ANTON KAUFMAN MICIERIAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION inspiration to to their part in the solution of the great social, economic and religious prOblems that confront the Jew here and Offices 307.308 Peter Smith Building Phone: Cherry 3381. A e weekly Forum. This has undoubtedly been a suc h in the righ...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 5

…••• PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE • ' .41 • , - „ • — I • .., • . • interest. The first volume will deal with "Who's Who - -the second with "What's What"—among the Jews of Detroit. "WHO'S WHO"—Volume I, will contain biog- raphical sketches of the many, many Jews who have played a part in building up the present- day Detroit. Not only will it discuss the ca- reers of those emminent men of whom we are all proud and with whom we ar...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 8 of 15 General Ice Co. Directors Workers, Pres. David A. Brown Announces Progressive Company Takes New Step in Co-operative Pol- icy Which Already Includes Profit-Sharing and Represen- tation. CITY GREETS STEP IN NEW DEMOCRACY President David A Brown, of the General Ire Delivery Co., has an - nounced that the stackholders have made a revolutionary change in the organization of the [ward of direc- tors, :I ch...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 7

…PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Save Money on TIRES DISRAELI'S WORK AT BERLIN COUNCIL, RECALLED BY NEW PEACE CONFERENCE Our New Wholesale and Retail Tire Store is Open. The imminence el the Peace Con- Full Line of Guaranteed Tires and gress which will settle the issues of Factory Seconds. At a Saving of 25% the great war naturally recalls the to 50°.. Congress at Berlin in 1878, which All dealt with the questions arising from Vulcanizing ...…

January 17, 1919 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT • THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Y 11 A Great Sale J1 J INN 1(1 1 Rugs 01 0 n tit 3 13.-.4141,S 40I4-t • 4 4.1. 6• - 40- !._._-----; ,-- ef ' B EFORE the war, antici- pating the raise in rug prices, we speculated heavily. AS. Original Price-Tags Remain On All Rugs We bought hundreds upon hun- dreds of rugs. The raise in price materialized. Now we are over- stocked an&must dispose of all reserve lines. Jtl What makes...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH' CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY '10, 1919. VOL. V. NO. 6 by Temple Beth El Board for Service as President ----- - Directors Call in Body, and Venerable Samuel Heavenrich Thanks Him for Five Years' Labor, Now Ending. ILVER VASES ARE OFFERED AS TOKEN SH CZECH MINISTER AT THE QUIRINAL New Mayor's First Talk to Be Given at Temple Beth El Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents Brilliant...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 2

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO Annual Fur To insure publication all items of Interest for these columns should be mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, 207 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381. Cleartnce Now Mr. and NIrs. I). W. Davis, of ht Thursday evening last. Rabbi 1.o) NI. Franklin delivered ;ill ad- thy Stevenson Hotel, announce the dress before the Woman's Literary engagement of their daughter, In ...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 3

…• - - PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Miss Mildred Nadle, daughter of \I r. and Mrs. Bernard Nadle, of 10.1 East Ferry ave , has returned home after a month's visit to New SOCIETY York City. \Ir. Victor Weil, .on of \I r. and The Detroit Stinx Club are giv Mrg. M. C. \Veil, has entered Yale ing a dance at .\ rena I ;ardens, Sun day night. January 12. Shooks University. orchestra will furnish the music. Messrs. Louis F. Ilill and Nlaster...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 4

…-THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE FOUR I THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company President • - - - ANTON KAUFMAN MICIIMAN'S JEWISH 110ME PUBLICATION A SUPPER FOR ARISTOCRATS. It would be utterly impossible in the short space at our disposal to attempt anything like an adequate analysis of NIr. Gibbons' essay. It must be read in its entirety as it no dottl,t will he by both Zionist's and anti-Zion...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 5

…- PAGE FIVE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ,....,,,..„_v„,„....-4-,....,,,,-„. ..,„, , save Money on TIRES Our New Wholesale and Retail Tire Store Is Open. ) i. ■ , ' 'k ■ i 1 I! "Meet Friedberg— e,ample of a human being. .....„------- 1 without I would say, "That I Comfort and Service at HOTEL FRANKLIN N , . Wear D;amonds" il • w y The ater f, 4 Mlle, 1 ,.1 at er 1,0. tit Griswold St.. 13 ,ne,, t. .; r' kind and charit- abl• act Witli...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 6

…- THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE SIX Continuing Our Great Semi-Annual Clearance Sale CHARMING FLORENCE REED, ACTRESS, PROUD OF BLOOD OF JEWISH MOTHER, RABBI MARRIED HER TO CHRISTIAN Roland Reed's Daughter Deeply I, . • ,Milhon N Interested in Great Problems of Ancestral People — Tells How Fate of Providence Led Her from Studio to Stage. ames Sought For Zionist Petition To Peace Conference BERNARD BARUCH GOES TO EUROPE ON RECONSTRUCTION N W...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 7

…PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Jewish Washington Center, Like Those of Christians, Is Nationalist Necessity ■ CliZaCCAPIWAIRsIg.5. 30:131=1311101:0149ZIIL Joseph L. Tepper Studies Work of Catholics and Pro- testants and Argues on Value of Central Headquarters to Judaism. "MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL CAPITALS" WASH' NGTON—No matter what kind of peace the world wdl get; whether the democratic peace the liberals are fighting and hoping for, o...…

January 10, 1919 • Page Image 8

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLL tablished, and I think they will be lace shall "Jerusalem is almost the only p established favorably when we to the amount of of money is spent properly. \Ve are have obtained the realization at least per cent of their value, not satisfied that the return from the which is still left in world where h traditions kle the o Jewis BEGINS IN PALESTINE, of the most fundamental of our de- - what has a mortgage which in ecodschoo...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 1

…givit#r ""'"•"W AVISNOI • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1919. VOL V. NO. 5 Jewish Interests Have Involved All Big Peace Congresses Since 1797, and Have Helped Destroy Secret Diplomacy By Constant Insistence on Direct Acts Israel Goldberg Fascinatingly Traces Records of Peace Talbes from Rastatt, 1797, to Berlin and to Versailles—Christians First Advocat...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 2

…A merica Sewisk Periodical Ceder CLIPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Per Year, $2.00; Copy, 5 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1919. VOL. V. NO. 5 AMERICA! Jewish Interests Have Involved All • • • War Chaplain, Big Peace Congresses Since 1797, and A Noble Tribute by Rabbi Abbah Hillel Silver, of Cleveland. Have Helped Destroy Secret Diplomacy God built a continent o...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE TWO Mrs. Peter Vass and daughter and \I r. and Mrs. Samuel Frant are visiting in Cleveland, ( • Robinson-Cohen Co Mr. and NIrs. Edward Stern and ■ To Insure publication all Items of Interest for these columns should be mailed or phoned not later than Wednesday evening to THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, 207 Peter Smith Bldg., Cherry 3381. ENGAGED TO DETROITER. • COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS daughter. Ruth, of Chicago. are ...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 4

…A rmerfram Yeutch Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE THE JEWISH CHRONICLE 6,04":••:":":":••:••:":••::••:":":••:":":••:••:••:••:****":":“:":":“:••),•:t;: • Begin the New Year by Opening a Checking Account in This Bank and Pay Your 1919 Bills by Check. • • •• • • •tf• ; • • "The Safe and Convenient Way" •• • Wayne County and Home Savings Bank •♦ 20 Banking Offices in Detroit For Your Convenience ...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH PAGE FOUR CHRONIC!'' the Italian IA Some Jews that collaboration on • ,,..s solig bun to instruct Corti, to raise uehalf of their fellow Jews with those ' unless properly guided and directed, to give free rein to their baser i ....puLeatiary, Count ,os suise at toe Congress of Berlin df another country might be con- passions. Issued Every Friday by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Company ,trued as a reflection on their pa- oti oe...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 6

…PAGE FIVE, ONICLE Plans Progress Finely For Pisgah Lodge Big Jubilee and hifiation FRANKEL ADDRESS IS AWAITED BY ALL - m Fine progress has been orate by the committee 0 11 arrangements for the com bined i Louis James Rosenberg, chairman of the committee on arrangements, announces that a large attendance of the women relatives of members and ion is expected. candidates for initiation Careful arrangements have been made to receive them, a...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE PAGE SIX an an on -ifi-e- l on OnOttlfftreillikIM 11; i, Save Food! Save Clothes! Save Money! , , i _,,,,,,„F„,,,,,,,,,,,,tren - -)n 1"1"uu.J.,,u,J.L ■ e, Saki OW a= ,..r a L), MMMMMMMM - . . ''.. The Great American Nation must continue in its present Hooverization Program i t II To show our sincerity toward the nation we are offering our entire stocks of Men's and Boy's Outer Cl...…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 8

…PAGE SEVEN THE JEWISH CHRONICLE Save Money on TIRES Our New Wholesale and Retail Tire Store is Open. Full Line of Guaranteed Tires and Factory Seconds At a Saving of 257. to 50'.. All Repairing. Vulcanizing and Work Guaranteed. SERGT. M. MILLER PROF. LINDEMANN WAIVES PROMOTION AT JEWISH WOMEN'S TO SEE FIGHTING CLUB SUNDAY EVE. Showed Jewish Spirit by Going Opens New Year's‘ Series With No- "Over Top" Instead of to Patriotic •4ddress— Mme....…

January 03, 1919 • Page Image 9

…News tilttite ns , I isli Jew 1 i l \ l 6 0 / / 0 I 10 0 0 / i i "l th D Rorr, VOL. I. THE JEWISH INSTITUTE NEWS (*Tic! ki. ()RGAN OF THE UNITEDJFAVISH CHARITIES DETRorr,,x A. Finsterwald oseph L. Selling. Pres. llarry Frank ulian II. Krolik, Vice.Pres. Hugo A. Freund tred M. Butrel. Vire•Pres. Bernard Ginsberg D. W. Simons, Treas. Jahn A. uea venn' Blanche Hart, Supt. tinniuel IleavenrIch ..iiltml Alexander Miss Edith Ileavenri...…

January 25, 1918 • Page Image 1

…A merica/) 5cwish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - cINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Vol. III. No. 8 DETROIT, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1918 THOUSANDS HEAR JEWISH MESSAGE AT ANN ARBOR ZIONIST LEADERS CONFER WITH LLOYD GEORGE. A Dominant International Figure London.-- I.,,rd Rothschild together with the Zionist leaders, Dr. Tchle- now, Nahum Sokono• and Prof. Weitzman were received by Premie...…

January 25, 1918 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE JEWISH BATTALION SOON TO LEAVE FOR PALESTINE FRONT MAYOR H'ILAN Al•PO:N7 DESIGNATE COMLNG WEEK AS "MERCY WEEK" FOR RELIEF FOUR • *i•• Famous British Organization 6 Composed of All Nation- alities But Jews Pre- dominate. - •tI Commemorates Anniversary of Pres. Wilson's Proclama- tion Day for Relief of Jewish War Sufferers. ,r they•• r" nal training pe• - a the west i• • .• new year it will tine front, a...…

January 25, 1918 • Page Image 3

…THE JEWISH CHRONICLE ik , " 4/4/ 4►40/ 11-411r4r4r 4/ 4 /4/41 /4/ArAirAIIIIIIIA/A117$ New Jewish Women's 0 Charitable Society Is Organized , 1 i 1 4 § r 14 LOCAL ACTIVITIES '‘ Landy Transfer Company Detroit Jewish Ladies' Relief Society Will Give Aid to Destitute Fam- !IldrArAllirArdf/AfrAlfr 4. 404, 40rAr Air Ar ( ilies—Will Hold Mass Meting at Statler on Jan. 28. Mizrachi Holds Convention 'Charles in New York Jan. ...…

January 25, 1918 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR ME JEWISH CHRONICLE THE STORY OF LEON TROTZKY (Continued From Page One.) institutions for the relb•f of Russian political prisoners. Ile spent over a year in Siberia, however, and learned by bitter experience the details of the cruelty of the Czar's autocratic sys- tem. lie wrote a pamphlet entitled "There and Back" which described his experiences in Siberia, a piece of literature that we may soon have the pleasure of reading in ...…

January 25, 1918 • Page Image 5

…Prish Periodical eater _ _ CLIFTON MHO! CINCINNATI 10, OHIO THE JEWISH CHRONICLE imo( absolute of his "i(t..rinaii ness." .111 kind,,.( nantes and epithets were hurled at his um:oinhed head. Many picas tine peopl e disco% cred that Trotzky had Lens a "shoe-lace ped- dler' and a salesm an of collar buttons on some Fast Nth' ■ .: . ticr. and a sub- PAGE FIVE RABBINIC ZIONISM BY RABBI EMIL G. HIRSCH. waiter in the !Loci 1Vald•iri-.1storia,...…

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