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May 04, 1928 • Page Image 1

…America Plinth Periodical Carter ;St I All Jewish Views All Jewish News WITHOUT BIAS fil- EbETROITAWISII TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-0-4-0 THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN VOL)07111 NO. 23. °. DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1928. OPPOSITION ASKS HOLMES COMPARES Palestine Experiences A New Boom; Establish Industries, Abolish Doles REMOVAL OF U. S. RELIGIONS; IS HIT ZIONIST LEADERS BY DR. SCHULMAN Exports in 1927 Show $3,00...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 2

…IMINIIIIM•1111111•11. TilEikritonjimsn et km ICU arrange, with the help of the Ke- PALESTINE EXPERIENCES A NEW BOOM; t Iv Ymaern y o k o aw Dire Ircigras; [ LIST OF DONORS r t ieonn ESTABLISH INDUSTRIES, ABOLISH DOLES IN U. P. A. DRIVE1 Tageblatt is Merged With Morning Journal. B'NAI B'RITH LADIES' MOTHERS', DAUGHTERS CELEBRATION MONDAY I • ,, agricultural settlements have pro- Jewish workers. In all, govern- gressed very much during t...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 3

…AlNatal! ,fewish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVMS • CINCINNATI US OHIO VerRomiklusn ZIONIST POLICIES ATTACKED AND DEFENDED AT CONVENTION OF `ARBEITER VERBAND (Continued From Pace One). tion of this charge. Yiddish and would replace He- Palestine labor, he said, insisted brew. upon one thing: on the right to Dr. Arlosoroff's Reply. choose its language; and it picked Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, member Hebrew. "This," he said, is as of the Palestine...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 4

…iaLimm erROrT EW1SR R07410/3 oil ttstztetriVIAVIVI IIIttittilltlYtiMi=aYWAUM 71 11- DETROITif;WISII el-RONICLE Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co, Inc. JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE PHILIP SLOMOV1TZ ...... _...... MAURICE M. SAFIR President Secretary and Treasurer Managing Editor Advertising Manager Entered as Secor.d•class matter March 8, 1916, at the Postoffice at Detroit, Mkh., under the Art of March 8, 187...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 5

…A merica Awish Periatfical CeNter CLIFTON AMU' - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO OPPOSITION ASKS REMOVAL OF U. S. ZIONIST LEADERS the American Zion Commonwealth is, to say the least, a distortion of the facts and grossly misleading. The American Zion Commonwealth Annual Election of Officers to was organized in 1917 as a Pales- Take Place on May 9. tine landselling and developing in- stitution. It Was not conducted for Mrs. II. B. Ullian, honorary na- t...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 6

…erRorr E1115/1 RONICLE IML `itg PAY4Y1%,4ThIrtf,4,14, 23%ir Published Weekly by T. ► Jewish Chronicle Publishing Cs.. Inc. President _Secretary and Treasurer Managing Editor Advertising Manager JOSEPH J. CUMMINS JACOB H. SCHAKNE PHILIP SLOMOVITZ MAURICE M. SAFIR Entered as Second-class matter March g. 1916, at the Postof5ce et Detroit. Mich.• under the Art of March 8. 1879. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 7

…America Apish Pedalled Carter CUSTOM MINUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO fff OPPOSITION ASKS REMOVAL OF U. S. ZIONIST LEADERS MRS. H. B. ULLIAN WILL the American Zion Commonwealth ADDRESS JFL HADASSAH is, to say the least, a distortion of erRorrkwisifetRavicu ISAACS TO REPORT ON LOCAL SCHOOLS pa t,tv,4110 even the ntTI, New Book ot Lamentations but their ilerewedl and he punished those colonists the facts and grossly misleading. (Continued fr...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 8

…Timi)entore, mai aiRONICLE PAGE SIX 4).6 al an dersonal Have You Some Diamonds That Need Remounting? ADASSAH U. HE DS' AN HN P.A. AVISION I DI DRIVE FOR $110,000 Sirs. Broudo, who is in charge of me of the two Hadassah divisions n the Detroit United Palestine Ap- PICK JIINE3FOR 15TH FLOWER DAY Annual Jewish National Fund Day to be Observed Throughout the Land. The fifteenth annual Flower Day held under the auspices of the 300- kb Natio...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 9

…Axed= loath Palatial! Carta mirror+ amtla 7 ItE - KOGNiPerZeNtiteD GM14.7G-VteZVellerZc'so its A (•) Before EDITOR'S NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wanner- man announce the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia, to Benja- min F. Gaunt, son of Mr. and MPS. Samuel Gaum. All club and society notes and other contributions, to be as• cured of publication in current issues, must be in the hands of the editor not later than 5 p. In...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 10

…Bartelle RONICLE L111811 ?AGE EIGHT 0.temp1e Neill El Playhouse. "Cock Robin," the intriguing mystery comedy by Elmer Rice and I'hilip Barry, continues for another week at the Bonstelle Playhouse, with Eden Gray Craig Ward an d George Blackwood in prominent parts, and Lorna Carroll and Wal- ter Sherwin in important character parts. Thin amusing and exciting play has had a succesful run at the Forty-eighth Street Theater and the Booth Th...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 11

…er America avisIt Periodieal Curter CLIPTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE NINE fi RONICLE t WIN APPLAUSE AT NEW EASTWOOD Movietone A Sensation! CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL, PORTLAND, OREGON, OF WHICH RABBI H. J. BERKOWITZ IS SPIRITUAL PARK BALLROOM Fox Device Leads Talking LEADER, DEDICATES ITS NEW BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE Picture Field. By CHARLES P. COHEN Interests of My Clients Come F irst," Says "Lew" Goo dman. "The j te venation proces...…

May 04, 1928 • Page Image 12

…PiEt)ergorrimnsn &or ICU MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. i 4' Nzvzztzinzmixiyt.oyeiy.utg*to,wywof GLUE NEW Zedaka Club. Ocean Girls' Club. EDITOR'S NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS • A New Orchestra at The Coterie C ub. King Wah Lo Cafe The last meeting of the Coterie 118 Michigan Ave The April 28 meeting of the! Officers and member, of the club Club was held at the home of Miss „o thank the public for the co-opera- Orean Girls' Club was held at th...…

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