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May 04, 1928 - Image 1

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1928-05-04

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America Plinth Periodical Carter



All Jewish Views
All Jewish News






VOL)07111 NO. 23.



HOLMES COMPARES Palestine Experiences A New Boom;
Establish Industries, Abolish Doles REMOVAL OF U. S.

Exports in 1927 Show $3,000,000 Increase Over 1926;
New Factories Established; Unemployment
Comes to An End.

Minister Calls Jesus Force
Superior to Anything
In Judaism.

Special Palestine Letter to Detroit Jewish Chronicle.

Ccnference at Washington'
Asks Changes, Charges

JERUSALEM.—The Passover holidays this year not

only brought 'a large stream of tourists to Palestine, but JUDGE MACK PRESIDES
JESUS, RABBI ASSERTS seem to have marked a turning point in the affairs and the AT OPPOSITION'S MEET

Dr. Schulman Objects to
"Advice to Jews About
Their Religion."

frame of mind of the Jewish Yishuv.

This improved state of affairs which was already beginning to
make itself felt last year, is also reflected in the official trade report
of the l'alestine government. Imports into Palestine in the year 1927
amounted to £6,184,454, as compared to £6,594,008 in the previous
• year, so that there was a falling
off of some £400,000 registered in
imports. The export figures showed
a notable improvement, having in-
creased by £600,000. In 1926,
exports amounted to £1,308,333,
rising, in 1927, to £1,899,759.
Oranges, watermelons, soaps, oils,
cement, wines, knitted goods,
His Administration Aims to cigarettes and leather goods made
Start Construction on
up the principle articles of export
New Clubhouse.
from Palestine.

NEW YORK.—While Rev. John
Haynes Holmes was preaching in
the Free Synagogue on "Judaism
and Christianity: Where Each
Excels," on Sunday morning,
Rabbi Samuel Schulman, preaching
at Temple Emanuel, attacked Dr.
Holmes for asserting in a sermon
the previous Sunday that Judaism
was inferior to Christianity.
"Christianity and Judaism are
one, historically and spiritually,
and it will be only when each
learns to appreciate the contribu-
DON it Lodge No. 55, Knights of
tions of the other that the great Pythias, at the election of officers
religion of 'the future, the religion for 192,t-29, held Tuesday evening,
of humanity, will be realized," Dr.
Holmes said.
"Christianity, I believe, excels
Judaism in its universal appeal,
in its internationalism. Judaism
is fundamentally a racial and na-
tionalistic movement, the religion
of a people who are group-con-
scious. This was the very reason
why Jesus was repudiated by his
own people. He taught that all
barriers must be broken down; Ile
was not interested in local tradi-
tions and national prejudices.


The Jew's Communal Service.

On the other hand, just as

every virtue has its corresponding

vice, there is a flaw in such uni-
versality, a flaw which is absent
from the Jewish religion. Judaism
is superior to Christianity in that
it retains a social consciousness
which is absent • from Christian
doctrine, The Jew has acommu-
nity sense and always has been
willing to disregard the individual
for the goo( of the group.
"There is another Jewish su-
periority over Christianity which is picked Louis H. Wolfe, past wor-
allied to this point, and that is the shipful master of Perfection Lodge,
Jewish concern with the things of as chancellor commander.
the here and now.
Others elected are: Emil Raskin,
Calls Jesus Superior.
vice-chancellor; Al Forman, pre-
"In the person of Jesus I feel late; Aubrey Pereira, master at
that the Christian religion has a arms; !tarry Solomon, inner
force which is superior to anything guard; Dr. Rosenzweig, out er
in Judaism. I am not talking here guard; William Rosenberg, secre-
of Jesus as the Son or God, or as tary.
the second person in the Trinity.
The new officers will be installed
I have no use for that mythologi- in July.
cal figure, and I have as little use
Mr. Wolfe declared following the
for Jews as the paragon of all hu- election that the incoming officers
man virtue.
will strive towards the completion
"What I am concerned with, of the new building, which is to be
however, is Jesus as a spiritual erected at Second and Seward.
genius. Ile was a supreme moral
The new chancellor commander
teacher, the greatest and most also said that the new officers are
gifted and inspired teacher of all young men who are aiming to
spiritual and religious values that instill a spirit of youth in the or-
the world has known. In his per- ganization and to make the Detroit
son Christianity possesses a great lodge one of the largest in the
power. And there is 110 one in all world. The organization, he em-
Judaism to compare with Him.
phasized, is active in all civic and
Judaism, I feel, is superior in charitable affairs of the commun-
its insistence upon the moral law. ity.
The Jewish religion is the greatest
The new building is to be one of
teacher of the universal domina• the nicst modern, to include all fa-
tins of that law. And, on the cilities of a community center, with
other hand, the Christian interpre• an assembly hall, billiards, gymnas-
tation of that law is likewise su- ium, etc.
In addition to his energetic affil-
Rabbi Resents Advice.
iation with Perfection Lodge, the
Replying to what he termed "the new chancellor commander's fra-
remarkable criticism of Judaism" ternal associations are many. He
by Mr. Holmes at the Community is a member of Shadukiain Grot-
Church, Rabbi Schulman declared to, Michigan Sovereign Consistory,
that he thought it "very ungra- Moslem Temple Shrine. a member
cious of Dr. Holmes to go into of the board of directors of the
comparisons of inferiority and su• Masonic Country Club, Pisi•ah
periority and to presume to give Lodge of the Order of B'nai B'rith.
advice to Jews about their re- Maccabees, Detroit Bar Association
and the Lawyer's Club.
"This is a free country and Dr.
Holmes is welcome to his faith,"
said Rabbi Schulman. "Ile should MAURICE SWARTZ HERE
let the Jews alone. Perhaps now
that he has spoken so clearly,
documenting himself as a Chris-
Maurice Swartz, one of the
tian, many thoughtless Jews and most noted Jewish actors in the
even some rabbis will see that world, will appear in Gottesfeld's
what he is really aiming at is to "Amerieaner Chassidim" Thurs-
take Jews away from their Juda- day evening, May 10, at Littman's
ism and subtly to make them ac- Theater, with his complete New
York Jewish Art Theater cast.
(Turn to Page Three).

Statement to Zionists Says
Leaders' Failures Were
Injurious to Palestine.

mand for a change in the regime of
the Zionist Organization , of Amer-
ica will be made at the forthcom-
ing convention, to be held in Pitts-
burg the end of June, according to
a resolution adopted at the reor-
ganization conference held here on

New Markets Created.


is particularly gratifying to
be able to point out that the young
Jewish industries, especially those
branches engaged in the manufac-
ture of textile goods, cement,
leather articles and chocolate con-
fections, have succeeded in cap-
turing new markets for themselves
in Syria, Transjordania and
Egypt. Altogether, it may be said
that the trade position in Palestine
has materially improved over
There are fewer bankruptcies,
and the number of workers em-
ployed in industries has substanti-
ally increased. Many of the fac-
tories are run with two and more
shifts. The industrial workers now
number 7,500. The Jaffa Electric
Company, founded by Rutenberg,
paid a dividend of 8 per cent and
is now to be amalgamated with the
(rage general electrical concern
established by Rutenberg, the Pal-
estine Electric Corporation, by
whom the great power stations on
Sunday. The demand will be based
the Jordan were erected.
on charges of mismanagement and
The Orange Market.
A total of 2,568,000 boxes of I extravagance against the present
headed by Louis
oranges were exported in 1927 83
against 1,887,581 in 1926. The Lipsky.
fifty men and
value of these exports rose from
£580,712 in 1926 to £813,600 in women interested in the advance-
1927. The number of orange
plantations in the country has in- from 45 cities and heard an indict-
creased in corresponding measure.
New markets have been secured in leaders and adopted a constructive
Germany, Denmark, Holland and program for future work which it
Rumania. The "Nesher" cement will present at the next Zionist
factory in Ilaifa, which employs convention.
Plead for Reorganization. •
more than 300 hands, exports its
Accusations of maladministra-
wares to Syria, Egypt and Cyprus,
inefficiency and diversion of
transporting its produce to these
countries by means of a motor funds were made by speakers.
were voiced for a re-organi-
craft specially kept for the pur-
zation of the American body. Judge
W. Mack presided at the ses-
The exports of this concern in
1927 were four times as large as sions, which lasted all day.
charges were presented
those of the previous year. The
"Shemen" oil factory in Haifa, by Morris A. Zeldin of Brooklyn,
and Samuel J.
which employs 130 hands, had a
similar rise to register in its ex- Rosensohn of New York, both of
whom recently resigned from the
Administration Committee of the
(Turn to Page Two).
American Zionist organization.


Ancther Group of 315 Soon To
Settle on Land; Government
Sponsors. Plan.

M OS('OW.—(J. T. A.) --Ail.
other group of 315 pioneers will

soon leave for Hurtle to settls
on the land there under the ex-
tensive plan sponsored by the
govern ment department.
The group was recruited
from among the Jewish popula-
tion in Kiev, Charkolf, Berdit:
chuff, Tcherkas, Krementehug
and Smolensk,

$3,100, 000 PLEDGE I)

Fund Needed by July 1 to

Speed Work For Rus-
sian Colonization.

Plana to collect $3,100,000 of
pledged funds during the next
four months to cover commitments
by the Joint Distribution Commit-
tee were made Sunday at an
"emergency meeting" of leaders
of the United Jewish Campaign
and the committee at Hotel Hilt-
more, N. Y. The meeting was called
by David A. Brown of Detroit, na-
tional chairman of the campaign.
The necessity of raising half of
the total amount required before
July 1 was urged by officials of the
committee. The agricultural set-
tlement work in Russia would be
handicapped if funds are not avail-
able soon, Dr. Joseph A. Rosen,
director of the Agro-Joint, said.
The importance of the Jewish
colonization work was emphasized
by Felix Warburg.
Other speakers were Louis Mar-
shall, E. Grauer, James N. Rosen-
berg, Col. Herbert Lehman and
David Bressler.
It was announced that the colo-
nization fund to which Julius
Rosenwald of Chicago has contrib-
uted $5,000,000 and Mr. Warburg
$1,000,000 has been swelled by
other large contributions. One
was from Paul Baerwald. treasurer
of the Joint Distribution Commit-
tee, who gave $200,000, and an-
other from Colonel Lehman, who
contributed $100,000. Mr. Mar-
shall gave $100,000. An anony-
mous contribution of $100,000 was
also made.


Rabbis, Presidents of Synagogue.,
Organization Delegates to Be At
Meeting Saturday Night.

At a preliminary conference
held in the Kirby Avenue Talmud
Torah, Monday morning, April 30,
at which there were present Rabbi
A. M. Ashinsky, Rabbi Isaac Stoll-
man, M. Gordon, S. Smullin, A.
Cohen, M. Michlin and Bernard
Isaacs, plans were made for the
"Shovua Ivri," the Hebrew Week
Judge Mack Is Chairman.
which is being observed at this
Judge Julian W. Mack was unan- time of the year. -
imously chosen chairman of the
At this conference it was de-
conference, Dr. Harry Friedenwald cided to call a meeting for Solar-
of Baltimore vice-president and . day evening, May 5, at 8:15 p. m.,
Rabbi Norman Salit of Far Rock- in the Philadelphiallyron Talmud
away, N. Y., secretary.
Torah. To this meeting presidents
A resolutions committee of 11 of various synagogues, rabbis,
Open Anti-Jewish Discrimi- 8. 83 appointed consisting of Pro- heads of local and national organ-
fessor Felix Frankfurter, Peter izations will be invired and all de-
nation Charged in Mil-
Leavitt, Philip Sachs, M. Saphir, tails of the Hebrew Week carried
Israel Goldberg, Maurice J. Feld- out.
man, A. Horwitz, Max A. Green-
The Ilebrew Week is being spon-
MILWAUKEE.— Wis.—(J. T. berg, Jacob Sohle, Morris Neamon sored
jointly by the Ilistadruth
A.)—!Milwaukee is having a wave and Dr. A. S. Wolf.
Haivrith and Ilistadruth liamor-
of anti-Jewish discrimination that
After adoption of a resolution im rha'nmahlim, the Ilebrew
is attracting interest beyond its presented by Major Julius I. Pey- teachers and principals' organiza-
boundaries. ser expressing the "sense of this tions.
The officers of the Michiwaukee conference for a change to lie made
The purpose of the week is tee
Golf Club, which Jews have helped in the administration of the Zionist propagate the knowledge of the
organize and in the grounds of Organization of America," a reso- Hebrew language and acquaint the
which Jews are holding stock, have lutions committee headed by Pro- public with the work done in these
written letters to eight Jewish fessor Felix Frankfurter of Bus- fields in Europe and in Palestine.
members notifying them that by tin presented the following declar- The date for the observation of
unanimous decision of the board of ation, which 8118 adopted by the the Hebrew Week will be set at
directors, they are asked to resign. conference:
the meeting.
All but one of them are charter
"Administration H. Failed."
"Ti the Zionists of America:
No R Given.
"We speak as Zionists who speak
Immediately three Jewish mem- out, because we would he faithless
hers prominent in Milwaukee pro- to Zionism to keep silent. A criti-
f ess i ona I and db
business circles, who cal period has been reached in the Will Speak on "Random Thoughts"
at Smoker May 22.
had not been asked to resign, sent , uphuilding of the Jewish Palestine
in their resignations. One non-Jew,land in the part which American
a member of a large real estate Zionists must play in it. It is im-
Charles II. Joseph of Pittsburgh,
firm, sent in his resignation. perative to take stork of the state editor of "Random Thoughts," the
The club had 32 Jewish members of the movement and to determine weekly feature Appearing in The
while the non-Jewish members the extent to which the present ad- Detroit Jewish Chronicle, will be
number about 250. The letter sent ministration of the Zionist organi- the speaker at the smoker of the
the first eight gave no reason for nation of America is responsible for Men's Temple Club at the next
Henry Monsky of Denver to be Principal Speaker ; Gover- to
the demand of immediate resigna-
meeting at Temple Beth El on
nor Fred W. Green to be Among Guests; Milford
(Turn to Page Five)
tion. It merely apprised the mem-
Tuesday evening, May 2?.
hers' that the hoard of directors
Mr. Joseph will speak on "Ran-
Stern, Toastmaster ; To Initiate Rosenwald Class.
"unanimously decided" and also
dom Thoughts," and his popular.
ity as writer as well as speaker is
Jacob Miller, chairman of the I ings on behalf of the District Grand 8,1,1s that the "club" will repur- SISTERHOOD PLANS
chose the shares of stock owned by
expected to draw a large audience.
committee in charge of arrange-I-Age.
FOR MOTHERS' DAY A feature of the meeting will
the members at the price originally
ments for the seventieth anniver- . A large attendance of members paid together with interest at six
also be the election of new officers
eery of l'isgah Lodge No. 34, I. 0. is urged for the meeting on Mon- per cent per annum from the date Sh
y Zedek Matrons to Have and board of directors.
of the purchase." The property f
B. B. announces plans for the birth-
Their Daughters at Rally.
the club has gone up tremendously
day dinner, at Hotel Stotler, on
in value. The letter was signed
Sunday evening, May 13, complet-
The Sisterhood of Congregation
by B. J. Neitschmann, who is sec- Shaarey Zedek will mark Mothers'
retary-treasurer of the club. When Day at a mother and daughter
Henry Monsky of Denver, mem-
asked what was behind the move, rally which will be held Sunday
ber of the Constitutional Grand
Mr. Neitschmann "couldn't say." afternoon, May 13, at 2 o'clock,
Lodge Committee, will be the prin-
Lillie Frischman, the wife
At first he seemed surprised to in the assembly hall of the Shaarey
cipal speaker, and among the
hear "the news" but later he drop- Zedek Synagogue, Willis avenue of the late Hebrew and Yiddish
guests of honor will be Governor
and story writer,
ped the surprise and ordered the and Brush street. The program David Frischman,
Fred W. Green, Arthur Lappin of
will speak Sun-
reporter "to keep out of this."
includes talks by Mrs. J. II. Ehr-
Des Moines, Hiram Frankel of Chi-
6, at 8 o'clock,
Or:simile New Club.
Itch, who will speak for the moth- in the Jewish Center, 31 Mel-
cago, Milford Stern and others. Mr.
Rita Rosenthal, who bourne avenue. Her theme will
Stern will act as toastmaster.
untarily, in a letter to club officials will respond in behalf of the
A feature of the celebration will
wrote: "I can put but one construe- daughters. Mrs. Abraham Cooper be "Woman, Child and Poet."
be the initiation of the Rosenwald
on this action, namely that this and Miss Nance Solomon will offer
Clams Mandell Bernstein, report-
was done because of their fatih. If vocal selections. They will be ac- PALESTINE ELECTRIC
ing at the last meting, expressed


Many Notables to be Pisgah's Guests
At 70th Anniversary Dinner on May 13

the hope that the campaign for
members will result in an unusual-
ly large class initiated. To make

this possible, the customary initia-
tion fee of $25 was reduced to $5.
"Every Jew a Ben B'rith" is the
slogan of the drive.
The degree teams for the initia-
tion are headed by Al Blumenau
and Elias Goldberg.
Messrs. Lappin and Frankel, who day evening, when a program of
were in the city last week, ad- entertainment will be presented
dressed the meeting of the lodge on jointly by Pisgah Lodge and its

Monday evening, extending greet- Ladies' Auxiliary.

this is the case I cannot retain my companied by Mrs. Philip Bloom-
self respect and remain a member garden and Mrs. Alex. (merman,

of the club." his resignation was respectively. Ruth and Katherine
ac,epted without comment. Borock and Janice Goulding are
Michael Levin, one of the eight scheduled to give • dance number
who was asked to resign, called the each. Miss Dorothy Rivkin will
attention of the club to the fact accompany them on the piano. At
that they can't compel these resig- the conclusion of the program re-
nations. freehments will be served.
The probabilities are, it was stet- The Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood,
ed, that all the Jewish members in addition to contributing some
will resign in ■ body. Already a of the most ardent workers in
new golf club, Bryn•ood. is being the campaign for the United Pal-
planned and • site for • large golf estine Appeal, subscribed $100 to
course is being laid out.
the fund.

Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents •


Rabbi Hershman Advocates
5-Day-in-the-Week Re-
ligious Schools.


Equal Privileges With Men
Won by Women; Greater

Interest in Youth Urged.

CIIICAGO.—liabbi A. M. Hersh-
man of Detroit, discussing the topic



Leon Blunt Defeated in
French Election.; Ten
Jews Win.


PARIS.—(J. T. A.)—Ten
Jewish deputies were elected to
the French parliament in the
national elections which took
place April 29. Among the
Jewish deputies elected are
Maurice Rothschild and Mau-
rice Bokanowski,
Leon Blum, leader of the So-
cialist party, was defeated by
Communist, Doilies. Henri
Torres, M. Coreos and M. Mir-
th, chairman of the Jewish Na-
tional F111111 of France, were
also defeated.



of Jewish education at Monday's
session of the United Synagogue
of America convention at Stevens
Hotel, said it was not suthment that
children should be given knowledge
of religion, but that they should al- Rabbi of Cincinnati Temple
so be taught the practice. They
To Occupy Pulpit Here
must get the habit of Jewish prac-
On May 13.
tice early so that when they grow
up they will be useful members of
Rabbi Victor Emanuel Reichert,
the community, participating in all
benevolent activities. The religious the young associate of Dr. David
school he said, must have the co- Philipson in the ministry of the
op•ration of the home. It is only
by seeing religion practiced in the
home that a child learns to rever-
ence and appreciate relig boas


Rabbi Hershman declared him-
self strongly in favor of afive-day-
in-the-week religious schools and as
strongly opposed to the Sunday
school, which he Said is at best a
makeshift for abseil education.
This fact is being recognized, he
said, to a very great extent by
many Christians who also regard
the Sunday school as inadequate.
"Bar Mitzvah" for Girls.
Rabbi Hershman also proposed
that even RR there is a ceremony of
Bar Mitzvah for boys who at the
age of 13 are declared fully Jew-
ishly responsible, so there should
be a similar ceremony for girls,
which, marked by beauty, dignity,
and sacredness would have a last-
ing impression.
"Why should the child be made
the scapegoat fur our shortemn-
ings," he asked. "After all if the
child has no religion, it is due to
the failure of its parents to have
religion. Unless adults indulge in
Jewish study and unless the syna-
gogue becomes again the Beth
Haniedrosh (house of study) any
and every system of Jewish edu-
cation is bound to break down."
He laid some of the blame on the
present situation on the shoulders
of rob is who, he said, have be-
come "Jack of all Trades," preach-
ing on everything and anything;
on current plays and novels, etc.,
without adequate preparation, thus
discrediting their callings.

"The Rabbi Is a Teacher."

"The rabbi is not a book-review-
er, nor a dramatic critic, he is a
teacher," he declared.
"If religion is anything it is
everything," he mid. "All educa-
tion has a spiritual significance. It
is with that belief that the young

(Turn to Last Page.)


Waldman, Alexander, Dr.
August to Address Social


Rockdale Avenue Temple at Cin-
cinnati, will occupy the pulpit of
Temple Beth El next Sunday, May
13, and will speak on the subject
"The Challenge tee Jewish Youth."
Rabbi Reichert is one of the most
brilliant of the younger rabbis and
the announcement of his first ap-
pearance in Detroit should be wel-
conic news to the community. The
special occasion of his coming is
the Temple High School Commence-
ment Exercises which always take
place in the course of the regular
Sunday services, the second week
in May.
The graduating class this year is
the largest in the history of the
temple, numbering 40 young men
and women. These young men and
women began attending the School
of Religion of Temple 'Seth El 13
years ago when they were of the
age of four or five. Now, at the
age of 17 or 18, they have com-
pleted a rich curriculum of Jewish
study entitling them to graduate
from the High Scleal Department.
They are now ready, and many of
them will avail themselves of the
opportunity, to enter Beth El Col-
lette of Jewish Studies to pursue
still higher study and to train
themselves in the School of Relig-


Dr. August, Alexander to Speak.

mental hygiene will be held. Dr.
Charles F. Wilinsky, deputy health
commissioner of Boston, will pre-
sent a program of health work for

Jewish communities, and Dr. Louis
A. Lurie of Cincinnati will present
a program of mental health. Dis-
cussion on these papers will be led

by Dr. Harry A August, director
of the Mental Hygiene Clinic of
Detroit, and Dr. Cecil Striker.
On Thursday, May 10, at a
luncheon meeting devoted to the
subject of educat ing h
nity, Milton M. Alexander of De-

Pleads for Subscription
Of $40,000 Balance.


Luncheons During Week Ad-
dressed by Fred M. But-
zel and Others.

Kith a total of $70,000 raised
towards the Detroit 1928 quota of
$110,000 for the upbuilding of the

Jewish lit ineland in Palestine, the
United l'alestine Appeal workers
are this week to make an intensive
effort to raise the balance of $40,-
Joseph II. Ehrlich, chairman of

the Detroit drive, in a statement
called upon Detroit
Jews not to fail in their obligation
to the Homeland.
"The quota assigned this city,
$110,000, is a comparatively small
sum, considering that all Zionist
funds are included in the U. P. A.,"
Mr. Ehrlich declared.

011 WCd1118111137,

Must Not Fail.

"To fail in this quota, therefore,
would be to disgrace the good name
of this community," he continued.
"There are ninny who contributed
last year, and hundreds of other
prospects, who have not yet.made
their pledges. Many could not be
reached, others were out of the city.
Our workers have visited many
several times. Last year's contrib-
utors and others will therefore be
doing an even greater service to
Palestine by remitting direct to the
offic:Dea cn ts d. thereby saving the en-
ergy of volunteer workers for other
"Through the courtesy of The

Detroit Jewish Chronicle, whose
columns were of great value in the
present campaign, a pledge blank
is reprinted in this issue. To re-
tain the honor of Detroit Jewry in

This large graduating clam is
significant of a great change that
has taken place in Jewish educa-
tion within recent years. While
formerly boys and girls were con-
Detroit is well represented on firmed at the age of 13 and consid-
the program of the National Con- ered confirmation as the end of
ference of Jewish Social Service, their Jewish education, now they
to be held in Cincinnati from May are confirmed at a more advanced
9 to May 13, according tee Morris age soul they return after confir-
D. Waldman, executive director of mation for a High School course in
the Jewish Welfare Federation and Jewish history and religion.
president of the conference.
Services will begin at 10:30.
Because of the fact that Cincin- Every one is welcome. Worship-
nati has one of the oldest Jewish ers are advised to come early as an
communities in the country and especially large congregation is
was the first city to adopt the fed- expected.
eration idea for pooling its acorn-' On Sunday, May 6, Dr. Leo M.
resources, a large represen- Franklin will occupy the pulpit and
tation of laymen is expected to at- speak on the subject "Parente on
tend the sessions.

Mr. Waldman will deliver his
presidential address at the Wed-
nesday afternoon, May 9. opening
session, and will preside at the
business session on Sunday, May
13, when a session on health and

Chairman Joseph H. Ehrlich,

the endeavors for Palestine, all who
have not yet given their share are
urged to fill in this blank and re-
mit it to us as early as possible.

Shliosberg's Address.

At the luncheon of workers last
Sunday at the Book Cadillac, Dr.

ilenryk Shliosberg, one of Jewry's
most notable personalities, deliv-
ered an address that helped much
in arousing the enthusiasm of the
workers for Palestine.
Dr. Shliosberg spoke as a non-
Zionist. Ile said that he was so

steeped in Judaism that..among
Zionists he could well becalled a

Zionist. The Jews, he said, were
always a spiritual state, therefore,
why a state for Jewry. But he
answered his own question by de-
claring that exactly in this lies the
importance of Palestine,—that it
enlivens the spirit of Jewry more

than it does the body.
It is the spirit, he declared, that
unites Israel. Those who oppose
the ideal for Palestine lack pride,
and pride he called our best de-
fense. Pride, he pointed out, is pos-
sible when Judaism is understood.
Lack of pride is due to ignorance.

If the opponents of the ideal were
not ignorant they would know that
the spirit must have a home, a cen-
ter, just as the individual man
must have an addreis.

An Address for Judaism.

Our homes outside of Palestine
are merely rented apartments, Dr.
Shliosberg said. The Jews are not
communists. They want ownership.
They want an address for Judaism,
to be on their own land and not
on strange soil.
An interesting address at Sun-
day's luntherm was delivered by
Rabbi Leon Frain who traced rea-
sons for apathy on part of certain
elements. Dr. Shliosberg was in-
troduced by Jacob Pearlstien, ed-
ucational director of the Jewish
Center, under whose auspices Dr.
Shliosberg came to Detroit.
The luncheon on Tuesday was ad-
dressed by Fred M. Butzel, honor-
ary chairman of the drive. Wed-
nesday ' s luncheon was addressed
by Mrs. Freda Silbert Ullian.
On Friday, April 27, A. C. Lap-
pin was the luncheon speaker.

Zionist Policies Attacked and Defended
At Convention of Arbeiter Verband Here

Dr. Zhitlovsky Bitterly Assails Dr. Weizmann and Zionist
Executive; Demands Yiddish Be Palestine's Language; Is
Answered by Dr. Arlosoroff ; Conference Lasts 4 Days.

The Jewish National Workers'
Alliance I Nationaler Arbeiter
N'erbandi, in eleventh annual con-
vention here, at Hotel Stotler,
from Sunday morning to Wednes-
day night, discussed problems of
education, work for Palestine Cha-
lutzin, the Gewerkschaften cam-
other and
problems i included
in the organization's platform.
The sessions of Sunday after-
noon and evening were enlivened
by a discussion stimulated by an
address delivered by Dr. Chaim
Zhitlovsky. Following a lengthy
resume of conditions in the Jew-
ish world and a brilliant exposition
of Z ion is m, Dr. Zhitlovsky
launched an attack on Dr. Chaim
Weizmann, president of the World
Zionist Organization, and his Zion-
ist policies.

him, Dr. Weizmann should have

asked. The Jews, he declared, are
treated like an orphan child for
whom Britain has been chosen as a

nurse, and Palestine is being treat-
ed by this nurse to one-third milk

and two-thirds water.

Yiddish—His Solution.

Dr. Zhitlovsky came to the con-
clusion that the reason Dr. Weis-
is not more outspoken and does
Discuss Family, Child Welfare.
not demand more for the Jewish
The National Conference of
people is because he wants to hush
Jewish Social Service, which was
the fact that the country is too
founded 27 years ago to enable
small for a large migration. This
those interested in Jewish social
being the case, the speaker said,
work to meet regularly to discuss
Palestine's value lies only as a
their problems and to bring to
cultural center. As such, he de-
them the scientific developments
clared, Yiddish is the only solution
in general social work, will include
for a successful center.
in this year's program discussions
on family and child welfare prob.
He then launched an attack
I lents, recreational and cultural ac-
upon Ilebrew, which he called a
A LOAN OF $1,250,000 tivities for community agencies, His Charge. Against
foreign language (auslaendisher
the future of various phases' of
"If Weizmann is to triumph, loshon). In the bitterness of his
LONDON.—(J. T. A.1—The social work; the social worker and England may well slumber as far attack he declared that Weizmann-
Palestine Electric Corporation, industrial relations; health and as Jewish aspirations in Palestine ism ought to be thrown out of
the company operating under the mental hygiene; and community are concerned," he declared. He Zionism, and that this Weizmann-
direction of Pinellas Ruttenberg programs.
referred to Dr. Weizmann's action ism is a hunch on the Zionist back.
for the electrification and irriga-
Dr. I. M. Rubinow of Philadel- in asking the League of Nations He also attacked Nahum Sokolow
tion of Palestine, will receive • phia is chairman of the program for a $10.000,000 loan as "scan- for his visits to the Pope.
loan of £250,000, Colonel Amery, committee. About 600 social ' dalous,"' because Jewish aspira-
In his , charges. Dr. Zhitlov,ky
colonel secretary, stated in the workers from more than 40 states I tions, he said, are thus treated In a also
said that Dr. Weizmann fears
House of Commons.
and several provinces in Canada , i small way unbecoming • nation.
• large migration because a mass
The loan will be guaranteed un- are expected to attend the confer-
Dr. Zhitlovsky quoted fantastic colonisation would bring with it
der the Trade Facilities Act, in ac• ence, which will hold its sessions figures—$500,000,000--as the size
cordance with the regulations.
at the Hotel Sinton in Cincinnati. of a loan for which, according to
(Tarn to Page Three).

troit will lead the discussion on
the papers presented.

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