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May 04, 1928 - Image 6

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, 1928-05-04

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PAY4Y1%,4ThIrtf,4,14, 23%ir

Published Weekly by


Jewish Chronicle Publishing Cs.. Inc.

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Entered as Second-class matter March g. 1916, at the Postof5ce et Detroit.
Mich.• under the Art of March 8. 1879.

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eorrespondenre and news matter must reach this
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kindly use one side of the paper only.

To Insure publication,

The Detroit Jewish Chronicle in•ites correspondence on subjects of interest to
the Jewish people, but disclaims responsibility for an indorsement of the •
exp ressed by the writers.

Sabbath Readings of the Torah:

Pentateuchal portions—Lev. 21:1-24:23.
Prophetical portions—Ezek. 44:15-31.

• lyar 14, 5688

May 4, 1928

Another Magnificent Gift.

ganization, and the seriousness with which he attacked
the Ilebraist movement at times made us wonder as to
what was wrong with the lecturer. Following a brilliant
analysis of the problems leading up to the need for the
establishment of a Jewish national center in Palestine,
Dr. Zhitlovsky immediately sunk from the sublime to
the ridiculous. In advocating Yiddish as the universal
Jewish language and as the ruling Palestine medium
of conversation, he ignored the most elementary facts
in the situation: that outside of Palestine, in the States,
in England, in France, in practically every land on
earth, it is the most natural thing under the sun for the
Jew to adopt the language of his environment. We
can't help but feel that Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, in his
brilliant reply to Dr. Zhitlovsky's charges, was right
when he pointed out that even in the most patriotic of
Yiddish Volkshul classes the pupils turn to English as
soon as they have left the Yiddish environment. It is
the most natural thing in the world for the boy and the
girl to use the language of the street, of the playground,
and, why not admit, of the home. It is at the same time
a cause of joy to know that under the existing circum-
stances in the language question, in the two or three
Yiddish schools in Jerusalem, whose Agudist directors
consider it a sacrilege for "loshon kodesh," the holy
tongue, to be used as an every (lay medium of expres-
sion, the pupils, when the teachers' backs are turned
upon them, resort to Hebrew. Because in Palestine it is
Hebrew that is the most natural tongue.
So why fool ourselves? And why divert the issue
from the economic and social problems that face us in
Palestine to that of a narrow discussion of a Hebrew-
Yiddish struggle? And why not accept the will of
the Palestine workers, as was stated to the convention
here by Dr. Arlosoroff, that they insist on the right to
choose their language, and they have chosen Hebrew?
The most interesting expression on the question of
Hebrew and Yiddish remains the chapter, "Mistress
and Maid," in the late Yehoash's (Solomon Bloom-
garden) book, "The Feet of the Messenger." "Mistress
and Maid" were the terms employed by Maskilim to de-
note Hebrew and Yiddish respectively. In a resume of
his experiences in which the conflict of Yiddish and
Hebrew played their parts, Yehoash wrote among other

Felix M. Warburg's $1,000,000 contribution to the
Russian colonization fund, to match Julius Rosenwald's
$5,000,000 donation, is another of the most magnificent
philanthropic actions in the history of American Jews.
Mr. Rosenwald has in previous war relief campaigns
taken the lead among our people throughout the world
in donating the largest sums for the relief of war and
pogrom stricken European Jews. Mr. Warburg now
follows his lead and takes his place among the world's
noblest Jewish philanthropists.
In the progress that is being made to match Mr.
Rosenwald's gift with another $5,000,000, thus raising
a $10,000,000 sum for the settlement of Jews on farms
in Russia, it is important that one thing be clarified. Mr.
Warburg has made it clear that he does not intend,
with his contribution, to divert interest from the efforts
in Palestine. A Zionist official at the same time stated
that the two movements were not competitive, and it
is exactly this that is important as a difference between
the two movements for colonization, in Russia and in
If Russian land settlement is ever to be interpreted
as competitive to Palestine, and if Zionists are to lose
heart because another constructive relief effort is be-
ing made in behalf of a million poverty stricken Russian
Jews, confusing it as an effort to hurt the movement
for the reconstruction of the Jewish Homeland in Pal-
estin, it will be nothing short of an admission of failure
and bankruptcy on the part of Zionists. Calm and un-
excitable leaders in the Zionist movement, however,
will never yield to such panicky thinking. Historically,
Palestine has earned priority. In sentiment and aspira-
tion of our people, momentum in which was gained as
a result of centuries ,of praying for Palestine's restor-
ation, the Land of Israel has gained precedence in priv-
ilege as a place for Jewish colonization. The cultural
and moral achievements, not to speak of the physical
accomplishment in the Jewish Homeland, retain for
Zionist endeavor superiority in rank of Jewish land set-
Palestine's priority, however, in no way detracts
from the importance of the agrarian effort of Messrs.
Rosenwald, Warburg, Louis Marshall and James N.
Rosenberg. Russia's starving million must be given an
opportunity to save itself, and land settlement is the
only remedy possible. Both movements, therefore,
that of Palestine's resettlement and the colonization of
Russian Jewry on the soil, are the most important tasks
facing Israel today.

Jewish Book Week.

According to Jewish law, every Jew is obligated
either to write a scroll of the Law himself, or if he does
not do so, to cause it to be written for him. The collec-
tion of books, by virtue of this, becomes a duty for Jews,
and it is due perhaps to this law more than anything
else that we are called "Am Hasofer,"—The People
of the Book.
The mere fact, however, that this is being written
during a seven-day period set aside by a recent tradi-
tion as "Jewish Book Week" seems to indicate that our
people has of late resigned from this title. The assign-
ment of a period of time in this country to stimulate the
purchase of Jewish books, and to encourage good Jew-
ish reading among Jews, is like an admission that the
Jewish books are forsaken by our people.
While it is hardly possible to arouse an interest in
books, culture and learning by merely designating a
certain brief period in the year as a time for stimulat-
ing good reading, every means possible ought never-
theless be made of in reawakening a love in the Jew
for good reading and an interest in Jewish writings, and
to stimulate a revival of book collections which are still
a trait in European Jewish communities.
"Jewish Book Week" is being observed during this
week one day of which is being celebrated as the Schol-
ars' Festival (on Lag b'Omer), the day on which, ac-
cording to tradition, the plague which raged among the
students of Rabbi Akiba stopped. To stimulate the pur-
chase and reading of good and more Jewish books is an
appropriate way of celebrating this festival of the schol-


A Private Letter From Soviet Russia.

ci 0

James Marshall, son of I.ouis Marshall, the eminent
leader in American Jewry, is a keen observer. At least
I judge so from his article in the April issue of The
Menorah Journal," which I am sorry through an over-
sight, is being called at so late a day to the attention of
the readers of this column. Mr. Marshall discusses every
problem, well, maybe not every one, but most problems
that are always being most talked about when Jews
gather. And I am sure that it will repay you to get a
copy of the Menorah Journal, which is published at 63
Fifth avenue, New York, and read what a representative
of the younger generation has to say on these various
subjects. I am glad to advertise the Menorah Journal
because I think it just about the most worth-while Jew-
ish publication in this country.

Translated from the Hebrew in the 'Woe,

was a lesson in
With no other alternative I am know me at all. It
the principal
writing this letter to you. But history. By order of
the teacher continued his lesson.
istthis really a letter? Why, it is a
Ile was lecturing: "The history be-
second Book of Lamentations, and fore the Bolshevik revolution is a
product of the bourgeois, and
it even surpasses the Biblical book
with its deep sorrow and wailing. therefore it is all deceptions. It is
. bour-
Moreover, while the Book of all the invention of those
geois and their authors and there
once a year, on Tisha WAY, this is not a grain of truth in it. The
new "Kinah" is being read every real history begins with the Com-

day by all devout Russian Jews. munisst.
week those
geois are This
Forgive me, dear brother, for they light candles in the windows"
making your life bitter with these ... Ilere the principal was called
lamentations. I know I am not to the office. The teacher closed
the only one with his tales of woe. the door immediately' and began
You have more than enough telling the little pupils with great
krathers in distress who pour their enthusiasm anti powerful emphasis
bitter hearts to you and fill your the importance of Chanukah, of
There is no general communal life, except in
cup of tears with new tears every the greatness of Judah the Mom-
inattere of philanthropy, nothing that arouses gen-
day. baean, of those Jewish traitors, the
eral Jewish interest except the cry of anti-Semi-
jo ined Antiochus.
But this time I do not come to Hellenists, whA er tfold the
them about
en the tea
tism. The contact of the young people with the
you with my own sufferings. I When
o Judo
oet sfr
synagogues has been becoming more tenuous and
am r yeocu ornc aile st i lee wifth betchaen me. tt lf o a l f Int
battlefield, his eyes were omo
thus far even the establishment of Jewish Centers
ex claim ed:
in one of the Cherson settlements. with tears and one boy e 'rdtre
does not seem to have done more than to create
sold house and chattels. I took "Comrade teacher, I wou
a certain social stability. . . . Among the Jews
my delicate wife and my tender be a bourgeoise like Judah.
children and, together with a few other pupil exclaimed innocently:
the flow of modernity is blended with a sense of
more families of my native town- "Why, that is just what our Jewish
shame at being a people apart; and one is aware
I Bolsheviks are doing right now!
d e wsfea,riemderst.horns
s loo ets ca sm
of a growing desire of American Jews, especially
Just like those Hellenists!
let, e
of the well-to-do wh,:se pockets hold the key to
Such teachers we had in their
and thistles, and—we simply star
many gates, to become assimilated. The Ameri-
r bun-
every day. The te rible cold de- schools in the scores and
vastates us. Every day I go to Beds! That's how we beat the
can rabbinate has neither the materials nor the
genius to cope with the spiritual dissolution which
with his own weapon. But that
miles (about 18 English miles)
the congregation is undergoing under the blessings
from our hut. I chop some wood was two years ago, before we were
of freedom.
and carry it home on my shoul-
ders to keep my frail and tender furnished
We our
still find
pressi on. by
Of course I am not prepared to follow him all the
thing valuable in the house to
children warm. Well, I have tee•
way and I think he is just a little extreme in his judg-
ing among my brethren in Rus- with all the angels of destruction
ments. Nevertheless he gives all Jewish leaders some-
via and I have to bear with them are devastating and decimating our
thing to think about.
all suffering and sorrow. I did ranks. Our tender children, our is-
not come to ten you my own suf- nocent babes are begging for a
Sometimes I don't know whether a letter is meant
fering, but I came to let you hear piece of bread. Many of our good
for my eyes' only or if it is to be published and answered
the suffering of a people, the comrades died, emigrated, or are
throug, this column./1 I
not publish letters that I am
groanings of our brethren, the out- wallowing in the filth in Siberia.
sure a e meant to_h6 con dential, but I would ask those
cry of our dear friends, a cry of Those who remained laid down
who do desire their corres iondence to be considered con-
bitter despair which grasped all their weapons despondently. Our
fidential‘to please advise e to that effect. If they don't
our national heroes who have front is thinning out; the number
they are likely (if their letters are of general interest)
Personally I find myself daily believing more and more
fought so bravely and obstinately of the slain, physically or spirit-
to find them in this column. I have a letter in front of
in the possibility of reviving the language of our forebears
for our Torah and our language, wally, is increasing hourly, and the
me at this moment that I am in doubt about. It is from
and were full of hope and believed erne and obnoxious enemy is tri-
in Eretz Yisroel. Hebrew has always been a necessity in
a gentleman in Washington, D. C., who wants to know
that their indomitable will to save umphant. My heart breaks at the
Palestine as a universal tongue in which Jews that come
if money shouldn't be first contributed to necessary
our treasures will conquer. Now, sight of this national deathly
home-communal causes, then outside appeals should be
hither from every corner of the earth have been able to
being overwhelmed with poverty agony.
and affliction they are laying down
understand one another. The Jew from Persia and the
Now the bitter irony of it. Peo-
their weapons. You know how pie who live in prosperity and en-
Jew from Afghanistan, the Jew from Germany and the
He feels that the communal pride on the part 'of a
many trials we have been going jo y all the luxuries of life, who
Jew from Yemen, were obliged to use Hebrew in order to
certain group of Jews in failing to provide a proper edi-
through in the last 10 years, but rat and drink like human beings
fice for religious worship in a desirable residential dis-
find a brother in one another. This necessity becomes
what a crushing and mortifying and
the light and . freedomof
trict caused Gentiles to move away. Whereas, if an
trial when your dearest souls are a civilized world supply us with
daily stronger, and will provide a constant incentive to the
attractive synagogue had been built instead of using a
starving for a piece of bread and good council. We who walk in
employment of Hebrew. In time Hebrew can become as
remodeled private dwelling, the neighbors would have
you have to stand and look at them
the darkness who have lost every
natural to the residents of Palestine as it was to our
welcomed it, instead of resenting it. In the interest of
helplessly. To tvhom shall I conic
hope and aspiration. "Why don't
truth I must say, that I have never known a temple,
ancestors two thousand years ago.
if not to you?
you go back to the farm? Give up
After all, Hebrew has always been an important ele-
Shacher-Machep (petty busi-
tial district, which did not arouse the ire of neighbors.
suffered with us all the outrages ness of doubtful character)! Stop
ment in all the dialects that Jews have adopted in the
People don't like church property next door to them.
the stifling air of the
various lands where they were dispersed. Perhaps in a
This holds true of Christian as well as of Jewish houses
and pogroms of Petluria, Denikin city." Very wise and profitable
of worship. If my correspondent wants to test the truth
sense one might even call Yiddish a Hebraic dialect.
Crimea, Cherson,
of this statement let him observe the reaction of a neigh-
government. Together with us you and now, a new son was given to
in the next fine temple or synagogue or church
When Dr. Judah L. Magnes, Chancellor of the He- borhood
Our good deliv-
that is built in an exclusive residential district of his
brew University at Jerusalem, on his recent American city. Why I know Jews, any number of them, who calamities of our people. We, erers and providers are glorifying
their newspaper, the Sheker
visit, accepted a sum of money for the establishment of resent the presence of synagogues, beautiful buildings, mouthpiece and proclaim to the in
(The Lie, an ironical name for the
next door to them. And there is no anti-Semitism
a Yiddish chair at the university, there was hope that too,
great world the bitter truth. We Jewish Bolshevik paper Der Ernes,
in their attitude, they just don't like crowds and con-
bitterness would be removed from the Hebrew-Yiddish fusion, and automobiles lining the curbs in front of their appeal to you: Cry aloud, do not meaning "the truth") the new
spare, lift up your voice like a Jewish commonwealth beyond the
controversy, and that the latter would indeed be ac- homes.
horn, let the world hear through mountain darkness. Everything
your voice the groaning and out- is ready for the great banquet.
cepted as a "Hebrew dialect." But when Dr. Zhitlovsky
So the Negro Y. M. C. A.'s are to have a "Julius
cries of millions of sighing and They are just waiting for those
Rosenwald Day"—a yearly holiday to honor the memory
refers to Hebrew as a foreign language (auslaendisher
groaning people, an outcry of an American philanthropists to open
of the one man in this country who has been their great-
loshon) he not only does not do his cause any good, but est inspiration and encouragement.. If the newspaper important part of a people on the their pocketbooks. God Almighty!
brink of an abyss; perhaps it will we live in a time when a person
creates a bitterness which hurts the movements he aims
statements are correct Mr. Rosenwald has given twenty
stir to great pity one whose Jewish
sits in his office and knows exactly
million dollars to Negro educational and "Y" movements.
to aid.
heart is still beating.
what is going on in every nook and
This seems to me to be an astonishingly large sum and I
corner on our globe, and here peo-
s a p g a o s , kwolife ni p etraveled
question whether most of my readers ever thought that
hope flashed pie are blind to see the exact na-
ear n a
i n
Mr. Rosenwald had given no much money to Negro wel-
here and there that "the Glory of tore of that movement to bring
fare. I cannot dismiss this subject without recalling
Israel will not fail." In every the Jews back to the soil. More-
the whisperings that swept the country when the Klan
town and townlet I met a chosen over, those representatives and in-
Rome last week celebrated its two thousand six hun- had its peak sucker list that Sears Roebuck A Co. were
few who were fighting with our vestigators who keep on coming to
being quietly discriminated against in certain sections of
dred and eighty-first birthday. It is interesting to note
atrocious internal enemy, defend-
see the new Russia do not see
the country because Mr. Rosenwald was such a bene-
from the reports of the celebration that it was a Fascist factor to the Negro race. Undoubtedly, some of the more ing bravely our spirituel posses- what they ought to see.
You surely remember the prepa-
holiday. It is even more interesting for the Jew to know
gouge. On the garrets, in the cal- rations they used to make under
of Mr. Rosenwald's "Un-American" attitude but not any
that a birthday of ancient Rome was observed by Ital-
lam, in stalls and stables, before the Czar's regime for the guber-
who were normal-minded.
ians and not by Romans. The Italian of today is not
sunrise, or stormy night—they rotor when he came to visit a
were spreading the knowledge of town. A ukase was promulgated
I was amused to read that the Nation, which is trying
the Roman of old. The Romans' disappearance is com-
Judaism. They scoffed at all shots that every one must sweep the
to make the world safe for "Humor," is going to give a
and bombs that the malicious in-
Blacklist Party on Tuesday, May 9, at the Level Club in
pavement, kalsomine the house,
New York, which is at 253 West Seventy-third street. I
ternal enemy showered on them. and light the lanterns. They would
Rome's anniversary celebration also recalls the an-
warn that nobody dare pre-
am exact
cient struggle between that state and Jerusalem. It of my readers have a sense of humor and will be in New
break into the ranks of the enemy sent a petition or complaint to the
but he shall deliver
was at the hands of Rome that the Jewish State received
the party. A group of dangerous characters, those black-
prey out of his mouth. They used it to the local magistrate. Now,
its last blow. The Jewish State was conquered by Titus listed
by the Daughters of the American Revolution, will
every means to save the poor under the present regime, we have
"lamb." from the mouth of the the same process. Three days
and Rome rejoiced. It interpreted the conquest as the
be the entertainers. Ileywood Broun and Edna Ferber
ferocious lion. Two years ago
Clarence Darrow and a lot of others. If you are a
- I before the arrival of a prominent
subduction of the Jewish people, and therein was pow- and
was in the townlet B--- dunng visitor from abroad notice is given
radical or have ever been seen in public with such dan-
of that on that day an American
erful Rome's error.
gerous characters as Rabbi Stephen Wise or Bertrand
the schools to visit my young tourist, or an English press corre-
Russell or Jane Addams, you are entitled to attend this
Even to the great Roman Empire the conquest of
dinner. Really I sometimes think that those of you
spondent, Will visit the colony.
small Judaea seemed no usual triumph, and a number are so conventional and spend their time in New York in that school, a hard-boiled Corn- The
men must all be in the field,
just eating food and dancing and going to night clubs and
of arches were erected to the glory of Titus. They
vented Yev-seh. lie showed me ploughing, sowing, weeding, dig-
shows, ought to get off of Broadway long enough to get
pointed to "Judaea devicta" and "Judaea capta," the the flavor of real life and not the artificial kind that is through the classes to observe the ging. The women must stay home
conquered and the captive Judaea, and on one of the prepared by "promoters" who "Canned Entertainment." studies and the order and disci- and busy themselves with milking
pline in the Yev-sek schools. We cows, shearing the sheep.
arches was inscribed the legend:
entered one class-room where the
So I see that Baron von Huenefeld is the son of a
Humiliated, subdued, with a
teacher was "one of us," a faith - spine-breaking brow we receive
Jewish mother, Well, that will help the Jewish cause in
The Senate and people of Rome have erected this arch
Jul Hebraist and a devoted Zionist.
Germany—maybe! I undertsand that there has been
to the first of their citizens, His Sacred Majesty, Titus
The teacher pretended not to
(Turn to Next Page).
considerable anti-Semitic agitation in some of the press
of Germany in connection with the flight. But, of course,
Caesar Vespasian, son of the God Vespasian, High Priest,
that means nothing because anti-Semitic agitations are
invested for the tenth time with tribunician power, hailed
developed every hour in Germany. It doesn's make the
commander seventeen times, chosen consul eight times,
slightest difference what the occasion, there is always an
Father of his Country, because, led by the guidance, wisdom
anti-Semitic demonstration. If a man eats two plates
of soup, it at once becomes a matter for nationalistic
and divine favor of his father, he subdued the race of the
propaganda and it is discovered that the Jew is at the
Jews and destroyed their city of Jerusalem, a city which
bottom of it—the soup. Great country, Germany. At
all kings, commanders, and nations before him have either
any event the Jews can claim half of the flier. That evens
A Sheaf of Shedas
. attacked in vain, or left wholly unassailed.
matters up a bit in connection with Christopher Colum-
bus. But wait a
Today Jerusalem, the spirit of Israel, remains to
own Levine who flew to Germany. Occasion for another
Bisector of Religious Education, Temple Beth El.
laugh at Rome's boasts. While the Roman rejoiced anti-Semitic outburst.

"Mistress and Maid" Yiddish vs. Hebrew.

The Jewish National Workers Alliance (Nationaler
Arbeiter Verband), in convention here the early part
of the week, revived the now almost ancient conflict
between Hebrew and Yiddish. Dr. Chaim Zhitlovsky,
brilliant scholar and orator, philosopher and national-
ist theorist, and we might add that he is a very good
Zionist, has nevertheless fallen into grave error with his
lengthy address at the Sunday afternoon session of the
convention. Ignoring the scores of problems that are
facing the movement for Palestine's upbuilding, he once
again picked on Yiddish as the prime issue in the con-
flict and made the grave charge against Dr. Chaim
for Hebrew, is
• Weizmann that the latter, in his zeal immigration
sacrificing the possibility of a large
Palestine because he fears that a large influx of East
European Jews would entirely eliminate Hebrew and
make Yiddish the language of Palestine.
The bitterness with which Dr. Zhitlovsky made his
charges against the President of the World Zionist Or-


The New Book of Lamentations

Ibo olf.941.5


Here is one statement that Marshall made that seems
to me to contain many elements of truth. Speaking of
the American-Jewish community, he makes this bold


Rome and Jerusalem.



that "he subdued the race of the Jews and destroyed
their city of Jerusalem," the Jew stubbornly refusd to
disappear. "I shall not die but live to declare the
works of the Lord," was his reply in the words of the
psalmist. A prevailing tradition in Rome, emphasing
the stubborness in the Jew's will to live, even opened
for the inhabitants of Rome's ghetto inhabitants a way
between the arch and the Palatine, that Jews should
not have to pass under the Arch of Titus. Although
the Jew's very passing under the arch would have given
the lie to the false legend of triumph.
Emma I,azarus, in .one of her finest poems, "Gifts,"
offers a reason. The Roman cried for Power, and today

A roofless ruin stands where once abode
Th' imperial race of everlasting Rome.

But the Jew cried for Truth. "Ile became the slave of
the Idea." And—

Seek him today, and find in every land;
No fire consumes him, neither floods devour;
Immortal through the lamp within his hand.

,af:, AQA
9,C 910AM 9.Q.U.9AM.9. 0. AAA RAU• A R A,9.c9A9,c9

liskuA ..9 A

I have been criticized for criticizing the "King of
Kings" picture—I am told the Jews are too sensitive—
well, we are not the only ones as this clipping from a
London paper will attest:

During the past two weeks it has been stated
that the American producers are withdrawing the
film, "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
because it engenderes the old war spirit. An Irish
film, "The Callahans and the Murphys" has also
been withdrawn in America because of Irish oppo-
sition. The exhibition of "Beau Geste" in Shang-
hai, recently, was the cause of disturbances and
active protests by French ex-soldiers. And more
recently still corner the intimation from the Berlin
correspondent of the Times that the firm depicting
the life of Martin Luther has been shown on the
Berlin screens for the last time, because of strong
Roman Catholic protests. The view of Protest-
ants in Germany is that in a film attempting to
present the life of Martin Luther, it would have
been impossible to have ignored some of these
On a former occasion, an American film was shown
in this country depicting scenes from the Revolu-
tionary War in the eighteenth century distinctly
unfavorable to the British point of view, and it
might be said to have jeopardized British-Ameri-
can relations.

919.QQ.Q9A919. QAA


(Readers of The Detroit Jewish
Chronicle are invited to submit
questions for Rabbi Fram to an-
swer. Address Rabbi Leon Pram,
Temple Beth El, Detroit.)
1. Where is the first quarantine
law in history to be found?
2. What influence did this first
quarantine law have on the law of
the state of Michigan?
3. Which of the Prophets was
thrown into prison for his prophe-
4. Which of the Prophets was
chased out of town for his prophe-
5. Which of the Prophets was
called "crazy"?
6. Which of the Prophets had a
price on his head?
7. Which of the rabbis was tor-
tured to death by the Romans?
8. On what two holidays are the
martyr rabbis commemorated in
the services?
9. What Jewish congregations
carried on • correspondence with
George Washington?

10. To what Jewish congrega-
tion did Benjamin Franklin make'
a contribution?
11. Who was Mordecai Manuel
12. What offices did Mordecai
Manuel Noah hold?
13. What important principle
of international law did Mordecai
Manuel Noah establish?
14. Why was Mordecai Manuel
Noah called the first Zionist?
15. Why is Grand Island in the
Niagara River near Buffalo an im-
portant spot for Jewish history?
16. What new name did Morde-
cai Manuel Noah give to Grand
17. What is Ararat?
18. Who was the first American
Jew to urge the restoration of Pal-
19. What former Detroiter was
recently voted the foremost citi-
zen of New Orleans?
20. Who was Judah Tours?

(Turn to Last Page.)

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