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July 04, 1924 • Page Image 1

…A lfferiallIkwisltnrioacialaNter All j ewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS WI WITCH ATINUI - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO IIRONICLE HEbETROIT -1 THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Sum WISE PLACES ONUS [Gave To Munificent His Alma Mater OF DIVORCE EVIL ON WEAK PARENTS Declares Young People Marry Without Appreciating Responsibility. Social Workers Tackle Problems Looming High On Jewish Horizon Leaders at Toronto Conference Evalua...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 2

…'.1(0, 40teptervcson .. ._ rtiEflentorr SOCIAL WORKERS TACKLE PROBLEMS dif- to play in the development of the Jew An idea of the Immensity and nal prob .- lin America wee the topic of discussion ficulty of the Jewish educatio at one of the evening sessions. The tem of America was indicated by Dr. the speakers pointed out that no phase of i Dushkin by citing statistics oa to hool Jewish conimunal endeavor challenges number of Jewish childr...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 3

…Skijo;,;‘, "••••• " Iii )i moor frMisll (I , ICU MOLDERS OF JEWIS PUBLIC OPINION background and resultedin important o rents. His connection pith Taft and Witte was mainly resposible for the By WILLIAM Z. 9PIEGELMAN pinging to the notice o'the American public the treatment i , the Russian (Copyright, 1924, .ewish Telegraphic Agency, licd too -eminent of the A n e ri c an J e wish citizens, which resultot in the final Settees, (It is the g...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 4

…• z gotVeZ,;14.7 - In E /OMIT //',N IS / 01 KM ICU. tsgAos.Lecv,xrffda..Sz ift- ■ rel==neliinteXitr ir M IN' Fe 4 al 1 04 LEWIS HOCHHEIMER, LAWYER AND SCHOLAR sionist legislation these measures were bound to work E tragedies and hardships in their practical administra- By ABRAHAM CAI'LAN tion. p ns ••• Ins ma wwls The Supreme Court in the recent Gottlieb case de- The Jewish Cht•nicle Pablohis, Cs., Inc. Publielsod Wookle public sch...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 5

…likr.burianrialstt(A RCM last '6 OIAS. Olf5FiT5 LIPSKY IS TERMED ZIONIST COMMONER BY VAST AUDIENCE (Contnued from page 1.) PAGE FIVE JOHNSON DISCLOSES NEW QUOTA FIGURES required. Without them stability was Author of 1890 Basis Law note ssible. But niece our life is Gives Numbers Admir- bound up with the land, and we are By Ong It losesh.) e there as a matter of right and not of 1Cogg•rIght, 11121 sible to Country. privilege, it is up e...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 6

…littfrmwrimmti ItIfONIfLE PAGE SIX Eng/Temente Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Rice of Les he Manor, 3025 East Grnad boule c ard announce the betrothal of their daughter, Corinne, to Joseph N. Da vies, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Davies of this clip. Mr. and Mrs. Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Davies will be at home Sunday, July 6, from 3 to 6 and 8 to 11 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Rice. No cards. emorausicatod to the ease of TM Mrs. All seem, Irene and Mbar...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 7

…‘14ervrter -fr„,t I ociai an e Z'Q! s°11-a PAGE SEVEN 1:1 ■ 811 RCNICLIS A15 Yelling Judaea Club Notes fliarrittgro SIMMONS -K I RSCHB AU M A charring wedding took place at the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue, Sun- Pirchai Zion. iss Myra Finsterwald of Boston day, June 29, when, before a large The last meeting of the Pirchai has returned home after Io assemblage of guests, Miss Lillian tE1.11/4.,tt. 0114.31. was held at the home of Miss' sp...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 8

…titEDLTR O TTAN IS IleI RON ICLE PAGE EIGHT BRITISH PLACE CURB ON WASTE OF ARABS IN GOVERNING LAND Transjordania," After Three ' Years of Autonomy, Prac- tically Part of Palestine. EMIR ABDULLAH FREE IN HANDLING MONEY Changes in AffairsIndicate Temper of Government At London. — — Ie Td It ,o Your Home Re-decorated While You're Away Won't it be just fine to come home from your summer vacation and find the house all beautifully re-dec...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 9

…• SIRJIERBERT SAMUEL VES FOR ENGLAND JEU 'SALEM.-(J. T. A.) - Sir .1-lerbet e•Samuel, British High Com- missiosier of Palestine, left June 25 for his vocation in England. Ile is expekted to return to Jerusalem at the e lle of Sept. While in London, Sir Harbert Samuel will give his full sup- port to the government ordinance es- tablishing a Jewish communal auton- omy in Palestine. /FR EVI101.ET/ Call ma SOCIAL WORKERS FAMOUS ACTOR GIVES S...…

July 04, 1924 • Page Image 10

…Averemisur•--- \\. anVerrwri;intisn Packard Executives Convey EFFECT EMERGENCY Their Message to Car Own. GROUP TO RELIEVE REFUGEES' PLIGHT ere Through Phonograph. BY DAVID J. HIRSCH 1111111T1 iss • The man who say he never had • chance doesn't know his noodle. Every man who makes • living can boy • home if 1sie is industrious and thoughtfully provident, MEMBER 5(T501TAEAlf.5141EBOARO WPM RIVESB17111BALTIMN [TIM OMPcYli GARFIELD 24238...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 1

…v 4iericalt Periodical Cotter CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO -ssawasenwsagallealla=s,7- - -- s• tlatinas. • smatswas 3 1924 , maannl I All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS V y Y. THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Ev Dry ea meet HAPGOOD SEES END OF ANTI - SEMITISM IN ZIONWARD URGE Imbed Free m hang. Tr gel e lan d ay Ls 'ye set goods an the OWN I I PLANS TO CONTINUE New Synagogue to JEWISH IM...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 2

…If 9crtto1r, /Dim (if ittracm PAGE TWO .1==.1. ■ fizarmascraw rongx rr IFIXICA, sr sr nom ER IBM ErYIIIIIIIINIMMIIMEE REMBRANDT AND THE JEWS irrD ne n'Ilrr rem rx to Tm is wry Irrry,augxklUff The Story of the Christian Painter Not Merely a Price List, from Among Its Inhabitants. By MAYSTETSKY But a Bona Fide Statement, Telling of Former and Sale Prices of Fine Furniture That 1 . time. In that way our entire three floors are alway...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 3

…A merica ffavisk periodical Carter CLIFTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PAGE THREE AEI P a tto n;(ritt o n f ue !,, 1 Noto3 1 o ■ 11 DANCE OF HADASSAH JUNIORS BRILLIANT -- __- Novel Numbe.• Will Feature "Cab•• ret Night." Miss Vetere Illumrosen, president of Junior Iladassah, announces that Miss Kathleen Pereira, one of De- troit's leading exponents of the art of aesthetic dancing, and a group of her most talented pupils have been ...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 4

…(ft neN Ict.c PAGE FOUR 00Z2gMtSgi, Ns, „rfr Tor Ns. reit . - ,,firc, OL ■ ) 1 •ror -- ‘‘i• - stubborn, soul-destroying conflict deprived men of their sanity, created despair and indignation even in the HFROIT hearts of the soundest disciples of the Prince of Peace. By ABRAHAM CAPLAN rernaga bao...11 The partial failure and inability of the Interchurch Publlsbed Weekly by The Jewish Chrookle Publishing Co., Inc, World Movement, th...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 5

…9r egrisk 1 Periodcal Carta CLIFTON MIMI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE FIVE lisbentonfavisnaiRONICIL i nea MANY SYNAGOGUES .( jsilbc)1 Qu 511145 WILL BE PRESENT AT CHICAGO MEET GIAS. -H-. 8 (ro S E P w (C•mysirlaht 1921. Only two weeks ago I had occasion to defend James J. Davis, Secrel•y of Labor, against the charge that he is an "anti-Semite." Mr. Davis isn't and never was • Jew-hater, and it is unfair that such charges should be cir-...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 6

…ThEDcworilats_s itirocu; PAGE SIX oet al a f tt arsorthi II EitgaLtritteiit;11 Mr. and Mrs. Irving Bernstein 0 8715 Beaubien street announce th engagement of their daughter, Celia, to Dr. Morris J. Kritchnian. "Seven Furniture Days" Mrs. Julia Buchbinder, 5938 Beau- hien street, announces the engage- ment of her daughter, Belle, to Samuel E. Englander of Gary, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Max N. Zierer, 2522 d other local note• should be row "nes...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 7

…A meriam ffewisk Periodical Cada CLUFT014 AVINU1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PACE SEVEN riatikrKonlo ■ LcnefitomIClE f---, Olympic Setif El Oaginatu Notre Nalco The first of a series of lectures to Spring's Most Delightful New Dresses re Nut Sunday's Sermon: t Fn for Misses $35.00 - $49.50 9 S fur- pur- Odd Rus- urni- much re ad {3.gitatiC (.04144.00... s SUM No connection with any other store • Ruby's shoes are priced not hi A...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 8

…IttEgentorr, iwisn NRONic PAGE EIGHT Fraternal and Club Notes Y. P. S. of Detroit. "It's a Victrola" There's a lot of satisfaction in being able to say this of the instrument in your home — in having the make of talking machine universally recognized as superior to all others. New Victrola 21'6 Pictured Above $110 A N especially graceful model that will bring large measure of that greater attractive- ness and brightness and gladness y...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 9

…A merica ffewisk Periodical Guitar CLIITON MMUS - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO liiEDEntonjonsit (ARox lac Politics and Morals g By WOODROW WILSON (An Unpublished Address Delivered at the Free Synagogue Anniversary, April, 1911.) Many men have entertained correct principles, but have had no impulse of action whatever. I have known ninny men whose theoretical princi- pals were unimpeachable, but whose conduct was negligible, and the states- mansh...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 10

…Mita The PAGE. TEN JEWISH LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE NOTES ROMICIL JEWISH IMPRESARIO TO TRAIN ARTISTS FOR GRAND OPERA songs, the 'lonesome tunes' of the Cumberland Mountains. These we C wish to capture and put down for fu- ture generations before the out folks who sing them have ceased to exist. Mothers' Club: The youngsters of today haven't the By SAMUEL L. SAR Jewish Institute Mothers' club The time to sit at their mother's knee to the le...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 11

…Amerkam 'elvish Periodical Cotter LUPTON ATINUI • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN Toeikritoppusil I zoN THE LITTLE OLD POET DR ■ By LOUIS GOLDING t. Bldg. CE (AGE E EMPLE 'EATER eville, Actin 81342.88.1i APRIL 7 land. RI ■ rld! IRON KING" Iron Bars lorse and a Bed of )F YOUR LIFE! re World's r! Ile in support El■I■ Mitase Ms M U SIC The suburbs on the south side of his mother's. It is lung, very long By HERMAN 110EXT...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 12

…TifEtkrgorr,kwisti OiRomaz PAGE TV/El .VE a th ewish Students and Changing twin F A Christian's Plea By for a Renewal of Israel's i Faith. EDWARD CHAUNCEY BALDWIN, Ph.D. (Univer.ity of Illinois.) Address Before Jewish Chautauqua Assembly, Washinston, D. C. Schulman, ought to be read by every Jewish student. A wide reading ; among Jewish youth of such tracts as these would do more good than any amount of lectures, even that the very ...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 13

…A merica 'elfish Pert-dial Ceder curros Amu' • aNc.noun 20, MO 1 011 ■ 111. 71 , PAGE THIRTEEN 7 Samuel Elkin, Hotel Owner, Youthful Cantor Comes to Live SIR HERBERT SAMUEL'S RESIGNATION DENIED Triumphed Over Many in Detroit. Difficulties. JERUSALEM.—(J. T. A.) — The report of the impending resignation Samuel Elkin, proprietor of Hotel of Sir Herbert Samuel is denied by Elkin at Mount Clemens came to that the Palestine Telegraphic Agency...…

April 04, 1924 • Page Image 14

…APRIL 4, 1 pir: V entutt/Rvsrtffhar4 (INSTITUTE SECURES TWO NEW TEACHERS T11111111111111fC vy DAVID Y. tig'slc6 No I School Headed by Wise Name. Yellin and Sionimsky. NEW YORK. — Dr. Stephen S. Wise, acting president of the Jewish Institute of Religion, announced that the family of that institution would shortly be joined by Professor henry ISIonimsky, Ph. IS, who has resigned from the Hebrew Union College at ' Cincinati n in order to acc...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 1

…,Amieriram Parish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO r 1923 NIMEIMIMers Telephone GLENDALE 9-3-0-0 II- EDETROIT LWISII RIZONICIL THE ONLY JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1924 VOL. XV. NO. 6 te es ce FUTURE IS ASSURED Anti-Semitism Due to FOR NATIONAL FARM Downfall of Empires SCHOOL'S STUDENTS Wave of Jew-Hatred in Europe Ana- MID-W...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 2

…MEV:Triton . IF rl cn vas las 'AGE TWO ■ ■ Iiq1./: 9/ , "/•kto , .!. ■ P./04 A, J., He 4 4, / 1 ' Jr 1, J. tlymmi=4,200001.2SU Good Furniture is 'Not Expensive Watch This Space For Some News Gkegarding Furniture The next issue of the Chronicle will contain our announcement treating of our Semiannual Sale and which will prove of more than unusual interest to our friends. veuren atopelle DETROIT MICHIGAN Walt out permanent ...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 3

…America 5cwisk Periatileal Cotter PAGE THREll Vcrgorr, fF W 01Roroaa on March 1. The National Farm School affords its students a three years' training in practical and scien- tific agriculture, ine'uding the care and handling of cattle, poultry, horses, farm machinery, or,harding, dairy- ing, greenhouse and nursery work. It is open and free to boys answering the necessary requireme its. NO ITORY FOR FARM SCHOOL date digni. . Williams, On ...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 4

…&I)entonjaisnalitomicut PAGE FOUR spirit of the age in its form and pressure, yet it is equally true that if the sense of values of the average man has been, as I claim, distorted, the press is largely responsible, for too often it creates the interest which Is subsequently gratifies. If, for example, there had never been a reference to the Dempsey-Firpo fight until the day before it took place, and then only in an obscure corner of the pape...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 5

…,14mtericair lavish Periodical Colter CUMIN AnflUit CINCINNATI 10, onto PAGE fil e Ma i t o til Lt■ i syt(ii KoN tct,s Ork Coe,f1T, CIAAS. dOSEPH--- LETTER- BOX al Rabbi Fischer Criticizes Rabbi Weis for Advocating Abo- lition of Yom Kippur. Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: In the last issue of your esteemed paper you published a plea o to abolish and abrogate „Weia Max 's, written by , A most inlet rating article that, in • recent i...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX Y. W. H. A. NOTES Socid Service Class: first Exhibit of the New Fashions for the Southland All eacted Items and ether local notes should be ummunicated to the office of The arenitle by 5 o'clock Wednesday afternoon to order is appear to the current week's Issue. PAO.. Glendale 8300. Seasety Editor. Mall milkee so as to be received eat lets Bias Wedneeday. The Y. W. H. A. has planned what it believes to be the most instructive c...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 7

…A merica Pugs* Periodical eater CLITION AMUR • CINCINNAll 20, 01(10 PAGE SEVEN 7isellevRorr kv en n istoni cun Among the brilliant social affairs of the past week was the celebration of the twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Lco Michel- son of 2070 Collingwood avenue on Thursday, Dec. 27, at Hotel Wolver- ine. The wilding ceremony was again solemnized by Rabbi Leo M. Frank- lin. Mrs. Michelson was charming in The Misses Gol...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 8

…PIEVentortfonstiffiRCMQ4 'PAGE EIGHT Engagements I Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Levine announce the engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Joseph Blatt, on of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blatt of 1564 Leslie avenue. The Detroit Motorbus Company At the request of many citizens the Detroit Motorbus Company publishes this map showing its 47 miles of bus routes and important intersections with transfer points. Special attention is called to the recently...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 9

…A merkam yewisk PerlaSeal Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO IIE EMMY 19. 6 th„ 11. :ar re • , mmittee re. ;,' 1 " 1, : tufte d ' Rasp Day Nun. 7, t7, r , wrda ' and De. de. Paul Back. o and hliss .:nuel Krust, to toe musical pro 'ollowy•I the pro. corning dance, t o Ike' Temple. Sunday ewe dared sa: o A•Bociation. Lads,' loan At- t at the synago ne Breito• slreets Mon. members are urged sociat ion Is in need s worthy caus...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 10

…intnerRorrAvasettA ROM IC* JANUARY 4, 1924 me. To have an understanding of also a graduate of the Nurses' Train.' exposition ever held in lb is,t. Of the 50 spaces that will h- the things Jewish one must have a Jewish 'ing School. With the beginning of 1924. a new hiints, but few remain t. r . Id and training and a slight Jewish educa- chapter in the infant welfare story judging from the keen d, tion. I am not blaming the young ❑ , 0•1 l BY ...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 11

…filEYAT itorrAw ISA (A KI:X41Q4 PAGE EIGHT I Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Levine announce the engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Joseph Blatt, son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blatt of 1564 Leslie avenue. The Detroit Motorbus Company At the request of many citizens the Detroit Motorbus Company publishes this map showing its 47 miles of bus routes and important intersections with transfer points. Special attention is called to the ...…

January 04, 1924 • Page Image 12

…ff ewish periodical Carter CLIPTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO flB Travel Impressions. )etroit. f the y. - p. 8, nee. 19,11;, iation. It ,.tar ceremoni es ' c ,, mmittee ',,thing Ilahy Day turne d . Nun 1 , 1 at 545 Eau 26 proved, ,• lierehalt and I athic De. .,timorous de- t 1,11,1ness shall M ids Adeline deelanianot, Paul Buie. i. " } " . o and Mb, lid Samuel 1(n,e, i,, , musical pro. Il Tice the p ea , y n WARE & CO nnh...…

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