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March 19, 1937 • Page Image 1

…A mericor ,ftwisk periodi c al Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 30, 01110 THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED THEPETROIT EMS"! (IIROANICIL All Jewish News All Jewish View; WITHOUT BIAS and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH Vol. XXXVIII No. 43 More Than 20,000 People Pack Madison Square Garden at Huge Demonstration Against the Nazi Terror and Its Spread in the United States RESOLUTION BRANDS HITLERISM AS THE ...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 2

…7nE p erworr a Jc7alsit CA 110MCIE March 19, 1937 "4 nitc_LE&Al. CHRONICLE THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service c Home Relief's Event LA GUARDIA, GEN. JOHNSON, JOHN L. LEWIS, DR. STEPHEN S. WISE, ERIKA MANN JOIN IN CON- Monday, March 22 DEMNING HITLERISM AT NEW YORK RALLY RABBI JOSEPH THUMIM On Monday, March 22, Judge LONGFELLOW 4582 3317 COLLINGWOOD Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs D. J. Healy and Sy Feinberg. De- Neatly Lanni ...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 3

…A merica yru ck Mailed Carter CLIFTON ATINUE • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PIEDLTROWEIVISII CIRONICU R March 19, 1937 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE RADIO ADDRESS BY BARON ROTHSCHILD MEN'S CLUB OF TEMPLE BETH EL ARRANGES SUPREME COURT DEBATE ANNUAL DINNER DANCE which will be turned over to the Mo'os Chitim fund. OF BETH EL APRIL 24 An appeal for used linen was A capacity crowd attended the made by the social worker, Mrs. Morris Garvett, president of Z...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 4

…- P_t_r.DeraorrinnsmairINICLE PAGE FOUR sod GUARD AND YOUR V BE EYES • SAFE Cooper Affiliates with Shupert & Co. Roosevelt Tribute to Lillian Wald on Her Seventieth Birthday David Cooper, who is well known in local Jewish circles, has recently become 'initiated with George T. Shupert & Co., invest- WESTPORT, Conn. (WNS) -Bed-ridden by en illness which kept her from joining in the nation-wide 'festivities in honor of her 70th birthday, ...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 5

…A rad= 'Wok Periodical Carter. CLOWN MINIM • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO VgikraorrloasnentoNICLE March 19, 1937 137 REHEARSALS STARTED FOR REVUE TO BE STAGED AT 10TH FEDERATION ANNIVERSARY ON APRIL II Specials 0 1 0 HATS DISNEY MALLORY HATS S5 . 2-POCKET SHIRTS by Ambassador & Arrow, $ custom tailored; rare qual-' ity, new spring designs. 2 for $1.25 ::;:',",:,.1",',1%,,i",,,:r"'rk"r 65 c —Photo by Groosinan•Knoulluc CHARLES ROTH DI...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 6

…PiErierBORAWISM CARONICU1 March 19, 1937 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE TREPLTROMILIVISII&RON1C114 The Blood Lie and Catholicism and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Pullhiked Weekly 1y The Jew!. C ► rsakle PaMidden C.., Ina Entered as Second-clue matter Werth 8, 1111, at the 'est- ogle. at Detroit. Mich, ander the Aet of Yank I. 1819. General Offices and Publication Building 525 Woodward Avenue Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address' Chronicle Lead. Odra...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 7

…Arterkait Yeivisk Periodical Carter curron Annus - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO pi E. vEntonlEwisn (ARONICLE and THE LE(AL CHRONICLE March 19, 1937 THE DOORS MUST REMAIN OPEN Catholicism and Anti-Semitism BETH EL COLLEGE OPENS THIRD TERM (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE TWO WORDS . . That Often Cost a Fortune Just Sell You the Car! GINSBERG MOTOR SALES "Not interested"—is the answer given time after time to the life insurance solicitor until at ...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT PIEVEFROITIEWIMI efFIONICIZ SIEGEL C Suit Shop, Second Floor Detroit Society in Florida Contributes $345 for Charities Sybil Rosengarten, 14, whose ambition is to make a place for herself on the stage, has been announced winner in a city-wide search for talent, sponsored by the Seven Arts Institute. Sybil is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Rosengarten, 1944 Elmhurst Ave., and has had no dramatic training except several ap- pea...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 9

…AmericaIt Purish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON MINUS CINCINNATI 20, 01110 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Engagements Good Housekeepers Prefer LEA DER for the original and guaranteed ... 11111111 ' *Certified Rug Cleaning Nothing helps more to brighten a room than a clean carpet. Phone LEADER today TYler 5-8400. Your rugs will be picked up and re-laid after a thorough cleaning •guaranteed to your satisfaction TYLER EADER 5.8400 CARPET CLEANING CO...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 10

…7hEVETROIVEW1811aROTtICIi) March 19, 1937 end THE LEGAL CHRONICLE STAGE AND SCREEN James Melton With Orpheus Club Here on March 30 _FREE PARKING •• • • CURB SERVICE Tit Sal. Sun., March 19-1:0-21 M". ii.rai?ir - 1' 13. -d it WALLACE BEERY le ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND In "OLD HUTCH" "Charge of the Light Brigade " PEPS • • rtus JOAN BLONDELL FRANK 111611(7611 In 'The Lo,,gest Night' AIR CONDITIONED • • MIR RODMONIC SOUND O...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 11

…A merica Awisk Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE ELEVEN TilEVETROWENISf1 etROTIIICIE March 19, 1937 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Mrs. Duacoff Dies Funeral services for Mrs. Rosa Duscoff, who died Friday, March 12, in her home at 3042 Elmhurst Ave., were held Sunday at 11 a. m. at the Lewis Bros. Funeral Home, with burial in Clover Hill Park Cemetery. Mrs. Duscoff, widow of Louis Duscoft, real estate man who died sev...…

March 19, 1937 • Page Image 12

…• litEyierRofrja ish LAROMICIA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE $385,000 QUOTA SET FOR 1937 ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN BY JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION i 4 # 1 March 19, 1937 decision was made that all members of these organizations will be CHILDREN'S HOME tional activities of the home and Rugs . Linoleum - Window Shades solicited in behalf of the 1937 Allied Jewish Campaign during March ANNUAL MEETING presented a prospect for work for and April, in add...…

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