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June 16, 1922 • Page Image 6

…. Beginning at the University of Michigan, where ing that it was his duty to inaugurate ing of the League of Nations. every educational means that will de- General Offices and Publication Building 850 High…

… enhance, And men with beards and turbans had been preparing for Hillel and the peerage will make little differ- the name "Jew" and the creation of "The Reform Church of their religious srevices during the…

… another supper for Hillel. which Mr. Bernheim has just addressed to Rabbi Stephen S. and the rabbis to speak as one of our fellow editors habitually be known everywhere as "Intruder." The rabbi returned at…

… die, she had given away Hillel's supper tirely out of place. The fact that Out of the hundreds who heard Mr. Bernheim, perhaps not session will be an especially profitable one to the rabbis in why…

Hillel, controversy in accordance with the fine tradition I thank God that he has given Dr. Wise is not a defense of his own proposition—though one ever, that the organization is, as its name implies, a…

… Jews in pits have always been free; yes, so free that it did not seem Max David Davidson, a graduate The Wife of Hillel. Eastern Galicia, on the basis of the necessary to label them with the title of

… approve of Great Britain what made Hillel such a great man. ical organization there. Miss Schrag- unanimous vote of confidence in the enheim is being sent by lladassah, not to New York but to some of the…

… congregations in this great NEW YORK.—The Jewish Theo- turning over Palestine to the Jews. Now I'll tell you a story about Hillel's the women's Zionist Organization in Committee of Jewish Delegations The…

… vention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which ready for them. are always ready with the meal, only students in the university. In the ab- "Poison!" he exclaimed. "And will tonight you are far…

… him. What Mr. Bernheim contends in this letter is that of papers and reports and the discussions that follow them, polite however, to tell him what they RIDDLE BOX liated with the university. The same…

April 28, 1922 • Page Image 4

… which they had need of adequate housing for the stu- sity. Taken as a whole, the people of Beth El may look back with "Because," said Hillel promptly, there. We heard the universal come. So when these…

… result is that they have given ageously to break away from the old traditions in this regard Yiddish, and English, but in every ing to comprehend his duty as a hu- The Patience of Hillel. man being favored…

… considerable sneering on the part of its sister worth while written by or about the Hillel was one of the greatest and a tremendous thrill of joy. Jews. No branch of Jewish learning wisest of the rabbis. lie was…

… concerning the Jews of appreciation, these people who stood more or less on the out- year 1700. There are 34 volumes to great distinction Hillel had reached. Egypt in Ptolmey's reign, from 309 246 B. C. E. In…

…. If Bible is 1450. Think what that Hillel angry. Twenty talents of sil- Legend surrounds this great literary ever that statement were absolutely disproved, it has been in had been set for Friday, June 2…

… exception young men, in some instances Schools learned that this date was co-incident with the Jewish out of Spain, and America was dis- only laughed. "You will never make tianity. Hillel impatient!" he…

… Field Day for one week, an act is visited by scholars and writers, little house of Hillel just at the twi- those times. artists and lovers of Jewish learning. light hour on the day before the Sab- that…

…- bath. At this time, he had found out, CONFER D. D. DEGREE ON loyally and effectively in and for the days that are to come. pedia was made, and the "History of Hillel would be preparing for the RABBI…

… ing upon the activities of the synagogue, the attention of many have been debarred from participation in an event that to them Hebrew Encyclopedia. The visitors of his work (for Hillel worked all SALT…

… official statement: on the board of officers of the Congregation, an attest of the fact ent groups of pupils in the schools. When therefore such con- do the work that makes them famous. ing moment. Hillel

March 31, 1922 • Page Image 6

… by the Alpha Epsilon Phi college sorority on Tuesday after- noon, April 11, from 2 to 5 o'clock, at the Federation clubhouse. The af- fair, which is for the benefit of the University of Michigan Woman…

… St. TilMTHEEHMEcEMISUERNEEM Among the University of Michigan students taking part in the Junior Girls' play in Ann Arbor on Thursday evening last is Ruth Arie of Detroit. Miss Kay Brauns, a…

… Bernice Kahn, hall. On Monday evening, April 3, at 0:30, Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver will address the Men's Club at the month- ly dinner meeting of the Phoenix Club. Rabbi Silver's fame as an ora- tor is…

…. ing his stay in the city. Miss Isabelle Wolfson of Cincin- Mrs. Albert Kahn and Mrs. William nati, who is a student at the Uni- Brown were hostesses at a beauti- versity of Michigan, was a guest of

…MCIULTKOHji,MiSileiltONIcLr, PAGE SIX jecial .an i d The first of summer in this shipment of Qrsorta ; Scotch ginghams ill Shepherd Plaids Prominent among the notable wed- dings of the past…

… week was the mar- riage of Miss Hortense Krolik, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Day Krolik, to Walter Lillienfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lillienfeld of Wilmette, Ill., which was solemnized on Mon- day…

… afternoon, March 27, at 5 o'clock at the home of her parents on Ro. wena street, in the presence of the immediate family. The drawing room in which the ceremony was performed by Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, was a…

January 27, 1922 • Page Image 2

… the establishment of in- and that she will go far if she makes it interesting. She has plenty of poise terest in or the same enthusiasm for dustries. This is not a question of 660 Michigan Avenue the…

… general manager of the Vienna Opera rests upon its immemorial association Peter Stuyvesant. A vocal solo, Gret. ney to maintain. Feature Hillel the Neel House, engaged Mozart, the great with the Jews. Nor…

… "Ruth and Naomi" The amazing thing is that these the stage of the opera house. Arabs, will on the contrary, be highly able opportunity for those who are a heathen asks Hillel to teach him the Co…

… well known. There are today in I saw young men and women, niany guire's Kick," Mr. Grainger was most a of whom have had a university edu- delightful. They were rendered with By LILLIAN SHIMBERG FREED…

…- There is a great cultural mission to 31, Northwestern; Feb. 7, Southeast- recalled several times. jected establishment of a university be effected there, and that cultural ern; Feb. 13, Northern; Feb. 15…

… the dies' Auxiliary of the First Hun. ON SATURDAY MORNING a pretty girl. the two branches of the Semitic race built and vineyards clothing the moun- creation of the history university. garian Synagogue…

… audience to any great extent. This was fol- lowed by Liszt's "Liebestraum" and "Polonaise," E Major. In these two numbers he revealed himself to be an artist of great PALESTINE: A CASKET OF JEWELS By SIR…

… ALFRED MOND (The Quiver, an English publication of note, contains in a recent issue an article by Sir Alfred Mond, member of the British cabinet and chairman of the British Economic Council for Palestine…

…. Discussing the "Practicabil- ity of Zionism," under which title the article appears in The Quiver, Sir Alfred Mond gives his impression of his visit to Palestine. Ile Calls Pelee- tine • "Casket of Jewels…

…" which has been let down by centuries of gross neglect. We quote the following salient features of the article.—Editor's Note.) (!gab Nurniturr The most convincing way I think nobody will dispute the…

April 07, 1922 • Page Image 6

…, are in I Krolik and Sally Lambert attended Chicago, where they will spend ■ in the ballroom of the Michigan Union at Prom the University of Michigan. month visiting with Mrs. Krolik'' the Soph Friday…

… Temple Beth El, when the afternoon, April 3, in the auditorium Rev. John Haynes Holmes, the noted of Temple Beth El, when Rabbi Abbe pastor of the Comniunity Church of Hillel Silver, rabbi of The Temple…

University of Stiehl- ' ation noon, clubhouse. April 11, at 2:30, at the Feder- The playlet is for gat; Miss Jennie Dembinski of Sagi- naw and Earl Spiesberger of Jack- young and old and is under Brown the di…

… brought them to America. A most cordial invitation to call is extended to all Detroit women who appreciate beauti- ful evening wear. 33 c).. 65University Bldg. 6th Main 8563 72 Detroit , Michigan Madame…

… communicated to tat ofRee N o'clock sad Wedneaday afternoon in order lo appear in the current week's chronick by Phone Glendale $316, Society 'Ater. Mail notice. m u to be received an woos Our highly…

… specialized Children's Shoe Depart , ment is now open under the supervision of Mr. C. E. HORNUNO Children's Shoe Specialist AlfredfRuBY.Inc Adjoining the "Statler' on Washington Detroit i ; I I ist…

… agreeable to the world at large.—The Talmud. Mayer Sulzberger, Mrs. Walter Ilea- W. Va. are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph •venrich and Mrs. Monroe Rosenfield Selling Of Hotel Addison. Mr. and were in the receiving…

… line welcoming Mrs. Selling were by accompanied home from Wheeling their daughter, the guests of the afternoon. Follow- ing the meeting, a reception was held holiday Miss Louise Selling, who spent the…

… vacation in that city. in the parlors of the temple and re- freshments were served. Mrs. Charles Levy, the newly elected vice-president of the State The playlet in three scenes entitled Federation of Temple…

… Sisterhoods, "Dolls" will be presented for the and Mrs. Nathan Spiesberger of Bay Children's Day program of the Jew- City; Miss Carolyn Levy, who is a ish Woman's Club on Tuesday after- student at the…

November 10, 1922 • Page Image 14

…. g OurAmbition—Ideal Telephone Servitor for Michigan MICHIGAN STATETELEPHONE CO. 416) -- e "ivgit'iliCe ti of *WTI firifalifzeafil FATIMA / CIGARETTES now for TWENTY There is no other…

… president of the Cracow University felt himself obliged to yield pillars of the portico, in smaller eine , to the persistent demands of anti-Semitic students, permitting them to standing against the…

… make of Palestine a hotbed of Redfield, Isadore Rosengarten and radicalism. We make the point that Dr. B. D. Welling. this leer has theolutely no foundation. Without and within the new A local physician…

… who just returned Temple Beth El, the union of the from Germany likes to relate his meet- symbolism of faith, the grand Greek young Jewish doctor in Berlin ing a (From cables of Jewish Correspondence…

… Bureau and Jewish Telegraphic Agency.) traditions of art and the wonders of whom he calls the finest and most in- The death in announced from Petrograd of David Eisman, Russian Jew- modern engineering can…

… be discerned teresting personality he has met —so unified that the supreme pur- abroad. The doctor in question was ish author, at the age of 53. • • • • orphaned by the war, but managed pose of the…

… Temple as a place of de- to continue his studies and get his A monument of gratitude to the United States for aiding in the libera- votion is the paramount impression. degree. Ile is now connected with a…

… tion of Poland will be unveiled in London in the presence of government Along the lofty stone coping of the hospital in Berlin, receiving the mag- representatives from Warsaw. Gladstone avenue side of

… the build- • • • • nificent sum of 150 marks a month. ing. runs an inscription in heroic let- Rich relatives from Boston, on a visit A conference of Arab representatives from Syria and Palestine has…

… been ters: "My house shall be a house of to Germany, offered the young man called for Dee. 15 at Cairo. It is expected that demands will be formulated payer for all people." the opportunity of coming to…

August 25, 1922 • Page Image 3

… ever seen, and whether you have $10.00 or $10,000 to invest it is a sale that will prove incomparable. Con- venient credit terms for all who wish them. Michigan Ave. at Washington Blvd. The Buds of

… at Elizabeth Lake for a Rabbi Abbe Hillel Silver, president period of three weeks. Sidney Lo- of the central committee, Palestine pate of the Defenders of the White Development Leagues, who from the…

… season will be in just as good taste next year! stg • aerdlereckairmshiver7licesOmhineclatOur Without a doubt Finsterwald's Au- gust Sale of Fur- niture is backed by one of the largest stocks you have…

… Judaea Saturday evening celebrated the club's third anniversary celebration with a gath- ering held at the home of Miss Lillian Rabinowitz, 534 Frederick. Eda Greenberg acted as chairman of the evening…

…. Esther Jacobson, one of the char- ter members of the club, read the history of the Buds of Judaea, cover- ing the activities of the past three years. She was followed by Miss Ra- binowitz, who read…

… prophecies of club members. A short talk was given by P. Slomovitz. Mass singing was a feature of the evening, which was concluded with dancing and the serv- ing of refreshments. Miss Faye Cashdan is leader of

… the club. Judaean Camp. PAGE THREE, MAKES APPEAL FOR DENVER HOME FOR JEWISH CHILDREN Now! The Last Week! William J. Greenstein, representa- tive of the Denver Sheltering Home for Jewish Children…

…, is in Detroit in the interests of his organization, so- liciting funds and urging support of the only institution that takes care of the children of the parents in the consumptive home in Denver. Mr…

…. Contributions may be sent in to The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and will then be forwarded to the home in Denver . Mr. Greenstein announces that in his absence from the city to attend to his duties in other liana of

… the state, a substitute representative will be in charge of the collections for the home. AMERICAS FINEST FURNITU RABBI SILVER TOURING FOR RUTENBERG SCHEME Eight Detroit Judaeans Tuesday struck camp…

March 31, 1922 • Page Image 1

… lines. the Arab festivals, the Jerusalem cur- the remarkable discovery that the un- from the University of Michigan at- malls, yet his family is responsible genial atmosphere at the dance. tended. for one…

… pre- Mr. Oko also acquired the Eduard this country at the age of 10, settling dicted of the British mandate over Birnbaum collection of Jewish music in Michigan in 1854. In 1871 Mr. Palestine. and…

…:2 and the hall the calk fail 'with earl t, Or on ling the . In rred com- the said fling lion Cody brief ad- .sday h El, the all i the ,e an I and will done I Sil- dream last Michigan's Only…

… Jewish Newspaper Printed in English THE ETROIT LWISI -I Telephone GLENDALE 8-3-2-6 MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Jewish Lecturer lub ilPalestine Mandate JEWISH PUBLICATION ' Noted To Address Men…

…'s C Ratification Asked SOCIETY COMPLETES 34 YEARS' EXISTENCE Zionist Conference Urges the League of Nations Speed Plans for Palestine. Holds Annual Meeting in Philadelphia to Hear Reports of Past Year…

…. SIMON MILLER AGAIN PICKED AS PRESIDENT Important Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1922. VOL. Xl. NO. 19. Publications to Be Printed by Society During Coming…

… Year. PHILADELPHIA. — The Jewish Publication Society of America, at its thirty-fourth annual meeting held here, on Sunday, March 20, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Simon Miller…

…, Philadelphia, president; Hon. Abram I. Elkus, New RABBI ABBA HILLEL SILVER Hon. vice-president; first Who will address the Men'. Temple York, llorace Stern, Philedalphia, j Club Monday evening at tha Phoenix…

…. Brown of Mobile and the following front Philadelphia : Hart Blumenthal, Ephraim Lederer, Alphonse B. Miller, Simon Miller, Judge William M. Leeds and Jacob Billikopf. Other trustees of the society are: Dr…

…. Cyrus Adler, Julius Rosen- Address Will Close Program wald, Judge Mayer Sulzberger, A. Leo of Men's Temple Club Weil, Julius S. Weyl, Edwin Wolf RABBI A . H. SILVER TO SPEAK MONDAY GREAT COLLECTIONS OF

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