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February 05, 1971 • Page Image 26

… Camp Moshava. University of Windsor. He moved to Israel in July 1969 On Feb. 26, a similar Hasidic Shabat program will be held at to become dean of students at the Hillel Foundation at East Bar…

…-Han. Lansing. As part of its college and uni- Hillel in . Washington versity programs, the Lubavitch organization conducts a course of Plans Free University Mr. Goldenberg to Take Linda Switzer as Bride MISS…

… bride-elect received her bachelor's degree in education from Wayne State University. `Mr. Levine is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Michigan's college of engineering. He was affiliated with Tau Delta…

… The Lithavitch organization of Detroit is planning Hasidic sha- batons (Sabbath gatherings) at the University of Michigan and Michi- gan State University. On Feb. 13, a group of Hasidim will spend the…

….m. Thurs- days at Hillel House, as part of the Beit Midrash, College of Jew- ish Studies. Another is held at Oakland Uni- versity 8 p.m. Tuesdays under the auspices of the Jewish Students Association. For…

… consultant bead of Detroit Merkos; Betzalel to the Hillel Foundation, he also Gottlieb, and Yitzhak Mann of was chairman of the Chicago Oak Park; and Y. Getz of the College Youth Commission and director of

March 05, 1971 • Page Image 27

… sponsorship of the Hillel Founda- tion of Rochester University, has — started a Free School of Jewish Studies at the university, a 13- course curriculum drawn up in re- sponse to student indications of interest…

Hillel Official Cites Spiritual Probing of Youth and Fears Loss of Tradition NEW YORK (JTA) — A lead- ing Hillel official has expieised concern that some of the forms of innovative worship developed and…

… programing for the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation. He spelled out his views in an article in the current issue of the Journal of the Central Conference of Am- erican Rabbis, the Reform rabbini- cal association…

… scholarship by the Michigan State Federation of Wom- en's Clubs to attend Interlochen Camp in the art division, for eight weeks this summer. There were four such awards in the state' of Michigan. Janis, who…

… in such studies. When the students found they could not get quick action from the university administration for such a program, they began to seek out faculty members and other sources of help to…

… organize their own courses. Robert Ganz, the student co- ordinator, said that because the courses were noncredit, "we are free from the procedures and standards" of the university ad- ministration…

…Musical Event to Benefit Children "A Morning of Music" will be presented by the Women's Auxili- ary of Children's Hospital at an open rehearsal with the Detroit Symphony Or- chestra, 10 a.m. March…

… honorary chairmanship of Mrs. Lynn Townsend (left). Other active participants in the auxiliary event are (from left) Mrs. Isadore Winkelman, Mrs. Boyd Turner and Mrs. Avern Cohn. Yeshiva Maps Science Fair…

… used by young Jews may be relig- iously inauthentic, un-Jewish and lead to a new sectarianism. Informal Jewish Studies Set Up at Rochester U. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (JTA) — A group of Jewish students, under…

…-Jewish Institute of Religion School of Sacred Music announces a conference for young men and women interested in the cantorate as a career will be held at the college-institute here 2 p.m. March 28. The program of

February 05, 1971 • Page Image 20

…-Woods, Young Israel of Greenfield, Livonia Jewish Con- gregation, Cong. Beth Hillel, Cong. Beth Isaac and Downtown Syna- gogue. Hebrew U. Bars Foreign-Language College Plan; New Campus Begun JERUSALEM (JTA…

….m. Tuesday at Hillel Day School, 32200 Middlebelt. His topic will be "The Perma- nent War in the Middle East — the Clash of Two Pollack - Nationalisms." Adas Shalom is holding its adult program in the Hillel

…)—The senate of the Hebrew University decided to reject a proposal to establish a four-year foreign-language col- lege for foreign students and new immigrants. Among those suggesting the plan was Shimon Peres…

…, minister of transportation. The university senate decided instead to set up a two-year depart- ment for foreign students and new immigrants, with English and, if need be, Spanish as the instruc- tional…

… tongues. The aim is for the students to be able to pass the university's entrance examinations and enter its regular Hebrew- language courses. One result of the new plan will be more vacan- cies for Israeli…

…. The foundation work was completed at a cost of $10,500,000. Friends and supporters of the Hebrew University all over the world are expected to provide the funds for the new campus that will cover 240…

… auditorium while its new synagogue is under construction. Dr. Pollack is assistant profes- sor of Russian and European his- tory at Yeshiva University and a specialist in the history of Russian Communism and…

…" IS MILE RD. Soles • Service on all makes GLASSMAN Phone : 354 3300 BAR-ILAN UNIVERSITY Ramat Gan, Israel • TTN: STUDENTS Rabbi Moshe Litoff, Dean of Students, will interview prospective students…

…. Rabbi Berkowitz will speak on "Does Modern Man Need a Sanctuary?" CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 5:20 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Satur- day. Rabbi Halpern's sermon will be "In Praise of Beauty." David Mikon and…

… Sanford Green, Bnai Mitzva. TEMPLE ISRAEL: Services 8:30 p.m. today and 11 a.m. Saturday. Leonard Felder, president,• Michigan State Temple Youth, and Michael D. Resnick, president, Temple Israel Youth…

March 05, 1971 • Page Image 29

… to Philip Michael Stahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Stahl of Riverside Dr., Sonthfiold The engaged couple are students at the University of Michigan. A June wedding is planned. . Dr. DEREK MILLER…

….m., March 17 at A graduate of Wayne State Uni- versity, with a master's degree in Cong Beth Hillel. Mrs. Gordon business administration, Rosender Fruitman is installing officer, and is a charter member of

University, will be the first secular institution in the U. S. to offer a course on Jewish art. It will be r taught by Prof. k Joseph Gutmannl of the depart- =: ment of art and art history. Survey of Jew- ish…

University of Texas MUSIC FOR BAR MITZVAHS At El Paso. Maurice Rosen der Oakland Century `Man of the Year' Bnat Brat Activities Friday, Merck 5, 1971 29 THE DETROIT JEWISH' NEWS Andrea IVhite to Be Bride…

…, specialist in adolescent psychiatry and chief of the physchiatric out-patient clinic at the University of Mich- igan Hospital, will speak on "Par- ents' Responsibilitiet to Moles- ence" at the E. J. Lederle…

…BB Membership Spring Festival Bnai Brith Women's Council of Metropolitan Detroit will bold its culminating membership - member- ship retention spring festival noon April 1 at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. A…

… original framed oil paint- ing. The progrfm of the afternoon will be a fashion show. All present and prospective mem- bers are invited. Reservations must be made through respective chapters. Chairmen are…

… "man of the year" and president. Rosender has been a Bnai Brith member for 37 years. He served three terms as vice BLOCH CHAPTER will install president of Oak- new officers at a dinner in their land…

… Century honor 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Lodge before be- Workmen's Circle Center. Mrs. ing elected prest- Allen Weitzman, past president of dent. At one time the Baal Brith Women's Council he chaired and of

… Metropolitan Detroit and a past co-chaired seven president of Bloch Chapter, will in- committees and stall the following: Mesdames this past year, Harry Kelley, president; Julius personally h a s Ruda, Nathan…

March 05, 1971 • Page Image 20

… Congregation, the Detroit Common Council, and Cong. Ben Abraham, Cong. Beth Moses, Young Israel of Greenfield, Richard Lobenthal, Michigan re- Temple Beth El, Cong. Beth Hillel, Cong. Beth Isaac and Downtown…

… Establishment by Youth Rabbi Arthur Green, activist rabbi and founder of the Havura movement, will speak at the adult study institute of Adas Shalom synagogue, 8:45 p.m. Tuesday at Hillel Day School. His topic…

… executive director and youth consultant, and Rabbi Gerald Teller, director of youth and education, will lead a Pass- CONG. BNAI ISRAEL OF PONTIAC: Annual Bnai Brith service 8:30 over family tour. p.m. today…

… and 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Berman will speak on The trip is sponsored by Shaarey "The Differences Between Jewish Identity and Jewish Identifica- Zedek in the hope of motivating tion" at services…

…-level discussion with parents. At the same time, guest lecturer, will speak on "The Theology of the Age of Aquar- Rabbi Teller will talk to the chil- ins." dren about the religious, historic CONG. MISHKAN ISRAEL…

…: Seivices 6:15 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Satur- and educational references of that day. Ribbi Kranz will speak on "Why - Should One Remember?" place. TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday…

…. The tour is being arranged Rabbi Rosenbaum's sermon will be "What Defense Do Jews through the United Synagogue of Need?" David Schecter, Bar Mitzva. America. Three meals a day are TEMPLE KOL AMI…

….m. Saturday. Robert Brown, Bar Mitzva. CONG. BETH SHALOM: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Joel Blostein and Jay Rimar, Bnai Mitzva. Former Secretary of Health, YOUNG ISRAEL OF OAK-WOODS: Services 6…

….m. Sunday at urday. Ronald Brodley, Bar Mitzva. Cong. Bnai Moshe. CONG. BETH ACHIM: Services 6:15 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Satur. Farmer is a founder of CORE- day. Neal Subar, Bar Mitzva. (Brussels conference…

… report, see Congress of Racial Equality- which story.) he served as national executive CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK: Services 6 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Sat- director from 1961 to 1966. Appoint. urday. Julian…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 28

… Glengrove, the Michigan -.Mu- Birmingham. Harold Samuels of sic Teachers' As- Denver, national coordinator oof sociation. auxiliaries for GARTH, will discuss ;.Also on the pro- the facilities and achivements…


… Steven A. Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Marks of Dartmouth Ave., Oak Park. Miss Dreyfoos is a recent grad: uate of Oakland University's school of education. Mr. Marks- is a senior at Lawrence…

…a rolyz Preyfooptalle.* teven Marks THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS- k it; x..5;. 1971-29 iri CITY:- OF . HOPE CANCER CANCER faR . from 8 a.m. on Thurs- day and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Friday at the City…

of Hope office. To donate used clothing or household ;ar- ticles n i good condition, contact the Chairman,- Mrs. Sam Schwartz; 546- 3886, or Mrs. Seymour Fried, 851- (3)01. A board meeting will be held…

… noon Monday at the Raleigh House. Luncheon will be served. CAROLYN DEE/1E100S - Mr. and Mrs. -Victor Dreyfoos of Lincoln Terrace Dr.; Oak Park, announce the engagement of their daughter Carolyn to…

… Institute of Technology in the school of indus- trial management: - A July wedding is planned. Rally -to Feature Pianist; Soprano; BETE ACHIM SISTERHOOD, -along with the men's club, will hold a theater…

… party for "Fiddler on the Roof" 8 p.m. Nov. 16 at Northland Theater. Mrs. Arthur Schussler, vice president of ways and means and 'fund-raising chair- man, said proceeds will be used toward the building of

… printing of the paper, there will be an early deadline of noop Nov. 19 for the issue or Nov. 26. The final pre-concert rally of the Music Study Club of Metropolitan DAVID HORODOKER WOMEN'S Detroit will be…

… noon Thursday at ORGANIZATION will meet noon the home of Mrs. -Milton J. Miller , Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Jack 17580 Fairway. Friedman, 24000 Jerome, Oak President Mrs. Joseph Markel Park. Mrs. Alex…

February 05, 1971 • Page Image 6

….S. and ex- tending hospitality and assistance to her. Mrs. Ciesielska was invited by the headmaster of Hillel Day School to participate in a special lecture Wednesday, dedicated to the studies of the…

… announces a now program of Weekend Retreats Located in Linden Michigan only 50 miles from Detroit • School College or Adult Groups • Live 'N Learn Programs • Winter Sports Activities • Fully winterized…

… pointed out that the right on Civil and Political Rights ad- of emigration was proclaimed in opted by the UN in December 1966. Article 13 of the Universal De- Dr. Prinz said, "It is a com- claration of

… Human Rights. Al- of the.spirit of the plete negation though this had no binding legal Universal Declaration when per- force, its moral authority was sons fighting for the right to leave vast since ft…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ' Four Knesset Members 6—Friday, February 5, 1971 Forced to Take Pay - Hike World Jewish Congress Urges UN Body to Take Action on Freedom of Emigration of the Elimination of

… All Forms of Racial Discrimina- tion adopted by the UN in Dec- ember 1965. The Soviet Union, Iraq and Syria were party to it It also was incorporated in Article 12 of the International Convenant He…

… expressed the nob- their country are branded as trai- lest thinking of the international tors. It is a grotesque mockery community. The substance of Article 13 was of the moral judgment of the in…

…- incorporated in Article 5 of the ternational community when per- sons applying for emigration do- cuments are penalized by depri- vation of nationality or dismissal from employment." Commenting on a statement in…

… the governing council of the WJC. related the principle of freedom of emigration to the plight of Jews in some Arab countries, and to the frustrations of Soviet Jews wish- ing to leave the USSR. NEW…

… relates to a study by Ambassador Jose D. IngIes on the individual's right to leave any country including his own, and draft principles adopted by the Subcommission on the Prevention of Discrimination and…

November 05, 1971 • Page Image 37

… - HILLEL HAKOTEL CHAPTER; Men's e- ye.-:t cf - the "First Citizen o MEN'S CLUB will present the first Marachl, along -with Batya Chap- Southfield Award" for- his ou t- program in its 10th anniversary ter of

…:in - need. - Frain Your. fare Federation and , a director with the Red Crosi and Michigan Emmanuel' Katzman, auxiliary • ":" Milled was chairman of the pro- Foam, DeVirt'Oi Daereci ' 1 ` the Detroit Service…

… Greater Detroit of their 50th wedding anniversary. GEM AND MINERAL SHOW of Orchestras & Cocktail. Combos of all sizes for all- occasions • • a Michigan Mineralogical So- —Including HOUSE- PARTIES ! MORTON A…

… meet week. Nov. 12 at the University. Chair- Now is a gbild time man of the meeting is Dr. Lee Warshay, associate professor of :1)(TECTING OUT OF TOWN GUESTS sociology at Wayne State Univer- • FOR…

…38—Friday, November; 5;. , 1971 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Dr„ Selik. Named 'First I Citizen of Southfield' I 'S CLUBS Dr. Martin Selik of Avon Ln., Southfield, has been named re BETH ABRAHAM…

… gather icie the 40th general assembly af _the Council of over the past 12- monthi; Sunday in the - synagogue. Robert Sunday at the Kirts Ctimmunity The award was created by th e Leonard, prosecuting…

… attorney of House, Troy. Rabbi David•Staysky Jewish Federation and Welfare Funds in Pittabtirgh next week, the Detroit contingent will be beaded by Max M. Fisher, national president. Southfield' Chamber of

…. Commerc e Genesee County,- will discuss "A of. Columbus, national-vice Presi- Other Detroiters beside the Fishers • are Mr. and Mrs. William and a local news. Non-Jew Looks at Soviet Jewry. ' dent of the…

… . Religious- Zionists of Avrunin, Mr.. and Mrs: Mandell L. Berman, N. Brewster Etroder, paper. A panel a The- series will continue % on the America> . will speak- on. -"How Southfield 'c i first Sunday…

…*. Maxwell Lapides, Samuel Lerner, Mr: and leaders made the Among the scheduled speakers is Mrs. David K. Page, Mr.-and Mrs. Norman H. Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. aelection. _ Selik is' a Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz of

March 05, 1971 • Page Image 6

Hillel Day bi Morton M. Kanter will give a bate" and the traditional reading School 11 a.m.-2: p.m. Sunday. story-sermonette and Irving I. of the megila among the scheduled There will be games, prizes and…

… 100% HUMAN HAIR El Latke-Hamantash debate is co-spon- ROME (JTA)—Some 80 graves in sored by the Michigan Association the Jewish cemetery in the Italian WIGS and MUSTACHES of Jewish College Students, the…

… seaport of Leghorn have been dese- 6/ $14.95 to $150.00 Young Adult Group of the Jewish crated and many tombstones over- Center, WSU Hillel Foundation turned. Police so far have been KING & QUEEN and the…

… humanities at Wayne Bnei Akiva of Detroit, the Miz- State University. Hamantashen rachi youth organization, will con- will be on salt in the building all afternoon as another part of the duct a mishloakh manot…

… reading and again on Thurs- The combined Jewish Schools Story" at 11:15 a.m. Saturday. The day morning. will celebrate Purim with a car- Bar Mitzva of Brian Jay Lenyoff Bnai Israel of Pontiac will hold…

…, It ter's youth department is organ- - the Scroll of Esther and religious will be highlighted by the read- izing three nights of fun and Hebrew school students par- ing of the megila, Purim songs, for…

… refreshments. Prizes go to the Building Spiritual Brid- ist Order, will hold a Purim dinner- will be awarded for the most ges project of United Synagogue dance 7 p.m. Saturday at the Ras- original costumes. At 7…

…:30 p.m. Youth. The public is invited to all cal House. A full course dinner March 14, the boys and girls activities. and cocktails will be served. The will present a "Purim Night of • • • Habonim…

… younger classes of the relig- ious school. Musical features chairmanship si Dr. and Mrs. Ed 2-4947. will include a junior chair dir- Stein, with the help of Kai Ami a • • Temple Youth, it will include Bnai…

… David Synagogue Sister- ected by Jody Lane and sev- a masquerade and costume con- hood and Men's Club will join in eral choral groups. Highlight of test for Youngsters in grades celebrating Purim with a…

March 05, 1971 • Page Image 46

… Rabbi Mena- chem Porusht of the ultra-Ortho- dox Agudat Israel faction. Police Minister Sblomo Hillel told the Knesset Interior Commit- tee Tuesday that Israel need not fear the emergence of organized…

… blk. S. of 10 Mi. between Coolidge & Greenfield off Church. 3-bedroom Col., 21/2 baths, Pan. Family Rm., sep. Din. Rm., 3-T. air cond., Thermo- pane windows & screens, 2-car attached garage. $35…

… air-cond. Interior decorated. Carpeting and drapes. $69,C00. CALL AFTER 4. 626-6264 Large 100 year old house PLUS stone barn remodeled to studio. 1 acres of roiling land, many trees. Fireplace. BEACH…

… with a highly respected firm. Experience preferred or will train ambitious men & women for full & part time positions. Class now forming ,with the Michigan Real Estate Aeademy. Call for inter- view. MR…

… & Insuranced 255-4327 538-2805 Carpet Cleaning - Dry Foam Method Living room-dining room & hall $25. Permanent pbsition, good fu- ture, top earnings, large firm many openings. 13 (From the files of the…

…: 1931 "The Atheist" became the first Moscow monthly of Jewish non- deists. - The House-passed bill cutting U.S. immigration by 90 per cent for two years was derailed by a Senate filibuster. Mme. Nina…

… Abramovitch, 65, "mother of the Yiddish theater," was feted in New York. The Catholic Church in Germany launched an anti-Hitler campaign. Heinrich Link, last Jewish survivor of the 1848 Hungarian freedom fight…

… ambassador to Israel. serviced. Call UN 44926. Adolf Eichmann's attorney objected - to televising of his trial, alleging witnesses would be tempted to exaggerate charges for the 55 - MISCELLANEOUS cameras…

… absolutely MIM11•15=1001. ===== unanimous in their condemnation and abhorrence of Eichmann and his crime." I Wallpaper Up To I The UN Human Rights Commission opened discussion on pros and cons of anti…

…-discrimination resolutions. The Senate, by 67-18, confirmed Kennedy nominee Charles M. Meriwether, segregationist ex-aide to anti-Semite John Crommelin, as Vinyls, Handprints, 1 a director of the Export-Import Bank. The high…

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