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October 13, 2005 • Page Image 34

… known as a warm and friendly home-like center of Judaism, big and friendly with room for every Jew. We served in so many ways, for Jews, Jewish Education, and the believe in this. And so do Jack and…

… Miriam Shenkman. Jewish community. They have given so much of their talent, lead- ership, generosity, and activism to all these, both in leadership The Shul is founded on the principle that, while Jews

… embrace many roles and as concerned, caring, individuals. And they've been at levels of observance, there should be a place for all Jews, without the forefront of the Chabad-Lubavitch Movement in…

Michigan labels, and without regard for affiliation, to develop a sense of com- for more than thirty years. munity, to enhance the experience of being Jewish, to learn and to have fun. We believe in the…

… warmth and the authenticity of the Torah The Shul is (qui,te literally) a beacon of light on a hill. The New and Judaism and in the warmth and authenticity of every Jew. Shul Building (which received…

… the American Institute of Architects Detroit Honor Award) is its exterior: its heart is the That is why The Shul is a home for every Jew. And that is why it warmth, dedication, and commitment to all…

Jews which is so is being named for Jack and Miriam Shenkman. befitting and appropriate to the Shenkmans' name. LIKE SIR' Lubavitch Foundation We wish you a joyous Sukot holiday! 1036110 32…

December 13, 2002 • Page Image 64

… this Michigan. With 50 member families and its country were Sephardic Jews. first rabbi, the congregation joins the swelling "Sephardim were the first Jews here," says ranks of more than 100 in this…

…Cover Story Sephazficlic Pride Detroit Jews celebrate their distinct culture. SHELLI LIEBMAN DORFMAN Staff Writer 7 4114 62 — with their own Sephardic spirit. Sephardic pride seems to be a…

… that can be traced back to the Spanish Inquisition. Who Are The Sephardim? Today, close to 2,000 Jews who descend from Spanish, Mediterranean, Eastern and North Although many American Sephardic Jews

… Mediterranean, uating the long-ago customs and traditions of if) Middle East, East and North Africa. their ancestors, but they are doing it with cen- "There was a time when Sephardic Jews turies of pride — always…

… present -- and now made up 90 percent of world Jewry," says steadily escalating. Belinfante. Last August, they dedicated Keter Torah While today most American Jews are Synagogue on the northwest corner of…

… Walnut Ashkenazic — Jews descending from areas Lake and Orchard Lake roads in West that include Eastern Europe, Russia and Bloomfield, the first Sephardic synagogue in Germany — at one point, all Jews in…

… country and Belinfante, who explains that the first American 300 worldwide. Jewish community arrived by accident. "The building of a synagogue is definitely a "A shipload of Jews traveling from South dream…

… Keter Torah on Sept. 5 "Jumping on the bandwagon of a resurgence lenient to Jews — when they were captured before Torah scrolls were brought inside the new synagogue. in religious awareness across the…

… board over the by pirates and brought to New York," he says: last 20 years in the United States, are the These Jews founded Congregation Shearith Sephardim, in full force." body for all Sephardic…

… International their synagogues going because [people] had to Other Sephardic Jews came to America from Arab Sephardic Festival began Dec. 10, with a week of work so hard`to make a living. lands. After Israel was…

February 13, 1976 • Page Image 4

… American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865…

…, Southfield, Mich. -N175: Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ DREW LIEBERWITZ…

… what has that to do with the Jew- ish vote? Indeed, Moynihan, whose motivation for re- signing as the chief U.S. delegate to the UN is his desire to retain his professorial position at Harvard, could…

…, indeed, be drafted for the sena- torial candidacy in New York. What's wrong with that? If Hubert Humphrey admits to the Year of Solidarity Now, therefore, is the time for Jews to be- come annoyed…

…. Moynihan can defend himself. He has given assurance that he has no present political ambitions. If he has, it is his business. There is no denying that he charmed many Americans, not necessarily Jews alone…

Jew must provide the means for Is- seriousness as a vital part of Jewish devotion to rael's social program which would suffer with- the support of Israel. out the supplementary aid for which Jews share…

… contributions to the advancement of prog- There are other obligations. Tourism is ma- jor in the program of cooperation with Israel. ress for Jews in an area of great challenge. The tourist dollar is vital to…

… and dedicated response of American Jewry. Britain's Early Bigotry: Anti-Semitism Without Jews The dreaded Yellow Badge as a symbol of hatred for Jews first was in evidence in England. The atrocious…

… ritual murder libel was rampant in the land that was later to become a beacon of light for the free world. In literature the Jew was depicted most miserably in the English language. One of the major…

… sources of anti-Semitism was the work_ of the Bard of Avon, whose Shylock was used as an image to arouse dislike for and prejudice against Jews. Yet, Shakespeare wrote the "Merchant of Venice" at a time…

August 13, 1920 • Page Image 7

…- reasoning persecution. The word Retallers—Wholesalers duced the best book, the best char- "Christian" to the Jew suggests blind bigotry and relentless hate. Hardly 212-214 Michigan Avenue acter, t h e best…

… tiers in the Spanish-American war— It is passing strange that we should ed to this modern manifestation of t f .or. .nr.otigas were granted to more love the Bible Jew and look askance sincere tegarel…

…. • than four thousand Jewish soldiers for at the modern Jew. When an evan- The feeling between the Christian the purpose Of observing and celehrat- gelist asked Mayor Gaynor of New and the Jew is growing…

… kinder with (Continued front Page One.) , ing Jewish feasts. Seven Jews so re York for a license to preach in a Jew- every decade. who supplied the SeVentccii thousand pos,iiih, the work w ith Roosevelt…

… said about Jesus in Jewish "e'er of the Royal Commission in prepar- loan. The" country which has been kind to him. synagogues, during the past twenty- ing the first fleet for the voyage of The Jew has…

… entered es ery ream' o f think that the Jews have a good re- five years, than in the preceding fif- discovery. It was a company of ex- human achievement and reached the ligion of their own? }lave not the…

… teen hundred years of conflict and iled Jews who formed one-fourth of zenith of success. Jewish astronomers Christians appropriated the entire competition between Judaism and the crew which was to man…

… Testament written by Jews? marks: "'When I was a boy—that is Among those sailor, were an ians have dealt with computations of \Vas not Jesus also of the Jewish between thirty-five and forty years interpreter…

… from the Jew? if my father or any other member of Jew, Rodrigo the Triana by name, limn the limelaying hands of circum- % • ila' should any one work so hard the Jewish synagogue had heard the whose eyes…

… first scanned the stance the scents of mechanical C011- to convert a Jew? I don't think I shores of a new world and who. an- frit ance with an ingenuity bordering on zan gist' you a license to preach in…

January 13, 2005 • Page Image 93

… University Press, 1991. Cantor, Judith Levin. Jews in Michigan: Discovering the Peoples of Michigan. Michigan State University Press, 2001. Kraus, Bea. A Time to Remember: A History of the Jewish Community…

… presents this special timeline of Jewish history in Michigan. Marking the arrival of the first 23 Jews in North America in 1654, the 350th celebration pays tribute not only to what America — with its ideals…

September 13, 1946 • Page Image 4

… or a few to the whole group. To our Jewish detractors as well as to the non-Jew, we say: Be open minded and fair. There are plenty of greedy and Detroit 26, Michigan unscrupulous dealers among the…

… distinguished very fine paper, we turn first and many hundreds of Soviet officials University of Michigan political science foremost to our favorite colum- and private citizens, Jew and non. nist Phil Rothschild…

… March 3, 1879 GEORGE WEISWASSER, Editor-in-Chief A. W. SHAFER, Adv. Mgr. Cr AARON, Pub. NATHAN KAUFMAN, Man. Ed. Vol. 48, No. 37 FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 1946 (Elul 17, 5706) Grandpa, What's a Jew? Our…

… columnist, Alfred Segal, told the other day how he replied to his preco- cious grandson who asked him what a Jew was. A Jew, Segal said, is a good person, a good brother to the rest of the world, a person…

… who is just and kind and goes along with other people who want to make this a better world. "In being a good man," Segal con- cluded, "you will have made good as a Jew and that's enough." But it is…

… Hottentot should be just and kind and that will make him a better Hottentot. A Jew who is just and kind is a better Jew, but a Jew should be hon- est and brotherly, not because he is a Jew, but because…

… kind does not make a person a Jew. Being just and kind makes him a member of the human family. Your argument, Mr. Segal, is an easy way out for those who do not want to be anything more, who fear that by…

… being a Jew they will have to assume other responsibilities. Being a Jew, Mr. Segal, is a distinct way of life. Being a Jew is a matter of the spirit and of the heart. Being a Jew means following…

… certain practices and principles. Being a Jew means faith in hallowed traditions. Because we have suffered so much, be- ing a Jew means having a little more sympathy for the helpless, a little more pain…

… when someone is hurt, a little more understanding of the downtrodden. Don't shrug it off by saying being a Jew means only being just and kind, Mr. Segal. That is the answer of the superficial thinker…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 4

…4 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE had been the principal tools of the erties. To adopt; therefore, a policy Spanish conversionists. But the Jew of silence and indifference is to set remained unshaken in his…

Jews to Christianity, it was de- demn the offer made to us by the cided to issue an official invitation members of the Episcopal church to all Jews to come within the fold. to embrace their religion. The…

… Price of Silence A Madness Which Has No Perhaps, we could afford to pass Method. these incidents by. Perhaps we Why should the Episcopalians could afford to ignore all ef- seek to convert the Jew ? Can…

… forts of missionaries who unlike Jew is immoral? their predecessors mentioned'above, it be because Surely not, in e the history of the Jew th do not employ force as their wea- which stands out in bold…

… because we that our attitude in this matter in- are ignorant? The Jews' ac- volves, to a large extent, the happi- tive and prominent participations ness or misfortune of the Jew in in the affairs of the…

… their faith? Nothing could be more absurd than such 'a plea, for at all times, whether at the pin- nacle of plenty or at the very plinth of poverty, the Jew, like Isaac of old has built his altar, called…

… upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent wherever he sojourned. The Jew is opposed to conversion because he believes that not precept but example, and not belief but life, are the tests of a moral…

… life. The Jew could never possibly think of forcing his creed upon anyone, for he feels that with God, charac- ter counts for more than creed, and conduct is of higher value than dog- ma. The Jew is…

… opposed to con- version because it contravenes the fundamental principle of human rights. The Jew is opposed to con- version because he denies the claims of Christian theology. The Jew de- nies the…

… of Christianity, the Jew, , (Continued on page 15) WAR WILL NOT INTER- FERE WITH JEWISH RELIEF WORK Ambassador Gerard Says Arrange ments Have Been Made for Continuance of Aid. (Special…

April 13, 1990 • Page Image 66

… 111111r711111 CONTROL ■ M molly Michigan's Largest Independent Pest Control Company For Service Throughout Southeastern Michigan Call: (313) 546 6200 - 66 FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1990 Exercise regularly…

… married a non-Jew? And what if each of them lit a can- dle to mourn their loss? The landscape of America would be dotted with burning lights. More and more over the past 20 years, intermarriage has become…

… an ever-present reality in contemporary Jewish life. There now seems to be a relative in every fami- ly who has married a non-Jew. What else could be ex- pected? Jews now move free- ly in an open…

… society; work- ing, playing, living, going to school with their gentile neighbors. Jews have non- Jewish friends; they par- ticipate in almost every aspect of American life with non-Jews. The context of the…

… American landscape has changed in such a way that non-Jews more openly accept Jews as marriage partners and vice-versa. The stigma on both sides is not what it was a generation ago. In the con- temporary…

…- riage has proved to be a vain one. Nearly all Jewish boys and girls receive some Jewish education. Indeed, more Jews of the third and fourth generation have some formal Jewish education than did previous…

… generations. Of course, this is not to say that contemporary Jews know more about Judaism or feel more about Judaism. It only reflects the fact that more of them have formal Jewish education. This does not mean…

… that Jews know more in terms of yiddishkeit, knowledge of Jewish history and rituals, a sense of belong- ing or active participation or understanding of tzedakah. There is much evidence to the contrary…

…. Jews seem to know less and feel less about being Jewish with each generation. No amount of Jewish educa- tion can serve as some in- Gary A. Tobin is director of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish…

… course, is to what degree? The traditional ways of dealing with intermarriage do not work today. Convinc- ing a child that they should not marry a non-Jew is almost hopeless in the face of their meeting…

July 13, 1984 • Page Image 14

…14 Friday, July 13, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS s soon as you walk into the University of Michigan office of Prof. Zvi Gitel- man, there's no doubting that he is an authority on Soviet and east…

…- bia and has been a professor of politi- cal science at Michigan for more than a decade. He is associated with U-M's Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies and has written numerous articles on…

… has been following the fortunes of Soviet Jews for a long time. Those fortunes are at a low ebb withinthe Soviet Union right now. In 1979: 51,000 Jews emigrated to the West; four years later, the figure…

… plummeted to just 1,315. Only 229 were let out through the first three months of 1984. Nonetheless, about 300,000 Soviet Jews have made new homes BY HENRY SREBRNIK for themselves since 1971, mainly in Special…

… those Soviet Jews who made aliyah to Is- lies of Byelorussia, the Ukraine and rael and those who decided to come Russia proper. "They have been liv- here. ing mostly in the big cities — Lenin- The…

… overwhelming majority of grad, Moscow, Kiev, etc. The implica- the 80,000 Soviet Jews in America — tions of this is that these are third- a full 87 percent — come from the and fourth-generation Soviet Jews

December 13, 1991 • Page Image 68

… The Michigan State Bar Examination BERNARD EDELMAN 68 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1991 OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 MARK SHOPNICK JEWELERS 28859 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills, MI 48018 Market Place Plaza 553…

….2196 Hours: Mon. & Thurs 9:30-7 Tues., Wed., Fri. & Sat. 9:30-6 Limit On Soviets Adds To Emigre Fears Washington (JTA) — The U.S. policy limiting the number of Soviet Jews that can enter the United States…

… as refugees is endangering Jews facing growing anti- Semitism in the Soviet Union, the Union of Coun- cils for Soviet Jews warns. "We must continue to challenge our own country's Soviet refugee policy…

…, estab- lished in 1989 on the princi- ple that it was safe for Jews to wait in their homes to be processed to the U.S.," said Pamela Cohen, president of the Union of Councils. "The immigration numbers…

… tells us that Soviet Jews believe the time to leave is now and they know there is no one to protect them if they wait." Prior to 1989, Soviet Jews who left the Soviet Union with visas for Israel but…

Jews will be allowed to enter the United States this year. Ms. Cohen, who spoke at a Union of Councils public policy symposium, said that in the long run Israel will be able to absorb all Soviet Jews who…

… go there. But many Soviet Jews who believe they will not be able to survive economically there have decided to delay their departure, she said. "We fear deeply for those who may opt to choose to…

… remain or delay, as we would have feared for half of Ger- many's Jews —who waited and were caught behind closed borders" in the 1930s, Ms. Cohen said. At the same time, she stressed that Jews must play a…

… part in the development of democracy in the Soviet re- publics. "If Jews aren't protected and empowered as full citizens in the republics, democracy has not the dim- mest of hope," she said. "There will…

… re- quiring the president to keep Congress informed about human rights in each Soviet republic, as was done up to now with the Soviet Union. Croatian Jews Charter Ship Rome (JTA) — An Italian ship…

April 13, 2006 • Page Image 5

… courageously call- ing for tolerance and moderation in the Islamic world, yet she's haunted by taunts from inside her culture and by fright among Jews hesitant to rally around her message. Her deter- mination to…

… stand tall for Israel puts many Jews to shame. When confronted by unconvinced Muslim students, she won't be intimidated. "These people should not be treated with respect," she says. "I don't mean be bad…

… to them: Be assertive and they-become very timid." I wonder how many Jews, let alone Jewish students, have the heart to do that? We'll rally for Israel but seldom venture into confrontation with Jew

… all three on equal footing. "Terrorism is destroying the moral fabric of the Arab society;' she says. And she's right. (03 0 • z 0 0 What Harkens StandWithUs-Michigan, an L.A.-based Israel…

… education and advocacy coalition, brought Darwish to the JN offices. She had just come from Brooklyn College and was headed to Wayne State University in Detroit and the University of Michigan in Ann. Arbor…

… decrying campus activism against Zionism and Jews in general. Has this anti-Jewish assault emotionally drained us? It's as if we hope the hate just dissipates; then we wouldn't have to clash with our foes…

…-Israel bias on U.S. campuses. When Nonie Darwish arrived Nonie Darwish in America more than 20 years ago, she brought her baggage of indoctrination: She had been taught that Jews were monsters. Soon, she…

… discovered the big lie; Jews became her friends. "Now," she says, "I have fear that is arising from concerns I have about my own people. We've opened our society here in America without any precautions. Isn…

…'t that amazing?" The lesson is crystal clear: We Jews cannot let down our guard. We can't possibly know for sure where danger lurks. z rn • :1 • (31 (1) 0 C 2 XT04•414 i1: CD 0 (I) CD…

… wounded 900 more. Israeli soldiers killed Darwish's father when she was 8: Egyptian President Gamal Abdul-Nasser direct- ed her to avenge her father's death by murdering Jews. Instead, she questioned her…

September 13, 1991 • Page Image 11

… objections. The strongest objection centers on the drawing of Jews who rejected Jesus with long and hooked noses, whining voices and sinister leers, who are portrayed as cunning moneylenders, bribe-givers and…

… inhumane doctors and rabbis. If anyone should miss the point, such Jews almost always wear a prayer shawl, and a yarmul- ke. By contrast, the Jews who accept Christianity have fair, all-American features…

…, told the Times that he was "shocked" by the Jew- ish criticism and that no slight was intended. "In every story, like in any Disney animation, there are good guys and bad guys," Mr. Griffin said. "We…

Jews of North Africa, it is very difficult to verify their findings because of the lack of objective documenta- tion," Dr. Abrahmski-Bligh said. Dr. Abramski-Bligh discovered one of the most important…

… of the worst in the country. The diary tells of poor sanitary conditions, of typhoid and other epidemics, of daily deaths and torture. Those with further infor- mation about Libyan and Tunisian Jews

… during the war are asked to contact Dr. Irit Abramski-Blight at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel. ROUND UP p- • Love That Pizza? Thank The Jews Judaism's greatest con- tribution to Western civilization…

… Jewish people. "Pizza is a kind of flat- bread. It was unknown in Italy until the early Romans brought back Jewish mat- zos," says the box, printed by the Michigan Box Company. Sure enough, the Romans had…

September 13, 1991 • Page Image 1

… group of Detroiters representing the Jewish Federation, the Jew- ish Community Council, the Michigan Board of Rabbis, Michigan AIPAC, the American Jewish Com- mittee, Hadassah and the Zionist Organization…

…. Carl Levin of Michigan this week labeled "morally wrong" President George Bush's proposal to delay a Congressional vote on Israel's request for $10 billion in U.S. loan guar- antees, and said he is con…

…- vinced the majority of the Senate supports his position. "Soviet Jews should not be used as pawns for a political purpose," Sen. Levin said. "And that's the feeling here (in the Senate)." Israel has…

… of America left for Washington to discuss the loan guar- antees with Michigan repre- sentatives. They slated meetings with Sens. Levin and Donald Riegle, as well as Reps. David Bonior, the House…

…. Continued on Page 20 Abortion Action: Will Jews Join In? NOAM M.M. NEUSNER Staff Writer A AITERN.DAY Miracles Three Detroiters talk about remarkable events in their lives. Page 24 fter a summer…

… fit into the Operation Rescue philosophy? Many Jews are decidedly pro-abortion, and fear that Operation Rescue, a highly evangelical move- ment, will apply Christian morality to American poli- tics if…

… given the chance. "The real question is not one of abortion," said Rabbi Daniel Polish of Temple Beth El. "Jews see this issue as one where government might be used to impose someone's value system on…

… others. "They would like an America that sees things a certain way," Rabbi Polish added. "It's not the way Jews understand things." Jewish law on abortion varies, depending on who's interpreting it. Strict…

December 13, 1985 • Page Image 75

…" of the two movements but urged Or- thodox Jews, nevertheless to create relationships on a per- sonal level with individual members of Reform and Conser- vative Judaism who "have been misled by their…

… rabbis to believe that 'you don't have to be Jewish to be a Jew'." Sherer, Moshe Rabbi president of Agudath Israel of America, singled out for attack Rabbi Alexander Schindler, president of the Union of…

… to give up on any single Jew, and not to con- cede even one iota in our dedica- tion to save Jews from succumb- ing to the onslaught of a hostile society," Sherer declared. The theme of the keynote…

… Judaism," but he and others implored Orthodox Jews to extend themselves per- sonally with Ahavas Yisroel (love of Israel) to reach out to non-observant Jews. NCCJ Divests New York — The National Executive…

… Board of the National Conference of Christians and Jews has voted yesterday to di-• vest the portfolio holdings of the organization from companies doing business in South Africa. The move is a protest…

… world community." Ronald Steven Smith Photographer Portrait • Commercial • Portfolios 546-6943 LICK YOUR WEIGHT PROBLEMS ONCE AND FOR ALL NEW DIET TO MICHIGAN MEDICALLY SAFE AND SOUND Lose up to…


April 13, 1962 • Page Image 16

…. Haerter is now under investigation in Germany in connection with the murder of Jews at Gorochow. Anyone who has a n y information about Haerter, or any of the other Nazis in charge of Gorochow should…

…-Defamation League Fights Institutionalized Discrimination American Jews are faced with the paradox that anti- Jewish discrimination has be- come so institutionalized that it is "virtually a built-in part of modern…

… Council of Jewish Communities of Morocco has devoted an editorial to th e question of Jewish emigration. According to a report issued in New York by the World Jew- ish Congress Institute of Jewish JWV Urges…

… Support Affairs, the editorial emphasized that if Jews were leaving it was of Bill to Deny Aid simply because they were being to Biased Countries treated as second-class citizens. A call to every American…

… which discriminate against Amer- neutral newspapers to attack the ican citizens was issued by Na- government, the Institute of Jew ' , II Affairs report notes. Certain - tional Commander Theodore Brooks…

… of the Jewish War Veter- papers claimed that 30.000 Jews had left Morocco, while in fact ans of the United States of America. the figure was about 5,000. Brooks praised Representa- "Some 10,000 Jews

…- which American citizens will be discriminated against." Brooks ers "Thereupon 5,000 Jews found urged early consideration of the bill by the House Committee on themselves in a very uncom- fortable position…

April 13, 1917 • Page Image 8

… so many millions of our people faced death from cold and starvation as Michigan's Only Jewish Publication. is presently the case. It is said that not less than three million Jew- Subscription in…

… a true American patriot as well as of a Froad- minded Jew. Who will be the man in Michigan to follow the high A Campaign of Mercy example of these noble Jews ?, On Sunday of this Week there will be…

…THE JEWISH ,CHRONICLE to be corrected. Some there are who imagine that thrOugh the fact that equal rights have been accorded to the Jews of Russia, since the Issued Every Friday by the Jewish…

… Chronicle Publishing Company. recent revolution there, their need of material help has also been met. ANTON KAUFMAN•- - - General Manager But this is far from the truth. Never in the history of the Jew have…

…: Cherry 3381 and 1526 needs. Of this huge amount of money, Mr. Julius Rosenwald has RABBI LEO M. FRANKLIN, - - Editorial Contributor given one-tenth. Surely, the Jews of the whole country will quickly and…

… of Thrift this cause serves not only the Jews, but serves as well the cause of We are living in an age that is notorious for its extravagance. democracy and of humanity. Will Detroit again stand in the…

… arrangements of humanity? We who know the Jews of Detroit feel that we shall and of pleasure. This tendency is perhaps the less blameworthy in not be disappointed in expecting them to set up a standard that…

… September. This action was to be looked for in the light of with less right to self-indulgence, follow their example of extravagant recent events. The granting of equal rights to the Jews in Russia living. It…

… the Russian Jew has found equality and freedom. Be that as it may, require no comment. the time is certainly inopportune, now that America has entered as But the time - has come when the men and women…

… of this country an active participant in the war, to especially press the claims of the should be made to halt in their mad careers of extravagance. So long Jew for recognition. More potent than any…

January 13, 2005 • Page Image 42

… about local events and a keepsake full-color poster featuring- a Michigan historic timeline. Enjoy our shared history. Ken i Guten Cohen, story development editor Beginning 350 years ago, colonial Jews

…Editor's Note: As American Jews celebrate the yearlong 350th anniversary of our arrival in this nation, the Jewish News honors this rich history with an essay about the early Jewish settlers, stories…

… set the tone for today's Jewish communities. ft:, e Jews pride ourselves on our long histo- Inquisition continued or many decades, eventual- ly reaching the Portuguese colony of Recife, ‘Brazil. ry as…

… Dutch, the city attracted many Jews. But by generally speak of 3,500 years that year, the Portuguese recaptured Recife and of unbroken Jewish history beginning with the patriarch Abraham (Genesis: 12…

…, the land of Israel. 23 Jews were forced tb do what unfortunately is an If we use the 3,500-year fig- unhappy reality of Jewish history: They fled their ure, the story of Jews in homes for an unknown…

…, Catholics in Maryland and Protestant . Pilgrims in New England. r lift t During the 15th century, Jews living on the Iberian Peninsula — Spain and Portugal -- endured tragic physical expulsion and bitter…

…. Britain, France and Holland were competing with W '"":14i, ,• one another as they established colonies in Norfl , and South America. The Recife Jews, some of them already refugees ,,',. from Europe…

…, sailed for the one colony that o e'- 4 a realistic hope for security and survival: the Du ' tch: settlement of New Amsterdam. It is likely the ,. Jews were aware that a commercial base d in the Netherlands…

… Rivers meet, was hardly an;ii4.: . easy or welcoming one. New Amsterdam's Goi:i.,: ;i'Vt Peter Stuyvesant did not want the Jews to settle:i!:14. I ; . there. However, the Jewish members of the settle ment…

…:. munity would not be a burden, fi nanc i al : b and in other ways, to the general socie ty. From the very beg-in.ning, Jews were er!::* :,,,1, , America on sufferance and were less full citizens. It…

June 13, 1997 • Page Image 20

…3 40 kat Okk 0 some Italians freely turned in their Jewish neighbors, most worked in opposition to the Nazis to save Jews by falsifying pass- ports, harboring Jews in their homes or working to get…

Jews out of the country and into safer ar- eas. She said the active opposition A Shared Past A conference on the Holocaust in southern Europe draws a mixed crowd. JILL DAVIDSON SKLAR STAFF WRITER…

…ED 20 t li ,i tt City of Oak Park • The Ben N. Teitel Charitable Trust Oakland County Cultural Council • Michigan Council for the Arts & Cultural Affairs For information: The Neighborhood Project…

March 13, 1987 • Page Image 30

… the Central Con- ference of American Rabbis, and Rabbi David Gordis, head of the American Jewish Committee, pleaded for greater religious pluralism in Israel. Congressman Howard L. Wolpe of Michigan and…

…- faith understanding were dis- cussed by experts who shared their experiences. Vatican- Israel relations and their im- plications for Catholics and Jews were reviewed by ex- perts. Such wide…

…-spread interests as these indicate how valid, how kaleidoscopic, are the interests of American Jewry. Of course we Jews must support Israel. We do. The litmus test of political candi- dates, so far as Jews are con…

…- cerned, is how they support Israel. But to support Israel alone, as a single issue con- cern, and to ignore other gut issues vital to many Ameri- can Jews, is neither healthy nor wise. We need to spend…

… time and money to implement the is- sues of a good society that guarantees the safety and se- curity of American Jews. Our agenda must include the cel- ebration of the 200th an- niversary of the…

… Constitution. Soviet Jews can never be for- gotten. The Holocaust needs constant remembering. Our synagogues and temples, our culture and devotion to Jewish learning, our em- phasis on charity, all makes us a…

… multi-issue community. We need American Jews — especially young men and women — to involve them- selves in leadership respon- sibilities, be it in the po- litical, social, religious, charitable or…

… involved with Jewish survival besides Is- rael. That is the Diaspora. Let's face it. Most of the Jews in the U.S., Canada, England, France even USSR, are not moving to Israel. They are going to live where…

… they are in a pluralistic society. How they live as Jews, the quality of their Jewish life, is of prime impo- rtance. A genuine Jewish life can be lived anywhere. Jews cluster in com- munities and face…

… hatred. Jews still need to band together for mutual protection and de- fense, to interpret to the broader community our true goals and values, lest stereotypes be believed and our rights be abridged…

April 13, 1984 • Page Image 26

… decades ago, Or- to David Wallechinsky. An- thodox Jews allowed liberal other is the increasing re- secular Jews to represent fusal to change one's them because they were in- "Jewish" looks — think of…

… timidated by American cul- Barbra Streisand not bob- ture. Many non-Orthodox bing her nose. Think, too, of Jews were embarrassed to the pride in the Jewish tra- see Chasidim in public. dition evidenced by her…

… Northwestern Highway Southfield, Michigan 48034 ing concern that American Jewry may be slipping into irreversible assimilation or weakening in its support for Israel. The most encourag- ing sign that American…

… schools were shunned by most American Jews for fear that Jewish integration into America might be retarded by such "self-segregation." In the past 15 years, the day school student population has increased…

… arrived at Harvard as a student in 1953, the school had a policy requiring Sabbath- observant Jews who would not take exams on Saturday to stay confined with a tutor the entire day and take their finals…

…- generally assimilationist counted at Passover when and fearful of aggressivaly the Jews fled Egypt, is uni- defending Jewish interests. versally known from the One of the tragic stories of Bible. Not so the…

… "second the Holocaust period was exodus," although it hap- Roosevelt's use of Con- pened in the middle of our gressman Sol Bloom of New own century. Out of the York as a front at the Ber- 100,000 Jews who…

… through the fic- other occasions, to head off titious character of Inbar, a Jewish pleas for rescue of Jewish-Egyptian woman Jews fleeing the Holocaust. and her group of friends. Jews especially feared the…

June 13, 1969 • Page Image 4

… American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish' News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit…

…, Mich. 48235, VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK…

… behind the Iron Curtain to cause interrogation into the status of the vast Communist sphere which officially makes a crime of Jew-baiting but neverthe- less witnesses outbursts of hatred that are…

… "minority ob- stacles" and the role of Jews in th0 Ukraine. It began with an account of a visit to the Kiev synagogue guided by a Jewish univer- sity student, Nadya, who said she 'had gone to services on…

…, for the affirmations of interest in Jew- ish life and in Israel, in spite of the menac- ing Communist propaganda. But into , the re- ports from Russia there often creep innuen- does that serve to…

… emphasize the prejudicial rather than the positive factors about Jew- ish life in the U S S R. Nadya keeps, tell- ing the Christian Monitor correspondent that "Kiev is our home, how can we leave," when asked…

… about Birobidzhan, but when she is quoted about Jews trying 'to make their way into the universities or about , monetary matters, it is always the smart Jew who emerged out of the portrayals, and these de…

… was married to a Jewish boy, and felt a strong sense of identification wtih Jews. She knew only a few Yiddish expressions and no Hebrew. At the time of the Arab-Israeli war in 1967, she said, there had…

… been an enormous surge of national sentiment among Soviet Jews and a feeling of solidarity with the , Israelis. I asked Nayda about the treatment of Jews generally (anti-Semitism is prohibited by Soviet…

… law and is not a subject of official discusson in the Soviet Union). Her comments were simi- lar to many I had heard. "We get along,", she said quietly. "The . We have problems. Jews always know how No…

March 13, 1992 • Page Image 48

…, editor of the Michigan Jew- ish History Magazine. One of the documents is about a novel by Ceil Pearl Schnapic about Jewish farmers in the Benton Har- bor area. While in the beginning of this century some…

… in Michigan was a larger scale farming under- taking which merits exten- sive study. Professor Sidney Bolkosky gives considera- tion to the Sunrise colony in his recent history of Jews in Michigan. Dr…

…::::i**: '''''...:V, , , National Bank of Detroit 3.60 Michigan National 3.50 Comerica 3.60 First of America 3.50 Manufacturers • Standard Federal' , • ,.., 3.60 3.80 3.80 First Federal of Michigan

…. This is the case with one of the JARC groups that is plann- ing a vacation in what has become a nearly-forgotten Michigan area. One of the directors of the JARC Frankel group, Cory Darnell, decided to…

… News reveals that an honor was accorded to Leonard N. Simons in South Haven. It was at the fourth annual institute of human relations of the Michigan Regional Advisory Board of the Anti- Defamation…

… League of B'nai B'rith. It is also interesting to note that Mr. Simons was flown to South Haven in Max Fisher's private plane. An entire bookshelf is be- ing assembled on Michigan farmers by Judy Cantor…

… 400 Jews participated in Benton Harbor farming ventures, fewer than a dozen remained 20 years ago. The South Haven ac- tivities later developed into summer resort aspects. That's how the area became…

… Zionist, ADL and Jewish social service needs. The revival of interest in South Haven creates special attention in Jewish farming activities in Michigan. The first major pioneering effort was in the 1880s…

… and 1890s in Bad Axe. A second was the Sunrise Colony near Saginaw in the 1930s. Only a few apple and other fruit farms established by Jews still survive; yet they enrich the record of Jewish…

… achievements in our state. The most sensational Michigan Jewish farming experience toward the end of the last century was in Bad Axe. A number of prominent Michigan citizens took an interest in the back…

June 13, 2003 • Page Image 69

…ege ni Meanwhile, institu- tions run by Jewish sec- ularists and socialists also competed for bas- ketball talent. As Jews moved from Manhattan to the outer boroughs of the Bronx and Brooklyn, they…

… All-Stars, or SPHAs, whose logo was in Hebrew. After World War II, however, the game began shifting dramatically. Perhaps the greatest force was the postwar migration of Jews to the suburbs, where they…

…,"' he recalls. II of Assisted Livin from 3,500 per month CYve Q(4z 6s° ,(4)ice Yae (6d . Orchard Lake Rd. South of Lone Pine Rd. West Bloomfield, Michigan 248.683.1010 NEW 2002 VOLVO S60 CLEARANCE…

January 13, 2005 • Page Image 1

…. !CISCO ( ake St. I rican ROOTS Tat‘ 1.-7fr 'Omer Forest L 1 Au Gres Michigan Jews mark 350th anniver of Jewish Pigeon Bay Port/ Kilma- nagh orth adley KaWtpilin Unionville • . 'BAY City ST…

… DETROIT JEWISH NEWS $1.25 JANUARY 13, 2005/SHEVAT 3, 5765 tosTemrikt ,cmacrou 350 Year A Michigan Jewish Timeli, Ltt il;13111 Alcona OSCODA Mikado Pond ,LUMBERMEN'S MON…

April 13, 2001 • Page Image 3

…DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Contents 0 A 2000 winner of Michigan Press Association and American Jewish Press Association awards N April 13, 2001 Nisan 20, 5761 Vol. CXIX, No…

… Spirituality 85 Young Ambassadors 53 Savoring Similarities Seder brings temple, church together to celebrate freedom. Local group joins BBYO visit to poor Jews in Bulgaria. 86 Super-Sized Kornwise Weekend…

… draws a record attendance. AppleTree 93 Woman-A-Day Great facts about Jews for Women's History Month. Harriet Hessenthaler of West Bloomfield pours "wine" (grape "uice) for Dorothy Bright and Dee…

… Portion . . . . 61 50 Weddings Candlelighting Friday, April 13, 7:54 p.m. A 10,, Fewavoeiog nsrrxorrsmmarKmt Cover Story Page 11 A March With A Message March brings together Jews of different…

… Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan. Periodical Postage Paid at South- field. Michigan and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send changes to: Detroit Jewish News, 27676 Franklin Road, South- field…

August 13, 1948 • Page Image 4

…, as a consistent supporter of efforts to settle Jews on farms in Michigan, as leader in movements to prevent the defamation of Jews, Dr. Franklin was recognized among the leading spokesmen for the…

… the Jewish State is not enough, that the aim of the r e constructed Jewish Common- wealth also is to strive to secure protection for Jews in other lands. This is a traditional Zionist aspiration which…

… principle to Jews in Arabic countries gives it validity. While the United States, for example, would be chal- lenged in efforts to seek protection for Jews in lands of persecution—as we were challenged during…

… intercede in American internal affairs in behalf of Ne- groes in the South) , it is an entirely different story when the lives of Jews in Arab states are involved. More than 800,000 Jews in Arab countries…

… have been threatened with annihilation as a result of the rise of the State of Israel. But even before the re-establishment of the Jew- ish State, Jews were insecure under Arab rule. There have been…

… wholesale massacres in several Arab territories and in Yemen Jews not only are denied•citizenship but are treated in Nazi fashion like subhumans. Naturally, the State of Israel objects to such discrimination…

… be denied the right to . return to their homesteadS unless there is a guarantee that Jews in Arabic countries will be given full protection. The Israeli demand is for restora- tion of confiscated…

… Jewish property in Arab countries in addition to granting the Jews full civil and political equality. Israel's demands represent an interesting test. It is a challenge to the sense of justice of the UN…

… mediators, to the power of inter- cession of the UN against injustice and to the ability of the Jewish State to fight for the 1.:ghts not only of her citizens but also in defense of Jews persecuted in other…

… fact, with the result that many American Jews made possible the Irgun's activities with their con- tributions. The Ben-Gurion speech should set them straight and should serve to put an end to support for…

September 13, 1940 • Page Image 5

… Badge to be worn by Jews and the effort to introduce it „ ay bol of shame" in conquered lands is cause degrada- hat this "mark of Antwerp y of ew,ing t he histor 907 : e‘-v ini came from ormation t hc inf…

… . " T tion e hat the non-J e ws of the community protested the introduction of this badge b y wear- against g it as a mark of sympathy with the Jews is in f great interest. This action helped to thwart o…

… Nazi • s c heme in the Dutch community. the In a recent issue of The Catholic World, edit- d by the Rev. James M. Gillis, Miss Dorothy e Penn wrote an article on "The 'Rota' Worn by the Jew in the Middle…

… Ages" in which she reviewed interesting fashion the history of the Yellow in Badge. In the course of her article, in which references to Dr. Solomon she made' several hc Church and the Jews 'in the Thir…

… in the year 634, when he ordered that in his kingdom unbe- lievers should wear different headgear and girdle, and a patch on their outer garment on the s houlder,—Jews a yellow one, Chris- tians blue…

…, and Magi black. This custom spread through all Islamic lands. In the ninth century in Sicily the Mohammedans made the Jew wear a white symbol with the image of a m onkey, and the Christian one with the…

January 13, 1922 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR yr Ron; /r.% is n ORM ICLE /, ItEDETRO1T EWISRRON ICLE MICHIGAN'S JEWISH HOME PUBLICATION Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. Joseph J. Cummins, President…

… economic conditions under which we are living? And by what right does he appeal to the Jews to assist him in bringing about that change? Since when has he come to realize that the Jew has vision and genius…

… could distort into disparagement of the Jew is repeated, his interview pur- porting to have been given at Dearborn to Allan L. Benson and sent broadcast through the International News Service on Jan. 6 is…

… but insult added to injury. Containing as it does a left-handed compliment to the Jews as the creators of the present monetary system of the world and as the one people with genius and vision sufficient…

Jews control the money markets of the world. In effect, Mr. Ford says that the Jews as the international bankers have in their power the shaping of industrial and commercial condi- tions; the lifting of…

… bear a weight of suffer- ing that is already far too heavy, none will be to blame for the situation but the Jew. In other words, the interview given to Mr. Benson contains no less ignorance and no less…

… if he honestly desires—as he implies in his interview—to regain even a modicum of respect at the hands of Jews or to invite their aid in any plan that may be suggested by him in the mat- ter of…

… American has wronged his fellow, he is man enough to acknowledge the fact and in the measure of his power to undo it. We maintain that by his misrepresenta- tion of the Jew, Mr. Ford has not only sacrificed…

… the respect of Jews but as well the confidence of every man of every faith who is fair minded and in spirit a true American. The mere assertion on the part of Mr. Ford that he wished to attack only a…

… small group of Jews and not the masses of them, or what is still more absurd, that he wished to help and not hurt the Jews by his libelous attacks, can only be accepted as the driveling of a man who has…

March 13, 1987 • Page Image 46

…LOOKING BACK Jewish Journey Continued from Page 44 • MARCASITES, are IN and we've got them! (antique & modern) ftess Ormp Jewelry 32800 Franklin Road Franklin, Michigan 48025 855-5558 _AL…

… children's choir in Budapest, young peoples' chavurot, Shabbat services, study groups. "Of course, you can't compare it to the way it was, but there are still Jews writing stories and plays, some artists…

…, lots of creativity in music. It's not just a relic of the past. They are still creating. There are Jews living, breathing and creating in Eastern Europa" And living as Jews. Strom's favorite ex- ample of…

… said. "He knew he was Jewish and that was about it. His parents were staunch communists. He did marry a Jew- ish woman, not because he looked for one but because he fell in love with one. "A couple of…

…. People speak Yiddish on the streets. It's like time has stood still for 60 years." And, Strom said, there should be Jewish life in Romania for at least another 60 years. With 28,000 Jews, Strom said…

… Rosen, a very charismatic leader, who's also a member of the Parliament. "Romanian Jews, on the other hand, are also very Zionistic and leave in droves to Israel. Aliyah is what's going to cause the end…

… of the community." Hungary, said Strom, is another strong community and the one, he said, that will be around the longest. With more than 80,000 Jews, it has the largest Jewish population in Eastern…

… Satmar Chasidim, Hungarian Jews get a regular influx of visitors and money from Satmars who live in New York and Israel. Czechoslavakia, by contrast, is a dying community. Virtually all of Czechoslavak- ia…

…'s 10,000 Jews live in Prague, the only ci- ty with any real life left. Prague, however, does offer some hope, Strom said, thanks to the recent appointment of the first rab- bi in 20 years and to the…

… presence of the Alteneushul, the oldest synagogue still in use in Eastern Europe. Those factors, Strom said, have "caused a rebound with a substantial number of Jews freshly com- mitted to their culture and…

November 13, 1970 • Page Image 6

…•-• •• ■ .. .• • In the continuing calm made possible by the relaxing in a bunker overlooking the Suez Canal. cease fire with Egypt, Israeli troops are shown here 44 Jews Sign Their Names to Appeal to Praesidium NEW…

… YORK (JTA) — A letter signed by 44 Jews in Moscow and Kharkov, appealing to the praesid- ium of the Supreme Soviet to as- sure a fair trial for eight Lenin- grad Jews under arrest, was made public here…

November 13, 2014 • Page Image 5

… and dis- crimination and fights anti-Semitism in general. On Nov. 23, the Michigan chapter will hold its 80th Annual Balfour Celebration at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield. All Detroit area…

Jews are urged to attend to help support this venerable organization and to show that they, too, stand with Israel. Sy Freilich White Lak Stop Using U.N. As A Scapegoat Again, as criticisms of Israel…

… Exercising Freedom It's a capital crime under the Palestinian Authority to sell land to a Jew. Any other group facing that kind of hatred and discrimination would be cheered and their cleverness applauded, not…

… condemned, for beating the hate- mongers, even in the middle of the night ("Israel's Higher Level Of Ethics:' Editorial, Oct. 30, page 48). Jews moving into Arab neighbor- hoods in Jerusalem isn't incitement…

… aligned with any specific political party. Earlier on Friday, Nov. 22, Ascherman will meet with the Michigan Board of Rabbis. In addition, Ascherman will speak at 8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 20, at the Jewish…

… Community Center of Greater Ann Arbor, 2935 Birch Hollow Drive. His topic will be "Current Challenges for and Successes in Human Rights Work in Israel: RHR Beyond the It's the same freedom we, as Jews and…

… Americans, demand for all other eth- nic, religious and cultural groups. Palestinian Jew-hatred is the impedi- ment to peace, that and their demand of all the land "from the river to the sea" with an…

… Palestinian demands, which constantly increase with each concession and "goodwill gesture" by the Israeli govern- ment. Peace will come by standing up to the Jew-hating bullies and refusing to be bullied…

…. Rather than wringing our hands over a Jewish group's wish for a Jewish majority in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish nation, we should support them and demand that Jews be accorded equal rights to live…

… anywhere they please. We should also remember that the only Middle Eastern country where diverse groups do get along is that Jewish nation. It's important to note that no matter how much we Jews try to "play…

August 13, 1943 • Page Image 10

… national leaders wear the yellow Mogen David. in Democratic activities in Michigan. 7,500 Jews Escaped from 'Yugoslavia Into Italy NEW YORK (JTA)—More than 7,500 Jews succeeded in cross- ing into Italy from…

…Page Ten THE JEWISH NEWS 4,000 Polish Jews Helped In Defense of Stalingrad Friday, August 13, 1943 Weekly fleview of the News of the World (Compiled From Cables of Independent Jewish Press…

… Committee to Save the Jews of Europe, LONDON, (JTA)—Moi e than 4,000 Jews took part in the plans were discussed for the evacuation of 50,000 Jews a month from Nazi-occupied defense of Stalingrad, it was…

… were Jews. They told the mother of the Jewish Board of Guardians, and that since she spoke Russian well she should cross into the Rus- Louis Weiss. sian lines and secure information for them as to when…

… Sweden from the Warsaw ghetto through the efforts of friendly Poles. In a lecture delivered here, he said that common struggles and common sufferings have united the Poles and Jews, and cited how Poles…

… newspaper, writes that "his words speak for themselves and need no comment. The destruction of the Jews in Poland is one of the darkest pages in history." Italy Recalls Jewish Officers (Continued from Page…

… 1) the Badoglio government in Italy abolishing the anti-Jewish laws and releasing all interned Italian Jews, Vittorio Valobra, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, this week began…

… negotiating in Rome with high government of- ficials for the release of interned Polish, German and stateless Jews. The number of alien Jews who are interned in camps or confined in small townships cannot be…

… established. It is know-i-i that about 4,000 foreign Jews were stranded in Italy when she entered the war. Large numbers of Jews were among the crews of the American Liberators that raided the Ploesti oil…

… Mach, Slovakian Minister of the Interior, has announced that 3,700 Jews are now interned in forced labor camps in Slovakia. Joseph Raskin, a Jewish boy of 17, was sentenced to death by a Nazi court at…

January 13, 2005 • Page Image 94

…( Haym Salomon A Michigan Jewish Timeline 1654: The first 23 Jews in North America, including 13 children, arrive by boat in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, now New York. Gov . Peter Stuyvesant…

… France in Detroit - the oldest city west of the Appalachians. In 1761, the British defeat the French and rule Detroit. 1761: Michigan's first Jew, Montreal fur trader Ezekiel Solomon, arrives by voyageur…

Jews in the Dearborn Independent and distributed worldwide the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (33) 1865: Kalamazoo's Bnai Israel is Michigan's first building built specifically as a synagogue. (9…

… Shaarey Zedek. (30) 1930s: Jews become active leaders in the labor movement of the auto industry. Myra Wolfgang organizes the waitress union. (31) 1861-1865: 181 men and boys from 151 Michigan Jewish…

Jews serve as soldiers in the American Revolution. A 1975 U.S. postage stamp honors the vital support of patriot Haym Salomon.(2) 1926: The Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit is founded under the…

… leadership of Fred Butzel. (29) 1787: "No person ... shall ever be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments ..." The Northwest Ordinance, which includes the territory of Michigan

… had been United Jewish Appeal national chair. freedom. 1837: Michigan is admitted as a state and is represented on the flag by the middle star. (3) 1840s: The new Michigan Central Railway brings…

… Jewish immigrants to towns all across lower Michigan. The Weils are the first Ann Arbor Jewish family. (4) 1845-48: A Jewish feminist, Ernestine Rose speaks to the Michigan legislature in favor of…

… Kanter, a banker, is elected to the Michigan State Legislature. He makes friends with the Native Americans, learning their languages. (8) 1942: The Detroit Jewish News is founded by publisher and editor…

… Philip Slomovitz. (32) 1860: The Michigan legislature approves free public education through high school. Detroit's Central High School opens and enrolls Jewish students. 1942: Henry Ford sends a letter…

July 13, 1973 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National…

… Editorial Associa- tion. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional…

… point to its anti- Semitic character. Yet, in evaluating the studies made of the picture by non-Jews, it is reasonable to conclude that its objection- able aspects are more insulting to Christians than…

… they are to Jews. Trampling upon New Testament sources which are already diffused with prejudice- inspired references to Jewry, the manner in which the producers have portrayed the ty- rannical crucifier…

… Pontius Pilate as a lovable hero, the numerous other distortions, all add up to the portrayal of a tainted portrait of the Jew who is already a sufferer from ancient anti-Jewish passions. The new version is…

… perpetuate the venom of accusing Jews of being "Christ killers," to call into play all the appeals to disrespect of every effort to create better Christian-Jewish re- lations. The thorough study of the film by…

Jews will condemn it. the highest standards in the training of our children had an uphill battle for accreditation by the federated forces which provide the means for these costly projects. The dedica…

… an inducement to communities everywhere to take into account the new interests among Jews in their children's education. The non- Jewish communities have also turned to pri- vate schooling and to…

… faction. This is the status that will surely inspire an even greater back- ing from the over-all community as time progresses. 'Jews in the South': Volume Replete With Historical Data "Jews in the South…

… work commence with "Jewish Life in the Antebellum and Confederate South" and continue through the present era involving "Jews and Desegregation." In addition to being co-editor of this volume, Dr…

August 13, 1982 • Page Image 19

….1.11 By ALLEN A. WARSEN "Not only has the Ameri- can scene helped to shape the Jew, but he also, along with all other ethnic groups has helped to mold what can be called American culture. Their obvious…

… contribution to the American experience is all the more remarkable since Jews comprise slightly less than three per- cent of the population. "It is the aim of the pre- sent volume to survey this two…

…-fold relationship — that of the impact of Jews upon America and of con- temporary America upon Jews." The above passage is from "Jewish Life in Twentieth Century America: Chal- lenge and Accommodation," authored by…

… Milton Plesur and published by Nelson- Hall. The author commences his narrative by record- ing the number of Rus- sian Jews who came to the U.S. during the period 1880-1914. He notes, how- ever, that the…

…." As a result of the de- famatory verbiage and un- substantiated accusations against Jews, the American Jewish Committee, the New York Kehila (organized Jewish community) and the Anti-Defamation League…

… for a knockout gift! P.S. Ask us about our Balloon-Tree for parties Call for Deliveries 855-3355 VISA Friday, August 13, 1982 19 History of 20th Century American Jews Recorded Colombia May Buy…

… the Kfir MASTERCARD and fight anti-Semitism. In spite of all the diffi- culties, the Jews, as a re- sult of hard work and in- genuity, gradually rose on the intellectual and economic ladder. Jews

… Irving Berlin and Jerome Kern "established the popu- lar musical theater." Incisive is the author's analysis of the Great De- pression. Though it effected millions of people, Jews suf- fered most. Among…

… one-night-a-week boycott of gas, electric and telephone companies if they did not halt their dis- criminatory hiring prac- tices. The depression years marked a sharp increase of Jew-hating organizations…

… and the Black Legion. America. Roosevelt's attitude Yet, many Jews rose to prominence in the 1930s. towards creating a They included Herbert Jewish state in Palestine, Lehman, New York's first it was…

August 13, 1954 • Page Image 1

…THE JEWISH NEWS Jews by Birth: How Shall They Who Reject Us A Be Treated? Commentary, Page 2 Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit…

… Tuesday ex- pressed his "deep regret" over the pogrom which cost six Jewish lives last week at Petitjean. He, assured that he will "put into effect all steps possible in order to prevent Jews and other…

… Heller, president of the Federation of Jew- ish Communities of Algeria, and Jacques Lazarus, head of the World Jewish Congress North African Bureau. The Jewish leaders had telegraphed M. LaCoste, after…

… political leaders to ma ke sure that there will be no discrimination against Jews in the new convention now bein g drawn for limited internal autonomy for this French protectorate. There are 80,000 native…

Jews in Tunisia. There are general guarantees on the law books here now securing equal rights for Jews. An 1857 treaty asserts that "no distinction 'is to be made between Tunisian Moslems and Tunisian…

Jews." Article 86 of the Tunisian constitution of 1861 provides that "all subjects of the Tunisian regency of whatever religion have the right to complete security of person, property and honor." Leaders…

… of the Jewish community here ha ve, however, informed Mr. Schuster and Dr. Perlzweig that there -have been instances of legislative discrimination against Jews. A 1937 re- form law admitting Tunisians…

… now owns 34 ships totalling more than 140,000 registered tons, including four passenger steamers, five modern fruit carriers and 23 freighters. Jews in Tunisia Assloted of Equal Treatment by New…

… Premier PARIS, (JTA)—Jews in Tunisia were assured by the newly-formed all-Moslem Tunisian governmento that there would be no anti-Jewish discrimination in the country when it secures its internal…

… French residents in Tunisia—among whom there are about 20,000 Jews. The other 80,000 Jews in Tunisia are natives, and will fall under the general laws of the country after it acquires its internal…

December 13, 1991 • Page Image 107

… Ostreicher, 13- and 10-year-old brothers who have spent the past three years befriending developmentally disabled residents of the Frankel JARC home, Jews have been performing significant acts of charity and…

… kindness with little or no fanfare. To honor those Jews in our midst who, through unusual or extraordinary acts of personal charity and kindness, touch the lives of Jews and non-Jews in the metropolitan…

… NEWS Mitzvah Heroes The Jewish . News 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 O THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 107 …

October 13, 1989 • Page Image 102

… blind, Jews - have been performing significant acts of charity and kindness with little or no fanfare. — Rabbi Elimelech Goldberg Young Israel, Southfield To honor those Jews in our midst who, through…

… unusual or extraordinary acts of personal charity and kindness, touch the lives of Jews and non-Jews in the metropolitan Detroit area, and in the hopes of having their actions inspire others in our…

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1989 Mitzvah Heroes The Jewish News 27676 Franklin Road, Southfield, Michigan 48034 …

March 13, 1998 • Page Image 28

…" •Complimentary Service Loaner Vehicles For Service • 24 Hour Towing Service • Michigan's Most Experienced Acura Sales and Service Team • Award Winning Acura Trained Technicians Who Only Service Acuras • Free…

…-296-1300 OPINION Intermarriage: Reality And Anxiety IOC Most Jews see intermar- tion, or they offer half-hearted accep- tance. Total rejection is the refusal to riage as a frightening officiate at the wedding…

… ceremony, the development. They refusal to accept the non-Jewish believe that it will lead spouse as a participant in community to the disappearance of the Jews in life and the refusal to accept children…

… North America. of a marriage as Jews if the mother is Ironically, intermarriage is a conse- not Jewish. quence of positive experiences in Jew- Half-hearted acceptance is the will- ish life. Intermarriage…

… individual citi- riage is something good. The zens are free to run their message is clear: We would own lives in accordance prefer that you had chosen a with their own desires. Jew- Jewish partner, but since…

… as a reinforcement of Jewish when one of the partners is a Jew and identity becomes more difficult to the other is not. maintain. Many Jewish children now 2. Welcoming non-Jews into active have…

… unaffiliated Israel, European and Oriental Jewish with a non-Jewish alternative. identities are being merged into a new 3. Welcoming the children of Hebrew-speaking Israeli gene pool, intermarriage as Jews, even…

… and the same view of the universe, than nostalgia. but they celebrate these values and Retaining Jews in the Jewish com- beliefs through different holidays and munity becomes more difficult. Sur…

Jews in a significant way, Jewish sur- either offer total hostility and rejec- vival will be the consequence. The existing two alternatives — Sherwin Wine is rabbi of the Birming- rejection and half…

April 13, 1990 • Page Image 99

…TRAVEL Jewish Zurich A A Continued from preceding page • 'NI A WAIF Wall Street can wait a year. Law School can wait a year. The Rat Race can wait a year. BUT ISRAEL CAN'T WAIT! Later, Jews

… constitution gave Jews full freedom. Today, Jews enjoy security and often prosperity in Zurich. They are bankers, merchants, watchmakers, lawyers, academicians. And they live in an environment that is far…

…-M, 994-3979 or call Yefet Ozery, Israel Program Center 6600 W. Maple Road • West Bloomfield, MI 48322 • (313) 661-5440 Deadline for registration, April 30, 1990 *In Michigan, a project of the Jewish…

… in Germany to revise the drama and eliminate its negative portrayal of Jews. The play, which deals with the crucifixion of Jesus, has been performed at the beginning of every decade since 1663…

… consideration for Jewish sensibilities, it still depicts Jews as responsible for the crucifixion. The National Conference of Christians and Jews, the American Jewish Com- mittee and the Anti- Defamation League of…

September 13, 1974 • Page Image 25

… Southfield, Michigan 48075 354-9060 — 851-5619 political, social, juridical, and ment was developed into an. personal protection to the organized action by the Dan- Jews and their property. The ish resistance…

…, 1940, the nearly 10,000 Danish Jews and Jewish refugees were not molested. The Danes, while collaborating with the Germans in the so- called policy of negotiation, simultaneously extended full Danish…

… movement. The behavior of the Danish au- cost of the transfer amounted thorities and the population to about 12,000,000 Danish was so steadfast that the Ger- crowns, of which the Jews mans did not think if…

… martial law was declared. 500 Jews were seized by the The representative of the Germans. They were sent to German Reich, the Nazi, Theresienstadt and remained Werner Best, advocated us- ing this opportunity…

… to deport there until the spring of 1945, when they too were brought the Jews. The attache for to Sweden by the action of shipping affairs, F. G. Duk- witz, who maintained good the Swedish Red Cross…

… head- relations with leading Danish ed by Count Bernadotte. Upon Democrats, informed them their return from Sweden to of the impending danger for Denmark at the end of the the Jews. His warning was war…

…, most of the Jews found quickly spread by Danish their property in tact, the -citizens, organizations and by Encyclopedia Judaica says. It may be estimated that the Jews themselves, and overnight a rescue…

… organiza- approximately 120 people tion sprung up that helped perished because of the per- 6200 Jews and about 700 non- secution: about 50 in There- Jewish relatives escape to sienstadt and a few more in…

… atti- here during the last week in tude toward Jews and the June. The teachers visited humane love of the Dane for ORT Montreuil, a Renault their fellowmen was simply factory and an audio-visual a…

September 13, 1991 • Page Image 14

… Jewish members. Of those, some are Messianic Jews, or Jews for Jesus. For Lynn Mills, spokes- woman for Michigan's Operation Rescue, the lack of Jews is difficult to under- stand. "We would welcome anybody…

…DETROIT Abortion spirituality in the public realm — an issue best repre- sented by the powerful emo- tions elicited by the abortion debate. Many Jews fill the ranks of the pro-abortion movement…

… escorts for women seeking abortions at besieg- ed clinics. Other Jewish organiza- tions associated with the Michigan chapter of Re- ligious Coalition for Abor- tion Rights (RCAR) are Na'amat, National…

…," said Sarah Smith Redmond, di- rector of Michigan's RCAR. "But when they legislate their religion over mine, that's when we draw the line because my religion does not believe abortion is murder." Mrs…

… matter of America's moral health. And that moral concern does have a following in the Jew- ish community. "I'm not uptight when (an- ti-abortion activists) talk about one nation under God," said Rabbi…

… for me." Rabbi Goldberg added that Jews, as a religious minori- ty, must guard against a state-sanctioned preference for one religious group. But Jewish groups that support abortion rights, he said…

May 13, 1966 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National…

… Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOViTZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE HYAMS City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath…

… that British Jewry was "an affluent society with none of the problems of the communit3 , at large." The Telegraph story appeared in a special supplement on British Jews and the Welfare Board showed in…

…- tended, involved poor housing, illnesses, lack of funds, many Jews having been helped by the Jewish relief agency because they could not manage on government grants or pen- sions alone. The Welfare Board…

…. Perhaps the British Jews were irked by the fear of a charge that Jews are rich. This has been a charge through the ages, even in the periods when Jews lived in walled-in ghettoes, during the many centuries…

… when adequate food was available for the Sabbath and when Jews struggled the entire week just to assure sufficient and proper food for the day of rest and the sanctity of the one day in the week when…

… every Jew considered himself a king in his own domain. One would have to yield to the lowest sort of s?,1f-ridicule during the centuries-old periods of impoverishments to offer defense against the rich-as-a-Jew

… charge. Yet it emerges constantly. It was a hoary charge and is an ever-new one. Here we are, in an affluent American society, in which Jews have emerged from poverty, marking unprecedented gains in…

Jews should suddenly call for an explanation that Jews "are in no way bet- ter off than others." Hasn't it been said of late, about the fully emancipated Jews, that "they are like all others among their…

… consisting of "smart Jews" who were "showing off." At that time, we found it necessary to write an editorial—in our issue of June 14, 1963, on the subject "Shall Oxford University Press (417 5th, NY16) has…

March 13, 2014 • Page Image 40

… period is very significant because Jews had to step back and eval- uate the crisis that happened in Europe said Susan A. Glenn, this year's David W. Belin lecturer in American Jewish Affairs, sponsored by…

… the University of Michigan's Jean & Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies. "There was this sense of shock and uncertainty, and people were having trouble assimilating the enormity of it. It's a…

… period when American Jews realised they were the largest Jewish community, and they were responsible for sustaining the Glenn is a history professor and facul- ty affiliate in the Jewish studies program at…

…. This war of words reflected and mobilized deep ideological disagreements about who had a right to speak for and as Jews, and whether individual definitions of Jewish identity —including ambivalence and…

… uncertainty — could be tolerated:' "It will be exciting to hear Glenn uncover some of the elements of Jews' furious attacks on each other" during this period, said Deborah Dash Moore, U-M history professor and…

… Frankel Center director. "The Belin lecture series is designed to bring an academic perspective on pressing issues facing American Jews:' While her lecture will focus on Jewish identity after the Holocaust…

…, questions about how Jews define themselves are still relevant today. "People have different stakes in what Jewish identity means:' Glenn said. "These contests are longstanding, are very much alive today and…

December 13, 1991 • Page Image 43

…slurring Jews, supporting black anti-Semites and showing bias against Israel, is not running this time around. But the Republicans now have a double challenge with Mr. Buchanan and David Duke, the…

…. Buchanan, a conservative newspaper and television commentator, is considered more respectable than Mr. Duke, he has upset many American Jews by questioning their alleged dual loyalty to Israel and the United…

… SPECIALTY 737-8088 33020 NORTHWESTERN ifcm, Outside Of Michigan 1400'752.'2133 "mit Local & Nationwide Delivery Special Candy & Sugarfree Available MasteCarel V STATE FARM INSURANCE MARILYN J. GOLD…

August 13, 2020 (vol. , iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…6 | AUGUST 6 • 2020 Views essay Beating Each Other Up I think it’ s safe to say that we Jews are, well, maybe just a tad bit opinionat- ed. We’ re quick to speak our minds and certainly not…

…- cize everything about fellow Jews — are they too pious, or not pious enough, too vocal, or not vocal enough, or too pro-Isra- el or not pro-Israel, etc. In the wake of the murder of George Floyd…

December 13, 1985 • Page Image 4

… 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076-4138 Telephone (313) 354-6060 PUBLISHER: Charles A. Buerger EDITOR EMERITUS: Philip Slomovitz EDITOR: Gary Rosenblatt CONSULTANT: Carmi M…

… The Detroit Jewish News (US PS 275-520) Second Class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year - $21 — 2 years - $39 — Out of State - $23 — Foreign…

… Cardinal John O'Connor, Edgar Bronfman ruffled some feathers in making a dramatic appeal for the Cardinal to urge the Vatican to recognize Israel. "Please convey to Rome the importance to Jews everywhere of…

… normalizing relations between the Vatican and Israel, which is home for so much of Jewish culture and so many of the world's Jews," said Bronfman, who is president of the World Jewish Congress. In going public…

…, he reflected the growing discontent among many Jews with the Church's long-standing refusal to recognize Israel. And for those who worried that such a confrontation with the Church might backfire…

…, Bronfman noted, "Jews have been too diplomatic." He is right. The Pope has met with Yassir Arafat but still cites the status of Jerusalem, ambiguities over West Bank borders and concern about reprisals…

… absolved the Jews of the death of Jesus, was seen as an appropriate time to raise the Israel issue again. Of course the Vatican's position is not known. When Zionist leader Theodor Herzl met Pope Pius X in…

… 1904 to make his case for a Jewish state — with Jerusalem an international city — the Pope was opposed, citing theological reasons. "Jews have not recognized our Lord; we cannot recognize the Jewish…

… people." If the Jews insisted on returning, he said: "We shall have churches and priests ready to baptize all of you." Jewish-Catholic dialogue over the ensuing decades has brought progress on a number of…

… ad and commentary (Oct. 11) relating to the advice of an Or- thodox rabbinic group admonishing Orthodox Jews not to pray in Con- servative or Reform synagogues, I have been waiting for someone to…

October 13, 1978 • Page Image 37

…- ekistan, more than 100,000 Jews live in this nstituent republic of the USSR; its total population 15 million. The bulk of the Jewish community consists European Jews (Aahkenazim) and Central Asian Jews

…, also called Bukhara Jews. There are so small numbers of Geor- gian Jews and Karaites, a different sect of Jews origi- nally from Daghestan. Central Asian Jews have lived in Uzbekistan since the 12th…

… Starts Group to, Counter Arabs _ Sheila Monast of South- field, a senior at Michigan State University, has started an Israel Awareness Group to counteract Arab propaganda on campus. The group meets 8 p…

… "Professional Entertainment" 354-0770 255-1599 One Man Orchestra Available For All Occasions Now playing for all the Jewish Community renter dances. __ 398-2462 . MICHIGAN'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE FOR…

September 13, 1974 • Page Image 4

…• THE JEWISH NEWS Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515…

… W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075. Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing • Offices. Subscription $10 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ DREW…

… peacefulness and security, yet they must labor to attain it. And when a people is divided in atti- tudes, the hoped-for calmness is often delayed. For Jews everywhere the challenging situations that distinguish…

… for many Jews else- where: To retain the unity that -assures dedication to the many needs that demand action for normality in Jewish life, Jews will have to work together on a global baks. A hasidic…

…, solemnizing the pere nial trek of millions of Jews for worship in synagogues throughout the world. Many of the will repeat the performance on the next day, but there will be many empty seats in the hour of…

…, an confess. . Collectively, the Holy Days, indeed; will be the Great Asseinbly 'period for Jews ever • where. Admittedly, it will be the period of Worship for either two- or three-day-a-year co…

… harshly. They are not all sinners. But e sinners are not rejected in Jewish ranks, the established concession being that Israel pi she-hata Israel hu—even a sinning Jew remains a Jew. Therefore, no Jew is…

… treate outcast. Even unbelievers are treated historically, culturally as Jews. Many revert back synagogue during the sacred --period on the calendar. The reality of Jews assembling as united people in the…

… period of sanctity is app If most Jews are observers twice or three -times a year, are they very different from Christian neighbors who also are reducedly observant? True, much more is expected from People…

… generous wit, their funds; they must reconstruct the role of learning and spirituality. Months of agony have been experienced by Jews in the year now closing. Perhaps eve' more agonizing experiences await…

March 13, 1953 • Page Image 1

…E JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review 15* of Jewish Events WARNING: Beware of Recrudescence of Anti-Semitism. In the U.S. 1933 RED CROSS Ft:190 Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper…

…—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME 23—No. 1 708 David Stott Bldg.—WO. 5-1155 Detroit, Michigan, March 13, 1953 car ,l fo- 7 Editorials, Page 4 $4.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c State Department…

… when the Jews, faced with the possibility of a Czar's death or the replacement of a tyrannical Gubernator, would say, "Do not gloat or rejoice, the successor may be worse." This is the situation in…

… Russia today. Perhaps it can not be worse; but it is doubtful if it can be better. What was Stalin's attitude on Zionism, Jews and Jewish prob- lems? The facts are on record. While non-Russian anti…

…-Semites have tried to link the names of Jews with Communism—and only recently a spreader of hate, speaking before a Detroit audience, passed on the shocking lie that two-thirds of the Communist lead- ers are…

Jews—the facts are on record that the Soviet leaders have outlawed Zionism and the Hebrew language and have displayed enmity towards Jewish cultural undertakings. The late Philip Adler, who was…

…-Zionist, anti-Bund and anti-Hebrew language policies. True: Lenin abrogated all Czarist restrictions on Jews. Stalin, in January of 1931, in reply to a Jewish Telegraphic Agency clues- . tion, declared: "National…

… and racial chauvinism is a survival of the barbarous practices of the cannibalistic period." N. KAGAN OVICIU Jew in Soviet Die- )rship: Is he merely ifferent or is he an - It enemy? But Stalin…

…'s declaration was not published in Russia until 1936 and in many Russian quarters the cry of "Jewish chauvinism" was heard frequently. The complete story is exposed in Solomon M. Sc:hwartz's "The Jews in the…

… Soviet Union," recently published by the Syracuse University Press. Harry Schwartz of the New York Times has in- dicated in recent weeks that Jews have been kept down in the Russian army, in spite of their…

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