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July 05, 1946 • Page Image 8

University in De- troit, which was fostered by the newly organized Keidan Lodge. Bnai Brith Youth Organizations . Hillel Foundations American Red Cross 9 It is only thru the untiring efforts of the men…

… alleviation and prevention of suffering." Community Service The broad social welfare pro- grum which has been part of tablishod in Michigan were at Kal- amazoo, Lansing, and most re- cently at Wayne…

… Bnai Brith leadership have followed with incalculable benefit to the people of Israel. - It was in 1923 that Bnai Brith became the sponsor of an un- usual campus institution at thci - University of

…' DETROIT Page Eight WISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Friday, July 5, 1946 loo Years of Bnai Brith One hundred and two years ago (1843), 12 liberal minded immigrant Jews in New York City…

… created the Bnai Brith (which is the Hebrew for "Sons of the Coven- ant") as American Jewry's first unifying and cultural agency. These founders laid down a pattern of service which has never altered to…

… this day. These aims were stated in the preamble to Bnai Brith's first constitution as follows: "Bnai Brith has taken upon itself the mission of uniting Israelites in the work of promoting their highest…

… interests and those of humanity; of developing and ele- vating the mental and moral character of the people of our faith; of inculcating the purest principles of philan- thropy, honor and patriotism; of

… supporting science and art; alleviating the wants of the poor and needy; visit- ing and attending the sick; coming to the rescue of vic- tims of persecution; providing for, protecting and assist- ing the widow…

… and orphan on the broadest principles of humanity." This vision of unselfish service, embracing all human. ity in its sphere, has remind the inspiration of Bnai Brith. Today the Bnai Brith represents…

… an accurate cross- section of the American Jewish community. It has grown to a mighty group of 700 lodges, 360 women's chapters and 475 youth groups, a combined membership of over 200,000. It's duties…

July 05, 1946 • Page Image 13

… head the 1946-47 Two Received Six-Month Sentences and One a Year's Student Council at the University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Prison Term on Charges Brought by Members of Foundation, Paul Klein and…

…Friday, July 'rt. 1946 ‘,. THE JEWI S H NEWS `Christian Fronters' Lose Appeal in Anti-Jewish Case 3 Michigan Men Named To U. of M. Hillel Council Stuart Goldfarb of Jackson has been elected to…

… Ben-* Jewish War Veterans of U. S. Last February son Jaffee of Cleveland and Bar-. bara Levin of East Chicago are NEW YORK, (JTA)—Kurt Mertig and Ernest S. Elmhurst, two vice-presidents and Carol Lieber…

…- of the three "Christian Fronters" who were convicted of unlawful assembly and breach of the peace as a result of charges brought by members of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, last…

… February, heard their original sentences upheld in a unanimous decision handed down by the Appelate Division of the State of New York. Mertig and Elmhurst received six-month sentences and Homer Maertz, the…

… last member of the trio, was sentenced to one year following their arrest for distributing anti-Semitic material at a meeting in Queens Village, N.Y., last October. . First Racial Discrimination Case…

… Before UN NEW YORK, (JTA)—The first case of racial discrimination— which may serve as a precedent for similar cases—has been filed with the Secretary General of the United Nations. A protest filed by the…

… representative of India charges racial discrimination is being practiced against Indians in the Union of South Africa. An ..extended discussion on the priciple which the protest involves seems to be unavoidable…

…, it was felt in informed circles, since the complaint is based upon Articles 10 and 40 of the United Nations' Charter, which authorize the Assembly to make recommendations on any matter within the scope…

of the Charter and to recommend measures for a peaceful adjustment of situa- tions Which might impair the general welfare. It was recalled that it was the Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa…

July 05, 1946 • Page Image 9

University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation. Paul Klein of Cleve- land, Benson Jaffee of Cleveland air(' Barbara Levin of East Chi- cago will serve as vice-presidents with Carol Lieberman of Maple…

…- thusiasm of the members is any indication, much can be anticiJ pated from this group. U. of M. Hillel m a n ; Treas., Stuart Palmer; Fin. Secy, Ral- ph Lewis; Rec. Secy, Jay Moss; Cor. Secy., Har- ry Fox…

…: wood, N. J. filling the position of secretary. llamM■a• WELCOME Bnai Brith Delegates MAX and EDNA SILK STUART LUGGAGE 216 W. Grand River ROOSEVELT HOTEL Pontiac, Michigan _ SHIRLEY'S FLOWER SHOP…

…, much praise and "Though rooted in a fundamental policy, Bnai —Brith has been sufficiently flexible to make its program conform to the changing needs of the times. Because of this well controlled, though…

… unfettered approach, and its foresight, the Bnai Brith pro- gram kept pace with the problems of the nation and the Jewish people. The dynamic growth of the Bnai Brith, the many and varied vital causes whicn…

… it serves, the record of its achievement, and its role in the- drama of American Jew- ish history are effectively mirrored on this page." HENRY MONSKY, President Supreme Lodge, Bnai Brith. 4 the Irk…

… ye" 'we on re. by ,w. the ny. Ind to An- t of pr- ow nas ef. on. ).L. ing ith he- ro. tin. Ilse mg iis- practices is especially worthy of note. .140 Americanism Work To reenforce…

… and supplement its anti-defamation program, Bnai Brith hag long been a leader in the promotion of Americanism. Its national Americanism Commis- sion has for years stimulated and encouraged the…

… observance of ns.- tio*) holidays, participation in patriotic exercises, support of good cooperation with the schools in citizenship movements and com- munity betterment projects, and the sponsorship of essay…

… contests on Americanism subjects and the provision of motion pictures on patriotic themes. Independently and in coopera- tion with other service and civic agencies, Bnai Brith fought hard and consistently…

July 05, 1946 • Page Image 15

… Joint Defense Appeal, National Jewish Welfare Board, Ann Arbor Jewish Wel- fare Fund, American Jewish Con- ference, University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, Bnai Brith Wider Scope and sev- en…

…. William Haber and Mrs. Reuben Kahn directed the University of Michigan faculty division. Miss Frances Pearl of Newark, N. J., Burton Agata of Detroit and Student Director Samuel Rosen of Waukegan, Ill., led…

…- ning and carrying through of the campaign. The University of Michigan Junior Girls Class donated $100 to the student division. Beneficiary agencies of the campaign include the United Jewish Appeal, the…

… than $12,500. Of the total, $4,550 was raised by the student members of Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation as their contribution to the campaign, an increase over last year's funds of more than $1…

…'ll be a sad, sad day for the many money-hungry weeklies, semi-weeklies and tri-weeklies who keep fooling the public . . . There's no doubt that adver- tising is the mainstay of a publi- cation . . . but…

… regrettable schemes of those newspapers whose circula- tions seldom number more than a handful of readers and whose entire aim is to 'get all they can' out of advertising. There are en- tirely too many of these…

… publica- tions which have forgotten the value of service to the commun- ity and are concerned only with advertising returns." . . . Show- proof circulation by sworn state- ment is the quickest means for…

… you'd never believe it after he started that high-powered vocal motor of his . . . Anyway, he was sitting there fishing with his father, who was wearing his fishing license on the back of his hat…

… • . , Grossman wasn't having much luck nabbing a nibble when little Manny of- fered the suggestion .. . "Dad- dy, turn your hat around so the . fish can see your license." * * * DISA 'N DATA . . . The Julius…

… Rosenwald Post of American Le- gion will help celebrate V-J Day with a street dance on Dexter • n. and the boulevard merchants will chime in on the festivities, also . .. Entertainment is being sched- uled…

July 05, 1946 • Page Image 13

… Con- vention was an address by Rab- bi Abba Hillel Silver, president of the Zionist Organization of Amer- ica and co-chairman of the Zion- ist Emergency Council. European Welfare The North Woodward…

… Joy Road. ' Intercollegiate Zionists The Wayne University Chapter of the Intercollegiate Zionist Fed- eration of America has just made puttlic a list of delegates which represented this group at the…

….O.O.F. No. 490 will hold its installation of officers on Tuesday, Ally 9, at 8:30 p.m. at its regular meeting rooms, 2705 Joy Road. The next class of can- 'dates for initiation into the ge will be called The…

… Joseph schman Class in honor of the teased Past Grand Joseph Hir- laiman. Jericho Encampment I.O. O.F. No. 173 will hold its instal- " lation of officers on Thurgday, July 18 at 8:30 p.m. at its Hall, 2705…

… representatives at this con- vention which was the first na- tional gathering of this federa- tion since its formation at a Chi- cago conference in December, 1945. Other members of the Wayne chapter who attended…

… the con- ference as guests were Herman Katz, recording secretary, Naomi Beitner, Roslyn Hurwitz, Merrill Polansky, Rachel Rosenstein, and Bernard Schiff, and Aaron Katz- man. Among the highlights of the…

… branch of lfare Org. the JeWish European NXie held its last meeting of the cur- rent season at the home of Mrs. Maurice Sklar. .Plans were formulated for tha annual donor luncheon to be held in January…

…. Mrs. Albert Kurzman, pres., appointed Mrs. Joe Zucker- man and Mrs. Maurice Sklar chairmen, for the affair. Beth Yehuda • Yeshivath Beth Yehudah an- nounces the appointment of Rabbi SOlomon H. Gruskin…

… as Executive Director of the school. Rabbi Gruskin previous to com- ing to Detroit held the position of Executive Director of Yeshivah Zichron Moshe and Beth Jacob School of West Bronx. Rabbi Gruskin…

… will have charge of Public Relations in the Ye- shivah and will contact individ- uals and groups, synagogues and organizations, acquainting them with the work of the institution. Philoinathic Club…

July 05, 1940 • Page Image 6

… toastmaster. The unveiling of the clock was by the Hon. Henry C. Nicol of SQUTN HAVEN; MICHIGAN — Circuit Court who also donated to the cause. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Gleicher, 3044…

…. Satofsky and Mrs. M. Seidowitz. NEWEST . . . and Most Modern Summer Resort The only place of its kind in South Haven, Michigan. Right on the lake, about 450 feet of private beach, beautiful grounds, plenty…

… remarks derogatory et Jews, is being proposed as candidate for the House of Rep - resentatives in the 15th District. Rabbi Ely Pilchik, former di- rector of the Bnai Brith Hillel Extension at the…

… Joseph Rosenblatt, who is the author of several important vol- umes published by the Columbia University Press and Johns Hop- kins Press, has just released a series of his sermons under the title "Our…

University of Maryland, has become assistant to Rabbi Edward L. Israel of Balti- more, whose health is not nearly as good as it should be. …

…6 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle Ladies Auxiliary of Yeshiva Beth Judah OUR HERITAGE Rabbi Samuel Rosenblatt of Beth Tefilo Congregation of Baltimore, son of the late Can- tor…

… Heritage". This vol- ume was published by Bloch Pub- lishing Co. and is a splendid ad- dition to Jewish homiletic lit- erature. "The underlying philosophy of Judaism," as the author describes it in his…

… preface, is ably defined in these sermons which are Even the best must own that grouped in the sections of the patience and resignation are the book, "The Festivals of the pillars of human peace on earth…

…. Lord" and "Understanding of the Bible." —Young. In the first section, Rabbi Ro- senblatt includes 32 sermons dealing with the important Jew- ish festivals and with Yiskor. But Babok's Virginia Resort…

… they are not limited to mere dis- Private Beach, Strictly Kosher Meals, cussion of the holidays. They deal Golf, Tennis, Fishing, Boating. with world conditions, with the Rooms with or without meals…

July 05, 1946 • Page Image 5

… the colors of the rain- PLACE: Davison and Beater. being graduated from the University of Michigan, he entered the legal mosphere that prevails in South- bow can be found in each costume profession in…

… Christianity. Everything that is American in Michigan Bnai Brith Council, consisting of all the lodges In the state The heroine of the book, an actress who was born in Antioch, me rebels at the very thought. of

Michigan. He himself has been instrumental in the organization of Syria, and who later became famous in Rome, is used as a mouthpiece This is a democracy and the several Bnai Brith lodges. He travels…

… extensively_ through the state against Christianity. By making her an unsympathetic character, the very essence of democracy is the speaking to lodges all over Michigan. While chairman of the Michigan author…

… thereby weakens the objections she voices and throws greater right to pick for yourself. Council, he inaugurated what later became known as the Michigan glamor and sanctity on the defenders of the then new…

… faith. Plan for the foundation and purchase of Hillel homes through the I know that The story itself is told through the medium of an elderly director anti - Semitism Bnai Brith. of the Imperial theaters…

… Chronicle Foreign Correspondent (Copyright 1946. All Rights Reserved) The Voice of the Man in the Street The Jewish Chronicle will pay $1.00 to the person whose question is used in this column. Mail your…

… questions to the Jewish Chronicle, 525 Woodward Ave., Detroit 26. This s'rles of articles tells of the War Crimes tS Trials in Frankfurt, Germany. Photos by ERIC BENNETT Staff Photographer Page Five AAN…

… Cr TUE WULF SAMUEL %V. LEIB who is just completing his third term as a member of the General Committee of District Grand Lodge Number Six of the Bnai Brith is saluted by the Jewish Chronicle and…

… accorded honor as the Man of the Week. Leib was born in Chicago. When he was five years old, he chose his profession. The occasion came about when he heard his father, a building contractor, discussing a…

July 05, 1940 • Page Image 12

Hillel Silver, Dr. Solomon Lodge of Michigan. At its recent Goldman, Robert Szold. Prof. election of officers, Palestine Harry Friedenwald and Judge Lodge recommended the appoint- Julian W. Mack were…

…. of Michigan present. Train Blues evidences boogie- oppose and condemn all alien or- Although the name of Mr. Lip- woogie on a Hammond organ! It ganizations which promote loyalty sky was presented in…

…, practically all the poems and poets were un- known heretofore and repre- sents "an important poetical contribution to the world of literature." Downtown Theaters MICHIGAN — The Michigan Theater has the great…

… and new records will be written by order and to order. Already in a large part of the world, the figure of Jesus on the Cross, that once aroused universal pity and was the stimulation for contrition and…

… taken to in- Step toward the coming of age ica," said the speaker, "that anti- sure the continuity of immigra- of Conservative Judaism. It rep- Semitism is the universal Fifth tion despite events in the…

… Une Enfante Defunte, but are those strings beautiful! Number 7362-M contains highlights from Porgy and Bess, a splendidly full Gershwin potpourri. A brilliant duo of disks has opened the promising…

… "green label" series. ZIONISTS (Continued from Page 1) their service to the cause of a fighting democracy, we re-enforce with our appeal to the British government, that the right to arm should be given…

… to the Jews of Palestine, and we assure them that what is humanly possible for us to do in support of that great de- fensive effort, we are prepared to do." Praising President Roosevelt for his…

… "valorous stand", Mr. Lipsky declared that the victory of Hitlerism would be a death blow to morality and decency. "It will mean that darkness has fall- en and God is obscured and His law has lost its power…

…. The rule of the steel fist will supplant the code of morals. The virtues of kinndness and good fellowship will be forbidden and youth will be trained into hardness of muscle and heart. The good…

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