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July 05, 1946 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1946-07-05

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Friday, July 'rt. 1946



`Christian Fronters' Lose
Appeal in Anti-Jewish Case

3 Michigan Men Named
To U. of M. Hillel Council

Stuart Goldfarb of Jackson has
been elected to head the 1946-47
Two Received Six-Month Sentences and One a Year's Student Council at the University
of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel
Prison Term on Charges Brought by Members of
Foundation, Paul Klein and Ben-*
Jewish War Veterans of U. S. Last February
son Jaffee of Cleveland and Bar-.
bara Levin of East Chicago are
NEW YORK, (JTA)—Kurt Mertig and Ernest S. Elmhurst, two vice-presidents and Carol Lieber-
of the three "Christian Fronters" who were convicted of unlawful
assembly and breach of the peace as a result of charges brought
by members of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, last
February, heard their original sentences upheld in a unanimous
decision handed down by the Appelate Division of the State of
New York.
Mertig and Elmhurst received six-month sentences and Homer
Maertz, the last member of the trio, was sentenced to one year
following their arrest for distributing anti-Semitic material at a
meeting in Queens Village, N.Y., last October.


First Racial Discrimination Case Before UN
NEW YORK, (JTA)—The first case of racial discrimination—
which may serve as a precedent for similar cases—has been filed with
the Secretary General of the United Nations.
A protest filed by the representative of India charges racial
discrimination is being practiced against Indians in the Union of
South Africa. An ..extended discussion on the priciple which the
protest involves seems to be unavoidable, it was felt in informed
circles, since the complaint is based upon Articles 10 and 40 of the
United Nations' Charter, which authorize the Assembly to make
recommendations on any matter within the scope of the Charter
and to recommend measures for a peaceful adjustment of situa-
tions Which might impair the general welfare.
It was recalled that it was the Prime Minister of the Union
of South Africa, Marshal Jan C. Smuts, who stressed most strong-
ly the need for safeguarding of human rights at the San Francisco

Page Thirteen

man of Maplewood, N. J.,
Other students on the Council
are: Gilbert Silverman and Mar-
shall Wallace of Detroit; Muriel
Aaron of Greenfield, Mass., Ber-
nard Brown of Chicago, Samuel
Cott of New York, Miriam Ecker-
ling of Chicago, • Fred Epstein of
New York, 0. H. Feldman of
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Allene Go-

The hunger they- know today in dis-
placed persobs camps of Europe is not the
vagtie sensation,that prOnipts you to take

a second helping of dessert.

The Hunger they know is a live. rav-

enous Thing .

. a cruel Enemy that

linkin of Chicago, Elaine Green-
baum of Bridgeport, Corm., Helen
Greenberg of McKinley, Islip,
N.Y., Pearl Handelsman of Chi-
cago, Helen Horwitz of Elmira,
N.Y., Rita Hyman of Miami
Beach, Fla., Norma Lappen of
Des Moines, Ia., Lawrence Maisel
and Frances Pearl of Newark,
N.J., and Dorothy . Raskind of
Worcester, Mass.

attacks dciy and night..without respite
that tortures-the kiddy, dulls the mind.
The Hunger they know is ...STARVATIoN.

Have they been saved frOm-f t he gas
and the creitatoritim or - . ths?

What. do YOU 'say

A Volume of Distressing Aspects

`One Nation' Views Jews

As American `Scapegoat'

THE GENIUS of America is recorded in a volume which is
marked by distressing aspects.
"-One Nation" (published by Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston), by
Wallace Stegner and the editors of Look Magazine, is replete with
depressing tales about the un-
fortunate status of many large it must be fought, and from this
groups in America.
viewpoint Mr. Stegner's volume
They are taleS of discrimina-
is an important contribution to
tiori,• of tragedies affecting mil-
lions, of prejudices which mar the
* * *
glory of the United' States.
on Issues
But because the book exposes
these conditions and sets; out -to _ ONE NATION does an excel
correct the blunders from which :lent job" :expoSing anti-Catholic
the land is suffering, it is a great - and anti:Jewish libels. For in-
stance: read this in the section on
and a constructive volume. •
* * *
the Catholics:
"Any Protestant, Jewish or
'Eternal Scapegoat'
agnostic American is entitled to
"ONE NATION" is a book con-
disagree with Catholics on is-
taining brief texts and a most
sues like birth . 'control or reason
valuable collection of photographs
versus faith. But disagreement is
that were taken by Mr. Stegner
not prejudice. Prejudice comes
and a corps of Look Magazine
with fear, it has little basis in
photographers who covered the
reason, it looks at its own side of
entitre country in the course of
the evidence and ignores the rest,
their study of conditions affect-
it can even look at foolproof evi-
ing Jews and Catholics, Filipinos
dence and be unconvinced."
and Indians, Mexican-Americans
The author relates the comment
and Japanese - Americans, the
made by a Catholic girl to criti-
Chinatowns, the Negroes and
cism by her playmates: "I'm a
other groups composing the great
good democrat, but I haven't any
American "melting pot."
desire to be democratic with
"Eternal Scapegoat: When Does God."
a Jew Become an American?" is
Then there is the assertion in
the:' -title of the chapter dealing "One Nation": "For every Father
with the Jews.
Coughlin there are dozens of
_. Three chapters are devoted to priests whose whole concern is
the study of the Negro's position. with the souls of their parishion-
It becomes apparent, after an ers."
objective study, that the ratio of
* • •
space is in proportion to the trag-
•edy of each group's position, and
ANTI-JEWISH arguments are
if there are people who are un-
effectively demolished in this
aware of the prejudices existing great book.
against the Negro, "On( Nation"
Mr. Stegner charges that "local
will reveal it.
racists have been' infected by
* * *
Nazi propaganda."
Exposes Libels
The concluding chapter calls
THIS BOOK does a good job for that type of cooperation which
exposing the libels that have-been will lead to the elimination of
Spread against the Jews. It re- these prejudices: "The world we
veals how cemeteries .and synag- hope for, where peace and inter-
ogues have been desecrated, how national accord are possible
children have been beaten in Bos- thrOugh cooperation and arbitra-
ton by anti-Semites, how Jews tion, seems like a yeastly dream
nevertheless carry no. Even the indeed if within the United
Kaplan family in Dorchester, one States, 'conceived in liberty and
of whose sons died in service, and dedicated to the proposition that
..34vhose youngest was beaten up on all men are created equal,' we
„„, a beach, carries on.
cannot achieve a harmony of our
..,. Fascist groups are presented in races and creeds into a single na-
Aleir true, exposed-to-light posi- tion."
•- •iion, –and the author points out
And Mr. Stegner's concluding
that their propaganda campaign words are .:
is "generally for reasons that will
"In the last analysis, that is
not bear scrutiny."
not a job for Congress or the
* * *
President or the Supreme Court.
Deprived of Rights
It is a job for the average Am-
FORTY MILLION, a third of
ericans in every community, the
the nation, are described by Mr.
Smiths and Johnsons a n d
Stegner, in his brief introductory Browns in whose image dem-
texts to each group study, as
ocracy is created."
being deprived of some rights and
as suffering from non-participa-
16,000 Demobilized
tion in American life through dis-
JERUSALEM (Palcor) — Six-
teen thousand Palestinian Jewish
The reader soon learns that the soldiers have been released from
cause of ALL the prejudices is British armed forces since the
sheer stupidity. But it exists and end of the war.



■ ■

Give Generously to the
Overseas Food Campaign


very moment we hesitate,
every . day we delay . . . contributes
to the success of the campaign that
Hitler himself couldn't carry to
completion . . . the extermination - -
of European Jewry. It is our job
to save them NOW. There is no
shirking the responsibility; there
is no time to be lost. The work
goes on .. , unceasingly. Every week,
thousands of special kosher food
packages are sent to Europe's starving
TION DIVISION of the -Agudath
Israel Youth Council, which has -for-

warded more than a million pounds
of food overseas since VE-Day.
$500,000 is needed NOW . . the
scope of this work is determined by
the extent of your cooperation. To do
ALL we can . . . is the LEAST we
can do!

Make checks or money orders payable



Food Campaign



my contribution of $ for the 5500,000 Overseas Food Campaign to for-
ward kosher food packages to the Jewish Refugees in Europe.

I enclose



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