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March 02, 2001 • Page Image 109

…, please call the Hillel at your university, or Trudy Weiss at the Michigan/Israel Connection of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, (248) 645-7878. *Subject to change T his is I ecleration…

…M;',M-41WItWigtm.` 2001 Zippori Archaeological Dig June 19 - July 31, 2001* Uncover something from your history this summer in Israel! Students from all Michigan colleges and universities are eligible to…

… • Educational seminars pertaining to Jewish identity • Six credits from Hebrew University ■ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem I • • - rr., . . 11.. , z 1 : I, ...7:, 1 For information or an application…

… participate in one of the most exciting archaeological finds of the century in Zippori, in Israel's Central Galilee. Explore a country that is both ancient and modern while earning six academic credits in the…

March 02, 2017 • Page Image 55

… Hill Park Cemetery in Birmingham. Contributions may be made to a char- ity of one’s choice. Arrangements by Dorfman Chapel. • ZOA Hosts Film Screening The Zionist Organization of America - Michigan

… Walnut Lake Road in West Bloomfield Township. For more information, contact: (248) 661-6000 or • Hillel Seeking Alums Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit will celebrate its 60th…

….org/page/alumni/keep-in-touch. Follow the latest news and updates on Hillel’s Facebook page. • ANYONE CAN ACKNOWLEDGE THAT A PERSON HAS DIED. WE UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR LOVED ONE…..LIVED! ENTERING OUR SECOND CENTURY OF CARING AND…

… the hostile environ- ment for Jewish students on campus, and the failure of university leader- ship to live up to its proclaimed val- ues,” Alan Dershowitz said. Special guest speaker will be Dr…

…RAYMOND L. ZIMBERG, 92, of Oak Park, died Feb. 20, 2017. He is survived by his beloved wife, Arlene Zimberg; daughter, Bonnie Kahn; son and daughter-in-law, Larry Zimberg and Heather Zimberg; brother…

…, other family members and friends. Mr. Zimberg was the father-in-law of the late Merrill Kahn; the grandfather of the late Erica Kahn; the brother of the late Donald Zimberg. Interment took place at Clover…

… Region will present the film Hate Spaces: The Politics of Intolerance on Campus at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 15, at The Corners in West Bloomfield. “Hate Spaces is an exceptional film that brings to life…

…. Charles Jacobs, the associate direc- tor of the film and co-founder of the David Project, a premier internation- al educational institute that shapes campus opinion on Israel by educat- ing student leaders…

… to be thoughtful, strategic and persuasive advocates for Israel. For his efforts for liberating tens of thousands of Sudanese slaves, Jacobs was presented with the first- ever Boston Freedom Award by…

… Martin Luther King’s widow, Coretta Scott King, and Thomas Menino, the mayor of Boston. Co-sponsors of the event are Frankel Jewish Academy, Farber Hebrew Day School, B’nai B’rith International, Aish…

March 02, 2001 • Page Image 17

… selections. — Keri Guten Cohen MSU Hillel Eyes New Home A $3 million facilities and program- ming capital campaign for Michigan State University's Hillel facility has reached the $2.1 million mark. The…

…- story, 10,000-square-foot building. It will be constructed on the site of the current MSU Hillel facility, at 402 Linden between Charles and Division streets. The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit…

…Vart Staff Notebook Adat Shalom's Yost Marks 20 Years For many synagogues, the job of exec- utive director can mean a revolving door. Not so at Adat Shalom Synagogue where Alan Yost soon will mark…

… elaborate catered dinner Alan Yost plus music and dancing by the People's Choice. Yost also has assumed leadership positions at the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, the Jewish Community Center and…

… other local Jewish agencies. He also sits on the Community Foundation of the city of Farmington Hills. "Alan Yost is an energetic and extremely positive force within our con- gregation and in the…

… community at large," says Rabbi Daniel Nevins. "He brings an extra range of skills to the challenge of running our daily opera- tions and never loses sight of the role Adat Shalom plays in the Jewish world…

… quality and design. Come see this beautifully crafted collection of diamond necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings set in platinum or 18K gold. A representative will be available to assist with your…

… current Hillel building is a for- mer sorority house, built in the 1940s, said Hillel adviser Cindy Hughey. Although the total area is 7,000 square feet, the second floor is essentially unusable. The…

… is overseeing the campaign. Call Jonathan Lowe, direc- tor of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund, at (248) 642-4260. — Diana Lieberman Jacobson's MON-SAT 10,9 • SUN NOON-5 I Birmingham • 336 W…

March 02, 2006 • Page Image 130

… B'nai B'rith Great Lakes Region Eastern Michigan University Hillel ices Fresh Air Society and ;,: Tamarack Camps Jewish Family Servi of Metro Detroit Greater Detroit Chapter of Hadassah The…

… Organization - Michigan Chapter DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ne The IsraelFin&gency Solidarity Fund Temple Shir Shalom Women's American ORT Michigan Region The family of the late University of Michigan Hillel

March 02, 2001 • Page Image 27

… its lesson this year. As a college student in 1996, I co-wrote a letter to the editor of the Jewish News stating that the Michigan State University Hillel Center was in need of the Detroit Jewish…

… community's support to help fuel some .much needed organizational change. At the time, the MSU Hillel was without a director, fire damage kept students from using much of the build- ing and attendance at…

…JNOpinion Editorials are posted and archived on JN Online: Economics 101 At Middle East U. S ecretary of State Colin Powell is get- ting off on the wrong foot in the…

… Middle East in suggesting that Israel move first to back off from the cur- rent confrontation by easing its economic blockade of the West Bank and Gaza. After a visit in Gaza City with Yasser Arafat last…

… Sunday, Powell said the "siege," imposed after the Palestinian vio- lence of Sept. 28, should be lifted. Noting his "deep concern for the dire economic situation that every- day Palestinians must bear…

… even if Israel gave in to every demand Arafat made for a peace deal, including sovereignty in east Jerusalem and a full right of return, the economic lot of the Palestinians would be barely improved…

…. They need Israeli jobs and know-how if they want to become a strong force in the 21st centur)i. The current economic blockade reminds them of that simple truth — one that their leader- ship always…

… violence. • The Palestinian Authority must act to stop incitement. • Security coordination in the field must be resumed. None of those conditions should be hard for people who are sincerely interested in a…

… long range, stable relationship with their next-door neighbor. They are only hard if your real goal is to drive your neighbor out of town. The official Palestinian line is that the curbs are an unjust…

… "collective punishment." We think they are more of a lesson in the economic reality of the Middle East today and one that Secretary Powell, no less than those "everyday Palestinians," needs to under- stand…

March 02, 2001 • Page Image 28

… Jewish communities in Michigan. Not only has Hillel received support from Detroit and Lansing, but also from the Jewish communities of Flint, Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. The university administration, led…

… defraying the cost for students. Help At The Helm Much of the improvement at MSU Hillel, I learned, is in response to the new executive director, Cindy Hughey. During my weekend visit, I noticed Cindy…

… by President Peter McPherson, has also played a vital role in MSU Hillel's recent accomplish- ments. In the time since my Shabbat visit, I have felt much pride in the continuing efforts of MSU Hillel

… validating. I know that I join with the rest of the Detroit Jewish community in wish- ing that, for the sake of the Jewish students on campus, MSU Hillel will continue to go from strength to strength. ❑ …

…1911111 SPOOF For Jewish Identity: A Modest Proposal New York City he evidence of Jewish atro- phy and demographic decline is inescapable. Fifty percent intermarriage. Out- reach is ineffective…

…. Jewish literacy is at an all-time low. Now is the time to reject piecemeal approaches to our dismal dilemma, to end the ballagan of paperwork and conference calls, to strike an effective blow for Jewish…

… continuity. It is time to abolish the prohibition against polygamy. Our future has boiled down to a race for more babies. Yet, how many hundreds of thousands of young Jew- ish women are currently unattached…

…, their childbearing years cruelly passing them by without the possibility of marrying a Jewish male? Abolish monogamy; and each and every one of these women would have a mate and could realize her…

… potential to bring new Jewish babies into this world. If the fruits of polygamy can be harvested by Osama Bin Laden, the proud father of 15 children (give or take a few), it can work for us. Why should only…

… blood- thirsty terrorists be fruitful and multi- ply? of thousands of Jewish women currently lead childless lives due to the unavail- ability of Jewish husbands and their unwilling- ness to suffer the…

March 02, 1990 • Page Image 82

… Lifetime! World Class * * * * V * L F i Travel of Michigan, Inc. * * * * * * * * * * DW1ESN TRA EL AGENCY * 21720 Eleven Mile Rd. • Harvard Row Mall • Southfield, MI • 353…

… new Jewish theater, klezmorim concerts, and congregations that range from neo-Orthodox to the Aquarian Minyan, one of the original havurot in the United States. Hillel House, the fourth oldest in the…

…. Headquartered at Hillel House is the Lehrhaus Judaica, one of the most ex- tensive adult educational pro- grams anywhere, offerir g courses in everything from biblical Hebrew to modern Middle East politics. It…

… serves almost 2,000 students in the Bay Area, who choose from over 150 courses offered each year. Not far from Hillel House is the site of the newly renovated Spice Box Culture Center at 800 Heinz Street…

… United States, is a good starting point for a tour of Jewish Berkeley. The University of California branch here is home to 30,000 students, and almost 20 per- cent of them are Jewish. "Our students are…

…hodes, Ephesus and Athens } MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 25.28, 1990 Bahamas Berkeley's Hillel House. "SINGLES Jewish Culture Lives In The Bay Area On The Golden Odyssey February 12.19, 1991 From…

… _Airfares to * * * * 60 * Israel! $ 748 * From m * * * I * Roundtrip And Great Prices for Land Packages! We can Arrange your Bar/Bat Mitzvah at the Western Wall, etc! It will be the Experience of a…

… & CANADA RESERVAT & PREPYMNT 800-533-8778 IN NY: 212-629-6090 VAUD FROM 6/1 TO 31/3/90 74 FRIDAY, MARCH 2,1990 n the campus of Berkeley, there are varied reminders that this former haven for flower…

… children is still a place of free spirits and funky styles. The young man with pony tail, whose T-shirt is covered with political buttons, the student strumming his guitar, the man in cowboy hat and high…

… boots who hands out political leaflets — all are part of the modern campus scene in this well-known col- lege town just thirty minutes from San Francisco. But a visit to Berkeley of- fers far more than…

March 02, 1990 • Page Image 90

… Foundation, in conjunction with the Jewish Entrepreneurs of Michigan, has set a meeting series to talk about usury and interest. At the lunch-and-learn ses- sions, Rabbi Herschel Fin- man will explain how…

… discussion series called "The Mind — How It Works And Why" at 9 p.m. March 5 in the Home of Hillel and Sora Rosenfeld in Oak Park. The group is open to psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other…

…- ham-Hillel Moses and the Midrasha-College of Jewish Studies are co-sponsoring classes which will be held on Wednesday for four weeks beginning March 7. "J.E.E.P. Goes to the POPS: A Pesach Panorama…

… at the Ann Arbor Chabad house. For information, call the Chabad house, 99-LEARN. Chabad of Michigan invites Russian immigrants to a Purim celebration at 7:45 p.m. March 10 at Congrega- tion Dovid Ben…

… or Jewish studies. The Kobaker Memorial Scholarship is given to a col- lege student to study at an Israeli university. Scholarship committees will select the awards by the end of March. For informa…

…s. I EDUCATION f Empire Kosher Featured Food of the Week... Terrific Tasting Thighs Lunch And Learn To Discuss Loans Top quality, great-tasting Empire Kosher Chicken Thighs are the answer when…

… flowing cold water, Empire Kosher Chicken Thighs pass the most stringent inspection criteria in the poultry industry. Excellent for a whole range of pleasing, time saving recipes, Empire Kosher Chicken…

… 11/0 ss.......N. if',7rey ci 11 Mile it ■ Certified by the National Automotive Institute of Excellence Comes to your home or office with the garage-on-wheels Valet service that doesn't cost one…

…/coupon Exp. 3-9-90 SUPERIOR FISH CO. Expanded Services Call Sanford Rosenberg for your car problems House of Quality Serving Metropolitan Detroit for Over 40 Years FREE Recipes 1-696 309 E. Eleven Mile Rd…

… Judaism views interest on loans. The luncheons, from 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m., will be held on March 5 at the law offices of Sommers, Schwartz, Silver and Schwartz in Southfield; March 6 at the Tephilath Moses…

March 02, 1990 • Page Image 97

… NEWS limm Machon Slates Socials, Talks Machon IfIbrah, the Jewish Learning Network of Michigan, in conjunction with B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun- dation of Wayne State University, will hold a Tofut- ti…

… and is working in Baltimore. Stuart graduated from Michigan State University and the University of Detroit, School of Law. He is practic- ing law in Plymouth. An April wedding is planned. mmii LOCAL…

… charge. Machon L'Ibrah will spon- sor an Ice Cream Social at the AEPi fraternity house at the University of Michigan 6:30 p.m. March 15. Rabbi Jacobovitz will lead a discussion on the topic of in…

…:15 p.m. March 14 at the library. Rudy Simons of the Michigan Interfaith Corn- mittee on Central American Human Rights will speak. There is a charge. For infor- mation, call the Center for Peace and…

… and Milton Lebenbom of West Bloomfield. Marci is a graduate of Towson State University, with a bachelor's degree in dance. She has also received a degree in radiation therapy from Johns Hopkins Hospital…

… be held at the Troy Public Library 7:15 p.m. March 7. Michael Haines of the depart- ment of economics at Wayne State University will speak. "Nicaragua and El Salvador" will be the focus of a talk 7…

…APEX PHOTOGRAPHIC "Home of the Love Story" Fox-Lebenbom Mrs. Alice Fox of Baltimore, Md., is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter, Marci, to Stuart Adam Lebenbom, son of Mar- jorie…

… Social noon March 5 at Hillel. The program will include a discussion led by Rabbi Avraham Jacobovitz on: "Cheeseburgers, Vegetarian- ism and Judaism: What Makes a Kinder and Gentler Person?" There is no…

… Bloomfield .1.1111111. VISA L ITC MASTER OF aP1'1( VI' I 4 I 682-3350 1 rri tak 2534 Orchard Lake Rd. • Just W of Middlebeit • Pontiac . 14 4 ( . 3 CHAMBERS UNICORN'S GARDENS FLORIST All Flowers…

…) Full Service Needlepoint CAPTURE YOUR FINEST MOMENT...WITH w• Jill, ebb Go. 3 For The Price Of 1 Accents in Needlepoint 855-2772 4//i/i „ciLto, STRING SFitdiAL Full Service Yarn Shop Offering a…

March 02, 1973 • Page Image 29

… party. • nick sTEIN Jeep ..With • F.r.r Illeoeti • "hell,. Lev • Ilati. I.reni Moe. Link. WASHINGTON D.C. Re- rent actions by the Bnai Brith Hillel Commision, the International Council of Bnai…

… Brith and the Bnai BrIth Board of Governors have re- sulted in the initiation of Hillel service at the Uni- versity of Lund, in Sweden. BBYO • Joel John.on • Hillel Service Set Up at Swedish…

Michigan State Department of Mental Health, is sponsoring an art competition for high school and college students in the area. Original paintings and graphics can be submitted to the institute's Northeast…

University The university town of Lund, about 10 miles from Malmo, has only 15 Jewish families. But the university has more than 600 Jewish students, two-thirds of whom The Center reached the are Polish…

… counsels the scouts for Ner Tamid. They Made The Grade CAROLE FIELD, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Field of Basil Ave., grad- uated with high distinction from Monteith College at Wayne State University

…'s list at Stern Col- lege for Women, the under- graduate school of liberal arts and sciences at Yeshiva University, in New York City, announced Prof. David Mirsky, dean. 2nd Clown Show at Beth Yehudah…

…30 — Friday, March 2, 1973 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Center Cagers Win Midwest Title, Opportunity to Play in Nationals The Detroit Jewish Center the nationals at the end of basketball team has won…

… Bershad, rebounding of front courtmen the local team will play in Stu Zonder, Dave Gillikin and Jeff Levine and the ball handling and defensive play of guards Jeff Rich and Stu Gerger. FACIAL HAIR…

… PERMANENTLY REMOVED Other members of the team are Glen Blumeno, 13 a v e Gorosh. Dan Werner, Gary Sussman, R o n Oberstein, Dave Goodman. Gary Ran and Scot Faeder. Nocoenrn•nsi•l by Physicians FRIN…

March 02, 2006 • Page Image 27

…. Leneski, chief of voluntary services, Ann Arbor Medical Center, and Tyrone Chatman, associate executive director, Michigan Veterans Foundation. Rev. Henry Reinwald will repre- sent the Four Chaplains organi…

… have been invited. The event is open to the public. A dessert recep- tion will follow. Firestone Cited The National Multiple Sclerosis Society Michigan Chapter will host a tribute dinner in honor of

…. 206. Hillel Gives Honors ORT Names Honorees Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit's annual dinner will be held Wednesday, May 31, at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. The patron party will be Tuesday…

… estate investment and manage- ment company. Mrs. Blumenstein is a communal volunteer and a past president of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit. Hillel Day School will honor Dr. Arthur and…

…, she was promoted to principal. The Ohr V'Shefa program enables one to pursue a mas- ter's degree in counseling from Wayne State University in Detroit. The program is sensi- tive to the needs of

…DIGEST Know Anyone 95? The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit will host its annual brunch to honor those who have reached their 95th birthday. The festivities will be 10:30 a.m. Friday, May…

… 19, at the Jewish Community Center in Oak Park. The family of Bessie Spector, invitation events. The first, at the Jewish Community Center in Ann Arbor, 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 8, also features…

… Technion-Israel Institute of Technology alumnus Arie Lipsky of the Ann Arbor Symphony. The second will be at Franklin Hills Country Club, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 9. The evening will raise funds for endowed…

… faculty. Gili Bisker is a master's degree student in the field of quantum informa- tion. Amit Meiselles is a senior in mechanical engineering. who died last year at 102, is an event sponsor. Individuals…

March 02, 2017 • Page Image 10

…/nutrition company he and friend Nick Shaw co-founded in 2011 when he was a Ph.D. student in sports physiology at East Tennessee State University. They met at the University of Michigan and have build a successful…

… professor of exercise and sports science at University of Central Missouri and, a year ago, took a job at Temple University in Philadelphia, where he teaches sports science and public health. • If you know…

… company, so people who don’t want to hire a coach can purchase workouts or diets with self-coaching elements. He’s also been the primary author on three of several books they’ve written on dieting and…

… training. When he goes back to Michigan to visit his parents, Alexander and Yelena Israetel, and his sister and brother-in-law, Sonia and Phil Bramwell, he makes sure to stop for Chinese food at the Golden…

… Bowl in Oak Park. He’s also reminded of the journey that originally brought his family to Southfield when he was 7. It was 1991, and they were coming from the Soviet Union. A local Jewish Federation…

… service the Jewish Federation offered.” Israetel went to Hillel Day School in Farmington Hills until his family moved to Oak Park, where he graduated from Berkley High School before going to U-M for his…

March 02, 1984 • Page Image 32

…'maroun - Member, American, Lebanese League Moderator Judge Michael Stacey - Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses; 3rd Judicial Circuit Court (Wayne County) State of Michigan PUBLIC INVITED FOR THIS INFORMATIVE…

… For An Appointment . . . We Will Bring Our Demonstration Tape To You At No Obligation 552-1443 VISA' Men's Club and Sisterhood of BETH ABRAHAM HILLEL MOSES and AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL (Metro…

… service, as are university students gen- erally. The clergy may perform civil service in place of military service or be exempt; or clergy may serve as chaplains with the armed forces. It follows that the…

…32 Fridiy, March 2, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New Vatican-Italian Concordat May Benefit Jewish Community STAN'S INCOME TAX SERVICE 29291 Southfield Rd. - in Farrell's Plaza, North of 12 Mile…

… the Italian Jewish commu- including control of its an- cient cultural and historical heritage in Rome. The Concordat, signed Feb. 20 by premier Bettino Craxi, leader of Socialist Party and Cardinal Agos…

…- tino Casaroli, the Vatican Secretary of State, estab- lishes a clear demarcation between the temporal and religious powers of the church and advances reli- gious pluralism in Italy. It MEMORIES IN…

… them as honorable and peaceable while accusing Israel of being WARLIKE, SAVAGE, and BRUTAL • Falsely portrayed Israeli action as assault against Lebanese • • Withheld or minimized information about PLO…

…-Syrian occupation • Grossly exaggerated civilian casualty figures without checking sources • Withheld information about intimidation and terrorization of journalists • Falsified stories in order to cast Israel in a…

… PROGRAM Sunday Morning • March 11 • 10:00 a.m. NO CHARGE 5075 W. MAPLE RD. BETW. MIDDLEBELT & INKSTER ROADS WEST BLOOMFIELD CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 9:30 A.M. is by and large a revision of the 1929…

… also up for re- vision. Italian Protes- tants will also sign re- vised agreements with the government. The Union of Italian Jewish Communities is lagging behind. No date has been set for a definitive…

March 02, 1979 • Page Image 25

… president services March 16, Dr. of the region. Fein will lecture on "The Lopatin is a member of Last 30 Years." An oneg the American Institute of Shabat will follow. Architects, the Michigan Dr. Fein will…

… information on the rael's settlements on the sia. Guests are invited. For reservations, call activities of the Michigan West Bank. The request Young Israel of Oak-Woods, Region, contact Rabbi was made Monday in…

… Dr. Oak-Woods and Young Israel of Southfield. Leonard Fein, distin- guished professor of con- temporary Jewish studies at Brandeis University, as its scholar-in-residence, March 16-18. The general…

… BLAU and synagogue groups. He is a member of the Kol Yisrael Ensemble, a local Hebrew folk- singing group. Leider is a music student at the University of Michi- gan. He has toured . Europe with the…

… program in celebra- tion of Jewish Music Month 8 p.m. March 13 in the synagogue. Cantor Louis Klein, coor- dinator of the program, an- nounces Mark Goldenberg and Allen Leider will entertain. Goldenberg…

… sings Is- raeli, Hasidic, Yiddish and English folk songs. He performs on college campuses and for youth ■•■•■■ 11100.. C • CONG. BETH ABRAHAM HILLEL MOSES: Services 6:15 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday…

… Auxiliaries Do for Me?" Participants include Sharon Kreindler, Eleanor Roberts, Aid Kushner, Dennis Frank, Earl Rothstein, Marilyn Rothstein, Susan Marks and Steve Balan. Irv- ing Katz, executive secretary of

… the temple, also will participate. Services 11 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Schwartz will speak on "The Secret Life of Superman." CONG. BETH SHALOM: Services 6 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Steven Katz, Bar…

… will pre- a.m. Saturday. Jeffrey Sandler, Bar Mitzva. sent an evening of music by DOWNTOWN SYNAGOGUE: Services 8 a.m. Saturday. English composers for Rabbi Gamze will speak on "The Eternal Scapegoat…

March 02, 1956 • Page Image 18

… the University . of Michigan met last Thursday at the Rackham Memorial to hear Prof. Her- bert Paper speak on "Yiddish Literature in America," and Professor Antoine Jobin who spoke on "French Canadian…

…. Mrs. Arthur Gould, president of the Detroit Section of Coun- cil, invites all interested per- sons to attend. Michigan Musings By JUDY ANN JACOBS Foreign language and Eng- lish department teachers at…

… Patrona-ge Sorcited buzzer sounded, Louis Gibbs had totalled 24 points to be CAMP ZAHAVO CAMP ACHIM high scorer. - (ages 6 to 15) for Girls for Boys The result of this game, along on Paw Paw Lake, Michigan

… Highlighting the overseas program of the National Council of Jewish Women, the Detroit Section will present Dr. Fred-e; erick R. Lachman, executive director of the American Friends of Hebrew University, as guest…

March 02, 1979 • Page Image 33

University of Michigan and entertain. There is a charge. Ruth Penner, Sophia Feldman, 626-9515. is pursuing post-graduate For reservations, call Sylvia p.m. April 22 at Orchestra * * * Braunstein, 476-0524, or…

…, recipes, and samples fair, beginning with conti- BETH ABRAHAM IMPORTER AND CUTTERS program meeting noon 561 -6644 of many unusual desserts, 1 nental breakfast at 10 a.m., HILLEL MOSES SIS- OF FINE DIAMONDS…

… on "Should Orchestra in Connec- Women Be Conservative Cultural Event ticut. Rabbis?" There is a charge. Michigan "Branch of the For reservations by Mon- Hamantashen Women's League for Con- day, call…

… • Photography One of the projects aided by dish teacher at the Hillel Luncheon will be served at this book is a residential Foundation on the U-M noon, followed by an after- treatment center for emo- campus, and…

…. 5827; Pearl Lebow, 398- Music Study Club of Met- Humorist Lou Barden will 3085; Sara Last, 968-0079; ropolitan Detroit will hold Harvard University, the 535-6915; or its annual Artists' Concert 3…

… tickets are still fund-raising project spon- Women, will hold a general Marilyn Berris, 968-1558. Pioneer Women, will meet sored by the Sisterhood of available, to the public, to noon Wednesday in the Lin…

…'s "Woman's World "The Art of Loving Com- be served. AVODAH CHAPTER, \\,\ -c \-\ -?‘ v ?>C3°\-\. 0s C)\ 0 °A * * * and Co. 1979," with demonstra- munication." The all-day af- Pioneer Women, will have a tions…

… Tuesday in the home of 3055$ sz4iS st.e o rl u l t o h oo e field , p.m. Monday in the will consist of boutiques, a Anita Harvey, 21603 Strat- TERHOOD will hold a synagogue. Complimentary gourmet luncheon…

… and luncheon to benefit the ford, Oak Park. Slides on Is- Mo'os Hitim Passover fund copies of Mrs. Adler's new more. rael will be shown. * * * booklet "A Baker's Dozen of 12:30 p.m. Wednesday in Cynthia…

… Steinberg is Goldie's Gourmet Goodies" president of the sister- CHAP- the Nusbaum Hall of the ARTISANS e distributed to all hood. Marjorie Saulson is TER, Women's American synagogue. Bea Mondry is…

March 02, 1973 • Page Image 26

…, announce the engagement of their daughter Caryn to Hen- ry Hirsch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hirsch of Con- course Ave., Southfield. Mr. Hirsch attends the Uni- versity of Michigan's school of dentistry…

…•l Day School Teachers Association and staff sponsored a dinner party and reception Feb. 18 honoring Rabbi Chaim Rozwaski, the new headmaster of Hillel Day School, and Mrs . Rozwaski More than 85 attended…

…. On the program, chaired by Mrs. Bess Berns, past president of the Hillel Teachers Association; a toast of welcome by Menahem Glaser on behalf of the teachers: greetings by Mrs. Roberta Rozwaski, and…

… Mrs. Eva Creative Party Planning Hirsch of Mayfield Heights, fnclu4ongi 0. Candy Centerpieces Miss Fisch was graduated fro.'n Wayne State University with a degree in education. Per...massed forty Her…

…• It's Girl Scout Cookie Time Miss Caryn Fuller Plans July Wedding So the Girl Scouts of Met- 'pattie, shortbread and mint. ropolitan Detroit can provide All are available in the large a wide…

… variety of services family-size box, which sells and programs to all girls, for $1 each. whatever their means, the Although the United Foun- annual GSMD cookie sale is dation Torch Drive finances scheduled…

… for March 9-18. a large portion of Girl Scout Five types of cookies will operating expenses, addi- be sold. They are chocolate tional funds are neded to chip, sandwich, peanut butter provide the camping…

… HEADQUARTERS stv40 0~1014 Compote Ible«,eon row loortAry TEL.IX PLAZA 25703 T•IWwPR, Sowthlidd, Ruck leataile s Mai Steno—M•nne« "Deal meth the PaCIOUS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Fuller of Adrian Rd., Southfield…

…. He is vice pres- ident of Alpha Omega dental fraternity. A July wedding is planned. I.A.ROSEN stases- 35 7-0320 sport wow ow tweet MISS CARYN FULLER Candids by Tel - E• Cram New 557-1884 MAMA…

… No gimmicks, No tricks—Jest Good Work s and, -qielman Roto r wp4 y 398 - 1182 Candids - Portraits - Movies School Plans Art Auction The works of little-known artists are among the finds at the…

March 02, 1979 • Page Image 16

… organized can Jewish Committee, de- Michigan, next to that of Jewish communities in the eply interested in the Bnai the president, and he U.S. and Canada began to Brith Hillel Foundations on W. 7Mlie Al Lodge…

… maintains 88 sity of Michigan since presidency of the American schools and related pro- 1936 — are too numerous ORT Federation, which is grams — including colleges, to list here. In the univer- one of the…

…,000, with more than ernment bodies — in U.S. to his academic posi- 65,000 of them in Israel addition to his being on tion in the university, he the faculty of the Univer- was asked to accept the. where ORT…

… nomics in 1962. A year la- Since then the American ter, he was named dean of ORT has not been the same. not only to ORT, but also to the university's College Unknown before to Ameri- other important Jewish…

of Literature; Science can Jewry, it became very causes. He is a member of and Arts. He still has an popular under Dr. Haber's the executive of the Ameri- office at the University of leadership. The…

… X-Way holds the position of ad- pay attention to ORT's the American campuses, is viser to the officers of the unique work among Jews involved with the Brandeis university. As a leading overseas which…

… was not of a University, is a member of member of the American philanthropic but of a con- the executive of the Hebrew Arbitration Association, structive nature, providing University in Jerusalem, he is…

… director of the Na- and activi- ceived his doctorate from 31 Yeshivot Bnei Akiva institutions in Israel. You must have these tional Refugee Service, an membership ties, developing a very the University of

… became the (Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, JTA) tact with the work of ORT — personification of ORT. (Copyright 1979, JTA, Inc.) the world Jewish organiza- He also traveled to other NEW YORK — There are '557…

…. sities in this country. None He was greatly impressed Today, he is the president of them denies his Jewish- with the ORT system and of the Central Board of the ness. However, most of achievements in…

March 02, 1973 • Page Image 41

… recognition of the Hillel rabbi's "lifelong concern for the moral, intellectual and spiritual welfare of college youth and the contribution he has made to the civic, religious and intellectual at- tainments of

… as director. For the past five years. he has been national Hillel co- ordinator of the New York, bletrtipoeibia , at'ea. Cultists Arrested on Drug Charge TORONTO (JTA)-A Jetti- ish youth and his…

… Detroiter who was an instructor at Devereaux School in Santa Barbara, Calif., died Feb. 17 in Santa Barbara. Mr. Koslow, 27, held BA and MA degrees from the University of 'California. Surviving are a…

… MALE AND/OR FEMALE WOMAN in. Free room & board for light housekeeping. to live 547-9165 EXPERIENCED COOK in Chelsea Michigan. June 17- Aug. 22. Excellent salary. Call Mr. Molinoff. 419-243-9231 or…

… 2205 Collingwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. For summer resident comp EXPERIENCED TAILOR. All around to take charge of tailor. ing dept. Call 863-0400. Mr. Haber. Call after II p.m. TE 2-2240 WANTED COM PAN…

… ION for convalescing middel age woman, needs help with activ- ities of doily living. Must drive. 837-5218 548-9223 WORK IN PAWN SHOP PART TIME JOB for a young man. Must have car. Call 557…

….. >310(741K< Thinking of moving to sunny S. W.7 Afraid of job opportun- ities? Go into your own business. We have many listings among which are a Delicatessen and a 16 unit Motel in prime locations, which…

…-8929. Free delivery, stacked & bog of kindling, per cord. YOUNG PERSON UNUSUAL 2 STEP COMMISSION PLAN EXPERT furrier, restyling, re- pairing, relining, Oak Park, very reasonable. 968-0177, Hilf Appliance…

… PAINT UP for Spring. Interior. Furniture on duty were wearing swas- exterior. Wallpapering S. an- PAINTING - tiquing. 3441644. tikas, the symbol of Ger- Local end Long Distance many's Nazi Party and the…

… also were complaints of racial slurs on WOOD FURNITURE 547-7569 WALLPAPER SALE CLEANING some police station walls. Free Estimates Perk and Safety Director Huge discounts on our own im- James T. Carney…

March 02, 2006 • Page Image 104

University of Michigan-Dearborn. After college, Miriam worked for Young Judaea in Los Angeles and later as a madricha (counselor) for Young Judaea's Year Course in Israel before making aliyah. Dov made aliyah…

Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit in Farmington Hills, Jonathan volunteered as a counselor at Congregation Beth Ahm as one of his mitzvah projects. Foster Marni Beth Foster will be called to the…

… Georgetown University in ized that you can live close [to someone] Washington, said when they first met, "it but live in different worlds. It's a little sad made a cute story." ❑ and Dan MacDougall of

…. Dov worked with a sister and brother of Miriam at Tradition! Tradition!, the Judaica store in the basement of the Southfield home of Rabbi David and Alicia Nelson of Congregation Beth Shalom. Both Dov…

… and Miriam planned to make aliyah. While growing up in Oak Park, the two Feb. 3 Heather (Cooperman) and Loren Sherman of West Bloomfield announce with love the birth of their son, Ian Jacob (Yaacov…

… Yitzhak). Welcoming home Ian is big brother Joshua, 272. Very excited grand- parents are Joyce and Don Sherman of Southfield and Harriet and Mark Cooperman of Farmington Hills. Also sharing in their joy is…

… great-grandma Toby Fisher. Ian is named in loving mem- ory of his paternal great-grandfather Iry Sherman. Dec. 21 Maria (Rubinstein) and Eric Sedler of Chicago announce with great happiness the birth of

… their daughter, Chloe Elizabeth. Welcoming her home is big brother Braden Kole, 14 months. Sharing in their joy are grandparents Sedler Rozanne and Robert Sedler of Southfield and Sharon and Joel…

… Rubinstein of Buffalo Grove, Ill. Chloe is named in loving memory of her maternal great-grandmother Ethel Rubinstein and her paternal great-grandmother Esther Sedler. Dec. 18 Sheri (Marcus) and Bob Beckett of

… Birmingham welcome with love the birth of their son, "Max" Marcus Hunter. Sharing in their joy are proud grandpar- 60 March 2 2006 moved in different circles. Miriam attended Berkley High School and Oak…

March 02, 1956 • Page Image 10

… mills. MAYFAIR KOSHER CATER- The Carolina historian's claim Michigan.. are told about Carolina Jews. Detroit Jewish News 10 Tracing the beginning of the is that "this 'most Gentile' sec- ERS announced…

… . reservations, call TE. 4-6781 or State College theater man, has brought back graduate of Hillsdale and Michigan to his Krim Theater, Wood- UN. 1-0932. ward at McNichols, the historic LET US SURVEY YOUR INSURANCE…

…, Frescobaldi, el, the opening University's Law School. He that order. Monteverdi, Marcello, Antonii, of the Frankel The class B playoff series will Stratford Festival - is attending Wayne. Scarlatti and Gabrieli…

…. helped build the C, Greenberg will lecture at Wayne Aug. 18. Among the performers sched- . on . the history of the Jews 1 :1. the Carolinas, under the title their gifts to charity, their share University

… and the United Jewish Appeal. He served for a time as assistant Hillel Foun- dation Director at Washington University in St. Louis, and as Bnai Brith Youth Organization director in Cincinnati…

… ban College ved.. Re- Played Football for In Hillsdale. at the Jewish Community en.- of Freddie Warren Baroque Concert freshments will be 's s er d his senior year, as Hillsdale's started off with city…

… Boys' Johnson; program chairman; 1956 football contract by the .league's (the Michigan Inter- ance on March 16 at the Insti- Lee Weiss, secretary; Melvin , Harry Detroit Lions, and will be given…

… collegiate Athletic Association) tute of Arts Auditorikirn by Clubs at the branch. one Madorsky, Jack Shupak el Each club may submit trial at an offensive halfback Kopel, Ann Weinstein, Rut h most valuable…

… player, voted on bul- Edith J. Freeman. a entry to be posted on the position when the Lions begin the all-conference team and This group of vocalists and letin board for voting. Contest Lewis and Ronald…

March 02, 2017 • Page Image 36

….4 SPARTY PARTY 7:30 pm, Saturday, March 4. Benefit for Michigan State University Hillel. At Mr. Joe’s Sports Bar and Grill, 26077 W. 12 Mile, Southfield. $50, or $40 in advance: includes dinner and live…

… Regional Glass exhibition, continuing daily except Saturdays through April 13. Ferdinand Hampson of Habatat Galleries juried the submissions of artists from Michigan and Ohio. Awards will be presented at 2…

… Bingo) is an annual fundraiser sponsored by ORT America Michigan Region in Bloomfield Hills. In addition to 10 rounds of bingo, event includes a strolling dinner, signature cocktails, an auction and…

… pastel, graphite and conte crayons. At the JCC, West Bloomfield. $5. RSVP: Rosa, or 248- 432-5467. MARCH 5 GLASS EXHIBITION 1-4 pm, Sunday, March 5. Opening reception for Michigan

… raffles. At Knollwood Country Club in West Bloomfield. $36 for age 30 and under; $65 regular; $750 VIP table of 10. RSVP by March 6: Alexis, or 248-723-8860. 7 pm, Thursday, March…

… fundraiser for JVS’ Women to Work Program will include cocktails, dinner and a raffle. The keynote speaker is Connie Holzer, owner of Tom Holzer Ford. At Detroit Troy Marriott Hotel, 200 W. Big Beaver. $150…

…. Individuals age 17 and older, in good health and weighing at least 110 pounds, are invited to give the gift of life. Trained Red Cross specialists will be on hand. Allow 90 minutes. At Adat Shalom Synagogue…

…” workshop is “Word Retrieval in Normal Aging.” Presenters Lisa Mammoser and Carolyn Doty will demonstrate tools and techniques useful for targeting word retrieval as well as overall exercising of the brain…

… course for lay people and professionals teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse. Skills will be taught to reach out and provide initial help and…

…, study of great poems and more. At Meyers Library & Media Center in the JCC, West Bloomfield. $18, or $15 for JCC member; includes hot choco- late and cookies. RSVP: Francine, or 248…

March 02, 1984 • Page Image 54

… Diamonds Onl ∎ • B ∎ Appointment The Michigan Council for the Humanities announces the award of a $1,500 grant to Wayne State University for the implementation of a titled, project Humanities Lectures in…

… conference in Ann Arbor recently sponsored by the Jewish Law Students Union, were, from left: Michael Rosenzweig and Yale Kamisar, professors of law at the University of Michigan; Judge Avern Cohn; and…

…- formed American Section of the International Associa- tion of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists. Judge Avern Cohn of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan is serving as na- tional…

… Diamond Cutters" 3000 TON+n Center, Southfield, Michigan 355-2300 •••• ------- Jewish Commitment in Law Profession Topic of Parley • Discussing "Jewish Commitment in the Legal Profession" at a…

… attorney Daniel Levitt of New York. The conference was made possible by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at U-M and funded by a grant from the Max M. Fisher Jewish Community Founda- tion of the Jewish…

… the Ancient Classical World." Dr. Norma Goldman, ad- junct assistant professor of Greek and Latin at Wayne State University, will serve as project director. This project consists of 10 lec- tures to…

… membership chair- man. The drive is in advance of the association's triennial International Congress in Jerusalem, Aug. 27-30, which will bring together 1,000 members from 30 countries. International president…

… is Justice Haim Cohn, formerly of the Israeli Supreme Court. The theme of the Sixth In- ternational Congress is "Good Faith in National and International Law- and in Personal and Interstate Relations…

…." Keynote 411* JUDGE COHN speaker will be Chief Jus- tice Samuel Roberts of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- vania. Other participants will include Judge Wade McCree, former Solicitor General of the United…

… States, and Judge Dorothy Nelson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir- cuit. Membership is open to SAVE UP TO 60% ON DIAMONDS Norma Goldman to Direct Classical Lectures Project , • We Sell…

March 02, 1984 • Page Image 70

University of Michigan and attended the U-M School of Music. For 10 years prior to entering law school, Mr. Bookstein worked for the family's Ace and Castle Furniture Cos., founded by his grandfather, Samuel…

…., and brother of Israel Defense Minister Moshe Arens, died Feb. 26 at age 62. Mr. Arens was graduated from the University of Michigan and received a law degree and master's de- gree in law from Yale Uni…

Hillel Day School. He was a life member of the Detroit Ten- nis and Squash Club. He leaves his wife, Denah S.; two sons, Jonah and Ezra; his mother, Mrs. Lil- lian Bookstein Padover; and a brother, Jerome…

…, died Feb. 25 at age 80. A graduate of the Univer- sity of Michigan, Mr. Biel- field established the weekly guide to attractions in var- ious cities in 1936 and moved the operation to New York in 1962…

… Build- ing (formerly the American Savings and Loan Building) and the Burton Abstract Building. He was a member of the American Institute of Ar- chitects and former officer of its Michigan Chapter. He also…

… leaves his wife, Geral- dine; two sons, Dr. James and Elliot, both of Chicago, Ill.; and a brother, Harold. Richard Arens NEW YORK — Richard Arens, professor of law at the University of Bridgeport, Conn…

…, was es- tablished 11 years ago in a private home in Jerusalem by Marta Berta Zaslany, the widow of a well-known Is- raeli psychiatrist. Today, with a scanty 1.6 million shekel budget ($15,000) re…

…- ceived from the Ministry of Health and various municipalities, Eran is op- erated by 400 volunteers (of whom 70 percent are women) who first undergo six months of training. They handle_some 2,500 calls a…

… month in Israel's major cities. Only about five per- cent actually deal with would-be suicide cases. "The number of calls re- ceived does not give a clear picture of the number of people who are in…

… distress," says 30-year-old psychol- ogist Yitzhak Carmel, di- rector of Eran, "because our lines are often busy for long periods of time, depriving many of taking advantage of our services." Eran is an…

March 02, 1945 • Page Image 6

… torical Collection Office at the for the best costumes. Special University of Michigan set aside A dinner card party will be Purim refreshments were served. a section of the library at Ann held at 6 p. m…

… the forerunner of the Hillel Foundation, in 1913. He was president of the Central Roosevelt Mentions Conference of American Rabbis Jewish Question from 1919 to 1921. In 1922 he MISS MICHELLE TCHOR was…

… three times School on Thursday afternoon, of the Detroit Public Library Hebrew Ladies' Aid March 1. A Purim program was Commission. The Michigan His- Card Party March 11 featured and prizes were awarded…

… the guest speaker and Miss Rosina Minyan luncheon will be held at University of Detroit in 1923; Betman will be the vocalist. The 12:30 p. m. Tuesday, March 6, an honorary D.D. degree from proceeds will…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal. ChrOnicle Page Six New Bnai Brith Lodge N. W. Sisterhood Plans Girls' Group Is Organized Here A meeting of the board of the To Honor Brandeis FRANKLIN…

… (Continued from Page 1 ) one of the leading rabbis in the' Sisterhood of the Northwest Heb- United States. A new Bnai Brith lodge is be- rew Congregation and Center was Dr. Franklin was born in Cam- ing…

… organized in Detroit. The held at the home of Mrs. 'Nor- bridge City, Ind., on March 5, new lodge will be called "The 1870. lie was ordained as rabbi Louis Brandeis Lodge of Detroit." at Hebrew' Union College…

… in Temporary officers were chosen Cincinnati in 1892 and has thus at an organization meeting Tues- been a rabbi for 53 years. He day evening, Jan. 27, at the Bel- served as rabbi of Temple Israel…

of 250 members. It is each time to a larger edifice. expected to apply for a charter Dr. Franklin was presdient of within a few days. Anyone who the Hebrew Union College Alum- wishes to join this…

… newest Bnai ni in 1907. He organized the Brith lodge should contact Mr. Jewish Student Congregation in Sosin at his home, 2981 Monte- Ann Arbor, first of its kind any- rey, or Phone TO. 7-5224. where and…

March 02, 1979 • Page Image 44

… will attend a University of Jacob Congregation in Be- verly Hills, Calif., for more Michigan basketball game than 30 years. He was at the Pontiac Silverdome active in the United Jewish Sunday, leaving…

… at Hillel House, 14400 W. during the month of March 10 Mile, Oak Park. . will be treated to a free A graduate of the Illinois youth group activity. Story Institute of Technology, Hour (ages 4-7) meets…

… First United Methodist Church of Plymouth 7:30 p.m. today in the synagogue's chapel. Both groups will have an oppor- tunity to ask questions of Rabbi Efry Spectre and Rev. Frank Lyman. The group will…

… Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Lafer (Barbara Weingarten) of Farmington Hills, a son, Jesse Alan. * * * Feb. 21 — To Dr. and Mrs. Cantor Sidney RUBE Certified Mohel 358-1426 or 357-5544 Cantor SAMUEL…

… Hospital . 557-9666 RABBI DR. LEO GOLDMAN Expert Mohel Serving Hospitals and Homes LI 2-4444 547-8555 Sheldon Sonkin (Sydelle Becker) of West Bloomfield, a son, Joel Steven. * * * Feb. 21— To Dr. and…

… Mrs. Steven Zuckerman (Beverly Ross) of Southfield, a daughter, Erika Jill. * * * Feb. 16 — To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Yashinsky (El- len Richter), 30110 Mayfair, Farmington Hills, a daughter, Amy Michelle…

…. * * Feb. 15 — To Mr. and Mrs. Steven Solomon (Lauri Ingber) of West Bloomfield, a daughter, Jacqueline Lee. * * Feb. 14 — To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Raimi (Ruthy Goren), former Detroiters of Kibutz Beit…

… Hashitta, Is- rael, a son. * * * Feb. 12 — To Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeFevre (former Detroiter Julie Zack) of Norfolk, Va., twin daugh- ters, Alissa Michelle and Sheldyn (Shelley). * * * BETH ACHIM'S Bnai Mazal…

… (grades five and six) will hold a Purim costume party 2 p.m. Sunday in the home of Loree Matafsky, 30042 Rambling Rd., South- Feb. 8 — To Mr. and Mrs. Michael Charles Karp (former Detroiter Fran Far- ley…

…) of Sunrise, Fla., a son, David William. * * * Feb. 7 — To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slavit (former De- troiter and Sandy Pensler) of Arlington, Va., a daugh- ter, Wendy Ilyse. * * * Nov. 18 — To Mr. and Mrs…

March 02, 1951 • Page Image 5

… Mil- ler, was a member of the Wayne freshman cage squad recently. Former Thomas, boopster, Jack Levitt, is pursuing studies at Michigan. Bob Steinberg, an ex- Union Tire member is also at Ann Arbor…

… designating the regular meeting on Wednesday evening at the Bnai Moshe social hall to BBYO and Hillel. Nancy Miller and Mrs. Phillip Shiovitz are chairmen of the respective youth groups. Mrs. Samuel Bank…

… Green and Gold uni- form of a Wayne University reg- ular. Other ex-Tartar cagers in- clude Abe "Hook" Parness and Jack Kutnick, both members of the 1945 Wayne squad. Parness is currently with Bale Whites…

… featuring Bale Post Whites, Harry Thomas, Dexter Chevrolet and Allen Club, the best four of the Center's seven teams. Playoffs are based on a two game elimination rule. Thus far, Bale Whites have drubbed…

… gained brilliance as a former all- American quarterback at Notre Dame. With another baseball season just around the corner, Detroit fans will be casting an interested eye to the fortunes of local boy Joe…

… Ginsberg, who hopes to make the grade as the Bengals' top re- ceiver. Ginsberg is rated as having a fair chance, what with some mi- no• and -major league experience already under his belt. Best of luck, Joe…

… Chevvie fold. Roy Schanfarber, a recent transfer from Michigan State Col- lege, is the newest addition to the torrid Wayne yearling hoopsters. Roy hopes to go out for the var- sity next year. • . . SHOULDER…

… starts in earnest. Though it is too early to make any prediction of the Tartar for- tunes this year, it is hoped that the boys will better last year's record. Coach Lou Zarza may lose some players, but he…

… is confident of retaining some top caliber mate- rial as some of the players are veterans. Among them is regular halfback Frank Rosenthal who is rarin' to go this year, and is look- ing forward to a…

… good season. Rosenthal was hampered in his efforts last year because of in- juries climaxed by a broken leg suffered in a game with Bradley at Ohio. Frank, who has been working out regularly, assures us…

March 02, 1945 • Page Image 2

…, cannibalistic sure harmony in American Zion- 10,000 Jews Will Be the following ladies acting as Nazi Chancellor of today not hostesses: ism, and that Rabbi Abba Hillel Returned to Romania Mrs. Sadie Morrison…

…- Jewish Committee. uled for showing at 3:30 and 6 p. in. Wednesday, March 7, at the Rackham Educational Memo- P.M. 8:20 MON., MARCH 12 at MASONIC AUDITORIUM rial under the sponsorship of the University

… I Jewish Hospital Drive Leaders Jabotinsky Deported; Refused U.S. Entry (WNS) —Ern Jabotinsky, son of the late world leader of the New Zionist Or- ganization, has been deported In the Turkish…

…- gration of Jews from the Bal. kan countries to Palestine. k'''.WASHINGTON except that they serve to remind The provisional committee us that they will not have died which shared the responsibil- in vain…

… if such inhuman designs ity for the Jewish hospital be made impossible. As far as drive with Max Osnos is com- we Jews are concerned, we feel posed of the following lead- that justice will be done only…

… MEXICO CITY (WNS) —: A ers of Detroit Jewry : Sidney when the ancient Home-land of J. Allen, Maurice Aaronsson, resolution urging the. establish- the Jews will be restored to ment of a Jewish State in Pal…

…- Irving W. Blumberg, Fred M. them. estine and condemning the in- The Irish people faced a sim- Butzel, Leo M. Butzel, Irwin human treatment of Jews by Cohn, Israel Davidson, Mrs. ilar situation. The Irish…

… wanted I, Germany was approved this week Joseph H. Ehrlich, Harry independence of the Home-land. by the World Organization Com- Krolik, Mor- American citizens of Irish de- Frank, Julian H. mittee of the…

… A. Wetsman and Henry movement. That made them bet, the Cuban delegation, calls for Wineman, ter Americans - the following: We Amerman Jews are deter- The promulgation of an inter- mined to del nstrate…

… to the civ- national bill of rights; the repu- ilized world that our agonies of Jewish Agency Urges diation of the inhuman treat- the Humans and Hitler came as Support of UPA Drive ment of Jews by the…

March 02, 1934 • Page Image 1

… session, pro- pogrom period of Bogdan Chmel- immigration policy pursued by representing the City of Detroit at the University of Michigan, who ing the coming week to con. will speak on the topic "When eider…

… irre- Hotel Statler, under the auspices excuses and many sound argu- lower class. A strong faction in ed with Jewish supporters of Doll.' Mrs. Dora Ehrlich delivered an gree the University of Michigan

… Director of Hillel Founda- ducted during the period heart the same sentiment of from May 27 through June 7. needs." discussed current happenings represented at the meeting by royal favor and solicitude…

… time the liberal morning by Mayor Frank Couzens, director of the Hillel Foundation Federation board will meet dm , Lexington avenue. His talk, given the Ukrainian Jews during the early in the morning…

… Henry Wineman, first of these and the one most ary of America, of which he is By MILTON BROWN majority of the population is be- chairman of the board of the Jew- universally recognized is the des…

University and editor of the maga. m. mm m"m"a families be supplied with their is that the World Economic Con- t 10s. Ulm. wen Mr. and Morris Ilirnimans Ds. • ferenee last year decided tha to a recent issue of


….00; Per Copy, 10 Cents DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1934 VOL. XXXV. NO. 40 JEWS REASSURED BY DOLLFUS NOT TO FEAR CHANGES Million Orange Cases Lost in Fire at Jaffa JAFFA. — (JTA) — A fire which…

… rapid, however, and most of the requirements VIENNA. (JTA) — Jews of ! of life in Palestine, including Austria need have no fear that such necessities as food, cloth- there will be any change in their ing…

…, furniture, building mater- political or legal status in the ials. as well as small articles, event of an accord being reached can be obtained from domestic between Austria and Germany, sources. the Jewish…

March 02, 1950 • Page Image 10

… Ribiat, Hillel L. Abrams theme of Jewish Welfare Fed- and Joseph Weinman. eration women's division activi- ties this week, as women prepare for the Allied Jewish Campaign. UHS Director Slated There is a…

… the Shalach Monos gift exchange. `Latin Olympics' Pick N.W. Team Holds Lead Detroiter as Official in Basketball League Byron Krieger, Michigan and The Junior Congregation of Northwest Hebrew is in…

… Counselor Roberg, 2521 Elmhurst, or Erwin Benjamin Levinson, president Linz, 2225 W. Philadelphia. of the Michigan Mortgage Com- pany, has been appointed mort- gage counselor for the Jewish Bnai David Men…

… Plan War Veterans of Michigan. Annual Purim Party Levinson has provided this The Men's Club of Congrega- service for many ex-servicemen tion Bnai David will hold their with regards to GI loans. annual…

… in Advance of Publication 2827 APTS. & FLATS WANTED EXCHANGE TENANCY YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE with no WILL ECHANGE nice 3 room apt. for 5 or 6 room fiat-N.W. section. TO. 7-6693. WO. 1-1040 CADILLAC…

… wile and baby. Des- perately need work. Can speak Eng- lish. Will take any type of employ- ment. Do not want charity. Call TO. 5-3472. KEEP ME OFF THE WELFARE! I AM A young married man with two…

… heat. $55 month- ly. $650 investment for drapes. etc. No newlyweds. Children welcome. Box 375, Detroit Jewish Chronicle. RUBEL'S UPHOLSTERING Any kind of furniture made to order including complete…

… purchase of 2 genuine bleached mahogany lamp tables. TY. 8-1622 after 4 p.m. LAMP SHADES AND LAMPS FLAT, 6 room lower. gas heat. 675 month. 3257 Calvert. BEAUTIFUL 6 room flat, gas heat. Available April 1…

… or Week TR. 3-7770 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM with adult family of 3. Good transportation. Reasonable. Newly decorated. TY. 7-4069. All City Moving Co. piano LARGE NEW. MODERN VANS; hoisting; storage and…

…). Poet (author of "The People's Poet," $ 1 per copy I. Enter tainer (free). David Horowitz, WE. 4-6570. CARPENTRY RUBBISH DRUMS ASH AND RUBBISH DRUMS. Two dollars delivered. Matt Dean. Phone GA. 4748 or…

March 02, 1934 • Page Image 4

…, but also a financial triumph. Preparing for Emergency. If it is true that anti-Semitic propaganda By BERNARD HELLER, Ph. D., Rabbi. Executive Director of the Hillel Foundation of the University of

Michigan at Ann Arbor. Opinion is divided among Biblical scholars as to whether the "Book of Esther" depicts fact or fiction. Some scholars believe that it constitutes a tale with a purely imaginative set…

… spurned the paltry one "grand" Dr. Kohn i is a German professor, who also taught for sonic tiqie Jews of Persia demean them- a week. After years of singing at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Ile was…

… Pure Reason," to Koenigsberg in order to make weeping for their mothers. Other possible centers of colonization must by the thousands in our community who were God! Creator of the universe, ruler there…

…limy)erRonlaisn ffiRONICbE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE We repeat that a dignified com- PEDLTROFIJEIVISII RONICLE rights. munity must rise above being the mere sponsors of amateur shows. We must raise…

…- stultifies the mind. For the sake of a ellists at Detroit, Mich., under the At of Mush 3, 1879. proud self-preservation, we must provide General Offices and Publication Building the community with a program…

…, England and constructive principles which should $3.00 Per Year Subscription, in Advance affect our cultural and economic efforts. A New Evaluation of the Book of Esther and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE To insure…

… publication, allcorrespondence and news matter most reach this mace by Tueeda y evening of each wee?. ffi When trailing notices, kindly use one side of the paper only The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Invites…

… correspondence on sub- feels of Interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims responsi- stilt, for an indorsement of the views asp 4444 eel by the writers Sabbath Reading of the Law. Pentateuchal portion—Ex. 30…

…:11.34:35 Prophetical portion—I Kings 18:1-39. March 2, 1934 Adar 15, 5694 Make the Pageant a Success. Many Detroit circles are already hum- ming with activities in preparation for the staging of the great spectacle…

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