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November 12, 1993 • Page Image 107

… Cross and Pear Tree: A Sephardic Journey Nov. 15 at 4 p.m. Location to be an- nounced. American Movement for Is- rael at the University of Michigan Hillel Foundation will present Haim Koren, consul for…

University of Michigan Hillel Foundation will have a Shabbat Vegetarian Potluck Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. Call Hillel 769-0500, for informa- tion and location. VIA Hillel, Hillel's com- munity service organization…

… Calendar Hillel Foundation at the Uni- versity of Michigan will spon- sor a panel discussion on "The Role of Women in Judaism" Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel. Panelists will represent Reform, Conservative…

… press and infor- mation at the Consulate Gen- eral of Israel in Chicago. Koren will discuss the recent breakthroughs in the Israeli- Palestinian peace process Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at Hillel. Israel-Michigan

… Political Action Committee at the Uni- versity of Michigan Hillel will welcome State Senator Lana Pollack, D-Ann Arbor, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at Hillel. The Jewish Lesbian, Bi- sexual and Gay Collective at the…

February 12, 1993 • Page Image 134

Hillel, 769-0500, by Feb. 18. Machon Plans MSU Social Machon L'Torah in conjunc- tion with the Hillel Student Center of Michigan State University will sponsor an ice cream social 7:30 p.m. Feb. 16 at…

…- dent of Oakland University, will speak at the Jewish Stu- dent Organization/Hillel's weekly lunchtime meeting 12-1 p.m. Feb. 25 in the Oakland Center. Dr. Packard would like to increase the number Jewish…

… students at OU in her support of ethinic diversity on campus. The Jewish Student Organ- ization/Hillel of Oakland University holds office hours Wednesday and Thursday 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in room 19 of the…


November 12, 1993 • Page Image 18

…. But this instance of vandal- ism struck an especially disso- nant chord in Jews at Michigan State University. It came on the eve of a campus-wide Holocaust memorial event, sponsored by six different…

university organi- zations, including Hillel. The highly publicized memo- rial, which took place Tuesday, commemorated the 55th an- niversary of Kristallnacht — the night of the broken glass. In No- vember of

… prove that Nazis tried to perpetrate genocide against the Jews. Mr. Smith wrote a similar let- ter that was published in the University of Michigan Daily in October. ❑ Happy Simchah! The Jewish News…

… shattering. It seemed to go on for a few minutes, like a shower of broken glass. Everybody was paralyzed." Jennifer Epstein, program- ming director for the B'nai B'rith Hillel in East Lansing, was working in…

… her office Mon- day night when vandals threw a brick and a stone through the large window near Hillel's front door. "I ran out of my office to see what happened," she said. "By the time I called police…

… time since we've had an incident of this nature in East Lansing," he said. Hillel's windows are broken at least once a year — usually with beer bottles thrown by drunken party-goers, Ms. Ep- stein said…

… premeditated." Mark Finkelstein, executive director of Hillel, said he also believes the vandals intended to send a message. "There are times when it is simply a product of drunkness and times when the vandalism…

…Detroit QUALITY YOU CAN BUILD ON... Vandalism Strikes Hillel In Lansing RUTH UTTMANN STAFF WRITER T A NAME YOU CAN TRUST. Recognized by Remodeling Magazine for excellence in design and…

… Schaefer Road • Dearborn, MI NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of the REMODELING INDUSTRY Regional "Contractor of the Year" COLO „L,ORKS STUDIO OF INTERIOR DESIG\ As you've heard by now, we're making news in design…

…! Whether it's planning your new home, remodeling your existing one, or furnishing a room - we invite you to explore the difference in interior design and encourage you to interview one of our designers for…

March 12, 1993 • Page Image 108

… Perspective." The program will be held at Wells Hall, Room C104. Refreshments will be served. There is no charge. U-M Hillel Sets Calendar The University of Michigan B'nai B'rith Hillel Founda- tion will host…

… Ghet- to," will be on display at Hillel. This display of maps, narratives and photographs tells the story of the daily ex- istence in the Lodz ghetto. Students will discuss their recent trips to Poland…

… 8 p.m. March 15. A Passover seder workshop will be 7:15-8:30 p.m. March 15 at Hillel. There is a registration fee. The History and Continued Development of the Reform Movement will be 8-9:15 p…

…PHILIP TEWEL Food and Beverage Director FINE CLASSIC CUISINE Approved By Council of Orthodox Rabbis KOSHER PASSOVER MENU COMPLETE DINNERS Chickpi Turke Machon Evening Held At MSU $ 12.25 $ 12…

….25 (10 minimum for whole turkey) Breast of Chickfn .7(past Beef $14.75 Prime 9ZiS $16.75 $14.75 COMPLETE DINNERS INCLUDE: Chickot Soup with Matzoh Baffs, Chopped Liver, Tzimmes, Potato Kftgel…

… Fish Chicken Soup Broccoli (one serving) T(oasted I4d.5kn Potatoes Potato Kitget Matzoh Parfet Tzimmes One-haffpint of Charoseth • Matzoh Baffs $1.25 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $5.00 $.50ea. Choice of

… cyl. Machon L'Ibrah will hold an educational evening 7:30 p.m. March 16 at Michigan Uni- versity. Rabbi Avraham Ja- cobowitz will lead a discus- sion on "Marriage and Inter- marriage From a Jewish…

… performance by A Travel- ing Jewish Theatre from California. The conference will open with a 24-hour vigil on the U- M Diag 12:30 p.m. March 15. During the vigil, members of the Jewish community will take turns…

… reading the names of those who perished in the Holocaust. Recent visitors to Poland will discuss what the concen- tration camps look like today in a program 8 p.m. March 15. There will be an evening with…

….m. March 18. A short com- memorative service in mem- ory of those who perished and in honor of those who surviv- ed will precede this lecture. Martin Pernick, professor of history, will discuss "Medi- cine…

February 12, 1993 • Page Image 63

… s Jews marrying Jews, but it's not trite — that's only a very important by-product. Hillel at the University of Michigan is receiving increasing national attention because it repre- sents a successful…

… is executive direc- tor of Hillel, University of Michigan. Leaving Home Workshop Topic Workshop is offering a Congregation Shaarey program for parents and college-bound stu- dents on February 28 from…

… more than half of ur young people to draw that kind of line and choose to remain on one ide of it. The message of Hillel at the iversity of Michigan is not about ?sisting intermarriage, and the thou…

February 12, 1993 • Page Image 62

…. Horwitz Adviser: Harlene W. Appelman port of Israel. (One University of Michigan professor referred to the "Judaizing of Nazism" when talking about Israel.) One must realize that the range of unpleasant…

…Facing The Challenges, Rewards Of College Life . Continued from Page L-1 At Farrakhan appearances at Michigan State, Jews were called racist by Farrakhan supporters, for objecting to the anti…

…'s anti-Semitism. While perhaps not the most dis- tressing, property damage is identi- fied by Jewish students as another issue of concern for them: vandalism of Hillels, "Jewish" fraternities and…

…-Semitism. Jewish students had to threaten the adminis- tration with a lawsuit for violating University policy before the adminis- tration acknowledged culpability in remaining silent in the face of Farrak- han…

… appeared to have the sanction of the college or university, such as Fundamentalist Christian student groups sponsoring prayer at half-time at an athletic event. Occasionally professors are insensitive or…

… experiences addressed to Jews or Jewish concerns is quite broad. While all of these issues are not universally felt, regularly experi- enced, or comprise the entire range of experiences available to Jews, the…

… Revisionists offered ads to student newspapers, many papers refused the ad. Where it was printed, the Jewish students received outpourings of support from the non-Jewish corn- munity. At the University of

… sororities, dormitory rooms, etc., are reported across the country. In a 1992 conference of Jewish college students, panelists reported the following issues of paramount concern: vandalism and graffiti; intim…

… Ture); "JAP" baiting; anti-Israel activi- ties; incidental one-on-one anti- Semitism; exclusion; (MSU's "people of color and culture caucus" changed its name to "people of color caucus" primarily to…

… exclude Jews who claim- ed that they, too, were a discriminat- ed minority); and with accepted ad- ministrative policies (registration or first day of classes on High Holy Days); and the emergence of Holo…

February 12, 1993 • Page Image 119

Michigan, he and his horim talked to chaverim, morim, krovim and, of course, the yo'etz at beit—ha'sefer and at the university to find out all they could about the new chayim and new reality that Ronen was…

University of Michigan campus, he did not expect any haf'ta'ot. He got used to his cheder at the me'onot, he liked his kitot and even most of his martzim, and he told his horim not to expect him home for a…

…. Some of the large Hillel Foundations sponsor denominational groups and offer services for Shabbat and holi- . . ..,ays in the styles of the various ovements. Smaller foundations s eek to serve the range…

… \ _decision your college years will be exciting, a time of growth and explo- ration. It is special opportunity to , grow Jewishly, also: Good luck! /- From : Jewish Life On Campus. B'nai B'rith Hillel

… he decided to join Hillel, Irgun Ha'studentim Ha'yehudim, and he became pa'eel in Jewish activities on campus. Ronen's neesayon is shared by other studentim yehudim. Unfortunately, not all of them find…

… Foundation, 1991- 1992. By NI RA LEV Hitragshut and simcha filled the home of Levin family when their Ronen, their ben, left home to go to college. For a long time before Ronen left for the University of

…'4 -edit transfers are possible, and nquire about transportation between >chools. Worship /\' On campus, you may find a variety Df forms of religious services, some familiar to you, others which are new…

of student terests without specific attention to hether they are Reform, Conser- ative, Orthodox, Recontructionist, or naffiliated. Students on campuses with small Jewish populations often join the…

… local community in celebration of reli- gious holidays. Will it matter to you if you do not find services "just like home"? Anticipate Some Challenges The college schedule and require- ments, and the mix…

of campus popu- lations, each with its own agenda, ften present challenges to Jewish students. Would you go to class on Shabbat or the Jewish holidays? (Students are almost never forced to do so, but…

March 12, 1993 • Page Image 27

…; and Hope Palmer, art historian and lecturer at University of Michigan-Dearborn and Oakland Community Col- Hope Palmer lege. Rabbi Axelrod will dis- cuss "Mixed Marriages and the Jewish Community: A…

… the University of Michigan. She is teaching art and art histo- ry at University of Michigan-Dearborn and Oakland Community Col- lege. "The Spirit of Jewish Survival," a program com- memorating the 50th…

… collaboration of organi- zations acting on a proposal by the Jewish Community Council's Holocaust Committee. In addition to the Council, program spon- sors are Hidden Children Organization In Michigan, Children…

of Holocaust Survivors Association in Michigan (C.H.A.I.M.), Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and Jewish Historical Society of Michigan. The program is free and open to the public. Beth Achim…

… or to make reservations, call Marjory Raskin, 626-8665; or Harriet Colman, 626-1743. This year's speakers will be Rabbi Albert Axelrod, chaplain and B'nai B'rith Hillel director at Brandeis University

… Rational Alternative to Company Policy." Ms. Palmer's talk, titled "Two Hands — One Heart," will offer a presentation of recent art by artists who have a Jewish heritage. Rabbi Axelrod is a long- time…

… activist, known for his commitment to such causes as peace, social justice and human-civil-minority rights. He also is the author of three books. Palmer has Hope advanced degrees in art and art history from…

… anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, will be held at the Agency for Jewish Education 7:30 p.m. March 22. The program will honor the spirit of Jewish survival as embodied by the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto…

…, who fought insurmountable odds against Hitler's reign of genocide. The speaker will be Dr. Sidney Bolkosky, Holocaust scholar and historian. In addition, attendees will view documentary film, "A Day in…

… Warsaw," which depicts Jewish life in pre- war Warsaw. There will be a candle-lighting ceremony to honor the memory of the 6 million Jews who were slaughtered by the Nazis. The program is the result of a…

February 12, 1993 • Page Image 142

… Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses 5075 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC • REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED This special event is co-sponsored by the Adult Education Committee of

… Congregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses and by the Midrasha-College of Jewish Studies (a division of the Agency for Jewish Education). SOMETHING page 81 The AAS was estab- lished in 1972 and corn- prises both…

… for any number of deductions. One stipula- tion, he notes, states that "if a certain percent of your income is lower than the amount you have paid in property taxes, the State of Michigan will refund…

… by The Council of Orthodox Rabbis of Metropolitan Detroit For Valentine's Day Gift Giving WEST BLOOMFIELD • MICHIGAN Orchard Lake Road • North of Maplc ecumenical officer, Archdio- cese of Detroit…

… Agency for Jewish Education, B'nai B'rith Michigan Regional Council and Michigan Board of Rabbis. Monsignor Blair will speak on "When Were the Gospels Written?" The lunch will be followed by the lecture…

…-1050. Ladies Auxiliary Holds Meeting The Department of Michigan Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans will con- duct a meeting 8 p.m. Feb. 23 • at the JWV Memorial Home. Refreshments will be serv- ed…

… Hebrew Schools, the managing partner of an accounting firm, and an administrator with a local university. Finding volunteers is a constant challenge, Mr. Abramowitz says. "Usually, we start by approaching…

…The most beloved Jewish storyteller of our time guides us through the world of Jewish folklore and wisdom with her unique humor and insight... PENINNAH SCHRAM Founding Director of the Jewish…

… Storytelling Center and author of Jewish Stories One Generation Tells Another, presents a pre-Purim evening of " HUMOR AND HOCHMA (WISDOM) WITH A DETOUR THRU CHELM " Sunday, February 21, at 7:30 PM HOSTED BY…

… annual income of the average client is $6,000. The AAS helps everyone from the elderly on Social Security to the disabled. "The worst cases are those who had a good job and got laid off," Mr. Abramowitz…

March 12, 1993 • Page Image 46

…, Michigan State University This slide lecture course will examine three themes: (1) the development of the painted page in Jewish Manuscripts, (2) the question of the human image in Jewish art, and (3…

…: Rabbi Aaron Bergman, Beth Abraham Hillel Moses This class will examine, through text study and discussion, 3 giants of Jewish thought: Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides), Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, and…

…Syn gues The Adult Education Committee of Congregation BAHM and Midrasha - College of Jewish Education proudly present A "J.E.E.P. IV ENCORE" Course Title: "RADICAL TRADITIONALISTS" Instructor…

…) evidence of contacts with the Islamic and Christian worlds. Both of these exciting courses will meet on four successive Thursday evenings, March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Tuition: $25 per…

… course To reserve your place, please return this form with your check payable to "Midrasha" to: Cohgregation Beth Abraham Hillel Moses 5075 W. Maple Rd., W. Bloomfield, MI 48322 Fr* Call 851-6880 for…

…! Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 Dinner Study At Beth Achim "The Guide for the Perplexed: Maimonides and Aristotle" will be the subject of the next Book Bites…

… dinner study series presented by Congrega- tion Beth Achim and Midrasha College of Jewish Studies 7-7:30 p.m. March 16 at Congregation Beth Achim. The series explores great Jewish books and their im- pact…

… Midrasha College of Jewish Studies will offer an eight- week Tuesday night class in "Continuing Yiddish" 7:30-8:30 p.m. March 16-June 1 at Shir Shalom (class will not meet March 30, April 6, 13 or May 25…

… because of the Pesach and Shavuot holidays). The class is a con- tinuation of a fall-winter course and will be taught by Rabbi Ahron Davidson. New students are welcome to join the class, which is designed…

… for people who took the fall- winter course or who have equivalent knowledge of con- versational Yiddish. Advance registration is en- couraged. For tuition infor- mation or to register, call Midrasha…

March 12, 1993 • Page Image 73

… World Series as very impressive. While Mr. Zaret, a University of Michigan media communications graduate, says travel and reporting from different time zones is the toughest part of his job, Mr. Shane, a…

… jobs in Michigan, said he likes to be controversial. "I feel it's important, for my style and what I am, to keep apprised of the issues in sports," he said. "I could watch games come on the air every…

… political science gradu- ate of the University of Maryland with a master's degree in journalism from the University of Colo- rado, thinks back to events he has had to cover for 10-12 hours and then be at his…

… the basketball team from the University of Evansville died in a plane crash," recalled Mr. Shane, who set aside that day's broadcast to do a tribute instead. "I knew those people very well, and it was…

…, especially the Jewish community," she said. "I met one of my closest friends through The Jewish News. She was advertising for a roommate. I called her, and as it turned out, she had already rented the…

… Abraham Hillel Moses. He said he has not found problems adjusting to any locale in which he has lived: "The hard part is not coming to a new city; it's leaving all the friends behind." SPORTS Don Shane and…

… Eli Zaret, both sports direc- tors and anchors at their stations, plan their reports to be much more than straight forward an- nouncements of scores. "In our sports depart- ment, we have been very…

… successful in breaking a lot of what we consider to be major sports stories," said Mr. Shane, who was a broadcaster in six other cities before joining - WXYZ in 1989. "Sports is fun, and that's what we try to…

…. Mr. Shane thinks the aura and atmosphere of champi- onship boxing is special because, unlike other sports, the fights can be over at any time. Mr. Zaret recalls the Lake Placid Olympics and the 1984…

February 12, 1993 • Page Image 64

… the com- fort level. It is like a security blanket." Allison Zousmer, originally from Bloomfield Hills, is an attorney in Chicago. During her undergraduate years at the University of Michigan, she and…

… Jewish stuff, but we had a Chanukah dinner. Maybe it is just the comfort of having a bond of customs." Joe Epstein, a junior at the University of Michigan from Miami Beach, is a member of Alpha Epsilon Pi…

… United Jewish Appear_ She learned about the Allied Jewish Campaign. She learned ab Hillel. "It gives you a tie," she says. "t focus of the Jewish sorority is not is:. gion, but you do begin to recognize…

… Jewish activities." Fraternities, Sororities Provide Bond By KIMBERLY LIFTON Ally Stein was convinced she didn't need to seek out Jewish friends during her four years at Michigan State University. She…

…- mer camp, it is the first separation from home and family. This move represents an important time of tran- sition in a family's life. The psycho- logical issues involved in separation are often…

…, costs, and location. This process is extremely stressful and exhausting. It is not until admissions are granted and accepted that families breathe a sigh of relief and the graduating high school senior…

… relaxes. College now becomes filled with thoughts of new friends, new experiences, and new environments. As families prepare for the shift to a new environment, a variety of feel- ings emerge, from…

… thoughts of many college students as they become increasingly aware of the fac,I that their familiar routine will change. High school friendships also become a concern. Students worry about losing contact…

… with their friends and are determined to sustain them. All of these feelings are part of sepa- ration issues for the student. Parents, too, have their separation issues. They can feel anxious and sad…

… their home as "feeling too quiet," or "strange." When they corn( home at night, they still expect to sei their child talking on the telephone while listening to the stereo. 7 -is:- sights and sounds of

November 12, 1993 • Page Image 101

…UJIMOU i. INK Of P'ninah Stein BBYO Names New Director P'ninah Stein is the new assis- tant director for Michigan Re- gion BBYO. Ms. Stein received her bachelor darts degree with honors from…

Hillel Day School will be honored at a Consecration Ser- vice Nov. 13. The children will be called to the bimah where each will receive a gift form the synagogue. The youngsters will present a program of

Michigan State University, with a major in re- lational communications in 1991. Last year, she participat- ed in Project Otzma, a post- graduate volunteer social service fellowship in Israel Ms. Stein has a…

… something outstand- ing? The Jewish News wants to honor that kid in our Super Stars column. Please send a brief type- written, double-spaced de- scription of what your nominee has done, a non- returnable…

… photo, as well as your name and daytime phone number. Send to: Super Stars, The Jewish News, 27676 Franklin Rd., Southfield, MI 48034. SHEREIJOOD H OFFERING R MOST UNIQUE HNC RIUSUR SELECTION OF GIFTS…

… The brotherhood of Temple Beth El will mark the Thanks- giving holiday with a blood dri- ve 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Nov. 21 at the Temple. Early donors will receive a complimentary breakfast at 9:30 a.m. provided…

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