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March 12, 1948 • Page Image 10

…. 'Outer Dr., who is spending the winter in Lakeland, Fla., entertained a group of Michigan guests at a dinner party at the new Florida Hotel. Honoring Leatrice Joyce Gilbur, whose marriage to Dr. William I…

… parents, the Irving Blumbergs•of 19556 Canterbury Bd. Lenore Liberman was entertained at the Latin Quarter, in honor of her birthday, by Joan Felzer and a group of friends. Sobeloff and Snyder On Hillel

…, director of the Jewish Welfare Federation. At 1 p. m. Wednesday, Wolf Snyder, director of the Jewish Folk Schools, will speak in the main lounge at Hillel House on "Opportunities in Jewish Educa- tion." He…

… Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, Mrs. Diana. Seamon Silver, a resi: dent of ,Palestine for many years, died on Feb. 22, at the age of 87. Mrs. Silver's heart gave way under the strain of the disturb- ing…

…- sued graduate studies in group work in the School of Social Ad- ministration. At Ohio State she was active in Hillel, and a mem- ber of Eta Sigma Phi, Pi Sigma Theta and Phi Alpha Theta. She was…

…' activities for the Bnai Brith Youth Organization is Therese 'Wise of Bellfontaine, 0. She began her work here March 1. Miss Wise attended Ohio State University where she received B.S. and B.A. degrees and pur…

…1 Friday, March iZ 1948 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Ten February Bride ciivitiei in Society Mr. and Mrs. Bezalel Epel of Copenhagen, Denmark, are visit- ing their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and…

… Mrs. Jacob Epel of 3019 Pingree. They came to this country to attend the wedding of their nephew, Joseph Epel, which took plane last week in New York. The visitors from Denmark also stopped in Boston…

… where they visited with relatives. They will leave for Denmark March 26. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Eder of Chicago Blvd. honored their daughter, Eleane, at a sweet-sixteen party for 10 couples March 6 at the…

… Elmwood hotel in Windsor. - Mrs. Herman J. Sampliner was the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Lewis Daniels and Mrs C. K. Sarason. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman of Canterbury Dr. left by plane for Hollywood Beach…

March 12, 1948 • Page Image 12

… graduate of the University of Michigan and her fiance attended Assumption Col- lege in Windsor. The wedding has been set for June 22. * * * Mrs. Peter Vass of 2010 W. Chi- cago Blvd. announce the engage…

…, UN. 1-4129, or at the door. * * * March 27 to 29, the Michigan BBG's will hold their second Michigan Regional Convention in Detroit. This year's chairman is Barbara Pasmaster of Louis Marshall BBG. A…

…- ment of her daughter, Florence, to Harold P. Fischer, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fischer of 19300 Ohio. attend the Zionist protest rally at Cass Tech. * * * Rabbi Irwin Gordon, director of Wayne Hillel

… Kumsitz, sponsored by the Wayne University chapter of the INTERCOLLEGIATE ZION- IST FEDERATION, to be held at 8:30 p. m. Sunday, March: 14, at the home of Adeline Subar, 2261 Blaine. The IZFA leader- ship…

… attended the University of Mich- igan and was affiliated with Sig- ma Delta Tau. Her fiance attend- ed Wayne University. An early June wedding is being planned. * * * At a reception at their home on…

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS Haganah. Women's Clue/ to Speak To Hadassah. Bnai Brith. Council Detroit Chapter of Hadassah and the Women's Council of Bnai Brith will present Ruth Berman, chief of

… the women's division of Haganah and veteran of five Tuesday, March 16. She will speak in behalf of the United Jewish Appeal.. A resident of Tel-Aviv, Miss Berman has spent most of her life in Palestine…

…. She played a dramatic role in the immigration of the thousands of Jews who arrived in Palestine despite the British blockade. She has seen active service combatting the Arab riots that occured after the…

… United Nations decision was an- nounced. As a captain in the British Army, Miss Berman played a heroic- role in the Battle of El Alamein. The British Govern- ment awarded her the Africa Star. A profound…

… student of music, Miss Berman is secretary to the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra. The American affairs commit- tees are in charge of arrange- ments. The chairmen of these committees are, Hadassah, Mes…

March 12, 1948 • Page Image 6

… various YMCA's, the Knights of Columbus, Detroit Police, University of Detroit and the Center. Deadline for entries is Wednesday. Universal Parcel Service, Inc. 9107 12TH STREET Detroit 6, Michigan TY. 8…

…, 4253 Leslie ave- Wayne University Hillel, will nue. speak on the "Effect of a Jew- ish State on Jewish Culture" at Culminating its membership an open meeting of Chapter One Neugarten Medical drive, the…

University Area Women's Club will hold its annual "games party" March 21 at the Jewish Center. Mrs. Norman German and Mrs. Karl D. German are chairmen. Fighting Chief of Haganah Women to Address B.B. Council…

… Schwartz who heads his band under the name of Stan Sherman is now available for music or entertainment. Sherman is a graduate of Cen- tral High School and Wayne University where he majored in music…

…DETROIT Page Six WOMEN'S CLUBS A luncheon will be held by the Young Women's Mizrachi at 12:30 p.m., Monday, in the home of Mrs. Sam Shuman, 2939 Burlingame avenue. Mickey Woolf is directing the…

… group's "Showtime," to be presented April 4 at the Northwest Hebrew Congregation. The cast consists entirely of members. Woolf has written the show and Julie Ad- ler is handling the dance rou- tines…

…. Proceeds will go to send orphans to Mizrachi homes in Palestine. For tickets call Mrs. H. Gluck, TO. 5-5293. Plans for a brunch, scheduled for April 14, will be discussed at a meeting of the Eva Prenzlauer…

… Maternity Aid, Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Minnie Goldsmith, 17344 Greenlawn avenue. Mrs. Jennie Yudkoff will be co-host- ess. The brunch will climax the group's membership drive, being conducted in memory of

… Lillian Solomon. For information call Irene Freund, chairman, HO. 6664. The Zedakah Club will hold a Purim festival at 1 p.m., Mon- day, in the home of Mrs. Maurice Knopper, 18659 Roselawn ave- nue. • A…

… Purim card party will be held by the Women's Auxiliary of the Goodfellowship Club at 8 p.m., Monday, in Zack's, 8939 Twelfth street. Proceeds will go to the Jewish State. Door prizes will be awarded. The…

November 12, 1948 • Page Image 8

… DETROIT ; IZFA Regional Parley Set at-Ann Arbor Campus Wayne University chapter of IZFA will hold a social mixer at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 16, at Hillel. House. All students are welcome. IZFA will hold…

… JEWISH NEWS — Friday, November 12, 1948 Michigan BB Council Votes $50,000 Vehicles Contribution for Israel The Michigan Men's Bnai Brith Council recommended a $50,000 quota of vehicles for the Aid to…

… Busch of Lansing, Aid to Israel chairman, made a stir- ring appeal for cooperation and fulfillment of what he termed "the greatest undertaking that the Michigan Council lodges will have for a great many…

…, including a truck load of food contributed by the Michigan Council valued at $3700. Windsor Jr. Hadassah Ceremonies were conducted on the lawn of Max Elkins . Colonial Chooses New Officers Hotel when Mr…

… a regional seminar Nov. 26 to 28 at the Uni- versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. All those interested in attending are asked to call Joyce Kaplan, TO. 5-4656. Psycholohy of Marriage Is Next Institute…

…The Young Aciuit Community Book Month Rally Dec. 1 to Feature Maurice Samuel Youth Plan Delegates Meet Here to Unite Congress Membership Meeting Midwest Youths in Council The home of Harriet A…

…. Levine, 4077 Sturtevant, will be the site Youth and young adult leaders of Jewish communities of an open membership meeting of the Youth Division of the throughout the midwest will gather in Detroit this…

… weekend American Jewish Congress at to form the first permanent Midwest Regional Young. Adult • Council., They will be guests of the Detroit Jewish Young Adult Council. The major youth meeting will take…

… place Sunday morning at the Jewish Community Cen- ter, when. Arnulf M. Pins, chair- man of the recently-established National Jewish Youth Confer- ence, w i 11 dis- cuss the role of the section coun- cil…

… on the na- tional youth scene. Pins ad- dressed a youth rally in Detroit in September. S u e Frauen- A. M. Pins thal of Cleve- . land is interim chairman of the midwest council and Leonard Baruch…

November 12, 1948 • Page Image 10

… members of the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago White Sox baseball teams will be present. Movies will be shown of the recent Michigan- Illinois football game. Following the program, re- freshments will be…

… 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. .17, at the Cul- tural Hall, Joy Rd. near Linwood. Proceeds will be used for the Wayne University Hillel Founda- tion and local BBYO activities, according to Herman Schneider…

…National Bnai Brith Secretary Here To Report on Trip to Europe, Israel Maurice Bisgyer, national sec- retary of Bnai Brith, who has just completed a tour of Europe and Israel, will be the guest…

… speaker at a public meeting spon- sored by Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Council, at 8:30 p.m. Sun- day, Nov. 14, in the Brown Me- morial Chapel of Temple Beth E1, Woodward and Gladstone. An added fea- ture of

… the meet- ing will be the presentation of Cantor Moses J. Silverman of .Chicago i n a musical pro- gram. The public is invited to this Silverman meeting. There will be no solici- tation of funds…

…. Bisgyer, who conferred With Dr. Chaim Weizmann, president, and other officials of Israel, and who interviewed important Eu- ropean Jewish leaders, will re- port on conditions among Euro- pean Jews and on…

… the status of Israel. Cantor Silverman ranks among the leading, singers in America and is one of the outstanding in- terpreters of liturgical and folk music. He will appear in a pro- gram of Hebrew…

…, Yiddish and English. songs. Bisgyer will be welcomed by Isadore Starr, Bnai Brith Coun- cil president, and Sidney J. Kar- bel, chairman of the council mem- bership committee. Northwest Expansion Includes…

… hon- the music department, assisted by ored close to 100 new members Vivian Kozenn and Betty Shan- at a luncheon at the home of brom. Mrs. Louis Millman of Birchcrest Dr. Members of the membership Eight…

… have banded dade, Sidney Broida, Jack Bor- together to furnish aid to Negro sand, Tom Mittledorf, Philip Ar- civic causes as members of the nold, Sol Rosenman, Louis Schos- Eight Mile rd. chapter of

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