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March 01, 1946 • Page Image 14

… Monday evening. start at 9. Refreshments' will be . served. • The first officers of the newly established Bnai Brith-Hillel Foundation of Warne University include Sam Goldfarb, presi- dent; Sol Sachs and…

… the general last season. of the -Michigan United States program of this function- will be Employment Service, will speak it a nite-club setting. Prizes will- Mothers' Clubs at the Jewish Community…

… Marion Kop- nick, vice-presidents; Betty Cha- fets, secretary. Other members of the Hillel student council are: Jack Belkin Jordan Drews, Rita Green, Fred Green, Gerald Manko, Bernard Rosenberg, Mildred…

… Rabin, Bill Schoenfeld, Hubert Sidlow, Ade- line Subar, Bette Weinberg and . Joseph Yanich. - The Hillel building on Second 'Ave. will be ready for use this ' - . week. March of Time Film On Greece at…

… is - a graduate of the University of Washington in Seattle. . Mrs. J. S. Sarasohn, director of publicity of Community Fund and Council of Social Agencies, will be chairman of the Tea Talk. Sophie…

… HEATING CO. UNiversity 3-6241 of wounded veterans in hospitals still need its comfort and, cheer ... our returning ser- vicemen look to the Red Cross for a helping hand ... and when disaster strikes at…

…Friday, March 1, 1946 THE JEWISH NEWS Page Fourteen enter Activities Jewish Goldfarb Heads Dr. Van Paassen Cushman Next To Speak Mar. 14 JWB Lecturer At Shaarey Zedek Wayne's Hillel those…

… lecturer, oustanding Christian de- ing at the Jewish Community union of children who attended fender 6f the Jewish cause in the 12th St. Summer Day Camp Center. Edward L. Cushman, director Decorations and…

… Center be distributed. _ "What message of hope has Mrs. Sylvia Garland heads the been brought back by the re- in the second lecture in the series food committee. turnees from the London Con- on "The End of

… Mr. Cushman's topic will be series, "The Making of the Cohen- Building, will have the "The Economic Picture." He will Modern Jew", next Wednesday,, last of the series of discussions discuss economic…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 15

…." planning and economizing on the part of manage- Dr. Warner G. Rice ment and engineers. DIRECTOR, GENERAL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Ann Arbor—"I know that it will be of interest to members of the…

… Leaders Give Praise to Katz Series IRVING I. KATZ, author of the History of Jews in Michigan" ap- .-aring in the Jewish Chronicle, Ms received hundreds of favor- able comments on his articles from…

… Detroiters, residents of Michigan, and other cities. He has also received letters of com- mendation from nationally-known Jewish leaders and non-Jews, among whom are the following: Private and Professional…

… read your first instalment and can merely voice the hope that when com- pleted this series of essays will appear in a more permanent form." Dr. Abba Hillel Silver PRESIDE CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN…

… History of the State of Michigan will prove historically of great value." • Weatherbird,Shoes for 'Crib-age to College' You'll enjoy shop-'4 ping in Leonard's bright, modern surroundings. . Leonard…

… best wishes in your under- taking to write a history of Michigan Jewry." You may wonder why we are able to reduce electric Rabbi Irving M: Levey rates, as directed by the Michigan Public Service…

…, THE DETROIT COUNCIL OF CHURCH- ES—"I shall be happy to have the entire series of articles on the History of the Jews in Michigan." In short, it is enterprise at work ... enterprise with know-how and a…

… historical record for posterity, correlated through your efforts." Dr. George N. Fuller EDITOR, MICHIGAN HISTORY MAGAZINE, advised Mr. Katz that he expects to use some of the material in the Michigan History…

… interesting material. I am looking forward to the continuation with great interest." Dr. Salo W. Baron PROFESSOR OF JEWISH HISTORY, LITERATURE, AND INSTI- TUTIONS, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, New York City,—"I have…

University and shall see that it is made available in the Main Read- ing Room of the General Library." In addition, the combined savings brought about George W. Stark by a reduction in federal taxes and…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 8

… Palestine into two territorial states—Arab- ic and Jewish. THE JEWISH NEWS U. M. Hillel Leader To Address Junior Service Group Sunday Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, director of the University of Michigan Hillel

of Michigan. Jewish Workers Committee After a week's vacation at Detroit Jewish Workers Com- home, he left on Friday for Phil- mittee to Aid the Families of adelpIlia to enter the Wharton GM Strikers…

…Page Eight Commission May Propose Zion Partition LONDON—The London Times editorially expresses the view that the Anglo-American Inquiry Commission on Palestine will pro- pose the partitioning of

… Foundation, will address the reorganization meeting of the Junior Service Group of the Jew- TEL AVIV—More than 50,000 Jews attended the funeral serv- ices for the six victims of terror- ist activities in…

… Palestine last Fri- day. For six hours the Jews of Palestine mourned the dead. Resentment is running high against the actions of the British authorities. During the funeral procession the. Jewish Resistance…

… Movement took over the city and not a single British soldier was in sight. VIENNA—A group of 250 Zionists clashed with British and American police on Ringstrasse when an international patrol at- tempted to…

… before the British Officers' Club, de- manding the opening of Pales- tine's doors to Jewish immigra- tion. VIENNA (PALCOR) — Judge Bartley C. Crum of San Francisco and Sir Frederick Leggett, Amer- ican…

… and British members, re- spectively, of the Anglo-iimeri- can Committee of Inquiry on Palestine, were sharply rebuked twice by British 'Co-Chairman Singleton during a press confer- ence here, for openly…

… expressing their views while visiting the U. S. zone of Germany and for giv- ing statements to the press. Judge Crum told reporters on Feb. 17 that he feared a wave of mass suicides among Euro- pean Jews…

… press conference, Judge Crum was interrupted by Singleton while attempting to answer a correspondent's ques- tion regarding a statement that 60 per cent of Czech Jewry wants to emigrate to Palestine. How…

March 01, 1940 • Page Image 3

… their own daily living. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, will serve as moderator. The three youth discussants will be Walter Fishman, Mrs…

… i Bnai Brith Bowling Congress in auxiliary will take place on Tues- Dayton, 0., on Feb. 25. Though the Detroit Hillel Foun- day, March 5, at the home of dation team and the Detroit Na- Mrs. Harry D…

… wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kasle, by Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lachover. One tree by the Rose Jacobs Aguda of Young Judaea. Five trees in honor of Edith Grosman by Hillel, Mordecai and Florence…

…- day, March 6, at 11 A, M. "How to Live With Yourself" will be his subject. Now professor emeritus of Yale University, Dr. Phelps was Lamp- son professor of English litera- ture for 32 years and one of

… the most popular teachers at the University. His long-awaited "Au- tobiography" gives the full flavor of his extraordinary personality. Edgar A. Guest, Detroit poet, will introduce the speaker. Tickets…

… Ph.D. degree in Philosophy at Columbia University. He has been inti- mately associated with both the English and Jewish schools of New York City, having taught in both for a number of years. A widely…

…- Front. Curtiss, the editor, is a take the examination of medical vitz, University 1-6972, 17417 staunch supporter of Father preparations and remedies to as Stoepel Ave. Coughlin. certain their quality. …

… Ladies Auxiliary of the Hashomer Hatzair, the world Zionist scout movement, will hold a dress review of all . shomrim on Sunday, March 10, in honor of one of its youthful leaders, Miss Shonnie Moser, who…

… will leave for the Hashomer training farm in New York State prepar- atory to her departure for Pal- estine. Miss Moser, prominent in Detroit Zionist work and Jewish welfare activity, has been one of the…

… most e nergetic leaders in the Detroit Ken of Hashomer Hat- zaid. Her departure for the Sho- mer training farm, at Liberty, N. Y., for a year of agri- cultural training preparatory to her aliyah to…

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 9

… women's branch of Rabbi Jehudah Cohen, director confidence in the ability of the the General Zionist movement, has of the Hillel Foundation at the cooperated in the political and Jewish people to create…

… in Pales- rebuilding of the Jewi.sit Universtiy of Michigan, will ad- tine a Worthy and meaningful economic Homeland. dress the reorganization meeting Commonwealth is not a negative of the Junior…

… Pharma- ceutical Scholarship Fund at Wayne University, and has paid for the maintenance of two chil- dren in Palestine through the me- dium of Youth Aliyah. Intensification of the tuberculo- sis…

… Wednesday, March 6, at 12:30 p.m., at Kern's Auditorium. Mrs. Asher Smith is chairman of entertainment, assisted by co- chairmen, Mrs. M. Wainer and Mrs. M. Share. The committee in charge of the bridge…

… luncheon are Mrs. R. Fleiss and Mrs. H. Katz- man. Proceeds of this party will go to further the charitable activities in which the organization takes part. The Auxiliary is aiding in the establishment of a…

… educational campaign among the Jewish people of the United States was the keynote of the an- nual meeting of the Nation tl Council of Jewish Tuberculosis Institutions which was held re- cently in New York, it…

… was an- nounced by Bernard S. Coleman, director of the Council. Mr. P. Karl of Los Angeles was elected president of the National Council of Jewish Tuberculosis In- stitutions. Other officers elected…

… were Isadore Samuels of Denver, first vice-president; Dr. B. S. Pol- lak of Jersey City, second vice- president; Samuel Frazin of Den- ver, secretary;. and Fred Meyers of Denver, treasurer. (Ed. Note…

…: In order to give the public information on the three parties in Zionism, the Chronicle has asked some of the v ardent members of the three branches of the Zionist party to ex- plain the views of their…

… parties. Articles will also appear on Nate Zion or Labor Zionists and Mizrachi. These articles are written by younger people under the supervision of the Zionist Youth Or- ganization.) fr f _ TB…

March 01, 1940 • Page Image 8

…, at Cam- bridge, Mass. Shulman, whose appointment to the teaching staff of Harvard was announced in Cambridge on Feb. 23, has graduated from the Uni- versity of Michigan in 1937. For two years prior to…

…. Sheil of the Catho- lic Archdiocese of Chicago, and Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver and Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, national chairmen of the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees and Over- seas Needs, will participate in a…

… Marshall D. Shulman, son of will sponsor a Military Ball on Mr. Webb and Mrs. Harry Shulman of Ave., has M. been named March 24, at the Book Cadillac assistant instructor in government by Harvard University

… his enrollment for graduate work in Harvard University he was engaged in newspaper work in Detroit and Chicago. • DINNER OF MEN'S CLUBS MARCH 13 "The Jews of China" will be discussed by Dr. David G…

…. Man- delbaum, professor of anthropol- ogy at the University of Minne- sota, at the annual joint fellow- ship dinner sponsored by the Men's Clubs of Bnai David, Bnai Moshe, Shaarey Zedek and Tem- ple…

… the University of Oregon has also added an extra member- GET IN TOUCH WITH ship for the University of Ore- gon Library. Judge Louis E. Levinthal, chair- man of the society's publication committee, is a…

… Jewish college fraternity, to the American who has done the most for Jewry. The Gottheil Medal was es- tablished by Zeta Beta Tau in honor of Dr. Richard J. H. Gottheil of Columbia University, an…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE end The Legal Chronicle 8 Marshall D. Shulman Is Named Harvard Asst Instructor Rosenwald Post Ball on March 24 The Julius Rosenwald Post No. 218 of the American Legion…

… Beth El, at the Bnai Moshe, Dexter and Lawrence, Wednes- day, March 13, 6:30 p. m. The public is invited to attend the dinner. Tickets can be obtained at the offices of above congrega- tions. Urges…

… Extra Tax by Jews to U. S. Government Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: It occurs to me that it is time we abandoned a practice of los- ing sleep over the Income Tax. Too many worry over methods of

March 01, 1946 • Page Image 5

… thinkers and speakers in Amer- ica. In 1914, he established the Jewish Student Congregation at the University of Michigan, the first Jewish student organization of s religious nature in this country. This…

… was the forerunner of the pres- ent Hillel foundations which have spread to all the leading universities and colleges. President of Conference For two successive terms, Dr. Franklin was elected…

… souls of people forget their daily worries and miseries, he is doing his share in lightening the heavy burden which is life. History of the Jews in Michigan p (Continued from Page Three) 2. The…

… Kent to school there and worked his way through ho University of Indiana. At the age of fourteen, he had started sMying at the He- brew Union College and at the age of 22, he was ordained as a rabbi…

… seeing the Temple move to its present magnificent edifice on Wood- ward and Gladstone. In that year, he was elected by the Congre- gation to a life tenure. In 1923, the University of Detroit conferred on…

…Americo 'elvish Periodical Carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO • Friday, March 1, 1946 DL:TROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle- Book Review By LEON SAUNDERS “Echoes of Past…

… and Present " or (Conclusion) Rumshinsky came to America and soon found employment for his special abilities. His book tells of the lives and activities of all the mportant people on the Yiddish stage…

… edu- cate it for the appreciation of better things. Music is a terrific force. When combined with the proper words. it has a double, force. Music can inspire a person, uplift him or de- press him. It Is…

… the folk songs that keep people separate, that keep nationalism alive. Opposed to this, good music is cosmopolitan. The works of the masters break down the barriers of nationalism more than a score of

… tomes on propaganda. Trunk, in his "Poland," tells of the famous Tzadik of Rusenitz who was strolling in Carlsbad where he was taking the cure. Suddenly he heard loud applause and, upon inquiry, learned…

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