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December 11, 1936 • Page Image 1

…America lavish Periodkal eater CUSTOM AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH All Jewish News All Jewish View: EMIL IIRONICLE WITHOUT BIAS [ 'and Refusal to Grant Special Im- migration Certificates Is Scorned ARABS SEEK FUNDS FOR WAR ON JEWS, BRITISH Keren Hayesod Conference Is a Demonstration for Dr. Weizmann JERUSALEM (WNS - 1 Palcor Agency)—The new policy of the Palestine Government, declining to issue special immigrat...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 2

…December 11, 1936 PIEVETROWEWISil rt IDINIGUI ____ PAGE TWO 1 THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME Il l y , terzIce DeLuxe Family C Flat Piece' Pounds Chanukah Program of Shaarey Zedek Sisterhood Dec. 14 TOE_14,,WakafRONICLE A. A. U. REBUKES PRO-NAZI FORCES BY ELECTING MAHONEY PRESIDENT College Groups to Be Sponsored by Young Israel The National Council of Young said that Nazi Germany's partici- Israel endorsed the resolution of pation in th...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 3

…A ticrkam yetvish Periodical Carter CLIFTON MINUS - CINCINNATI 30, onto iffiVEMORILI; ish-LARoxicul GE THREE: and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE December 11, 1936 f ,_ANNIS_FURS ARE BETTER FURS__ 1THE JEWISH COMMUNITY AND ITS AFFILIATED AGENCIES EDITOR'S NOTE! The following is one of a series of brief sketches describing the work of Jewish agencies affiliated with the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit and receiving their incons• fres the Al...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 4

…December 11, 1936 ntts•ria DETKDITJEWISfl LAR0741015 Nlesta and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE r4 BEMUM 1 EW M e. itIt /L.__ IL A People's Indestructibility The successful conclusion of another Roll of Honor campaign by Detroit Ha- and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE dassah ought to be an occasion for added ► realcla Publishing Co. lea. satisfaction that an historic effort is find- a► lielted Weekly by The Jewish C stared u Secookolass Batter March I, 1111, at...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 5

…Asterism ffewisk Periodical Carter CJ.IFTON ATENUt - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO piEVerRorrinvisn (Agtrocu, December 11, 1936 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ROYAL COMMISSION HEARS APPEAL FOR REFUGEE CHILDREN Buy Fine Furniture F ORMATION OF MICHIGAN BNAI BRITH COUNCIL TO BE CELEBRATED JAN. 10 MOTHERS' CLUBS The Council of Mothers Clubs of the Jewish Community Cen- ter will hold its annual Chanukah latke party and dance at the Cen- (CONCLUDED TROY PA...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 6

…rCi'.:7.111111g4 December 11, 1936 1i811 0 AMIGA rglIA7130711161 f awl THE LEGAL C RONICLE REBELLION IN MOD1N PAGE SIX PLAN INSTITUTES ON FUND - RAISING (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE I) CHANUKAH GREETINGS Nahum clutched at the cobbler's cloak and peered into his face. and policy to lay before the ses- CHANUKAH GREETINGS of the general assembly. the soldiers of Antiochus were They struck him down—right in sions Institute sessions. Mr. Back- eve...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 7

…America Apish Periodical Carter Cl/71014 AVENUE • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO MOETRog /man &mom December 11, 1936 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE POLAND - LAND OF STARVATION CHANUKAH GREETINGS very carefully checked his pass- port, listed the names of all those who were in the audience. Polish diplomat and the Jewish The rights of the Jews are being question came up. He said when taken away but the anti-govern- the police get nests of communists, ment ...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 8

…December 11, 1936 Mfi . DErROITIEWISif CARON ICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PA( PAGE EIGHT _ CHANUKAH GREETINGS LACHAR Kosher Catering Co. Unsurpassed Cuisine and Un- excelled Facilities for the Catering of Banquets • Weddings • Dinners Parties - Showers, etc. 8939-41-43 12TH St., near Taylor TYLER 4-9420 1 For High Grade Photographs Visit the Photo Studio at 11629 DEXTER at Burlingame Families, Groups, Weddings, Copies and Enlargemen...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 9

…Amerieam Asa PaloNeal Cotter CLIFTON ATENU1 - CINCINNATI 20, OtUO VISLATRogkwun &prim and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE December 11, 1936 Ji Rabbi Fram Honored By His Colleagues ANNUAL HADASSAH ROLL OF HONOR CONCERT NEXT TUESDAY EVENING Shaarey Zedek Men's Club "Games Night" Th e Shaarey Zedek Men's Club games night on Monday evening, Head. Education Program of Cen- Dec. 11, will take the form of a tral Conference of American smoker and tournam...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 10

…—eearaltemarawraefa•le filEVLIROITLLEWISfl PA( PAGE TEN Announce U. H. S. Auxiliary Her Betrothal IlUDS ON'S ELEV ENV. Floor GAS kr "His" December 11, 1936 A RONICL and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Donors Are Listed Event on Jan. 27 is only Fund- Raising Project The only money-raising function of the Women's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools will be the fifth annual donor luncheon to be held Jan. 27 at the Stotler Hotel. The proceeds...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 11

…America Apish periodical Cc ter - CLIFTON AVZNCI • CINCINNATI 30, OH10 ■ nd THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ------- Mezzanine Ploor 4•11. Engagements She'd Love a Tyrolean Embroidered Sweater! $595 Festive and gay are these wool sweaters, adapted from Lanz of Salzburg originals. White, green, blue, red or black, embroi- dered in 4 colors. GIFTS for All Occasions SHOP EARLY AT 10222•Dexter Blvd XMAS PACKING FREE OF CHARGE N. ; WOMEN'S HOSIE...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 12

…December 11, 1936 litEVersorrjEwon CARONI= and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE TWELVE, PAC, IRMM "SOVIET RUSSIA IN 1936 f1 STAGE AND SCREEN Revelry by Night PLANTATION An enlarged version of Leo- Reiner to Conclude Tempor- Hofmann Concert nard Reed's Sepia Varieties, is ary Leadership of Or- being offered this week at the Here on Dec. 15 Club Plantation. chestra Thursday Margaret Watkins, with a con- WITH TWO COMPLETELY NEW SETS OF MOTION ...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 13

…Amami ffavish Periodiall eater ____ =TON MANUA • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 PAGE THIRTEEN aciuorri terasnahamicua December 11, 1936 ■ sad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE APARTMENT INVESTMENTS Raskin to Exhibit His Works Dec. 22 A GREAT CLASSIC REVIVED MESILLAT YESIIARIM. .fly Moses Ilayylm Lunatic .A Critical Edition Pro- tided WOO Translation and Notre by Mordecai M. Kaplan. Jewish ' , ali- t alien Society of America, Philadelphia, Pa. 111.10). CHANU...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 14

…ThEVerttorr, PACE PAGE FOURTEEN 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 I I Chenot to Address Buy Your 1937 FORD V-8 From GINSBERG .. . Perfection Lodge Aaron A. Silberblatt, worshipful master of Perfection Lodge No. 466, F. and A. M., announces that Judge James E. Chenot of the Wayne Circuit Court will be the guest speaker at the Third Degree December 11, 19...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 15

…America Yeafish Periodical Carter CINCINNATI 30, OHIO and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE HOTEL WILSHIRE DINING ROOM THE HEBREW KINDERGARTEN IN AMERICA 3RD AND COLLINGWOOD PAGE FIFTEEN g ftf; yritorrionsndtPDMICUS December 11, 1936 By LEAH PIKE LONGFELLOW 2880 Banquet Planned By Gewerkshaften Adopting the successful methods used in Chicago and other large cities, the second meeting of the conference of delegates to the De- troit Gewerkshaften C...…

December 11, 1936 • Page Image 16

…December 11, 1931; VgritorelovisiiffiRONICIE PAC I and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAGE SIXTEEN GUARD AND YOUR V BE EYES • SAFE BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH TO THE ENTIRE JEWISH COMMUNITY HONOR ALTMAN FOR HIS RADIO WORK Craftsman Lodge - 1 to Install Dec. 181 (milli *el; El 1 GREETINGS . . • NOUS happiness, Last Sunday, Hyman Altman and may it bring you an abundance of health. Max A. Friedlander will be in- celebrated the beginning of...…

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