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September 07, 1945 • Page Image 5

…. But equally important will Director Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Ohio State University ment, in its bulletins, literature the friendship of understanding be the Hillel director's role as a With…

Hillel director will not, as some the development and expansion of back to college, Rabbi Kaplan, head of the Bnai Brills Rosh Hashonah Greetings Hillel Foundation at Ohio State University and director do…

… Brith Vocational Service Hillel's post-war program. under the ministrations of pa- Bureau, and the individual stu- By RABBI HARRY KAPLAN The Hillel War Service Depart- tient parents and relatives and dent…

… (Continued on page 10) shape to the post-war campus. In this timely analysis of turned student. The discerning Hillel's post-war program will be the problems confronting Jewish veterans who have gone • I…

…, regard the returning veteran an effective counseling program, of Hillel's war service department, pre-views the post-war as a problem. He will recognize, both for the returning veteran campus, with special…

… reference to Jewish students and to in his realism and understanding and the continuing civilian stu- the role which the 118 Hillel units will play in meeting Artistic Upholsterers of youth, that most young…

… international conflict it- without too much strain to the diminish in the post war world. 1920's, a student movement was self, Hillel continued and broad- duties and responsibilities of Veterans and younger…

… • international program of the Bnai decline of male enrollment at But it would be folly to as- careers. Hillel can thus continue Brith Hillel Foundations. The rav- the colleges, Hillel began a strik- sume that the…

of ti not completely erased by 1923, 12,000 army and navy trainees on un touched. Many will return when the first Hillel unit was the campus. At the same time its more mature, more seasoned and…

…. CO. tion-wide movement of 118 field to the campus. Hillel direc- Plastic Products Foundations and Counselorships. tors are already preparing them- 243 WEST CONGRESS Through depression, crisis and…

September 07, 1945 • Page Image 10

… learning. 3252 JOY ROAD 0 The 118 Hillel units at Ameri- TY. 5-2047 can and Canadian universities are 0 not only vital fortresses of Ju- HELP BACK THE ATTACK daism but true and dedicated BUY MORE WAR BONDS…

… uniquely qualified to provide the returning veteran with the type of religious and Jewish activity to which he has become accustomed in the army and navy. Both the regular Hillel pro- gram as well as the…

… served as Hillel directors. The Judaism of the re- turning veterans, as a result of their service experiences, will be less formalized, their religion more personalized. The rabbi, thanks to the contact…

… with chap- lains, will symbolize for them less the preacher and more the coun- selor, guide and personal friend. The Hillel technique for almost a quarter of a century has been definitely in this…

… direction. It is no exaggeration to point out that the returning veteran will find at the Foundation and in the Hillel rabbi, a counterpart of the community-wide emphasis which he enjoyed in the service…

… reconversion and reconstruction. inter-faith awards and scholar- It is perfectly obvious that this ships, and the dynamic inter-cul- devastating world war has shaken tural leadership of the Hillel di- our earth…

… tensions will test values. The post war years will our democratic heritage in the bring both a strengthening • and post-war years. War, to be sure, enlargement of Hillel's role in strengthens the spirit of

… guardians of democratic and hu- man values. Hillel's quarter of a U DUNN DRUGS U ol MR. and MRS. SAMUEL GERSON Le Shono Tovo Tikosevu — A Happy New Year • Lt. IRVING B. and MRS. GERSON 0.0.0 1:10 1…

… Victory and Peace 0 university was too often a hot- Be Realized Speedily bed of racial hate, and how pro- fessors and students both prosti- Drugs With a Reputation tuted their sacred heritage of truth and…

…Page Tan Friday, September 7, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle An Analysis of Jewish Problems And Potentialities (Continued from Page 5) not be completely unaffected by the…

September 07, 1945 • Page Image 11

…. The present Hillel ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS family already includes healthy units in the universities of Can- AND BEST WISHES TO YOU ALL ada. Before long, a Hillel branch is planned for the University of

… Hashonah Greetings GREETINGS! national education will b e strengthened in the post war world is already apparent in Hillel's thinking and planning for the campus life of tomorrow. It is obvious that the…

… Havana, Cuba, and other Latin- American units will undoubtedly be projected. 1224 RANDOLPH — Randolph 8053 The Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- 1742 FORT, Lincoln Park — Atlantic 2001 tions on the eve of their…

… %%%%%%% ♦ %%s%% ♦%% ♦%♦ ♦ ♦♦ ANIMISIIMMOVIMSC of a generation of college youth and their older contemporaries, Hillel will continue in the post Le Shono Tovo Tikosevu—A Happy New Year! war world as a loyal…

… Theological Seminary of America in New York. An Analysis of Je wish Problems And Potentialities (( C ontinued from Page 10) bear, the Foundations may truly aspir s, as did the great Hillel, to love peace and…

… the f ramework of world stability and organization. He re, too, Hillel's experience in both peace and war will prove enric ling and invaluable. Mild may well pride itself on the con- tribut ion it has…

… already made to , unive rsity life for almost a guar- ter of a century in the, field of in- tam :ional cooperation.'und world : under •standing. On many a cam- pus t he Hillel Forums, with out- stand ing…

… second 14371 GRATIOT AVE — Pingree 2333 quarter century of service, are', 15324 LIVERNOIS — University 2.3106 facing a period of greater op- portunity and more significant leadeship. Tried by the acid test…

… speakers in the field of both Jewish and world problems, have been an enviable source of intellectual enlightenment and inspiration for the entire campus and community. At innumerable universities, seminars…

…;cl ay, September 7, 1945 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page Eleven lar undertakings in the non-Jew- ish campus community. ROSH HASHONAH That these projects of inter- Rosh…

September 07, 1945 • Page Image 29

… over the University campus. Jewish worship is accorded, as a matter of course, its rightful place in the religious life of the Campus Com- munity. Hillel also publishes its own Campus bulletin. True, it…

… Eve ser- vices, It is well that they play fiat. politics in running for Hillel of- fices. Not to do so would point at indifference, at a deplorable lack of interest in !Niel. It speaks well for the…

… situation that the current Hillel president is the general chairman of the Annual Military Ball and a member of the Varsity Tennis Team. Only 17 YEAR OLD VET, OVERSEAS FOR A YEAR, IS YOUNGEST JEWISH WAR…


… vith the lour we oted few- - n. J t ish students to hold Sabbath serv- ices under Hillel Foundation aus- pices. There are the usual slack- bhues t ethyeouantg tenpdet et oupiclee resr'c eonft acgoeu…

… manifesta- tion of Jewish solidarity in the form of official Jewish group wor- ship. But then, was it not Moses of Bible time, who coined this much-abused slogan, so precious as 0 formula in the technique of

… students recognize and accept the situation. Outstanding are the High Holi- day services — organized and conducted by the students them- selves (always under Hillel Foun- dation auspices) on the campus…

…. There is no disputing that in the very nature of things these evoke a far more personal, more inti- mate spiritual communion than the participation of these very same students in their home Syna- gogues…

… and the gabbaim themselves, by their own choice and by the circumstances of their academic life. It is Judaism in the open. The shofar blast resounds in the Chapel and re-echoes through the open windows…

… is a modest affair, but it is the ac- knowledged voice of the Jewish student on the Campus. It is the local Jewish press. L . i67 ty 4 Cultural Programs 1111111 ' I )A . In civilian life the…

September 07, 1945 • Page Image 7

… Israel Congregation and Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan, it is announced by Osias Zwerdling, president of the Beth Israel Con- gregation and of the Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel

…., Command- er of U. S. Naval Reserve at the University of Michigan, and Col. Reginald C. Miller, command- ing officer of army forces on the campus, ' have granted Navy and Army personnel permission to attend…

… Services Arranged at Beth Israel and Hillel Services of Northwest Hebrew Rabbi Fram Announces Yom Congregation and Center on ANN ARBOR — Arrangements Kippur Services, Will Sept. 1, were graced with the Bar…

… Foundations, Inc. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Isaac Goldman of Beth Israel Congregation on Sept. 8, 9, 16 and 17. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of the Hillel Foundation, will deliver the ser- mons…

… graduate of the. Jewish Theo- logical Seminary, Columbia Uni- versity and Dropsie University. Cantor Rabbi Nathan Lander will chant the services which will be conducted in accordance with the ritual of the…

… have been made for joint High Memorialize Heroes Holy Day services at the -Beth Mitzvah of Robert Haidy, son of The Choir of Temple Israel will broadcast a prelude to the wor- ship of Yom Kippur on…

… Tuesday night; ,Sept. 11, at 7:30, over WWJ. Cantor Robert S. Tulman, Organist Karl W. HaaS and the Choir; directed by Dan Frohman, will present a program of Day of Binder arrangement of the Kol Atonement…

… music, including the Nidre and the Ravel Kaddish. Rabbi Leon Fram has an- nounced "Faith" as the theme of the Yom Kippur Eve or Kol Nidre service Sunday, Sept. 16. "Jonah, the Prophet of the Com- mon Man…

…" will be the theme of the Yom Kippur service Monday morning, Sept. 17. At 2 o'clock, Rabbi Fram will . conduct the Children's Service. At the Yizkor or Memorial Services •at 4 o'clock. Rabbi Fram will…

… memorialize the war dead of all nations, races and creeds. Among the world figures to be memorialized will be Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ernie Pyle. He will memorialize the 170 De- troit Jews killed in the…

September 07, 1945 • Page Image 28

… CAPTURED THOSE STILL LIVE,2ANTI•TANK GUNS &MUCH EQUIPMENT. As an outgrowth of a project initiated by Rabbi Solomon J. Moseson, counselor of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the New York State Teachers…


… Auditori- um. In view of there being a sum- mer school, Sabbath Eve servic es I are held at this University with- The Reconstructionist, a jour- ut interruption throughout the nal of Jewish religious opinion…

… State University with a Jewish student clientele of perhaps five hundred (including the military student unit) which number constitutes a third of the total student enroll- ment. Since this institution…

… represents the diversified aspects of the typi- cal State University of America, it will serve as an accurate lab- oratory for the study of this ques- tion. The heartening fact about this Jewish student life…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Page Ten of Christmas carols and Hanuk- kah hymns. "A Festival of Lights," the script of which has since been published by the Na- tional Conference of

… Christians and Jews, was first given in 1944. Now it is an accepted part of the Springfield Plan. Bessie Geffen Wilensky, in a letter to the editor of The Re- constructionist last February, told how th e…

… Christmas-Hanukkah program idea was introduced in two schools in the South. While Mrs. Wilensky was teaching in an Atlanta public school eight or I nine years ago, she presented a Hanukkah program as part of

… the school's Christmas celebra- tion. It was so well received it became an annual event. When she moved to New Orleans, one I of her colleagues, a non-Jew, con- 1 tinued the program. In New Orleans, Mrs…

…- cipal shortly before Hanukkah and told of the Atlanta experi- ence. With the approval of the a s s i s t an t superintendent of schools, the principal urged Mrs. Wilensky to try out the pro- gram. As a…

September 07, 1945 • Page Image 85

… auspices of the Beth Israel Congregation of Ann Arbor and the Bnai Brith Hillel Foul- / dation of the University of Mich- igan, it has been announced by Mr. Osias Swerdling, president of the Beth Israel…

… Congregation and of the Michigan Bnai Brith Ilillel Foundations. Services will be conducted by the Rev. Isaac Goldman of the Beth Israel Congregation on Sept. 8, 9, 16 and 17. Rabbi Jehudali M. Cohen, director…

… Schools Launch Education Month Observance • The nieteenth annual Education Month observance of the United Hebrew Schools was launched :tt a meeting which was held Mon- day, Aug. 27, in the Rose Sittig…

… Cohen School. The group that gathered and formulated the plans for the Edu- cation Month consisted of mem- bers of the Board of Directors of the Schools, representatives of the Hebrew Teachers' Associa…

…- tion, of the Woman's Auxiliary, of the Kvutzah Ivrith, of the La- dies' Auxiliary of the Kvutzah and of the Alumni. Arrangements were made to reach the public through the fol- lowing media: synagogue…

… trained choir under the leader- ship of David Selager of New York. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL Le Shono Tovo Tikosevu Rosh Hashonah Greetings And Best Wishes To You All Pontiac Synagogue Sets Holiday…

… NEW YEAR WITH By PAUL BAERWALD To countless Jews in Europe, American Jewry is personified in the "Joint." In their names, far more than in my own name and those of the world-wide staff of the Joint…

… Distribution Committee, I should like to wish each of you a very Happy New Year. PEACE AMONG ALL PEOPLES ISIDORE SOSNICK • Rosh Hashonah Greetings And Best Wishes To All KIDDIE KORNER CHILDRENS' SHOP…

… 11744 DEXTER BLVD. Corner TUXEDO TOwnsend 8.4128 • • Rosh. Hashonah Greetings Judge John D. Watts JUDGE OF RECORDER'S COURT Traffi c and Ordinance Div. ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS • THE WILLIAMSON…

…:00 a.m. Rabbi I. Strauss will preach on the first day on the theme: "Something Inside To Sail By in 5706" and on the second, "The Challenge of a New Age." The services will be chanted by Can-. for L…

September 28, 1945 • Page Image 12

…. Davis recently was discharged from active service in the U. S. army. Miss Yetta Schutzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Schutz- man of 9626 N. Martindale, has left to resume her studies at Michigan

… held during the second day of the conference. Participants will include Prof. .. . the home becomes more Jacob R. Marcus of HUC, noted important, its comfort and historian; Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, beauty…

… Kaplan are co-chairmen of the af- ternoon's festivities. Miss Donna Carlson of 2286 Calvert had left for Coral Gables, Fla., to resume her studies at the University of Miami. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karbal…

… the Department of Semitic Languages of the University of California for the academic year 1945-46, it was announced here this week. Dr. Fischel has been granted a leave of absence by the Hebrew…

University, to which he had plan- ned to return after spending several years here on a mission for the institution. He is a well known authority in the field of Islamic and Jewish Oriental his-. tory. E…

… racy will be held at Hebrew lumbia University; Dr. Samuel Union College. Dr. Julian Mor- Goldsmith, Chicago; Dr. William accept a project for the Jewish genstern, president of HUC, an- Fineshriber…

…Page Twelve THE JEWISH NEWS ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green of Calvert Ave. were hosts on Sept. 17 at a reception honoring Sgt. and Mrs. Leslie Green (Alyce Geer). Mr…

…. and Mrs. Bernard H. Bloch and chi_dren, Richard and Nancy, formerly of Tucson, Ariz., have moved into their new home at 18274 Muirland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis have left for .2ambridge, Mass., where…

… Mr. Davis will rest" his studies at Harva...d. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. Davis' mother, Juanita, of New (,:leans, last week visited here with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wine- man. Mr…

…. Summer will be at home after Oct. 1 at 18694 Parkside Ave. ,42:00:3 MISS EVE EPSTEIN Mrs. Anna Epstein of 2040 Clairmount announces the en- Major Sigmund Cohen has returned home after an absence of

September 28, 1945 • Page Image 10

… Details Announced for Sessions Here - Delegates representing corn- m unities throughout the state will attend the convention of the Michigan Federation of Temple Sisterhood in Detroit next Tuesday. Mrs…

…, devised for the training of Michigan members in better community service, provide for meetings Saturday night and Sunday, Oct. 20 and 21, with a dinner in honor of Richard A. Gutstadt, national director of

… will continue Oct. 21 to • discuss work of mem- bership, youth organization, post- war, Americanism, anti-defama- tion, Hillel, vocational service and conservation. Tickets for the dinner for Mr…

… Heavenrich. author , and . lecturer and has taught in: the Department bf Semitics at the University - of Chicago. Before Coming to Chi- cago, he ministered in New Haven; Conn., and taught at Yale. The…

…. Henry Meyers, general state chairman in charge of ar- rangements, announces that ses- sions will open officially with registration of delegates at 9 a. m., on the ballroom floor of the Book Cadillac Hotel…

…. On Monday evening, prior to the opening of the convention, Mrs. Meyers will be at home to out-of-town delegates at her home, 1683 Lincolnshire. The First Sermons The first part of the conven- tion…

… will be followed by Lakoff reception committee chairmen,• Mrs. reports of officers and commit- Ben Salon. Mrs. Morton Newlander, tees; a discussion of war time Mrs. Albert Oppenheim and Mrs. Charles L…

…, election of officers. Mrs. Manuel Mrs. Barney Newman. Brown, State Federation presi- Ushers committee is under the chairmanship or Mesdames Morton dent, will be chairman. Newlander and Harry G. LeVine. At…

… the second session at 1 p. Mrs. Fred Gottfurcht is chairman in., after the singing of the of the hostesses; Miss Helen Solomon, chairman of credentials, and Mrs. Ben- National Anthem, Rabbi Leon jamin…

… Jackson and Mrs. Howard Ja- cobson are in charge of table arrange- Fram of Temple Israel will give ments. the invocation. Mrs. Merrill E. Serving on the committees, in addi- Silverstein will, lead in the…

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