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September 28, 1945 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1945-09-28

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Page Twelve




Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green of Calvert Ave. were hosts on
Sept. 17 at a reception honoring Sgt. and Mrs. Leslie Green (Alyce

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard H. Bloch and chi_dren, Richard and
Nancy, formerly of Tucson, Ariz., have moved into their new home
at 18274 Muirland.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis have left for .2ambridge, Mass.,
where Mr. Davis will rest" his studies at Harva...d. Mr. and Mrs.
Davis and Mr. Davis' mother, Juanita, of New (,:leans, last week
visited here with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wine-
man. Mr. Davis recently was discharged from active service in
the U. S. army.

Miss Yetta Schutzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Schutz-
man of 9626 N. Martindale, has left to resume her studies at
Michigan State College.

Miss Elaine Novitz was extensively entertained before her
marriage to Albert Summer on Sept. 18. On Aug. 16 Mrs. Norman
Ross entertained at luncheon at Knollwood Country Club. On Aug.
22 Mrs. Ben Goldberg honored her at a luncheon at the Book
Casino. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Feller entertained Mr. Summer and
Miss Novitz at dinner on Aug. 24 at their home. Mrs. Leonard
Simons entertained at a luncheon and shower on Sept. 11 -at Can-
terbury House. Her aunts, Mrs. Moe Teitel and Mrs. Anne Snitz,
and her sister, Sadie Novitz, gave a dinner and shower at the Lee
Plaza on Sept. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Summer will be at home after
Oct. 1 at 18694 Parkside Ave.


Mrs. Anna Epstein of 2040
Clairmount announces the en-
Major Sigmund Cohen has returned home after an absence of gagement of her daughter, Eve,
two years in Burma and India. A reception in his honor will be held to Pfc. Arthur L. Gold, son of
this Saturday at 1945 Calvert. No cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Gold of Leslie
Russell Woods Group of Junior Hadassah will hold a member- Ave. Pfc. Gold is now stationed
ship tea Oct. 7 at the home of Jacqueline Staub, 3510 Oakman, from in Puerto Rico.
2. to 5. Freida Lasser and Essie Kaplan are co-chairmen of the af-
ternoon's festivities.

Miss Donna Carlson of 2286 Calvert had left for Coral Gables,
Fla., to resume her studies at the University of Miami.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karbal will hold open house on Sept. 30
at 2991 Webb Ave., from 7 to 10 p. m., in honor of Capt. Morris
Greenberg who has just returned from 43 months service in the ETO.
Miss Frieda Frazer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Frazer, has
left for East Lansing, Mich., where she has enrolled at Michigan
State College.

Woolf and Orchestra

Detroit's Crowing Favorite

For all Weddings, Bar

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For the best in musk and

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table, or pair of fireside chairs.
Come and browse around
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Hebrew U. Professor
To Teach on Coast

LUENEBURG, Germany — The
testimony of Dr. Ada Dimko,
Polish Jewess who survived 20
months of concentration camp
tortures, as chief witness against
Josep Kramer, the butcher of
Belsen camp, presenting devas-
tating evidence against the
She told how the Nazi butcher
had kicked ill inmates of the
camp, how he personally direct-
ed the tortures.
The butcher Kramer is one of
46 defendants in the trial which
has been in progress for nearly
two weeks.

Walter J. Fischel, a member of
the faculty of the Hebrew Uni-
versity's School of Oriental Stu-
dies since 1926, has been appoint-
ed to the Department of Semitic
Languages of the University of
California for the academic year
1945-46, it was announced here
this week.
Dr. Fischel has been granted a
leave of absence by the Hebrew
University, to which he had plan-
ned to return after spending
several years here on a mission
for the institution. He is a well
known authority in the field of
Islamic and Jewish Oriental his-.

E. Litvinoff Teaching
Russian at Detroit Tech

The Detroit Institute of Tech-
nology will offer courses in the
Russian language this fall. The
instructor is E. Litvinoff, a native
Russian. His teaching method
provides a short-cut to basic Rus-
sian, eliminates all non-essential
details, moves always toward the
dual goals of useful mastery, and
quick mastery.
The fall semester opened Sept.
24. Classes will meet Fridays
from 7 p. m. to 9 p. m.

Were Intended for

National Parley
On Judaism at
HUC, Oct. 16-18

28, 1945

Jewess Condemns
Butcher Kramer

Hadassah Holds
31st Parley in
Chicago Oct. 22 200 Sifre Torah Found;

NEW YORK—The 31st annual
Mrs. Mildred Panetz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosenthal convention of Hadassah, the
of 3042 Hurlbut, will leave on Sunday for Tucson, Ariz., for an in- Women's Zionist Organization of
definite stay. A reception in her honor for 50 guests was given last America, will be held in Chicago,
Saturday evening by her aunt, Mrs. A. L. Klein, at the Rosenthal Oct. 22 through Oct. 25, at the
Stevens Hotel, it was announced
Col. and Mrs. Harold Schlessinger have returned from Mem- here by Mrs. Herman Shulman,
phis, Tenn., where the Colonel was stationed. They are for the pre- convention chairman.
sent residing at the Statler Hotel.
Approximately 1,000 delegates
Lt. Col. Martin Butzel has received his discharge from the U. from more than 700 chapters and
S. Army and with Mrs. Butzel and their sons, Leo Martin II, Al- groups in 84 states will attend to
bert and John are at home again in Birmingham.
map out a "win-the-peace" pro-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman of Canterbury Rd. and Mr. and gram.
Mrs. Edward Rosenthal Jr. of Parkside Ave. have returned from
Meetings will open Oct. 22 with
a short stay in New York City. Mr. Rosenthal, who was a Captain a keynote address by Mrs. Moses
in the U. S. Army Air Corps, recently received his discharge.
P. Epstein, national president,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Robinson of Chicago Blvd. have return- and a financial report by Mrs.
ed from a stay in Charlevoix.
Samuel J. Rosensohn, national
Mrs. Gilbert Hart and her son of South Bend, Ind., are at the treasurer.
Statler Hotel while spending a few days visiting with relatives
A memorial tribute to the late
and friends.
Miss Henrietta Szold, founder of
Hadassah, who died last Feb-
adelphia; William J. Shroder, Cin- ruary, will be featured. Further
cinnati; Rep. Emanuel Celler, plans will be announced for the
New York; Dr. Morris Lazaron, Henrietta Szold Memorial Fund
Baltimore; Dr. Louis Mann, Chi- through which Hadassah will ex-
cago; Harry Lang of the Jewish tend services for two children of
Daily Forward; Dr. Alexander Palestine and make a series of
Dushkin, New York; Zacharias fellowship grants for American
Jewish youth whom it will send
CINCINNATI—On Oct. 16, 17 Schuster of the Contemporary
and 18, a National Conference on Jewish Record and the Jewish to the Holy Land for a 'year of
Judaism and American Democ- Day; Prof. Salo Baron of Co- study and work.
Delegates will also be asked to
racy will be held at Hebrew lumbia University; Dr. Samuel
Union College. Dr. Julian Mor- Goldsmith, Chicago; Dr. William accept a project for the Jewish
genstern, president of HUC, an- Fineshriber, Philadelphia; Henry National Fund, to make possible
nounces that invitations have Monsky, international president the redemption of a plot of land
been sent to leading men and of Bnai Brith, and other distin- by Hadassah for the establish-
ment of a new settlement for re-
women in the religious, com- guished leaders.
turning soldiers: Postwar prob-
munal and educational fields to
Hebrew Union College will lems of reconversion, employ-
celebrate its 70th anniversary
During the Conference, papers with a number of notable events ment and surveys of America's
will be given on the "Origin of in Cincinnati, in New York, and role on the international scene
will be the theme of the Monday
Democracy and Judaism," on in several Jewish communities.
evening session.
"The Democratic Principles in
Judaism and Modern Times," and
"Sources of American Democ-
racy." These seminars on sources
-./.11bversive to American Democ-
racy, on "Exploring Philo-Sem-
itism" and "The Contributions of
Judaism to American Democracy"
will be held during the second
day of the conference.
Participants will include Prof.
.. . the home becomes more
Jacob R. Marcus of HUC, noted
important, its comfort and
historian; Dr. Abba Hillel Silver,
a consideration and you'll
Cleveland, president of the Cen-
want to add a tall and graceful
tral Conference of American
Rabbis; Dr. Jacob Billikopf, Phil-
imported lamp, a distinctive


Friday, September

Special Wire to Jewish News

PARIS, (JTA) — The Luxem-
bourg radio reports that the U.
S. A. Military has handed over
to the Dieburg Cathedral for safe-
keeping 200 Sifm Torah which
were .found in a cobbler's shop
where they were to be used for
shoe repairs.

Palestine Marketing
Council Established

As part of its program to pro-
mote the development of all
branches of trade and industry
in order to speed reconversion
from wartime to peacetime econ-
omy and to make possible the
absorption of a maximum num-
ber of immigrants, the Jewish
Agency is aiding in the estab-
lishment of the Palestine Prod-
ucts Marketing Council, a special
institute for the distribution of
Palestinian manufactures.
Funds of the Keren Hayesod
(whose source of American sup-
port is the United Palestine Ap-
peal) will provide two-thirds of
the requisite capital for the for-
mation of the institution, which
will organize production, send
special representatives to neigh-
boring countries in the Middle
East and arrange travelling in-
dustrial exhibitions.




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