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December 08, 1978 • Page Image 43

… budget for the presided, praised the Al- military, for defense and se- lans' devotion to the cause of Israel's defense and an- nounced a number of large Bond purchases. Mrs. Allan read the re- Hillel House…

… cation to the causes the available. For details, call couple represent and a pledge of continuity -of serv- Hillel House, 968-2324. ice to Jewry, the nation, the educational causes they Home for Aged…

… youth lounge. To register an act, call the WSU Hillel office. There is an admis- sion charge. THE DETROIT 'JEWISH NEWS' • Disease Fund Group to Meet The Michigan Hodgkins Disease Foundation will hear…

… Sleigh Ride The Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at Wayne State University will have a sleigh ride and bonfire Saturday at Upland Hills Farm, meeting 7 p.m. at the Hillel House in Oak Park. The party will…

…Eased U.S.-Israel Tax Burdens Reported at Fete for Allans - Israel and the United States are in the process of negotiating a tax trading treaty which will ease cur- rent restrictions on export…

… held INC honor of Norman and Esther Allan, reported that he had just come from Washington where he negotiated the new tax treaty with U.S. Secretary of the Treasury W. Michael Blumenthal together with…

… Israel Finance Minister Simha Ehrlich. The negotiated arrangements must be confirmed by Con- gress, he reported. Mr. and Mrs. Allan were honored "for their many years of services to many causes and…

… especially to Adat Shalom," which Allen served several times as president and Mrs. Allen held the office of president of the synagogue sisterhood. Max Goldsmith, in a major address of the eve- ning, during…

… which many Israel Bond purchases were reported, biog- raphically outlined the achievements of the couple that was selected as the year's leaders who earned the Adat Shalom . Activities Society li , r…

…. and Mrs. Sam arbara) Press of South- field will be honored by their children Saturday at a party in their home on the occasion of their 32nd wed- ding anniversary. Their children are Heidi, Mr. and Mrs…

December 08, 1972 • Page Image 34

…" at the dinner Wednesday night at Cobo Hall. Spitzer pointed out that among his many benefactors. Cahn had donated a chapel to the Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan and the Hillel wing at…

… Wayne State University Hillel. Responding, Co hn rem- inisced about the early Jew- ish community of Detroit, Onai Orith OAKLAND CENTURY LODGE will hold a dinner meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at Town and…

… Joy to Ernest Steven Needle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Needle of Virginia Dr., Southfield. Miss Nisenson was gradu- ated from Oakland Commu- nity College. Her fiance is a graduate of Michigan State…

University and a student at :he Detroit College of Law. A June wedding is planned. recalling that at the first report meeting of the United Jewish Charities, in 1899, a sum total of $4,500 was raised. Cohn…

… manners need the colm Carron, president of the support of fine manners in our morals weekdays: it gets. others.—Ralph Waldo Emer- them out of repair for Sun- University of Detroit, gave days.—Mark Twain…

…Tribute to Cohn Draws 850 Well-Wishers More than 850 attended the National Bnai Brith Humani- tarian Award Dinner honor- ing Irwin I. Cohn for half a century of leadership in civic; communal and…

… philanthropic activities. Jack J. Spitzer. national chairman of the Bnai Brith Foundation of the United States, presented the award to Cohn, "for distinguished and enduring contributions of a humanitarian nature…

… Country Club. Ralph Miller, program chair- man, announced that Sol and Elaine Lewis of the Michi- gan Metaphysical Society will present an audience par- ticipation program on the psychic and hypnosis. The…

… be awarded to children partici- pating in the program. Chair- man of the affair is Burton Selik. • • • ALBERT EINSTEIN LODGE will hold its New Year's Eve dance with cock- tails at 8:30 p.m. and dinner…

…-5702, or Sam Freedman, 356-6171. Sandra Nisenson to Wed Mr. Needle a MISS SANDRA NISENSON Mr. and Mrs. A. Morris Nisenson of Northbrook Ct., Southfield, announce the en- gagement of their daughter Sandra…

December 08, 1978 • Page Image 47

… being used illegiti- mately and without adequate clearance. The university then decided to cancel the conference. Mrs. Rosenbaum said AJCongress was now inves- tigating the coordinator of the "Michigan

… on Petromarket Realities" to help businessmen ."deal with" the Arab boyasitt, has been canceled after it was revealed that the state of Michigan was falsely listed as a sponsor. The conference was…

Michigan state legislature subcommittee on appro- priations — Sen. Bill S. Huffman and Rep. Gary M. Owen — immediately in- formed the WSU coor- dinators of the conference that the legislature's name was…

… spectrum of Arab and American industry and de- velopment." Hillel Moses Men's Club will sponsor another pro- gram in its breakfast series 10 a.m. Sunday in the synagogue. Irwin Shaw, former executive vice…

…-A. Dr. Lerner, Hutzel Hospi- tal's chief of the Depart- ment of Medicine, is also a professor of medicine and chief of the Division of In- fectious Diseases at the Wayne State University School of

… origi- nally scheduled for mid- October at Wayne State University, which had agreed to co-sponsor the event. It was advertised- in the Wall Street Journal, where it was seen by Ruth Rosenbaum, director of

… petromarket conferences primarily re- lated to the Arab world." The Mabco brochure said the petromarket conference was "a cooperative venture researched and planned by one of the nation's largest universities

…Friday, December 8, 1978 41 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS WSU-Hutzel Viral Research Team Is Headed by Lerner A medical research team headed by Dr. A. Martin Lerner of Hutzel Hospital and the Wayne State…

… Uni- versity School of Medicine have achieved a scientific breakthrough in anti-viral research. After eight years of re- team the search, SANdy RIEdMAN pharogRAphy 25900 Greenfield (at 101/2 mi…


December 08, 1972 • Page Image 33

… Israel Halpern, as- elected president of Cong. sisted by Cantor Shabtai Beth Abraham-Hillel, will be Ackerman, Cantor Israel installed into office at a spe- Fuchs and the synagogue cial Sabbath…

… Mrs. Shlomo Rothenberg, 25340 Church, Oak Park. All parents are invited to the meeting, at which plans for the remain- der of the school year will be made. Visit Michigan's Most Unique Gift Store…

… Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Ile stic , everts Prof. Eliczer Stein ,Allo will continue to teach at the school of education. • Specia For Big People! PEOPLE FEEDER? Holds 4 Pounds S1111 95 ls 'or…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 34—Friday, Dec. 8, 1972 The Best To You Beth Abraham-Hillel to Install Menasche Haar as President Felicia Guttenberg I Neic. rs. Ka lbfeld Mena sche Haar, newly I Rabbi…

… chairman; Sig-1 imincl Lowenthal and Jack Schon, vice president::: Shel• (Ion Fishman and Max Ithim. se, rr taries; and Nelson ti..r ■ II.: treasurer. Nei., members of the board ••t- trustees are Herman S…

…•. assburger, John Hurtig, Benoit Gorge, Rosem i, 51. 1 113. S c y nt 0 u r Neuman; PANTS COAT Perfect for this cold Holiday Season ME NASCHE HAAR from 1101 large Collection of Stvlish Sport • Fo rs M…

… LTER Designers of Fine Furs Complete Fur Service 11 MILE AND LAHSER Phone: 358-0850 OF HARVARD ROW SUNDAY ONLY Open Thurs., Fri., Sot. tit 9 special! SUNDAY 12 TO 5 ALL LOUNGEWEAR 'HOSTESS…

… Omen 353-9566 ERIC ROSENOW -41 his Continentals Prof. ALEXANDER SIL- BERBERG of the Weizmann Institute's polymer research department, Rehovot, was elected president of the Inter- :, itional Society…

of Itiorheol o.2y at its first international congress recently in Lyon, Frame_ X l• nlertaitvin•:11 Classifieds Get Quick Results 25th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL SIRS. 5.\1 7 1, K,%I.BFE1.1) Felicia Jan…

… Guttenberg be- came the bride of Saul Iler- n a r d Kaltif•ld recently at Cong. acerb Achim The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs 1..alry r P ■ ttenlierg of Walin•r I.n B••. - erly Parents of die bri…

December 08, 1978 • Page Image 30

… 12th St. years back . . . Celebrities from all walks of life used to come in to the Cream of Michigan Restaurant for a piece of John's delicious banana cream pie . . . We got to know many of them quite…

… certain both will keep their parts of the bargain . . . They mean so much to each other. Sol is director of the Michigan Metaphysics Society . . . and a quick- witted, most humorous per- son . . . Back in…

… Statistics HOUSTON (JTA) — Prof. Leonard Fein of Brandeis University told 120 mem- bers of the Board of Trustees of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations at their semi-annual national meeting here that…

… well along with former members of the old Purple Gang . . . It was because of John's customers like these that we had our first recol- lection of an ambition . . . to have shirts custom-made- to…

… somebody like Ernest around instead of getting shirts from out of town. Who would imagine that right here we would have one of the country's leading custom shirt makers . . . People from all over come to…

… sewing it back together. Ernest is a David Niven look-alike, and also has his shirt pattern . . . Count Basie's, too, among oodles of celebrities from the worlds of sports, show business, politics, etc…

…. Executive Custom Shirt Makers has given a one- time 12th St. newsboy the opportunity for another niche in a life of fulfilled goals . . . Thanks, Ernie .. . even though all these years we were under the false…

…- mother Lee Shlom, "Bubbie, why are you changing the name of my store (Jonathon's) to Evergreen?" . . . and then answered his own question. "I know. It's because I'm getting bigger and bigger so we gotta be…

… .. . plus birthdays of daughter Linda and Leo . . . the same week. SOL AND ELAINE Lewis have a bet . . . very important to the health of both . . . and a big together- ness working on love for each other…

…, is back after five years in Hawaii . . . One of the best trumpet players in the country at one time, Iry has been writing songs for commercials . . . Has very clever ideas. NOW THAT telephones can be…

December 08, 1972 • Page Image 28

…. For in- formation and tickets, call Shirty Ostrovitz, 498-3387. There will be an after- theater party. • • • OAK PARK N'SHEI CHA- BAD STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Hillel

… Woods, as well as super- of Michigan kill present the renowned Greek clas , ac visors Earl Temples of Farm- • STYLE 1s, I ington Twp and John Do- tar duo, EVANGELOS • ELEC., A, NICE I I7A herty of West…

… attending classes at of modern Jewry, Detroit pany 8:30 p.m. Dec. 16 and Wayne State University. ZEDAKAH CLUB will hold 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Dec. 17 at Council of Pioneer Women Mrs. Morris Friedman of its annual…

…omen's BUSINESS AND PROFES- SIONAL GROUP, Hadassah, will meet 2 p.m. Sunday at Hadassah House to celebrate Hanuka and the birthday of Henrietta Szold. A film, "A Boy Named Ami" will be shown and…

… highlights of Hen- rietta Szold's life will be read. Sara B. Epstein is president, and Helen Kass is chairman of the day. Re- . freshments will be served. Guests are invited. • • • ADAS SHALOM SISTER- HOOD…

… for the successful fund-raising project. • • • ISRAEL CHAPTER, Pio- neer Women, will hold a theater party for "Milk and Honey" Dec. 16 with an after- glow at the home of Mrs. Albert Rood, 25829 Parkwood…

… Zionist Cul- tural Center, Sybil Wayburn, a representative of American Airlines, will speak on "Pack- ing Tips for Travelers." The talk will be illustrated with Israel film strips to be shown through the…

… courtesy of El Al Israel Airlines. Guests are invited. A dessert lunch will be served. b EVERGREEN GROUP, Hadassah, will hold a thea- ter party for "Milk and Honey" 830 p.m. Saturday at the Jewish Center…

… nominal charge. • • • DAVID-HORODOKER WO- MEN'S ORGANIZATION will meet noon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Bessie Kut- nick, 25516 Lincoln Terrace, ak Park, to celebrate the success of donor luncheon…

…- inal charge. For reserva- tions, call Hilda Roman, 545- 5879, or Sandra Goodman, 548-8828. Dr. Judah Shapiro Will Address Pioneer Women Donor Event The Greater Detroit Coun- cil of Pioneer Women will…

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