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March 06, 1970 • Page Image 32

…, county, state and U.S. boards and committees, Patrick on leave from t Michigan Bell Telephone Co. to di- rect activities of New Detroit. Hillel Students Plant 218 Trees in Israel The hair you pluck will…

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 32—Friday, March 6, 1970 MUSIC BY SAM BARNETT AND HIS ORCHESTRA LI 1-2563 Gordis to Deliver Zwerdling Lectures at University of Michigan Next Week Dr. Robert Gordis…

…, Seminary Professor of Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary, will deliver the 13th annual Zwerdling Lecture Series Monday and Tuesday at the University of Michigan. Under the auspices of the depart- ment…

… on "The Meaning of Jewish Existence: Modern Prob- lems and Biblical Views" in the Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel of the Bnai Brith Hillel Building. At 4:10 p.m. Tuesday, again in Room 182, his topic will be…

… Southfield 353-7722 We are pleased to announce the opening of another Heidi's Coiffures at 102 Carlyle Tower. Hillel Day School presented the . Jewish National Fund with a check for 218 trees which the…

… students purchased for the Jerusalem For-i est in Israel. Presenting the $545 •check on behalf of the students, is Stewart Wayne, a fifth grader at Hillel. Rabbi Simon Murciano (left), headmaster of the…

November 06, 1970 • Page Image 26

… supper in the Hillel House, Michigan State University. On Nov. 15, Dr. Barnett Rosenberg of the biophysics depart- ment, who recently discovered a new poscible cure for cancer, will be the dinner speaker…

…. Post College of Long Island Jay Kaufman University, and Chateau Mont- in Lausanne, Switzerland. to Attend Brunch Choisi Her fiance was graduated from Michigan State University and at- for Bnai Brith…

… in honoring Rabbi Fram on his 50 years in the rabbinate and on his 75th birthday. Rabbi Fram, dean of the Michigan rab- binate, is founder of Temple Israel. The names of all who purchase Israel Bonds…

Hillel Official Due at Sunday Supper on MSU Campus Rabbi Oscar Groner, assistant national director of Hillel Founda- tions, will speak on "Hasidic Stories: a Source of Jewish Theol- ogy" at Sunday evening…

… year by the Hillel Foundation here, the latest agency to affiliate with the United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh. The Hillel Foundation provides legal counsel and a social worker to consult with Jewish…

February 06, 1970 • Page Image 32

…," Rabbi Gerald Goldman, director of the Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan, said in opening a Hillel weekend retreat at Camp Tama- rack. Centering on the theme "Peace Is a Way of Life," the…

… the Cen- ter's Arab refugee project. The Hillel Peace Retreat is the direct outgrowth of the work of an active group of University of Michigan students who have joined together in a "Jewish Peace Fel…

… retreat was co-sponsored by the U of M Center for Research on Conflict Resolution, one of the world's lead- ing institutions for peace research. Forty University of Michigan stu- dents and staff members…

November 06, 1970 • Page Image 11

…'s trans- portation facilities are no longer dependent on their home bases. Police Minister Shlomo Hillel said In the Knesset Tuesday night that be believed Israel would be willing to give up most of the oc…

… interview published in the French magazine, Nouvelle Observateur. Hillel said the last Knesset election indicated that the public rejected extremist views. A ma- jority of Israelis believe that if there was a…

…-Lev said that Israel took all possible measures to be ready for a resumption of fight- Bar-Ban Opens With Increased Enrollments RAMAT GAN, Israel—Bar-Ilan University opened its 16th aca- demic year last…

… week with an en- rollment of 5,500 students, 700 more than last year, with 800 stu- dents from abroad and 500 stu- dents residing in university dormi- tories. This new school year marks the opening of

… at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Enker also served as an adviser of President John- son's Commission on Criminal Af- fairs and as a senior legal adviser to the Israel ministry of Justice. Other…

… American members of the law school include Prof. Nor- man Abrams of the University of California and former head of the'‘ Institute for Research of Israeli Law in the law faculty of Har- vard University

…; Prof. Aaron Schreiber of the University of Maryland; and Prof. Herbert Schreiber of Rutgers University. They are among a group of 25 Americans who are joining the university's faculties this year. Many…

… new courses in computer science are offered which make use of the university's recently acquired IBM 360/50 computer. Close to 1,000 students will use the computer in the various depart- ments for…

… opportunity to shorten their study period by tak- ing summer courses which will be offered permanently in many of the university's departments. The 650 lecturers on this year's facultY.iPclude 3Z - who have…

… withstand a new Egyptian on- slaught in the Suez Canal zone than they were three months ago, despite the heavy concentration of Soviet missiles in the area. As- sessments of the military position were made by…

November 06, 1970 • Page Image 20

…, professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan, will be the first guest TEMPLE EMANU-EL: Services 8:15 p.m. today. Rabbi Rosenbaum's sermon will be "How Should Jews Answer LbedbergliT" Jerome lecturer…

…-WOODS: Services 5:10 p.m. today and 9 University of California and holds an honorary doctorate from the a.m. Saturday. Kenneth Brown and Gary Shaw, Bnai Mitzva. CONG. BETH HILLEL• Services 5:10 p.m. today and 9 a…

… Magazine as one of the 10 "great teachers" in American universities. He is a member of the national board of the Joint Distribution Committee, National Hillel Com- mission and Association for Jewish…

….m. Saturday. University of Judaism. He was formerly chairman of the depart- Scott Rabin, Bar Mitzva. CONG. BETH ACHIM: Services 5 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. ment of philosophy at the Univer- sity of

Michigan and visiting pro- Randall Gordon, Bar Mitzva. ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE: Services 5:15 p.m. today and 9 a.m. fessor at Harvard University, Co- lumbia University and the Hebrew Saturday. Richard…

… in the Jewish Community" will be examined at the 27th an- nual convention of the alumni of the Rabbi Isaac Elehanan Theolo- gical Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University, Nov. 9-11, at the Monsey…

… the Bnai Moshe Town Hall lecture in World War II. 8 p.m. Nov. 16 at the syna- He has logged over 10,000 hours Lecture Series series of flying time in jet and conven- gogue. Dr. Abraham Kaplan…

… in the 12th annual Barg- Finkel, Bar Mitzva. man Memorial Series of Temple CONG. SHAAREY SHOMAYIM: Servicei 5:10 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Beth El 8:30 p.m. today. Dinner Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak…

… and the Non-Jewish World," speak on "The First Hero of the Jewish People." received his PhD degree from the CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 5 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Halpern's sermon will be…

…." Nell Bluestone and Eric Redmond, Bnai Mitzva. CONG. BNAI ISRAEL OF PONTIAC: Services 8:30 p.m. today con- ducted by Class 2 of the Hebrew School and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Berman will speak on "Abraham…

February 06, 1970 • Page Image 23

…- borah Anne to Bruce Lawrence Kinzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- jamin Kinzer of Huntington Ave. Miss Chafetz is a senior at the University of Michigan. Mr. Kin- zer, a graduate of Eastern Michi- gan…

University, is working on a masters degree in history at the University of Michigan. A June wedding is planned. Golden Age Group, Led by Cantor, Entertains Patients Singles Map Day at Camp Tamarack i…

…- one of the most up-tempo numbers terhood; David Home, Beth Hillel in the program. MISS DEBORAH CHAFETZ Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Chafetz of .Heyden Ave., announce the en- gagement of their daughter De…

… daughter Lisbeth Mann to Jack %till. son of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Upfal of Pierce Ave., South- field. Mr. Upfal was graduated from Wayne State University and is pre- sently a third-year dental student at…

…Women in Gear for Campaign Spring Wedding Slated r. • by Deborah A. Chafetz Checking the con- ' tents of a worker's kit prior to the pacesetter's meet- ing of the women's division of the 1970…

…- dent of the wom- Aq Kingergarteners' Parents to Be Kids for a Day The parents of the Beth Hayeled recipes for play dough and finger (nursery school and kindergarten) paint will be furnished. of Cong…

…. Shaarey Zedek will dab- ble in paint, paste and clay in a OMPLETE LINE of rare and unusual LAMPS & Creative Arts Workshop 8:30 p.m. Feb. 18 in the youth lounge of FIXTURES is now available Shaarey Zedek. at…

… Mrs. Alva Dworkin, nursery Lighting & Wall school consultant with the State Decor Gallery Department of Social Services and former art teacher, will conduct 24711 Coolidge at 10 Mile the workshop…

… Expanding; More Aides Are Invited Rabbi Leonard Cahan, chairman Arnold Faudman, president of of the nursing home volunteer pro- JFCS, said the success of the pro- ject of the Jewish Family and ject, with its…

February 06, 1970 • Page Image 33

… They Made The Grade SHIRLEY MOSCOW, a student at the University of Michigan, is among the 54 American under- graduate students who left Jan. 28 to participate in a one-semester, 15-credit study program…

of Metropolitan De- Detroit will attend. troit, are currently on display in the Round Hall of the Detroit His- Student Travel Guide torical Museum. Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations is The purpose of the…

….W., bers of the graphic arts depart- Washington, D.C. 20036. ment of Glengary Press and Wayne State University art depart- ment. The exhibit can be viewed through Feb. 23. . 1 World Scientists Honor…

… at Tel Aviv University under the sponsor- ship of the University of Maryland, Tel Aviv University and the Ameri- can Zionist Youth Foundation. This is the first fully accredited semes- ter program…

… ignorance the Oak Park Jewish Center. and apathy that are present in a Et-Gar, which in English means growing number of Jewish youth , Challenge, is inviting new mem- Hudson's Presents Series of Children…

…., will pre- sent from March to June, the chil- "Ha Etgar ye Hatikva," the chal- 1 lenge and the hope, and includes drer.'s Movie of the Month (CMM), a series of four motion pictures for in its programing…

… an active fight children, in conjunction with 10 against anti-Semitic and anti- 1 Israel propaganda. Copies of the Detroit area theaters. The 10 participating theaters in. newsletter may be obtained by…

… (consecration) will be held good for all four films. In addition as part of Sabbath morning serv- to mail and telephone orders, tick- ices 8:45 a.m. Saturday in the main ets may be picked up- at all J. L…

…. sanctuary. Newly enrolled pupils Hudson box offices. of the school will be inducted into The four films, each to be ac- their religious studies at the serv- companied by two color cartoons, ice. will be hown…

…- Julius E. Allen, president, will ring Shirley Temple; "Smiley," tender greetings to consecrants starring Sir Ralph Richardson, and parents. Emil Wolok, chair- John McCallum and Colin Peter- man of the…

November 06, 1970 • Page Image 27

Michigan. Also in- cluded are a high school and in- tensive Mesifta program, Beth Saul Chudnow Heads Hamedrash, Beth Jacob School for Girls and Teachers' Semi- Council of Community nary, nursery and…

… Park Council of Community Organizations. For reservations, the Bereznitzer Society 8:30 p.m. call Mrs. Chudnow, 546-6932, or Thursday at Beth Hillel Synagogue. Mrs. Dombrowski, 545:6735. Reser- The…

of black or burgundy with white braid mod trim. A-line, wear with or without belt. Sizes 10 to 16. Juliet GREEN-8 CENTER Greenfleld/8 Mile Roads CHARGE IT Security or • Michigan Arnericard or…

… at Oakland University, who will speak on "Mediums, Mystics ind Mountebanks." The dinner is open to all resi- dents of Oak Park and/or mem- bers of organizations belonging to MR. AND MIS. GOTTLIEB Oak…

… Samuel Frankel, Milton J. Miller food division of the campaign and and Richard Sloan will serve as a member of the campaign cabi- associate chairmen of the 1971 net in 1966 and 1967. He was a pre- Allied…

… Jewish Campaign-Israel campaign chairman in 1968 and Emergency Fund, it was .announced 1969 and an associate chairman in by Meyer IL Fishman and Max 1970. A member of the board of M. Shaye, campaign…

… chairmen. governors of the Jewish Welfare Samuel Frankel is a director and Federation and its executive corn- former president of the Jewish mittee, Frankel also serves as a Center, a former chairman of the…

… director of the Detroit Service Dinner to Give Boost to Budget of the Yeshivath Beth Yehuda Yeshivath Beth Yehudah will hold its 56th anniversary dinner at Cobo Hall 6 p.m. Nov. 15, it was announced by…

… chairman I. William Sherr. Sherr said that this fund-raising dinner will be one of the most im- portant in the Yeshiva's history because the economic downturn has seriously affected the school's finances…

…. Proceeds from the dinner are depended upon to augment the school's budget., UJA Mission Pledges to Back Border Settlers TEL AVIV—Members of the 1971 United Jewish Appeal Study Mis- sion visited…

March 06, 1970 • Page Image 23

… meet noon March 16 at Cong. Beth Hillel. Plans will be made for the 32nd annual donor luncheon, to be held May 12 at Cong. Bnai Moshe. Guest speaker will be Rabbi Milton Arm of Beth Achim Synagogue, one…

… at the Raleigh House. The Michigan Bell Telephone Co. will present "House of Ideas." Refresh- ments will follow. a s • ZEDAKAH CLUB will hold a luncheon and games afternoon at noon Monday in Knob in…

… Schwartz 534-4887. CluLs EVERGREEN GROUP, Hadas- sah, has invited Carmen Pascaretti, of Wayne State University to speak about "The Consumer in Today's Economy" 8 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Raymond…

… Abbott and Costello in "Knights of the Bath." The evening will continue with social dancing and refreshments. For information, call Betty Wein- berg, program chairman, 532-8855. a cocktail party featuring…

… 24th annual donor luncheon and spring fashion showing of lifialmonides Medical Society Women's Auxiliary, to be held noon March 17 at Raleigh House, is being arranged by (from left), front raw…

… Page 22) MISHKAN ISRAEL SISTERHOOD announces its annual games night &30 p.m. Thursday in the syna- gogue. There will be a selection of gifts and prizes. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or by…

… Schecter and Mae Sklar. • • • PURITY CHAPTER, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold an "East- Weft, Night" 6:30 p.m. March 16 at Eureka Temple. For dinner res- ervations, call Ann Efronson, 835- 0512, or Jean…

of 150 rabbis who visited Israel on a United Jewish Appeal survey mis- sion. Friends are invited. * * * OAKLAND HILLS CHAPTER, Women's American ORT, will hold its annual rummage sale March 16-17 at the…

… at the home of Mrs. Wolf Marasow, 13921 Northfield. Guest speaker will be R a b b i Yitzhak Kagan. • • • NORTHWEST N'SHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 2:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Eric…

… Greenbaum, 17564 Ohio. Rabbi Greenbaum will speak. • O * (,) `((iX TRIP FOR 2 To ISRAEL FROM rite your name and address on a plain piece of paper close your entry with with any ale the following: The…

February 06, 1970 • Page Image 16

…:30 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Goldman will speak on "The Law of Judaism." TEMPLE EMANU-EL: MSTY Sabbath services 8:15 p.m. today. Guest speaker will be Bruce Deboskey, president of Michigan

…, Young Israel of Northwest Detroit, Cong. Beth Hillel, Cong. Adas Shalom, Young Israel of Oak-Woods (Akiva Sabbath), Shomrey Emunah and Livonia Jewish Congregation. Beth Achim Offers 6-Week Seminar to…

… Modem Camp—with Traditional Ideals A world-wie network of camps in the U.S.A., Israel and around the globe and— r THE IDEAL CAMP IN MICHIGAN Located in Linden, Michigan, only 60 miles from Detroit…

…, Columbia and Tem- ple universities. Active in ecumenical activities, he serves as a trustee of the In- stitute for Ecumenical and Cultural Reserach, under the auspices of Special TOURS Package Price…

University, Rabbi Poupko is head of Shaare Torah Congregation of Pittsburgh. 10 days $360.00 2-3 weeks $399.00 4 weeks $449.00 1 month & longer $499.00 Don't take chances—Travel with the organization that…

… Mitzva, will speak on "Drugs: Enslavement of Oneself" CONG. BETH ACHIM: In-town services 5:45 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Gorrelick will speak on "The Superiority of Needs." Suburban services…

… 5:45 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Sat- urday. Rabbi Arm will speak on "Consulting or Assaulting the Law—A Dilemna in Life for Modern Man." Douglas Bernstein, Bar Mitzva. YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREENFIELD…

…: Services 5:35 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Prero will speak on "The Laws of Justice." CONG. BETH ABRAHAM: Services 5:30 p.m. today and 8:55 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Halpern will speak on "Does God Care…

….m. Saturday. Rabbi Isaac will speak on "Law and Order in the Torah." TEMPLE BETH EL: Services 8:30 p.m. today. Rabbi Edgar Siskin . of North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, Ill., will speak on "Who Cares…

… Buchin, Bar Mitzva. CONG. BNAI MOSES: Services 5:15 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Satur- day. Mark Resnick, Bar Mitzva. * * * Regular services will be held at Downtown Synagogue, Cong. Beth Isaac of Trenton…

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