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September 01, 2011 - Image 57

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 2011-09-01

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What should we expect with a Palate Expander?

A palate expander is an appliance that fits near the roof of the mouth
palate). It widens the palate to improve the way the upper and lower
aws fit together (your bite) and can make more room to fit into alignment
rowded teeth. Orthodontists, when kids are growing and teeth are erupting,
(or soon to erupt), may decide, as opposed to having crowding or a need to
ract teeth in the future, to make more room with a palate expander.

k the Orthodontist

Ryan Jacob Graff will
be called to the Torah
as a bar mitzvah on
Saturday, Sept. 3, at
Temple Beth El in
Bloomfield Township.
He is the son of Marci
and Jeff Graff and
the brother of Rachel.
Proud grandparents
are Harold and Flora Cherny, and
Gerald and Margie Graff.
Ryan is an eighth-grade student at
Dunckel Middle School in Farmington
Hills. His mitzvah project involved
volunteering at the Fleischman Senior
Residence in West Bloomfield.

Solomon Ari Kahn
(Shalom Ari) had his
bar mitzvah at Young
Israel of Oak Park
on Saturday, Aug. 27.
He is the youngest son
of Elaine and Richard
Kahn and the brother
of Joshua and Joe.
Proud grandparents
are Rosalie Sosnick of Oak Park and
Barbara Kahn of Naples, Fla. He is also
the grandson of the late J.C. Sosnick
and the late Woody Kahn.
Solomon is a student at Hillel Day
School of Metropolitan Detroit in
Farmington Hills. His mitzvah project
included volunteering at Farmington
Hills-based JARC.

Nicole Brooke
Langan, daughter
of Randi and Patrick
Langan, will celebrate
her bat mitzvah
Friday, Sept. 2, at
Temple Israel in West
Bloomfield. She is the
sister of Patrick and
Gabrielle. Her proud
grandparents are Shelly and Howard
Jacobs and Ruth and Tom Langan; her
great-grandmother is Sylvia Swarin.
She is also the great-grandchild of the
late Phillip Swarin and the late Rose
and Harry Jacobs.
Nicole attends Walnut Creek Middle
School in Walled Lake. Volunteering at
Friendship Circle in West Bloomfield
is the mitzvah project she felt was the
most meaningful.


Samuel Aaron
Rosenfeld of Owens
Mills, Md., became
a bar mitzvah
Monday, Aug. I, at the
Southern Wall excava-
tions in Jerusalem. He
is the son of Pam and
Michael Rosenfeld
and the brother of

Matthew and the grandson of Lois and
Alvin Rubin of Farmington Hills and
Rita Rosenfeld and Alan Rosenfeld of
Boynton Beach, Fla.

Sarah Rose Shea
(Sarah Nechama),
daughter of Kimberly
Lifton and Kevin
Shea of Huntington
Woods and sister of
Caitlin, will read from
the Torah as a bat
mitzvah on Saturday,
Sept. 3, at Adat
Shalom Synagogue in Farmington
Hills. Sarah is the granddaughter of
Carol and Sidney Lifton of Beverly Hills
and Virginia Shea (and the late Jerome
Shea) of Gainesville, Fla.
Sarah is an eighth-grader at Norup
International School in Oak Park.
For one of her many community
service projects, she raised nearly
$3,000 for the Friendship Circle in
West Bloomfield and the National MS

antlers may be removable or fixed. The vast majority of orthodontist
specialists use fixed or non-removable due to their greater efficiency,
predictability and inability to get lost, misplaced or not worn. Your expander
may take a few days to get used to Chewing, swallowing, and talking may
seem awkward. Your mouth or nose may even feel tingly, or may have a
,slight headache. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help you feel better at
inning. You will wear your expander for about 3 to 6 months.

n out a week or so, you may see gaps between your front teeth. That's a
sign the expander is working. These gaps may not form or they may close
Dr. Marsha Beattie ion their own. After the expander has stopped being turned the gaps may


Licensed Specialists
for Children
& Adults

West Bloomfield
Commerce Township


Craig Isaac Tarnopol
will celebrate his
bar mitzvah on
Saturday, Sept. 3,
at Congregation
Shaarey Zedek in
Southfield. He is the
son of Drs. Sharon
Sandberg and Marc
Tarnopol and the
brother of Rebecca, Drew and Liana.
Sharing in the simchah will be proud
grandparents Arlene and Edwin
Tarnopol and Dr. Hershel and Dorothy
Sandberg. Craig is also the grandson of
the late Lois Sandberg.
Craig is a student at Hillel Day School
of Metropolitan Detroit in Farmington
Hills. He participated in several mitz-
vah projects, including volunteering at
Yad Ezra in Berkley.

Michael Zachary
Weiss will read from
the Torah as he cel-
ebrates his bar mitz-
vah at Temple Israel
in West Bloomfield
Friday, Sept. 2. He is
the son of Michelle
and Daniel Weiss and
the brother of D. Jacob
and Melissa. His proud grandparents
are Edith Weiss and Joan and Albert
Weiss. He is also the grandchild of the
late Keane and the late Thelma LePage.
Michael attends West Hills Middle
School in Bloomfield Hills. His most
meaningful mitzvah project was work-
ing with kids, sponsoring a team and
collecting funds for the Friendship
Circle Walk.

-:close and this is not a sign that expa on has b F I st. The teeth hay
elastic fibers between them that so es m b. k to eth91 o
different rates

Most expanders need to be a
with a metal key. This rn
you'll get the han

ed 1 or 2 times a day at first. You do
te Me

Our state-of-the-art orthodontic fadlity is located in
West Bloomfield/Cornmerce Township. 2300 Haggerty .„. ite 11
248-926-4100. We are also pleased to announce a
Waterford (at the corner of Crescent Lake Road
5133 Highland Road, 248-673-4100.



6881 Orchard Lake Rd. • on the Boardwalk • (248) 851-5030

Peat wit iA,'

F recihiv2a6miteh ( A4 ti r t , F,G644,aitska cAsqutts!

September 1 • 2011


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