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October 02, 1959 - Image 33

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1959-10-02

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activities in Society

Vicki Barbara Burstein, a tenth grade student at Mumford
High, will be the owner of a free private telephone for the coming
year. Vicki, of 18427 Kentucky, is the winner of the "Back to
School" contest sponsored by the DSR and the Central Business
District Association, when contestants were asked to complete
the statement, "When I ride the DSR downtown, the things I like
best to see . . ." Miss Burstein received her private phone from
the DSR Commission and General Manager Leo J. Nowicki at the
commission meeting in the Mayor's Conference Room, Sept. 29.
Bee Kalt. of Bee Kalt Travel Service, returned from New
York where she was a guest of the Holland American Line for
a luncheon and inspection tour aboard the new flagship S.S.
Rotterdam. During her stay Mrs. Kalt visited many of the hotels
and viewed the current Broadway shows.
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Cohen, of Monica Ave., have returned
from a five weeks vacation in Miami Beach, Fla.
Rabbi Leizer Levin, chairman of the presidium of the Council
of Orthodox Rabbis and spiritual leader of newly-reorganized
Cong. Beth Tefilo Emanuel-Tikvah, has moved from the Dexter
area, where he made his home for 20 years, and has taken up
residence at 18681 Indiana. Friends may reach him at UN. 2-8791.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schakne, of 18464 Westland, Southfield,
have returned home from an extended visit to California.
Rabbi and Mrs. Gerson Frankel, of 3259 Richton, recently
honored their daughter, Pninah, with a sweet sixteen luncheon
at their home, attended by her girl friends and members of the
Miss Stephanie Shapiro, daughter of Mrs. Ruth Shapiro, of
Indiana Ave., recently entertained 18 guests at a luncheon at
Aunt Fanny's honoring her 16th birthday.
Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority's Delta Theta Chapter at Wayne
State University initiated 10 new members recently at Green-
field's Restaurant, in Birmingham: The new members are: Myra
Cohen, Sue Ellen Bloom, Enid Fink, Helen Rice, Anita Davis,
Rosellen Cohen, Helene Clifford, Gail Capitol, Merle Omenke
and Julia Elkin. After the dinner, the former pledges presented
the sorority with a black wood frame for its charter. Miss Elkin
was honored as the "best pledge."
Rabbi and Mrs. Isaac Stoliman are now residing in their
new home at 21915 Sussex, Oak Park.
Mrs. Betty Goldsmith, of Beverly Hills, Calif., is currently
in Detroit visiting with members of the Pearlman family. After
being the house guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Sol Rubens, her niece,
and their family, of Clements Ave., Mrs. Goldsmith is now stay-
ing with her brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearlman,
of Woodbine Ave.

Miss . Eidelberg Tells Sisterhood to Renew
Book Review Series
of No

The engagement of Gloria
Jean Eidelberg to Larry David-
son has been announced by
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Eidelberg, of San Antonio,
Tex. His parents are the Leo
Davidsons, of Huntington
The bride-to-be attended the
University of Alabama, and
Mr. Davidson is a graduate of
the Walsh Institute of Account-
ancy. A November wedding is
being planned.

Continuation of its brunch
and book review series was
announced this week by the
Adas Shalom Sisterhood, which
will resume the programs on
Nov. 17.
Mrs. Jacob E. Segal, wife ,of
Adas Shalom Synagogue's spir-
itual leader, will open the
series. Book reviews will be
delivered subsequently by Rab-
bi Milton Arm, Mrs. Samuel
Linden and Rabbi Segal.
The programs begin with
breakfast in the social hall,
according to Mesdames Manny
Lax and Milton Weiss, co-chair-
men. A baby-sitter service is
In charge of ticket sales are
Mesdames Dan Aidem, Philip
1VIirvis and Samuel Simmer. In-
dividual or series tickets are
available from Mrs. Aidem, at
UN 4-3418.
Mrs. Segal will serve as host-
ess at a Sisterhood member-
ship tea at 1 p.m., Oct. 14,
in her home at 19175 Wood-
ingham. Sisterhood members
and their friends are invited
to attend.

Miss Sa ra,son Wed
of Franklin Hills

"Touch you the sourest points
The family of the late Rose with sweetest terms."—William
Bitterman acknowledges with Shakespeare.
grateful appreciation the many
kind expressions of sympathy
extended by relatives and
friends during the family's
Leave Everything •to Us
recent bereavement.



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In a setting of white chrysan-
themums at the Franklin Hills
Country Club, Constance Marie
Sarason and Gordon Grossman
were united in marriage on Sat-
urday evening, Sept. 26. Rabbi
Leon Fram officiated at the
ceremony, which was followed
by a dinner.
The bride, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Sarason, of
Renfrew Road, chose a wed-
ding gown of white Dresden
silk. The fitted bodice of the
gown was accented with a
scoop neckline and long
sleeves tapering to a point
at the wrist. Appliques of re-
embroidered Alencon lace
touched the bodice; a wide
cummerbund defined the waist-
line and flowed into the wide
farthingale skirt which swept
into a court train. Appliques
of the Alencon lace showered
the front of the skirt. Her
three-tier fingertip veil of silk
illusion was secured by a re-
gal crown of matching lace.
She carried a bouquet of pha-
laenopsis, stephanotis a n d
trailing English ivy.
Judith Ann Sarason was her
sister's maid of honor, Mrs.
Robert Jaffe. of Denver, Colo.,
the bridegroom's sister, was
matron of honor. Bridesmaids
were Miss Lila Leipzig and
Mrs. Elwood Collins.
Elizabeth Ann Sarason, cous-
in of the bride, was the flower
The bridegroom, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Grossman, of
Huntington Woods, had his
brother-in-law, Dr. Robert
Jaffe, of Denver, as best man.
Ushers were Ira Jacobson, of
Long Branch, New Jersey; Dr.
Joel Hamburger, George Mo-
ran, Leon Stern, Donald Sara-
son and Thomas Sarason,
brothers of the bride.
After their honeymoon in
Nassau. Mr. and Mrs. Gross-
man will reside on Burton
Rd. in Oak Park.




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Sobeloff to Address
Women's Leadership
Announce Wrong Date Course Next Monday
for Youth Ed Opener
The final session of the lead-

A membership tea planned ership training course; spon-

The First-Nighter . . . with three exclu-

by the Yotith Education League sored by the Women's Division
Workmen's Circle District for
12:30 p.m., Tuesday, at of the Jewish Welfare Federa-
Conference to Be Oct. 16-18 Temple Israel, appeared last tion, will be held at 9:50 a.m.,

Workmen's Circle will open
the annual Michigan District
Conference Oct. 16, 17 and 18.
The guest speaker will be
Benjamin Gebiner, assistant
general secretary of the national
Workmen's Circle.
All sessions and the Sunday
luncheon will be held at the
Workmen's Circle Educational
Center, 18340 W. 7 Mile.


For fine color movies
of your wedding

veek with the incorrect date.
The tea, announces Mrs.
Avery Tucker, president, will
serve as the season's opening
affair. New fall and winter
fashions will be shown, YEL
members doing the modeling.
Mrs. Ben Feldstein, program
chairman, is in charge of ar-
rangements for the tea and
fashion show.


liest Woliday Wtshes
WM. S.



Monday, in the Fred M. Butzel
Memorial Building, 163 Madi-
son. Mrs. Lewis S. Grossman
and Mrs. Daniel E. Cohn are
Isidore Sobeloff, • executive
vice-president of Federation,
will discuss "The Future of
Federation." Women attending
the meeting will have an op-
portunity to visit Federation
agencies located in the Butzel
Mrs. Harry E. A u g u s t.
Women's Division president,
will acquaint the women with
the work of the Division and
introduce its leaders.
An informal trip to Camp
Tamarack is planned for Oct.
19 bx the Woineols Division


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