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July 25, 1958 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1958-07-25

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Most Southerners 'Abhor Violence,' Citrus Exports Rise ZOD Must ChooVre"w==iirc'th
Rabbi Arm Accepts Milwaukee Post
Pamphlet on Press Opinions. Asserts
of the ZOD only two months

The attention paid to "speci-
The vast majority of South-
erners abhor violence and firm- fic instances of bombings, burn-
ly believe that "civil order and ings and beatings in the South,"
obedience to law are supreme it adds, has perhaps obscured
values overriding any subsidi- the more important truth that
ary issues," according to a com- the communities of the South
pilation of Southern press opin- have been outraged by these
ion, "The South Speaks Out for deeds.
This reaction, the pamphlet
Law and Order."
The pamphlet, showing wide- stresses, is reflected in the
spread Southern condemnation Southern press, whose "forth-
of deeds of lawlessness, was is- right and vigorous stand in sup-
sued jointly by the department port of law and order . . . ac-
of Christian social relations, curately mirrors the sentiments
United Church Women; Nation- and firm convictions of millions
al Council of the Churches of of Southerners."
Christ; the council for Chris-
Included in the compilation
tian social action of the United are representative editorial ex-
Church of Christ; the Anti- tracts from the newspapers of
Defamation League of Bnai virtually every state in the
Brith; and the department of South. They reveal a consistent
social education and action of regard for orderly processes and
the United Presbyterian Church a profound revulsion for law-
in the United States of Amer- lessness.
The Southern press by and
Noting that important social
changes have marked Southern large has been of a single mind
life during the past several in its castigation of extremist
years, the pamphlet points out grOups and their acts of vio-
that "as always in periods of lence, but its denunciation of
far-reaching change, * there will the series of recent bombings
be a group of diehards who will of Jewish temples and Negro
resort to violence and lawless- schools has been particularly
vehement, the report reveals.

Minneapolis Communal Survey Shows
Large Percentage of Jews in Suburbs

The Zionist Organization of
Detroit will hold a special elec-
tion shortly to fill the vacancy
created in the presidency.
It became known this week
that Rabbi Milton Arm, former
associate rabbi of Congregation
Shaarey Zedek, has accepted a
call to the pulpit of Congrega-
tion Beth Israel in Milwaukee.
Having been elected president

ago, Rabbi Aim's departure
from Detroit creates the presi-
dential vacancy which will be
filled in a special election, the
date of which will be set this

Rare benevolence! the min-
ister of God.
—Thomas Carlyle



An Israeli workman is
shown holding a crate of
grapefruit which will be
exported to Western Europe.
Because citrus fruit is the
most important export item
in Israel, increased citrus
production has been one of
the Israel government's major
objectives. Substantial sums
derived from Israel Bonds
have been used to expand
citrus production; in the past
year alone, Israel's citrus
growers planted 5,000 acres
of new orchards. Of the al-
most 12,000,000 cases of
citrus fruit produced last
year, about 7,500,000 cases
were shipped abroad, result-
ing in earnings estimated at
over $42,000,000.

MINNEAPOLIS (JTA) — A men reported as compared to
suburban development which 463 single women. These in-
hardly existed 22 years ago now cluded 875 widows and 38 wid-
contains 28 percent of the 19,- owers.
Nearly half of all Jewish
112 Jews of Minneapolis, it was
disclosed in the first compre- adult men and 35 percent of
hensive Jewish population sur- all Jewish adult women in Min-
neapolis have had one or more
vey since that date.
years of college education. The
The survey, conducted by the typical concentration of Ameri-
Minneapolis Federation for Jew- can Jewish adults in profes-
ish Service, also showed a sub- sional, technical, managerial
stantial increase in the Jewish and sales classifications was true
population of the midwest city in Minneapolis as well. Subur-
from 16,280 Jews in 1936. Min- ban St. Louis Park has the
(Copyright, 1958, JTA, Inc.)
neapolis Jewry now constitutes greatest number of children in
When Mordecai Manuel Noah
2.6 percent of the total popu- pre-school age group-863 of
was a little boy, his father once
lation of Minneapolis.
all 2,227 Jewish children in that took him walking through the
The largest concentration of age bracket.
s t r e et s of Philadelphia and
Jewish people continues to live
Of all known Jewish house-
in the northern part of the city, holds, 76 percent were reported pointed out one of the leading
a total of 7,312 Jews or 38 per- as claiming synagogue member- citizens of the town — a man
cent. The next largest concen- ship. While 55 percent of the named Benjamin Franklin.
You can see by this that Noah
tration is in the new suburb, 5,263 children in the five to 17
St. Louis Park, where 5,389 year bracket receive some Jew- goes way back in American his-
Jews now live. Six percent, or ish education, 79 percent do tory.
1,125, live in all other Minneap- not attend after-school Hebrew
When Mordecai Noah grew
olis suburbs.
classes. Of the 2,869 children up, he became a man of con-
The survey indicated there enrolled in Jewish schools, 59 siderable prominence himself.
might be eight percent more percent attend one day a week, He became one of America's
Jews on the basis of new fam- 39 percent attend more than foremost editors and he was
ily names given by the 434 Jew- one day a week, and two per- the first American Jew ap-
ish households sampled in the cent attend the Torah Acade- pointed to a post in the diplo-
matic service. He filled the
survey, than were actually pro- my, an all-day school.
office of Consul to Tunis, which
jected, officials said.
figures so prominently in the
The study showed 12,112 Jew-
New Paris Organization newspaper headlines t o d a y.
ish adults 18 years or older,
of whom nearly 20 percent were Pushes 'French Fascism' What he saw in North Africa
60 years of age or older. In
PARIS (WJA)—A new orga- put ideas in his head. Noah has
this category, 1,287 women and nization, called • the "French ben called the first American
249 men were retired or un- Popular Movement" has been Zionist and it was his stay in
employed. In the overall total, formed in France by Charles North Africa which was largely
women number 938 more than Luca, founder of the "French responsible for it. He believed
men and there were 725 single Falange" which was dissolved that the North African Jewry
following the May 13 . "army could supply 100,000 Jews for
an army to wrest control of the
"Our only hope is Fascism, Holy Land from the Turks and
but our Fascism is essentially make the Zionist dream real.
It hasn't come about exactly
French," Luca is reported to
have told a press conference, as Noah envisaged it, but to
held in a cafe decorated with a some extent he did foreshadow
flag bearing the emblems of his history. Noah was a peculiar
new movement — a red-flecked figure. He was an Orthodox
RUGS and
cross in a white circle on a blue Jew, kept the Sabbath like a
good Jew, but fought duels, like
Luca explained that he made one who was no Jew at all. He
a distinction between "good was a great American patriot,
Jews" and "the Jewish hankers wrote many patriotic plays, and
and politicians who disported John Quincy Adams thought he
themselves during the war in wielded the most masterful pen
of any American newspaperman
the palaces of New York."
of his day. But Noah was of the
Polish Delegation Attends earth also, not above a little
corruption at times. He was
WJC Parley in Geneva
GENEVA, (JTA) — For the something of a scamp and a
first time since 1948 delegates minor prophet.
There was another Jew — at
from Poland will attend the
meeting of the World Jewish least a half Jew—who filled the
Congress executive which open- post of Consul to Tunis in early
ed here Wednesday. In addition days. It was John Howard
to the three observers from Po- Payne, the author of "Home,
land, representatives of the Sweet Home."
Central Board of Hungarian
VE. 8-9364 is your Jewish
Jewry, will attend as full dele-
News Classified Number

American. Jew
Consul in Tunis

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