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November 11, 1949 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-11-11

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Beth El Men Present
Jewish Center Director

Congregational Activities


Synagogue Women Beth El Services
Open for Season;
Hear Mrs. Nagel
List Library Gift

Rabbi Bloch to Talk
Before Agijciath Israel

Mrs. M. Nagel, president of
The opening Sabbath eve ser-
the Central Branch of the Na-
tional Women's League of the vices of Temple Beth El for the
United Synagogue of America, 1949-50 season, the 100th anni-
versary year of the Temple, will
be at 8:15. p.m. Friday, Nov. 11,
when Dr. B. Benedict Glazer will
review "Nineteen Eighty Four,"
by George Orwell.
Liturgical music will be ren-
dered by the Temple c h o i r,
under the direction of Jason H.
Tickton. A reception for new
members of the Temple will be
held following the service.
Out-of-town delegates to the
national convention of the Joint
Defense Appeal, which is being
held in Detroit this week end,
will be guests of the .Temple.
Sabbath morning services will
be held at 11 a.m. Nov. 12.
Leo I. Franklin and Mrs. Stan-
ley Fleischaker, children of the
late Dr. Leo M. Franklin, have
presented to the library of Tem-
ple Beth El several 'hundred
volumes from the Judaica col-
lection of Dr. Franklin's private
The Temple Library was
will be guest speaker at the all-. founded in 1878 and is the old-
day conference of the Michigan est Jewish congregational library
Section of the League Wednes- in Michigan and one of the old-
day, Nov. 16, at the Northwest est in the country. It has a col-
Synagogue. •
lection of over 5,000 books . on
The conference will open at Judaica.
10 a.m. with four concurrent
seminars. dealing with program,
fund raising, membership and Gemiluth Chassodim
conservation and youth activi- Men to Host Cantor
Mrs. Milton C. Lippitz of
Cantor Jacob H. Sonenklar of
Chicago will be guest speaker Cong. Shaarey Zedek will speak
at the Youth Activity Seminar. before the Men's Club of Cong.
Gemiluth Chassodim at 9 p.m.,
Thursday, Nov.
Grand Rapids Groups
17 at Bereznitz
To Inaugurate Music,
H a 11, Linwood
corner Davison.
Lecture Series Nov. 30
His subject "Or-
igan of Jewish
The first annual music and
Folk Songs" will
lecture series, sponsored by the
be combined
Temple Emanuel Sisterhood and
with Jewish
Men's Club in Grand Rapids,
folk music.
will begin Nov. 30. Programs
T h e meeting
scheduled are the "Cavalcade of
is open to the
Jewish Music," a symposium by congregation and is under the
Rabbis Morris Adler and Jacob direction of John Hurtig, chair-
Weinstein and a lecture by Mau- man of the Men's Club educa-
riCe Samuel. •
tional committee. Refreshments
On Nov. 30. at the Ladies' will be served.
Literary Club, Susie Michael and
Maurice Friedman will present
a concert of Jewish music. Dur- Bnai David Sisterhood
ing the afternon, a special pro- Donor Luncheon Nov. 2
gram will be arranged for the
children of the community, co-
A party evening will feature
s p o n s o r e d by the Religious the next • meeting of the Bnai
School Boards of Temple Eman- David Sisterhood, Monday eve-
uel and Cong. Ahavas Israel.
ning, Nov. 14, at the social hall,
A program featuring the ap- 14th and Elmhurst. Members
pearance of outstanding Con- and guests are invited.
servative and Reform Rabbis,
The Sisterhood donor lunch-
will bring together Rabbis Mor- eon will take place Tuesday
ris Adler of Cong. Shaarey Ze- afternoon, Nov. 22, in the social
dek, Detroit, and Rabbi Jacob hall. Featured will be Jay Ger-
Weinstein of the Reform K.A.M. ber, pantomimist, with vocal se-
Temple, Chicago, on Jan. 11.
lections by Cantor Hyman J.
Maurice Samuel will bring the Adler. Mrs. Henry Schore is
series to a close March 8 with chairman of -the affair. Tickets
his talk on "The World of Sho- may be obtained by calling her
lom Aleichem."
at UN. 3-8015. Donor proceeds
will go to support the Sunday
School which is sponsored by the
Launch Brunch Series

Rabbi Eliyahu Mayer Bloch,
dean of the Rabbinical College
of Telse, Cleveland, will be guest
speaker at the Oneg Shabbath
of the Agudath Israel, at 8:30
p.m., Friday,
Nov. 18, at their
11331 Linwood.
Rabbi Bloch
will discuss the
giou s prob-
lems facing
Jews in Amer-
ica and Israel.
"The Jewish
Woman" is the
subject of a
Rabbi Bloch symposium to be
held Friday, Nov. 11. The posi-
tion of the Jewish Woman as
wife and mother, and her place
in society will be discussed.
Taking part will be: Rabbi
Isaac Pane t, Rabbi Abraham
Gross, Joseph Borenstein, and
Benjamin Aaronson. The public
is invited.

Next meeting of the BETTER
SCHOOLS ASSOC., Durfee Chap-
ter, will be held at 1:30 p.m.,
Nov. 15, in room 324. Miss Finch,
head of the arts department at
Durfee, speaks on "The' Func-
tions of the Auditorium", it's
purposes and effect on the de-
velopment of our children.

The principal black tea coun-
tries are India, Ceylon, Java,
Sumatra and Africa.



Synagogue Conference
Formed for Midwest

A resolution to set up a per-
manent organization of tradi-
tional synagogues in the Middle
West was unanimously adopted
by the delegates to a convention
in Chicago. Ninety-two rabbinic
and lay leaders representing
congregations from 20 corn-
munities in seven states estab-
lished the Midwest Synagogue
Conference. It was resolved that
a convention be called again
within six months to approve a
constitution and plan of or-

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Plays on
Battery, AC, DC

At Beth Aaron School

Meyer Pomeranz, board chair-
man of Beth Aaron Sunday
School, announces a series of
monthly brunches for parents of
children attending the Beth
Aaron School.
After refreshments, there will
be a guest speaker on a vital
Jewish topic.
The brunches will be sponsored
alternately by the Men's Club
and the Sisterhood. The first
brunch, to be held at 10 a. in.
Sunday, Nov. 20, at the Syna-
gogue, Wyoming at Thatcher will
be sponsored by the board mem-
bers. The speaker will be Ber-
nard Isaacs, superintendent of
the United Hebrew Schools, who
will discuss "The Future of Jew-
ish Education." The hosts at the
first brunch will be M. Pomer-
antz, I. Katz, M. Harris, M. Sil-
verman, Dr. M. Last and Mes-
dames M. Levine, S. Docks, 'N.
Field, J. Raisin. The brunch
chairman is Mrs. S. Schneider.

Herman Jacobs, executive di-
rector of the Jewish Community
Center, will address the Sunday
morning breakfast club and dis-
cussion group sponsored by the
Men's Club of Temple Beth El,
at 10 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 13.
Dr. 'Max Winslow, chairman of
the program committee of the
Men's Club, announces that
plans have been completed for
the father-son-mother-daughter
party to be held Sunday, Nov.
20, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. This
is the first time in the history of
the Temple that such an event
has been planned.


Friday, November 11, 1949


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