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November 19, 1948 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1948-11-19

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Cantor Slavensky Slated Dinner-Dance, - Show_
For Folk. Institute Event- Climax Aid-to-Israel --

Sholem- Aleichemlk Insti-
tute's Women's Division has Coin-
pleted arrangerrients for its Dec.,
8 donor luncheon, to be held at
Masonic Temple.•
Cantor Pavel Slavensky will

November 19,-1943
. _

Odessa Women's Rescue-

Detroit 13nai Brith will climax
its Aid-to-Igrael campaign with Donor Luncheon Dec. 15
a dinner dance and variety show
A donor luncheon .project ,to
Sunday evening,' Nov. 21. The
all-star show will feature acts aid the Child Rescue Fund will
from local night spots and will be sponsored by the women of
be headlined by. George -Givot,
well-known radio, screen, stage
and recording artists. -
Del Delbridge and his orches-
tra will provide dance music.
• Information tickets may be
obtained from Harry Cohen, TY.
6-6251; Arnold Michlin, VI, 3-
5454, or Material for Israel of-
fice, 727 David Stott Bldg., WO.

Detroit Soprano Sings
At Home for the Aged

be guest artist, according to Mrs.
Frances Shayne, luncheon chair-
A series of pre-dbnor events
Were held at the homes of Mrs.
A. A. Kosarin, Florence Wein-
traub, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacob-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cu-

Drora Selesny, young Detroit
soprano, will be heard in a special
Thanksgiving program Nov. 25,
at the Jewish Home for the Aged.
Miss Selesny just . returned
from a two-year stay in St. Paul,
Minn., where she snved as He-
brew teacher and music director

Branch 2 to Mark
25th Year Sunday

Branch Two, Labor_ Zionist or-
ganization, will celebrate its 25th
anniversary this Sunday evening:,
Nov. 21, at Lachar's. Abraham
Haft, recently -appointed by
Prime Minister David Ben Gu-
rion to plan the defense of Is-
, rael's agricultural settlements,
will be guest speaker.
Haft, a special Histadrut rep-
resentative to this country, is a
veteran of 30 years of agricul-
tural pioneering.
William T h o m s o n, branch
chairman, announces that an in-
teresting musical and cultural
program has been arranged.
Reservations for the dinner, to
' be held at 6:30 p.m., are still
being taken by Harry Mondry,
TE. 4-4946.

Bellefaire Regional
Area Meeting Sunday

Child pare leaders from Michi-
gan and Detroit will convene at
the Jewish Community Center in
Detroit on Sunday for a Detroit
area meeting called by Bellefaire
and the Jewish Social Service
Bureau of Detroit.
Harold Silver, executive direc-
tor of JSSB, is in charge of ar-
Bellefaire, formerly the Cleve-
land Jewish Orphan Home, will
present the premiere showing in
Michigan of its new sound film
"More Than Half a Chance."
The program will be introduced
at 11:30 a.m. by Mrs. Charles La 7
koff, JSSB president, and Frank
E. Joseph, `president of Bellefaire.

Youth Education League
Names Donor Committees

Mrs. Louis Fried, president of
Youth Education League, has
chosen the, following committees
for the Jan. 25 pledge fund
Yearbook, - Mesdames Lewis
Manning, chairman, John Sklar,
Martin Pearlman, Bernard Co-
hen and Douglas Purther; tickets,
Mesdames Benjamin Gelman,
chairman, John Sklar, William
Hubert and Harry Spector; pro-
gram, Mesdames Eli Gross, chair-
man, John West and Irwin Buch-
halter; arrangements, Mesdaines
Harold Moran, chairman, Sam
Margolis and Sam- Brown; . pub-
licity, Mrs. Morton Yarrows.

Nurses' Aides Sought

"Volunteer nurses' aids are
urgently needed to .assist in vet-
eran 'care," Rose Cowan, chief
of staff to the Jewish War Vet-
erans of Michigan Ladies' Aux-
iliary, announced.


of the Center Capitol Hebrew
School. At present she is teaching
at the United Hebrew Schools of
Detroit. She has been studying
voice with Marguerite Kozenn for
the past four years.

the Odessa Progressive Aid So-
ciety, Dec. 15 at Bel-Aire.
It was reported at a meeting
at the home of Mrs. Helen Ring
that a series of fund-raising
events are being held, the first
of which was a luncheon Nov.
13, at the home of • Mrs. Julius
Wolfson, 2418 Fullerton. The
next will be at the home of Mrs.
Harry Asatinsky, 11340 -Holm -us.
Rabbi Moses Lehrman of Cong.
Mnai Moshe is scheduled as
guest speaker for the luncheon.
Lillian Wittenberg, Lillian Rob-
bins, and gypsy musicians from.
the Hungarian Village are on the
Mrs. Morris Mony, chairman
of the project, is assisted by Mrs.
Albert Kunin, co-chairman; Mrs.
J. B. Ormond, treasurer; Mrs.
Morris Kopnick, a ticket dis-
tributer; Mrs. 'Herman Kanter,
recording secretary; Mrs. Max
Hayman, arrangement chairman;
Helen Ring and Nettie Shulman,
ways and means committee, and
Frances Shayne, chairman of
program and publicity.

Dance Artists Pelakova and Berk,
Cantor Illeisels -on MO Program

For reservations for the PWO
Katya DelakOva cand Fred Berk,
world - renowned interpretative donor event, call the PWO Coun-
dance artists, .will be guest artists Cil office, TO. 9-7180, or Mrs. D.
at the donor event program of the Colman, TO. 8-8646.
Pioneer Women's Organization
Dec. 6 at Masonic Temple.
Cantor Saul Meisels, accompa-
nied by Ruth -1Vleiseis,will' be
heard in a seIeCtiOn- of Yiddish
and Hebrew folk songs.
Guest spea'Ker or tile evening
will be Ira A. .Hirschmarin, noted
author, lecturer and teacher who
served as special repreSentative of
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
on the War Refugee :Board and
later worked with UNRRA. His
latest book, "The Embers Still
Burn," is the story of the United
States' "get-soft-with Germany"

to your

UN. 4-9696

15c delivety. charge

PARIS. (JTA) — The Austra-
Ahavath Achim to Plant lian government extended numer-
ous elausus restrictions on the
Grove in Hordes Forest
admission of crion-British Jews"
in order to limit the number en-
William Hordes, chairman of tering the Commonwealth by
the board pf the JeWish National plane.
Fund Council of Detroit, was
given -the distinct honor of hav-
ing a grove of 1,000 trees planted
in his honor in Israel, in the
Hoides Forest, by the Ahavath
Achim Congregation. Unanimous
action to extend him this honor
was taken . by the congregation
on Monday evening when $750
was voted outright for the pro-
ject and an additional sum will
be forthcoming soon.
Meyer Lebowitz is president
of Ahavath Achim; MOrris Eidel-
man, vice-presiderit; Israel Lee-
man, recording secretary; L.
Burke, treasurer; Philip Bodzin,
financial secretary.

BOUNDARIES: iewthfield

. Grand


Holiday Hop Celebration
Takes Place This Sunday

The 50th Holiday Hop Sunday,
Nov. 21, will open the fall dance
series at the Jewish Community
Center. Special arrangements are
being made to observe the golden
jubilee of the Holiday Hop series,
according to Yehudah Rosenman,
director of young adult activities
at the Center. The young adult
committee has scheduled Bill Gail
and his orchestra for the occa-


T h e Hebrew Benevolent
Society, (Chesed Shel
Ernes) announces the ap-
pointment of Nathan Rubin
as its only collector, and
that Messrs. Paul Yampol-
ski and Jacob Novetsky are
no longer connected with
the institution. Any
courtesy extended Mr. Ru-
bin will be greatly appre-


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