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June 02, 1944 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1944-06-02

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Juno 2, 1944


Sumner . Welles Urges Widespread Response to
Nationwide Campaign for Rescu e of Refugees

NEW YORK.—Sumner Welles,
former Undersecretary of States,
expressed the hope that the $32,-
000,000 national campaign of the
United Jewish Appeal for Refu-
gee s, Overseas Needs and Pal-
estine to bring relief and rescue
aid to millions of victims of Hit-
lerism, would meet with wide
public support. Mr. Welles' en-
dorsement of the United Jewish
Appeal was contained in a mes-
sage addressed to Rabbi James
G. !feller of Cincinnati, national
chairman of the most intensive
campaign ever undertaken by
American Jews for the rescue of
the victims of war and oppres-

Mr. Welles declared that he
was deeply interested in the
drive which provides the re-
sources for a three-front hu-
manitarian effort including war
relief and rehabilitation in Al-
lied, neutral and occupied coun-
tries, refugee settlement and up-
building in the Jewish homeland
in Palestine, and assistance to
newcomers in the United States.
The United Jewish Appeal is
the single fund-raising instru-
ment for the Joint Distribution

Committee, the United Palesine
Appeal, and the National Refugee
Service, the three agencies which
carry on these humanitarian ac-
In his telegram to Dr. Heller,
the former Undersecretary of
State said, "I am deeply inter-
ested in the appeal, and I trust
that it will meet with the most
widespread response."
With the cooperation of the
President's War Refugee Board,
the agencies in the United Jewish
Appeal are now engaged in a
concerted effort to bring many
hundreds of refugee children and
adults out of the Balkans into
Palestine. The Joint Distribution
Committee is providing the trans-
portation for the refugees, many
of whom are children whose par-
ents were slain by the Nazis in
Europe. After their arrival in
Palestine, the United Palestine
Appeal makes possible their set-
tlement and rehabilitation in
rural and urban centers of the
Jewish homeland.
Refugees who reach the United
States from Spain and Portugal
are assisted by the National Refu-
gee Service.

Samuel Bothman, Osias Zwerdling and Louis
Schostak Are Honored by Hillel Fourth Time

The names of Samuel Bothman versity of Michigan faculty will
and Osias Zwerdling of Ann Ar- receive the award for the third
bor, and Louis Schostak of De- time. He has served as treasurer
troit will be inscribed upon the of the Ann Arbor United Jewish
Hillel Service Plaque for the Appeal since its inception. Those •
fourth consecutive year, it was who will receive the award for
announced this week by Rabbi the second time include: Mrs.
Jehudah M. Cohen, director of Samuel Aaron of Detroit, men-
the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation ber of the general committee of
at the University of Michigan. Women's District Grand Lodge
Mr. Bothman has served as chair- No. 6, Bnai Brith; Irwin Cohn
man of the town division of the of Detroit, member of the board
Ann Arbor United Jewish Ap- of trustees of the Michigan Bnai
peal, and is past president of Brith Hillel Foundation, Inc., and
the Ann Arbor Lodge, Bnai Brith. Mrs. Reuben Kahn of Ann Ar-
Louis Schostak, the president of bor, outstanding civic leader.
the Detroit Council, Bnai Brith, Newcomers this year to the
is one of the founders of the list of Hillel Service Award win-
"Michigan Plan," by means of ners are: Dr. Saul Cohen of the
which almost 1,500 Hillel Foun- Unitedsity of Michigan faculty
dation buildings recently have and president of the Ann Arbor
been purchased. Mr. Zwerdling, Jewish Welfare Board; Max Dres-
general chairman of the Ann Ar- den, instructor in physics at the
bor United Jewish Appeal, is University of Michigan and fac-
also president of the Michigan ulty advisor to Avukah; Jack
Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, Inc. Hartstein of Detroit, chairman
The award is made each year of the Hillel Committee of the
to residents of this area who Detroit Council, Bnai Brith, and
have been outstanding in their Mark Ross of Ann Arbor, treas-
contributions to the development urer of the Ann Arbor Lodge,
of the Hillel Foundation and its Bnai Brith and co-chairman of
program for the Jewish students
at the University of Michigan. the townspeople division of the
Ann Arbor United Jewish Ap-
Mrs. Aron, Honored •
Dr. Jacob Sacks of the Uni- peal Campaign.

Congress Women to
Present an "Invitation
To Service" June 6

Yeshivath Beth
Yehudah to Launch
Membership Drive

Mrs. Samuel Green, vice presi-
The first meeting of the new
dent in charge of membership board of directors for the fiscal
of the Women's Division of the year 1944-45 will take place on
American Jewish Congress, in- Monday, June 5, 9 p. m., in the
vites all members who joined dur- Yeshivah building. At that time
ing the current year to attend a the 1944 membership drive will
party to be given in their honor. be launched, and new officers
The event is to take place on will be elected.
Tuesday, .June 6 at 1:30 p. m.
A financial report of the past
at the home of Mrs. Sam Katkin, 11 months presented at the last
19330 Warrington Dr. A program membership meeting, May 14, re-
entitled "An Induction to Serv- vealed that well over $1,600 was
ice," written by Mrs. Nathan received by Yeshivath Beth Ye-
Spevakow, will be presented. Mem- hudah in membership dues. The
bers appearing on the program estimated budget for the coming
are the Mesdames: Nelson, Ash, fiscal year, however, calls for
Wolson, Margolis, Boesky, Zeldes, an income from dues twice as
Milen, Diem, Levine and Tobias. large as the amount received in
Shevuoth refreshments will be the previous year, due to the
served and a very enjoyable aft- unprecedented expansion of the
ernoon is being planned.
institution which necessitated the
The defense shower, of which employment of additional instruc•
Mrs. Joseph Newman is chairman tors and opening of two branches
and Mrs. Samuel Shektor, co- in the city.
It is hoped that Detroit Jewry
chairman, will take place at Kern's
Auditorium, Wednesday, June 14. will respond generously to the
This affair is to provide funds appeal of its own Torah center
for Serve-a-Camp, U. S. 0., and and that many more will join the
defense houses. It is suggested ranks of Yeshivath Beth Ye-
that contributions this year be hudah for the preservation of
made in cash instead of merchan- traditional education in Detroit.
dise. A dessert luncheon will be The Yeshivah offers memberships
served, followed by games, enter- from $3 and up. For further
tainment and door prizes. The information call the office, Ho-
public is invited to attend the garth 7990.

Ladies' Aux., Jewish Home
For Aged. to Have
Formal Meeting June 13

For the last affair of the sea-
son a card party will be held at
Kern's auditorium on June 13,
at 1:30 p. m. There will be a
I :30
admission charge. There
will be many door prizes and re-
freshments will be served.
Bring your dues and new

Your Next
Detroit Edison


• "

, nv••


2000 Second Avenue, Delfolt 46, Mick,

Peturige Guarani!




60 26)





15B5° 1.'3111



telephone directory tor location

e our tom-

rnercial offces.
Office hours:5:30 aim. to 5 p.m., date without
y be paid on or before
at an authorized agency.
Bills ma

Payment of bills by ail will be accepted at net

amount if postmarkedm before midnight of the day
the bill is due. Cash should not be mailed excetlt bY

registered letter.





oh lad I a


YOUR Edison bill will
soon begin to come to you in
post card form.



It will be simpler — easier to
read — a convenient size — and
more practical in several ways.
It will be small enough to slip
into your pocket. With all its ad-
vantages, it will also help the
war effort

For one thing, the new bill will
save paper. Envelopes are elimi-
nated, and this saves 25,544
pounds of paper a year. In
addition, the new post card bill
will save manpower and trans-

This is a wartime emergency
measure. But we are sure you
will like the new bill for its own
good features—even without the
paper and manpower saving it
makes possible. It is a good
method that has been tested and
proved People like it .

We believe you will, tab.


The last regular meeting of
the Athena Club was held Thurs-
day evening, May 25, at the
home of Mrs. Bernard H. Dosie
of Highland Ave. Mrs. William
Vidaver gave a book report on
"Paris Underground". A weenie
roast is being planned for Sat-
urday evening. June 10, at Pal-
mer Park.
The next regular meeting will
be held in June at the home of
Mrs. Jack Fishman of Grand Ave.




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