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June 02, 1944 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1944-06-02

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Detroit Jewish Chronicle

Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.


Pres.-Gen. Mgr.
Advertising Mgr,

General Offices and Publication Bldg., 525 Woodward Ave.
Telephone: CAdillac 1040
Cable Address: Chronicle

Subscription in Advance

$3.00 Per Year

To insure publication, all correspondence and news matter
must reach this office by Tuesday evening of each week.
When mailing notices, kindly use one side of paper only.
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invites corres pondence on sub-
jeers of interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims respon-
sibility for an endorsement of
views expressed by its writers.

Cntered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post.
office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879,

Sabbath Readings of the Law
Pentateuchal portion—Nam, 4 :21-7 :89.

June 2, 1944

the language barriers," "They can't limit
their sovereignty," "They can't give up
their traditions, vested interests, hatreds."
Yes, they can, if they will. Language,
by Al Segal
sovereignty, tradition, vested interests
are all pre-bomber stuff. All these things
were precious and sacred before an attack
could be launched from a city a thousand
miles away. Perhaps all these old slogans
are not so precious and sacred? The peo-
pies of Europe may begin to question their
TE there has been a lot
"Zilch, you must excuse me,
validity. If there is an iota of intelligence
of back-biting on account of have a date with a roe

or reason left they certainly must revalue Jewish nationalism in our town. down the street. They r rpd
ven at Bilker's grocery store the roses and they are bright.'(Nen--
E ven
ie in
all these ancient concepts that have led women
pause in the midst of their the dark of the evening."
hi s
to catastrophes that have engulfed the
other about the latest Quisling dis_ yqv,ouhueos,t
egalht dselai d
covered in Israel . . ."And to
1";,(1).y right

Plain Talk...



ht;, tries

think how he pretends to be a to wriggle out of it • . ,
We, too, have an interest in the change. good
Prophetical portion—Judges 13:2-25.
those traitors? Yes or
In our synagogues God who, as no!"
of attitude of "They can't do that," to
JUNE 2, 1944
That's the way it goes in our
SIVAN 11, 5704 "Yes, they can". The European feuds we all know, is the Father of all,
must be disturbed by the dissen- town later and honest men who
touch us and compel us to get into them. sion he finds there among the wouldn't know how to start stab.
Since, as we are told, bing in the back find themselves
Yes, They Can
We have something to say about it and children.
he knows full well what is in put in the class of underhand
Joseph Goebbels, writing in the Voel- we should say it. We have solved our every heart and mind, He is assassins who think nothing of
aware of what the brothers are stabbing Israel in the hour of his
kisher Beobachter, threatens Allied fliers internal problems of warfare by the thinking about ... "That traitor travail.
all has to do with an effort
who bail out over Germany that his gov- states surrendering part of their sover- to the Jewish people!" "He's an It orgacnoizutn
ft oncr h (
enemy of Israel and could Hitler itcoltn
Council bri
ernment can no longer guarantee their eignty, despite the fact that we have
worse?" The minds of
brethren practically burn with anti-nationalist organization that's
be any
safety from attack by an enraged German peoples from all over the world who the
all against the idea of a Jewish
these thoughts.
w eoaltha
h. s It asneetnh
population. We hear a loud chorus, "they speak many languages, and have differing
y ising that n a do y
Unity in our town has fallen Comm onwh
can't do that". Yes, they can, and it will traditions, customs and even not a few in many pieces and I s shouldn' t citizen
be surprised if new kinds of with this is to be regarded as no
not surprise us if they should. It will not hatreds.
cemeteries are added to the many more than abysmal individual who
varieties that we now have. The w ould rob his poor old grand-
be the German people but it will be some
"Yes, they can" is nearer the truth. divisions
of Israel continue even mother of her ancestral candle-
well-placed Gestapo agents who will We are hopeful that they will establish unto the grave in our town and sticks.
a friendly, neighborly, cooperative, feder- we may yet have a cemetery
properly stage manage the lynchings.
II ERE'S 1 11 quaint idea being
ated Europe, so that a repetition of the where nationalists can be gathered
spread around that it is
The last decade should have persuaded ghastly nightmare of total war becomes there to sleep far from hated treason
to be against a Jewish
us by now that "they can't do that" is a pale memory for us and never remem- On the cool of the evening I commonwealth because the Amer-
walk at peace on the main high- ican Jewish Conference voted for
meaningless. It started with the Ethiopian bered by future generations.
way that runs through our Jew- it in New York last August . • ,
incident. Mussolini can't attack the Ethio-
ish community. My mind is on It is presented as being of the
the fragrance of honey-suckle same kind of perfidy as would
pians. He can and he did. Then came the
What's the Excitement About?
that at this season is so redolent disgrace the Republicans if they
in the evening. I am trying to walked out on the country be-
Spanish war. The Fascists and the Nazis
away from the tumult of cause they didn't agree with the
The announced establishment of the
can't violate neutrality was the almost
Hebrew Committee of National Libera- Israel in our town. The stars tell Democrats, or vice versa. Our
universal chorus. They can and they did tion, with quarters, in the Iranian Em- me that all's right in the heavens rapt nationalists play in a fan-
what are the moment's strifes tasy of a Jewish state-in-being to
violate the laws of neutrality. Swiftly on bassy, has evoked outbursts of deaUnci- and
in the immensity of the million which Jews everywhere must he
the heels of the Spanish incident followed ation and abuse that seem entirely out of years that bright star has seen. loyal.
Zilch still is holding tight to
The peony bushes along the way
the China incident. Then came Czecho- proportion to the importance of the newly- exhale
their perfume and some- my coat .. ."Yes or no!"
"Zilch," I say, "please let go of
how reminds me of my grand-
slovakia and the war. With the war a organized committee.
daughter Ellen who has just had me and be reasonable. You might
new series of "They can't do that" began.
So what does it mean that a group of her tonsils cut out.
as well ask me if I beat my wife
This is an evening for walking today."
The Nazis cannot reach the channel ports promoters and press agents have set them-
up as nation's
the temporary
of with God and why should Zilch Zilch laughs hoarsely. "Yes,"
because the Maginot line is impenetrable. selves
the Hebrew
The fact
intrude? Yes, there's Zilch corn- he says, "a man who could be-
ing up the street. I know his tray his own people would beat
They can and they did reach the channel that they make these claims do not really heart isn't dancing with the fra- his own wife."
ports. The Russians cannot stand against make them so. The heads of European grance of honeysuckle. He is "Zilch, I am an American citi-
the Wehrmacht for more than three and American foreign offices know that strolling, as he always does, in zen and politically nothing else.
a non-existent Jewish state. His How can an American citizen be
weeks. They can and they did stand the Jewish Agency, the World Zionist eyes are not aware of stars. Zilch a traitor to a Jewish or any other
against the Wehrmacht for three years. Organization and Zionist Organization of is walking with his wrath. foreign state? You are 50 years
I shall try to avoid Zilch. I old and in business a hard-headed
The Russians can't fight an offensive war. America are the accredited representa- shall try not to see him as he man. Yet you are like a child
tives of world Jewry in all matters per- passes by. The night is gathering playing at a statehood which can
They do not know the art of sustained tanning to Palestine. Surely there can be and the darkness may cover my never exist. It's about time you
offensives. They can and they have fought little fear that Jews will be attracted to face from his sight. I start walk- snapped out of it."
By this time the fire in Zilch's
an offensive war from Stalingrad to Ru- another organization when there is now ing fast.
eyes has been quenched by the
f I I
mania. The German army can't fight a
UT no! Zilch's burning eyes coldest contempt. Ile has heard
is confounded by their many claims upon 1--Y detect me. I have already me suggest that I would regard a
defensive war ; they have been trained his attention and funds.
assed him and I thank goodness Jewish commonwealth as the state
to fight only blitz warfare. They can and
that he didn't see me when I hear of a foreign country.
This organization can serve a useful his voice running after me . .. "So something Jewish would be
they have fought defensive wars, from
foreign to you?", he says with
purpose as has the Emergency Committee "Hey, there, Segal!"
El Alamein to Rome, from Stalingrad
quicken my pace but there's utmost disdain.
to Save the Jews of Europe. It can and no I escaping
"Get me right, Zilch. I said I
him . . ."Hey, Segal,
to Rumania. The German people can't probably will dramatize the Palestinian
would regard a Jewish State as
where are you running to?"
take air bombardments. They can and are situation and bring it to the attention of
I pretend surprise . . ."Oh, so foreign. As an American citizen
taking air bombardments of such magni- the American public, as they brought the it's you, Zilch!"
I could have no loyalty for it. But
He takes me by the lapel of my what are we quarreling about?
tude that the imagination cannot grasp it. refugee plight to the attention of Amer- coat.
"Yes, they can" is the the answer to all ica by their page advertisements - in the "I guess," he says, "you've We may as well quarrel over
metropolitan press.
joined those traitors."
See SEGAL—Page 9
the 'They can't do thats," "they can't
do this". We should expect groups such as "The
Hebrew Committee of Liberation" to
The war has shown us the lows of emerge. They. do not need a membership
degradation to which humans can sink backing or a popular mandate ; all they
and the highs of heroism these same hu- need is a "situation" and they can be
mans can attain. We must forget the counted upon to exploit it dramatically
phrase "they can't do that," and exchange and often effectively.
it for the truer one, "Yes, they can".
Let us assess this organization for what
The people of Europe and America it is and not become too much concerned
have proved that, with energy, enthusi- about its usurping the functions and au-
asm, resourcefulness, determination and thority of the organizations that now
perseverance, they can do the seemingly speak for Jewry on all questions touching
impossible. America can and did produce Palestine.
such a quantity of tanks, guns, ships,
planes that even those "supermen of • We simply cannot get excited about
the Hebrew Embassy and the Trustees
Nazidom" did not believe it could be th
of the Hebrew Nation's Interests. They
remind us of many high sounding front
When this war is ended the croakers organizations of other groups that have
will again begin to sing, "They can't do at last decided to become part of the
that, they can't do that." The people of fabric of American life.
Europe can build a continent of peace.
If the Hebrew Committee of Liberation
harmony, cooperation and prosperity if
LL !ruing Tepper, Jewish chaplain, of 3903 Monroe Sirect,
they are as determined, enthusiastic, re- c . an . stir up some interest among the Chicago,
Illinois, and American Red Cross Field Director John G.
sourceful and persistent in rebuilding as indifferent and lethargic, it will be so Bennet, whose home is in Flint, Michigan, discuss the case of a
they have been in destroying. much to the good ; if it cannot then it pldier both men are aiding in the field. The hood of Rennet's iceP
will disappear as have so many other is used as a temporary office desk. (Army l'hoto, Courtesy American
Red Cross.)
We shall hear, "They can't overcome paper organizations.



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