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March 21, 1941 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1941-03-21

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A mericam apish Periodical Cotter

March 21, 1941

The Jew Who Once
Headed the Free
French Government

There are Jews today who
que-tion the wisdom of collecting
aid for Britain by Jews as Jews.
But back in 1872, when a large
fund was being gathered as a
loan for the redemption of French-
men who had been kept as prison-
ers by the Germans, after the
Franco-Prussia War which ended
disastrously for France, Adolphe
Cremieux asked Jews to be the
first to contribute towards this
loan. It was an important prece-
dent for the action being taken
today by Jews, through the Inter-
Faith Committee for Aid to the
Democracies (in Detroit, through
the Jewish section of this com-
mittee), to collect a fund for mo-
bile kitchens to aid the civilian
population of Great Britain.
Adolphe Chemieux was the man
who was selected to head the Free
France of 1870. When the Ger-
man invaders captured the French
army in 1870 and compelled half
of France to fall under its heel, a
Free France was formed, with
the capitol in the south of the
land, and the great Jewish states-
man and orator, Adolphe Crem-
ieux, was chosen as its head.
These are only two of the in-
teresting facts about this emi-
nent French-Jewish leader reveal-
ed in the biography of Adolphe
Cremieux by S. Posener, published
this week by the Jewish Publica-
tion Society of America, with
headquarters in Philadelphia. The
book was translated from the
French by Eugene Cobb.
o It has
288 pages, a frontispiece, an index
and a bibliography.
There was a strong attachement
between Cremieux and his wife,
but she did not share his Jewish
loyalties. She had their children
baptised, and for a time the Jew-
ish community was divided on the
question of granting him leader-
ship. But the Damascus Affair, in
which he played an historic role,
brought him back to leadership
of his people.
During the better part of the
19th Century, the name of Adolphe
Chemieux was a household word
not only among the Jewish but
among freedom-loving men every-
where. No one fought more ardent-
ly against injustice, no one de-
fended more staunchly the hard-
won liberties of the French Revo-
lution. A brilliant lawyer, a mag-
nifiicent orator, a successful poli-
tician, he stood for the freedom
of the press, constitutional govern-
ment and an upright judiciary.
In the midst of his arduous bat-
tles for these causes he did not
forget to fight for his people, for
the Jewish people's right in
France and elsewhere. Thus, in
every way, Cremieux represents
the 19th century: he is the mid-
dle-class standing up for its new-
ly-won rights; he is the Jew of
Western Europe emerging from
mediaevalism into the light of
As a result, "Adolphe Cremieux
—A Biography" is a contribution
to the history of France at the
time when that country was the
leader in civilization and in the
struggle for Democracy. It is
equally important as a contribu-
tion to the history of the move-
ment for Jewish emancipation,
about which there are altogether
too few works in English. It
tells the story of the acquisition
of equal rights by the European
Jew, of the stirring Damascus
Affair, and of the founding of that
highly important organization, the
Alliance Israelite Universelle.
Above all, the book is timey, ap-
pearing as it does at a moment
when so many of Chemieux's
achievements for France and for
the Jews of France hang in the
balance of fate.
Adolphe Cremieux's biography

4 '.

Swedish Press Urges Government
to Combat Rising Anti-

ing that the rise of anti-Semitism
in Sweden may eventually jeo-
pardize the independence of that
country, the entire Swedish press
editorially urged the government
to adopt firm measures to combat
the spread of anti-Jewish and pro-
Nazi propaganda.
The Swedish newspapers stress-
ed the need to halt the anti-
Jewish propaganda activities of
Sweden's pro-Nazis before the
same Swedish Nazis are in a
position to betray the country's
independence in the same manner
that the followers of Major Vid-
kun Quisling betrayed Norway.



DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle


A newcomer to our shores is criminal lawyer who defended
Henri Torres, the famous French Herschel Grynszpan.




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(Miss Fern Alkon)

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alkon of
Webb Ave. announce the mar-
riage of their (laughter, Fern, to
Maurice Nayer, son of Mrs. Sam
Nayer of Maitland Ave., on Sun-
day, March 9, at Hotel Statler.
The bride was lovely in an
original model of opalescent satin.
the square neckline was filled
in with net from which a ruch-
ing of rosepointe lace fell. The
large hooped skirt was bordered
with a wide valance of the same
lace and caught up at both sides
with lilies-of-the-valley. The veil
was formed from the mantila of
the same rosepointe lace. She

carried a Bible from which fell
a cascade of white hybrid orchids
and lilies-of-the-valley.
Mrs. Abe Satovsky was matron
of honor. Harry Nayer was best
man and the ushers were Ray-
mond Fineberg, Leonard Alkon,
Abe Satovsky and Leonard Wolfe.
Mrs. Alkon wore a draped gown
of gray crepe and purple orchids
and Mrs. Nayer wore ice blue
chantilly lace and orchids.
A dinner and reception fol-
lowed the ceremony.
Upon returning from a honey-
moon trip to Florida, the couple
will be at home at the Belcrest,
after April 1.

is not only valuable as a histori-
cal document, but also as evidence
of the tremendous part played by
the Jews in the struggle for de-
mocracy, constitutionalism and
humanitarianism. The author of
the biography, Salomon Posesner,
is well known for his extensive
contributions to the history of
the Jews in France. In 1933 he
published a two-volume, exhaus-
tibe biography, in French, of
Adolphe Cremieux. This work,
abridged by the author himself,
and in a highly readable trans-
lation by Eugene Golob, a prom-

British Ready to Exchange In-
terned Germans for In-
terned Palestinians

LONDON.—(Palcor Agency)—
The British Government has done
everything possible to expedite
the exchange of German women,
children and old men now detain-
ed in Palestine for Palestinians
detained in Germany, Undersecre-
tary for Foreign Affairs Richard
Huston Butler told the House of
Commons. The next move, he in-
dicated, must be up to the Ger-
man Government.

" 1 1 1


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ising young historian, is now of-
fered to the public.
Adolphe Cremieux retails for
$2.50. It is available as one of
the membership books of the Jew- 2
ish Publication Society of Amer-
ica. Membership in the society
costs as little as $5 per year, for
which members receive any three 0
cloth-bound books published by
the Society. Full details on the A
membership plan, catalogues, and
other interesting iterature on the
work of the Jewish Publication
Society of America are available
by writing to the executive three-
tor, Maurice Jacobs, 320 Lewis
Tower Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

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