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June 22, 1917 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-06-22

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The Misses Morris, who have
been the guests of Miss Hortenze
Krolik, have returned to their home
in Chicago.
The marriage of Miss Bessie
Goodman to Mr. Morris Krell was
Very quietly celebrated on Sunday
evening at the home of the bride,
239 Medbury avenue, Rabbi Levine
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Krell
have left for an eastern trip and
upon their return will be at home
at 836 Brush street.
Mr. .and Mrs. Bernard Berkman
of Toledo annouve the marriage
of their daughter, Edna, to Mr.
Maxwell-Solomon of this city. Mr.
and Mrs. Solomon will reside in
,Mrs. Harry. Loewenthal and
(laughter, Barbara, have returned to
their home in Toledo after a fort-
night's visit in the city.
'Mrs. S. Liebson and Miss Pearl
§liakuf sky of Chicago have arrived
in . the city to be the guests of their
er, Mrs. Louis Lipson, of 96
Garfield avenue.



Abraham Benjamin.
Mr. Abraham Benjamin, who for
more than twenty years has been
secretary of the United Jewish Chari-
ties and secretary of the Shaarey
Zedek Congregation, (lied suddenly
on Saturday morning, June 16. He
was stricken with an attack of heart
disease while on his way home from
services at the synagogue.
Mr. Benjamin was born in Russia
in a small town near the German
border in 1849. He would have ob-
served his 68th birthday anniversary
on Thursday, June 21. Mr. Benjamin
settled in Detroit twenty-two years
ago and since then had been identi-
fied prominently with the communal
life of the city. He devoted consict-
eralde of his time to the United Jew-
ish Charities and did much to develop
that organization to its present state
of efficiency. Funeral services were
held at his residence, 575 Brush
street, Rabbi A. M. Hersbman and
Rabbi Leo M. Franklin officiating.
Mr. Benjamin is survived by his
widow, five daughters and three sons:
Miss D. Benjamin and Mrs. Ira D.
I acobs, of this city; Mrs. A. B. Vine-
berg, of Montreal; Mrs. B. Ferguson,
of Chicago, and Mrs. H. M. Ripstein,
of Winnipeg. The sons are Maxwell
W., Saul E. and Lyonel, all of De-

A Relief for the Housewife!

25 Pounds

aching for....

and have them washed cheaper and more thoroughly than it
is possible to do it at home.
The light and dark goods washed separately in bags fur-
nished by us.
The washing is returned to you damp (not wet) ready for
A trial will convince you of our experienced workmanship
and quick service.
Place your order early by calling

NORTH 6508 or 6509

Jacoby's Wet Wash Laundry

8 to 18 CUSTER AVE.

Miss Sadie Lightstone.
Miss Sadie Lightstone, beloved
(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Lightstone, of 153 East Palmer street;
(lied on Monday, June 18th, at the
Providence Hospital after a linger-
ing illness. Miss Lightstone was in
her 19th year and was very popular
in the younger set in the city. She
was one of the organizers of the
"Pleasure Seekers" Club.
Funeral services were held on Tiles:.
day, June 19th, interment at the Mach-
pilah Cemetery, Rabbi A. M. Hersh,
man officiating. Besides her father
and mother, the deceased is survived
by her sister Minnie.

A meeting of the Jewish Ladies
Aid Society was held last Wednes-
day night, when plans were made for
a large picnic to be held on Sunday,
June 24th, at Lakeside Park. A com-
mittee was formed to collect money
from the Jewish ladies of the city for
the benefit of the War Sufferers' Cam-
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Weingarden
and children, accompanied by their
guest, Mrs. J. D. Rosenberg, of De-
troit, motored to Gladwin, where they
spent the . week with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosenberg
have returned from their wedding trip
Mrs. Rolla Lando.
to .New York and Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Rolla Lando, of 130 Hancock
Mrs. Harry Harris has , returned
front Kankakee, Ill., where she was avenue E., died suddenly on Satur-
day morning, June 16, from the effects
called by the death of her father.
Mrs. Myron Goldberg, of Buffalo, of an unfortunate street car accident.
N. Y., has returned home after spend- She was 52 years of age. Mrs. Lando
ing a week as the guest of her sister, was a member of the Ladies' Auxili-
ary of the Shaarey Zedek Synagogue
Mrs. Harry Wcingarden.
Mr. Louis Robinson of Bay City and of the Ladies of Maccabees. She
spent several days as the guest of Mr. also took an active part in many Jew-
ish communal affairs. Thee
The funeral
and Mrs. Ben Wiener.
was held on Monday, interment tak-
Mr. and Mrs Max Lebster are vis-
iting their daughter, Mrs. Kovinsky, ing place at Machpilah Cemetery,
Rabbi A. M. Hershman officiating.
of Detroit.
Besides her husband, Harry Lando,
Mr. Joseph Cherfelder, of New
Mrs. Lando is survived by three sons
York, spent Sunday with Mr. and
and three daughters, Leo, Herman,
Mrs. S. S. Pearlstine.
Dr. Maxwell, Mrs. Charles Richard-
Messrs. Harry Harris and M. Ro-
senblum have returned from Toledo. son, Mrs. Joseph Florian and Fannie
Mr. Nathan Chimovitz spent Sun-
day in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Shapiro are re-
ceiving congratulations upon the birth
230 E. Kirby Ave.
of a daughter.
Mr. Victor Hecker, of 917 Wither-
Family washing, 7 cents per
bee street, died suddenly Friday night.
He leaves a wife and five children.
Mr. Hecker was born in Russia. Fu-
North 4200-J.
neral services were held on Sunday



Fringed Wilton Rugs.

F you were to buy
these exceptional
rugs at any other
time you'd have to
pay at least $67.50. Our low
price is the result of a pur-
chase made the early part of
last season, before prices advanced so greatly.
Made of all-wool worsted yarn and elegantly fringed.
A wide variety of Persian, Chinese and Turkish de-
signs is presented. Rose, blue and tan. colors. We
urge you to make your selection tomorrow!






Between Columbia and Montcalm.

• Cadillac 839,

Edwin A. Relkin

Long Distance Phone 836-J.

Presents the celebrated Yiddish Actress

Mme. Bessie Thomashefsky

Supported by an all-star cast direct from Mme. Bessie Thomashefsky's
Peoplea Theater, New York, in the biggest hit of the season

The Albany Hotel

Special Dinners for Tourists


Mt. Clemens, Mich.


By Z. Libin

On Sunday Evening, June 24th.

en Making purchfais of our


Tickets, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00, may be secured from Nathan Schreiber,
500 Hastings St. or at box office of Lyceum Theater.


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