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May 18, 1917 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Jewish Chronicle, 1917-05-18

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The annual meeting - of the Woman's Auxiliary of Temple Beth
El took place on Monday afternoon in the vestry rooms of the Temple.
Reports of the various officers were read, and a musical program of
unousual merit rended by Miss Irene Goldberg, pianist; and Mrs. Earl
Englander, contralto. The following officers and board of directors
have been chosen to serve for the ensuing year : President, Mrs.
Isaac Goldberg; first vice-president, Mrs. William Rindscoff ; second
vice-president, Mrs. Adolph Sloman ; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Louis Welt ; recording secretary, Mrs. Oscar Robinson ; financial sec-
retary, Mrs. Louis Simon ; treasurer, Mrs. Louis Musliner ; honorary
director, Mrs. Leo M. Franklin. Board of directors, Mrs. Joseph
Lichtenstein, Mrs. Samuel Stearns, Mrs. Harry Goldsmith, Mrs. A.
Ermann, Mrs. Walter Heavenrich, Mrs. Viola Wolf, Mrs. Julius
Brown, Mrs. Oscar Rosenberger, Mrs. Wallace Rosenheim, Mrs. Leon
Van Vliet, Mrs. Leo Zuckerman, Mrs. Joseph Decker, Mrs. Frank
Hamburger, Mrs. Mayer Sulberger, Mrs. A. Shiffman, Mrs. Hugo A.
Mrs. M. Klein of Negaunee,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter Fuchs
Mich., was the guest of Mrs. Ray and family have taken a cottage
Walenka of Kipling avenue dur- at Grosse Pointe, which they will
ing the week.
occupy during the summer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gross- months.
light and Miss Loretta Grosslight
Miss Edith Heavenrich has left
of Longfellow avenue are visiting for Chicago to be the guest of
in French Lick Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Heaven-
Of interest to a wide circle of rich.
Detroit friends is the announce-
Mrs. R. Macer of Los Angeles
ment of, the marriage of Miss
is visiting in the city.
Fanny Strasburger to Mr. Her-
Mr. and Mrs. Max Finkelstori,
bert NV. Bienenstok of Chicago.
of 847 Second avenue,
The wedding was a very quiet
one, taking place on Monday are now residing at the Hotel
afternoon at the home of Mr. and Statler.
Mrs. Clarence Enggass on Second
Mrs. Nathan Sloss of Cleveland
avenue. Rabbi L'eo M. Franklin has arrived in the city to be the
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Sarah Myers and daugh- Adolph Sloman.
ters have returned to Alpena after
At the B'rith Milla which was
an extended visit with Mr. and held on Sunday, May 6, the sum
Mrs. Harry Brining - of Lincoln of $205 was raised towards the
War Sufferers' Fund.

Traveling Bags and
Suit Cases

The approaching season brings to your mind the
need of a Traveling Bag or Suit Case and we wish to
call your attention to several items of general interest.

Our special REAL SEAL-
WALRUS bag made from
selected seal leather of mel-
low tannage sewn in frame,
full leather lined, solid brass
trimmings, reinforced cor-

17 inch size
18 inch size

Leather suit cases made
of cowhide, reinforced leath-
er corners, solid brass lock
and catch, lined with linen,
shirt pocket in cover.

24 inch Size . . . .$12.00
Other Suit Cases from $2.00
to $57.50.

Cane suit cases, light-
weight and strong, rein-
forced corners, lined with
fancy cretonne.

omili i i i i 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119.


309-310 David Whitney Bldg.

Cherry 772


24 inch size
26 inch sizes

Matting cases from
Other cane cases from


$1.25 to $4.00
$2.50 to $9.50

,:::',1111111111111 ■ '1:1:1 .

Nestle Permanent Wave


(Under License)

102 Woodward Ave. ONE SERVIC

Departments of Hair Culture and Beauty Promotion

Between Congress and Lamed

269 Woodward Ave.

David Whitney Building

11111111111111111111 1 1 1 111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Are Personally Directed By


Monsieur Rudolph

Marcel Wave


Facial and Scalp Work

Nan Bros, Orchestra

Music Furnished for
All Occasions

Sam'I Kutzen, Mgr. Phone North 124-M
H. P. Kutzen, Dir. Phone North 2048-J


Every Order Appreciated



Madame Rau


Builds and Rebuilds

Phone Main 1625



Six Private Dancing Lessons $5.

Ask Elevator Man for Mr. Craves, 249 Woodward Ave.

Cad. 4211.

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