May 14, 1922

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May 14, 1922 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE CRITICS FALL OUT Over Webb Waldron's Book (By Delbert Clark) they fail to see a thing it cannot long chester Union, "or would be if Mr. One chapter which would probably When Webb Waldron wrote "TheI exist, and that the best remedy for Waldron was trying to make a real kindle the blush of shame upon the Road to the World," he accomplished any evil is ignorance of it. This class man o...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 2

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 The New University Health Service (By laurlee Berman) some time during the summer months, show that the Health Service has an sWe shall have pretty close to double average of about 4000 calls per month. Sedi amonths ago when we s new the room in the new building that we He expects an even larger number of reading' storie'a of the proposed ...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 3 "THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper & Brothers ) fundamental truths in regard to man caping control in spite of our best ef- is that be believes in too much gov- II. Our :medieval Intellectual Inherit- were assumed to be established once forts to prevent any thoroughgoing ernment. * * * Mice and for all. The Greek thinkers had readjustment.' We...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 4

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY, MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 -A -into bitterness and denounced thetr "The H ind in the faking" oppone~nts s pig-headed obscrantistsI (Continued from Page 3.) center. All creatures were made to It is the avowed purpose of scie To the medieval theologian, man assist or to try man. God and the tific thought to reduce ti number of was by nature vile. We have seen that, devil were preoccupied with his fate, mysteries, an...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MACAZINE s A Review--and Addenda (By G. D. E.)' Bt thes ad fact mst be told. Bork- the senile Brander Matthews who said ought to heave Bjirkua's novel into It is seldom that any writer has ntman is neither Englisman ior Atmer- that Ludwig Lewisohn was refused a the gtter witt Lewisohi's book and written a real story ot a boy's lite toan. Ilie was born in Sweden and job at Colstmbia not because Ito was a=...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 6

…s THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 for, while li genius is naturally less about the rt of Lirat, who, by the © k s a7 Athouta that of Zl, or Proost, or Dan- way, rsmbles the Cludl of Zolec' del, he bha much in cousmon with all "LO .eure"; and there is an especi- B o o k s a a iseofAndqual iIstmfr exi r itedoa l o lefucrow s ionist~ is ianr three. qulidy whatisfar xcehi'a wrg allyheclofulimlrgePaisicitur "THlE CUTIC AND THElDi)i...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 nervous instability of both. In Paris had to be taken along, and Mr. Bishop Knopf is publishing two new animal Scribner's is publishing a collet, he falls in love with a shallow, in- set out on his trip to Europe with no stories by a Danish naturalist, Svend tion of sixteen one-act plays by B. sincere, extravagant, altogether more official baggage than a light Fleuron. "Kittens, A Family Chron...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 Y 4 ' A REVIEW BY G. ). E. of value to both the layman and tIse (Continued from Page 5) more scientifically inclined. against Miss Bethany Lovell for the Those who have borrowed my books manneri o which he at first ackd in might start returning them. "Arms aod the Man" as given b~ themihstrrerogte. Comedy club. 1 find out that she act- Sixteo dolts 00 a freshmaos chest, ed to the letter of S...…

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