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May 14, 1922 - Image 5

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A Review--and Addenda
(By G. D. E.)' Bt thes ad fact mst be told. Bork- the senile Brander Matthews who said ought to heave Bjirkua's novel into
It is seldom that any writer has ntman is neither Englisman ior Atmer- that Ludwig Lewisohn was refused a the gtter witt Lewisohi's book and
written a real story ot a boy's lite toan. Ilie was born in Sweden and job at Colstmbia not because Ito was a= the works ot Joseph Conrad.
livedt there ot twenty-five ears. Jew butiblecuse Ito had not learned -- -_
and up to Ediin Bjrkinan's 'The It is insSseden, its act, that the Engliolt at his mother's knee, and so,( Last week I offered criticism
Soul of a Child" (Ktnopf) 00o5writer in story is located, but I see no essential I sttppoe, alien all is said td done, t (Continued on Page 8)
Anerica has done a decent job of it. difference betsweens a Swedish boy and
Edgar Lee Mtaster in "Mtitch Miller" an Atterican boy rout what I read of
probably hIsa cotme-nea rer to it than tjlrkstat's book. Indeed, his book is
any other sit hi. book is almost ad- the otnly one I hay'eccad with the
uittedly an atte'tmpted it pruceiistot of power of settitig y ownt younger days! A little farther
M~arkI'Ywxain''s"IHuckleberry Finn." hat'plly before ue with 'slt my scet perhaps but ther
Mark Ywaitn himselt failed at the sins anud joysunt sorrows, witht alt
bsiness. While "Huckleberry Finn" te sagueatid wondering notions and e x t r a serice
and "Yom Sawyer" are admittedly cosjecttres of boyhtood. Jens Peter makes it worth
splendid books, especially in giving us Jacoibs'ett atother Scanditavian,
the color, tang and taste of mid-west- satdt oti et'd i'"il V ie
erns life of several decades ago, still it Lyhtto" bt before thto job was more
mast be recognized that they do not thtan well on the way the boy grew
'elly tll more thtatn halt of a boy's up.
life, and it tost be recognizoid fudther Bj~rkmntcovers the life of a boy
that whilo giving a dealitic picttude from the age of five to he age of fi-
as far a he went, Ma'rk Ywain built teen. A tretmtotdoas undertaking, bt S a e S v n 8 B n
up a series a fimprobabhle adventures he does it swith the utmst artistry andY
al sweet ending. It is too bad that lie w hett the boy. Keith Wellander, knew ,~ana Washington
could not tll the story as he might the wiorlid as a cheap and shoddyI ana a
have, for Mark Twaitn was, at bottom, apartmsent with a gimpse now and,
an a rtist. Bt lho had to live and su thouitt ofsmn rolling kegs frotm a brew- -____________________________________
Is becatue nore or less of a popular ery aros the stret, lito brings hintm ___________________________________
clown; his irony peeped from between ip through various stages to te time
lines of humor written to please tho of leaving school and going to work. Ffa-imiie IDispay of a Famous Diamond
yokes auth profoss'ors. It was not But the history of the lad is not so
util ater lis death that "Wh.at iis imortant. 'The real accotmpishtment THE GRAND DUJ'KE OF TUSCANY
Malsn?" was pablished, a terrific and ts in exposingtIhsoreactions ot the
wonderful book, a volume that little boy.Iis constantt storc of surprises, OWNEMD IY CHARLE1 1S TlE BOLD
short of electrified the boobery, a V- iis- felings as ho confronts each prob- ~ aBli 1nadSudb IlnSlir
nine tha't made eviident that Twan'' len. thowse trktss, ndid this is etn- Lost in a'Ba~t te M pln)noFopend b a ilaI olir
natural sseaspon 'as a tremesndoausly ~irely bieyondt ue. All ithsool in-' - -LaethPrptyoPpeJlu1.
:hIarpi sword rather thatn apuffed blad- tulse's, hidlden in tmemory cells amd WIH kCRT
de. I l aemt thasttemiever had the l oist forgotte'n, caue ack to me its~Wl 10 5T
chance touset the uword whil he s ci'ssant fashioin a' .I reid the story. WATCH OURt WINDOWS NICHTLY FOR
lived, ( vii tied coiinsumig curiosities, it-
Retrnig o te by-hem, Id tt 1urimg anutimalfiessof sex, seet 01THERt HISTORICAL DISPLAYS 01' FAMOUS DIAMONDSa
not rec'all any other story in this mitt forbidde'us Iractices, unexpectedh
countr that approache' the three: relroots, degrees of reponiven'' ho
boksmetine, ndcetanl nth3vas oldier Perons, ho-worhip of SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED
in ftekn elywrhwiehsoher boy, itesiresstund uissatistus- Damonds, Wachea Jewelry and
beeg onteinuEnrlallyorth weryIhc as isn.-all the titng stttaunt ansI Silewaren
bienThdonera ngHanilfraryod'; Plea s and tortitre the hboyishi mind, 113 East Liberty Seet
is obviously a heap of mush and prab- icvrethtglsaedfrn,
ably the poorest thing that Thackeray itsha, ihIis latheris rot the president of
ev'r wrote is the way of a novel. I l~ bank ht the janitor, dtsc ressinimg '
of lsceap sind moralizhg sex bootk .'5'""""t 5. 'i\- 'tik a . vg
Coming down t prese'nt-dayy Ettg-'ilihIshlt a idnbit
fish writers, I find bt 0n0 bootk con-
cenisa o ti 's't se tiher books, suit the'sits euent men-'~
coaig alpoe' t-a "Jeresmy. It is exIttagonsy over his "vices," andeservesd <::;.;:.r..~
ceedinly god, bu beisciimi ddito gsand .lharp wrds from lisi'
reednglygood hutbein limted thIer, misunierstood aprehensions
one year of a boy's life and to a period of Iis motiher, the wnig of apizeBUBRD'AL
oo early for Itic boy to dis'cover thoea 'esoo, .nuibins foma yothfm >5 " p
tricks and hypocrisies of his parents ,aristocras,,o X rnait asmithd so on, and so on. It is
and grown-ups in general, it dos not s}Itee ahue nclr:ta uh
iffer nsach in the way of puerile ev- t ring back lbe p.st, evn to a deosn PR hAS EL ~ "" h ""1
lin.That the novel is largely biographiAN
Kipling has done somse fairl good lita, even to deils, can scarcely be PEAR
things with boy., butt te goss'e' over dosibted. For instan ce, in the sory """""P"A" BRACELETS
too much suit spoils the re s vth th oy's nameois.KKil. The book ex-:
dime-novel plots. "Kim" is w ihout plains Iliad hi. mother had been in ThePito:*Xad.ha
doubt the le.st oy-creation by Kip- Eou. dand Is.d given the boy an t< s Sweeping the Countrya~
hung. Engishhs n. mi. Bjrkmsn's frt name
Nowy comes Hj'tasi, and if he does is Edwiin, Other litle Paallels Iohb1 5 each
nod lord It over the whole outfit, then up" 5. / = Q 12 - ech
may3 I tie consigned to the Epworlh Tbe book is very welt written, and f"
League for the rest of my natural lie. probabily sill le a lhain in the side of JOHN B. EIBLER tf?,'*5 ><:".:;y:
314 South Main Stretv
9 9 T A X I113 East Liberty Streeta
5 ."'.""""""""-""'~'
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999 A XIz~rS. Y~t'~~.".'5"."''...<.'

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