July 01, 1920

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July 01, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…/p. r ri t. AT YOUR THREE T 1., A WE] -di ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1920 PRICE VC BRINGS LOCAL SUIT ENT GREENE TAL TRKS Industry And Intelligence, Points For Success, Says I' ---- - LY! TRYOUTS WANTED FOR TTHE WOLVIRTNE STAFF TMENT WHITE ays; Faig nical Tryouts for the editorial side of The Wolverine are wanted. Any one desiring to do any work of this kind should consult with the man- aging editor from 1 to 2 o'...…

July 01, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…. 41 T.UDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Tuesday, Thursday,- and Saturday Afternoons. Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. hones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. Managing Editor, i:oo to 2 oo o'clock daily, except iy; Business Manager, i:oo to 2 :oo o'clock daily, except Saturday. ons~not to exceed oo words, if signed, the signatures to be published' in print, but as an evidence of ces of events will be publish...…

July 01, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

… er session, ited yester-' ing of men decided to hold practical periods at 3:16 o'clock every Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday, with a lecture hour at the same time on Tuesday and Thursday. About 15 men, interested in phys- ical education, attended the meeting,; but a great many more will take lig t workouts in the gym. First aid will probably be taught.. Sisler, '19E, Former Michigan Star, Leads Joth ,ig League In Hitting Arbor, he topped ...…

July 01, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…1 n r.i VYU.L x uld like you to stop in and hear these SCOTT TO ATTEND ENGLISH MEETING II Luncheon fiew Oh! By Jingo!,-Medley Fox Trot' Nobody But You-Medley Fox Trot Alexandria-Fox Trot Oriental Stars-One Step All Star Trio Palace Trio Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra aTOR cords I Think I'll Get Wed in the Summer Sir Harry Lauder Good-Bye, Sweet Day Merle Alcock The Meeting of the Waters Merle Alcocl? Who'll T...…

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