November 02, 1941

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November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

… I Weather Cloudy and Colder Y Lw igau ~.ati, Editorial I, Interventionists, Isolationists Scored., I VOL. Lt. No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE C I - _______________________________________ Senate Slated For Neutrality Revision Vote Varsity Back In First Starting Role Nazis Level Aggression Charge in Few_'Days Senator Clark Dares FDR To Request Congress For War Declarations Ball Says ...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Gophers Down Northwestern, 8-7, To Keep Big Ten Lead Higgins Sprints 41 Yards For Winning Touchdown Safety Gives Minnesota Victory Margin; Grahaim Passes For Wildcat'Score Shines Against Illini MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 1.-(AP)-Min- nesota's mighty mite --147-pound Bud Higgins-took the controls for one quick scoring drive today to send the Golden Gopher express rolling along the Big Ten and National Championship roadway with a...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…I JAY, NOVEMER 2,1941 1HE MTUIIIGAN DAILYAEThI PAGE TIE Harvard..... ..6 Columbia. Princeton.......4 Cornell . .. .. 7 Brown Yale... ...'.....7 Duke ....... ........0 Georgia'Tech. .. 14 Tennessee ..... 13 Texas A&M.... ...0 Louisiana State .. 6 Arkansas ...... Wolverine Power Overwhelms Game Illinois . Detroit Defeats Manhattan, 15-O Syracuse Tops Wisconsin In Upset Victory, 27.20 Titans On Top DETR(IT, Nov.. 1.-(/P)-Sopho- mo...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…_______________________THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUND AY, iOV 'EMBER Z, 1911 Michigan Daily I C 3-1I 'PAMCNAMNAMM I Edited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the liversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The ;Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e, for republication of all news dis...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

…I M3ER 2,1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGE F IDaily Model Try To Take P Annual Fall Style Show To Be Held Nov 131 1 outs lace Wednesday Judging Of All Mannequins Will Be By Store Exhibitors; Winter Clothes To Be Shown "All Eyes On You!"' will be tie theme when the Ann Arbor mer-t chants set out to disprove once and for 'all that Michigan expression about the "four out of five" Their annual fall style show will be heldg Thursday, Nov. 13...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Su DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ers): Meeting for worship, 5:00 p.m. Church Service. "When a Minority is Fellowship supper, 6:00 p.m. a Majority."- (Continued from Page 4) of Yenching University, Peiping. The public is invited. The first lecture will be introductory to the series. Events Today The Graduate Outing Club will meet today at 2:30 p.m. at the club room '(Rackham west rear door). We will leave at 2:45 p.m. for', a ...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

… 4 radio Station Will :Give FM I THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN Wreckage Of Crashed Airliner Palmer House To Hear Talk Presentations W45D Will Begin Tomorrow; Folk To Comprise Pr( Series Tales ogram' The University Broadcasting Serv- ice will start a series of programs over Station W45D, the frequency modulation station of The Detroit News. The first of these programs1 Will be broadcast from 3:30 to 4 p.m. tomorrow. This new series of p...…

November 02, 1941 (vol. 52, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…g- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVI Nazis Delayed B More Than W By KIRKE L. SIMPSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) Something more formidable than bad fighting weather delayed Hitler armies on all fronts in recent weeks. The Nazi war machine that has shattered army after army # in its conquests in manner unrivaled in history, could not be thus held up by a disorganized mob of armed civilians alone. Orderly Retreat Berlin has admittedbitter ...…

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