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November 02, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-11-02

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Nazis Delayed B
More Than W
(Associated Press Staff Writer)
Something more formidable than
bad fighting weather delayed Hitler
armies on all fronts in recent weeks.
The Nazi war machine that has
shattered army after army # in its
conquests in manner unrivaled in
history, could not be thus held up
by a disorganized mob of armed
civilians alone.
Orderly Retreat
Berlin has admittedbitter Rus-
sian resistance and ceaseless Red
counter attacks everywhere except
in the Crimea. Red forces seem not
only to have made an aggressive stand
before Rostov, but to have begun
an orderly and fighting retreat east
of Kharkov in the Donets Basin.
On some sections of the Moscow
front, Red Army sources said, Soviet
troops had switched to winter attack.
But activity flared in the Leningrad
area, where a stalemate has existed
with Germans !laiming a break-
through in one strongly fortified
Nazi Allies Halted

ly Something
eather Conditions
but under German pressure .refrain
from saying so as yet.
Far to the south, from Axis-cap-
. tured Odessa, come authentic re-
ports of Rumanian troops moving
westward toward home, not eastward
to bolster the German advance in
force. With Bessarabia regained,j
Rumania seems passing out of the
l fight except for a token force still
cooperating withthe Germans.
While the battle of Moscow still
fluctuates uncertainly, and southward
of its perimeter the situation re-
mains obscure, there is growing pros-
pect of a winter stalemate before or
about the Russian fighting capital.
It is not yet even half enclosed in
the Nazi seige ring. Winter is mov-
ing up.
Winter Aids Nazis
There is no assurance, however,"


Navy Photo Of.



McPhail Goes To Bat
For Stock Exchange

Hillel To Hear
Guidance Talk

NEW YORK, Nov. 1.-(IP)-Emil
Schram was ousted as head of the B Freedcan
New York Stock Exchange and re- .i r i m
dlaced by Larry McPhail, big boss of
.he Brooklyn Dodgers-all in fun 'H
.f course, in the annual presentationTo eterine Snel
of the "Financial Follies" tonight. To Determine Special
The Follies, yearly dinner and show Aptitud s Of Students
of the New York Financial Writers
Association, in the Grand Ballroom Iagrtn illFudto'
of the Waldorf Astoria, was attend Inaugurating HieFoundation's
by 1,050 guests, including top-flight vocational guidance program, S.
Washington and Wall Street men, Thomas Freidman, vocational expert
and many bankers and industrialists of District Six B'nai Brith Grang
.rota other cities. Lodge, will speak on the choice of
When McPhail took over the Ex-jjobs at 7:30 today at the Foundation.
change, as visualized by the news- Further recommendations on the
-apermen who were the authors and subtect of vocations will be given in-
ctors, he promptly traded most of dividual students In personal inter-
the present exchange for Hollywood ,views to be held by Mr. Freidman to-
ralent, ending his swaps with a trade morrow. In the interviews an at-
Af Charles E. Merrill, head of the big tempt will be made to determine the
fommission, house of Merrill, Lynch, individual's special aptitudes. Ap-
?terce, Fenner and Beane, for Charie I pointments for interviews will be
cCarthy. Itth

that winter will halt Nazi offensive
operations. Reports from the front{
yesterday said freezing weather had
hardened the mud and facilitated
tank operations. That permits Panz-
ur units-upon which the German
army has relied primarily in every
battle of this war-to punch their
way ahead.
Short of that, however, over much
of the Russian fi'ont the necessity of
digging in now or very soon seems
indicated for the Nazis.

This is an official Navy photo of the U.S. destroyer Reuben James which the Navy Department an-
nounced was sunk by a torpedo in the North Atlantic. The Reuben James was described as an 0-type,
flush deck destroyer, with a displacement of 1,190 tons.

Finnish reports strongly intimate,
without saying so, that on the Arctic
front northward from Leningrad the
Nazi allies have halted or been halted.,
The Finns may have attained their'
own objective in territory regained,

* * *n-
Commanded Warship

Germany Accuses Washington
SOf Aggaression In Naval Policy


(Continued from Page 1)

STUDENTS to defeat Hitlerism.*or
further details, attend American
Student Union meeting. 8:00 p.m.,
Wednesday, Nov. 5, in room'316 of
the Union. 105c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c
STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c
troit Thursday p.m. Nov. 13. Re-
turning Sunday. 1941 Mercury.
$12.50 per passenger. Phone Rum-
ney, 100 Adams House.

MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
1940 CLASS RING, initialed R. K.
Phone Robert Kerr, 3682. Reward.
GOLD BRACELET with four tennis
charms at game Saturday. Phone
2-2591. Peggy Polumbaum. 95c
LADY'S Banner wrist watch, on Fri-
day, October, tenth, in vicinity of
Mosher. Cal lJean King, -4561.
WRIST WATCH-white gold with
black band. Please return to Doro-
thy Schulhof, 2-4143. Reward of-

ferred to President Roosevelt's state-
ment yesterday that the incident had
not changed United States-German
relations; and said he was "suffering
ircm an upset political stomach."
"It is noteworthy how cautious
has i become," these quarters add.
"Apparently he has the feeling thatl
h4 bit off more in recent days than
he could digest."
Vessels Sunk
They said they had n7o confirma-
tion of the Reuben James sinking.
As if to emphasize the implaca-
bility of Germany's determination to
press the war in the Atlantic, aGer-
man resume of operations in the past
week said 151,00 tons of British ship-
ping had been destroyed in the At-
lantic, with planes and submarinesj

gression and a declaration from Sec-
retary of the Navy Knox that "we are
in this fight to the finish."
Knox's assertion was made ,n an
address to a Marine Corps audience at
Quantico, Va.. while his subordinates
at the Navy Department hopefully
awaited word from the North Atlantic
increasing the list of known survivors
of the torpedoed destroyer Reuben
Some hopefully assumed that ships
of the convoy had effected rescues
which they had not yet reported, and
would not report until they made
port. The practice has been to use
the radio as little as possible, lest the
ship's position be divulged to lurking

MISCELLANEOUS ierea. -_ _ _ _
WOMAN'S light yellow suede gloves
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis . bind- in or near League last Wednesday.
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 Reward. Phone 2-2706. E. H.
S. S.tate. 6c Gault. 103c
WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- WILL THE low living farmer who
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. put the. sleeve on my cordoroy
Killins Gravel Company, phone convertible coat during rushing
7112. 7c please return it to Buck Dawson,
GRAPHING-, illustrated and, typed LADY'S yenbw-gold, rectangular
work for fraternities and other stu- Bulova wristwatch on Tuesday eve-
dent organizations. 1 cent postage ning, October the twenty-eighth, in
on alumni mailings, The Edwards vicinity of the Michigan League
Letter Shop, 711 N. University, and Hill Auditorium. Finder please
Phone 2-2846. 8c call Alumnae Council Office,
F E2-3251. 93c

Lieut.-Comm. H. L. Edwards, 35,
a native of San Saba, Tex., was the
commander of the Reuben James.
Edwards, an all-around athlete,
wa captain of the wrestling team
on the 1928 Olympic squad.
Library Head
To Talk Here
Lecture On 'Dr. Johnson'
To Be GivenTuesday
"Dr. Johnson and the Young" will
be the subject of a University Lec-
ture by Arundell Esdaile, president
of the British Library Association,
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Mr. Esdaile will also speak at 4
p.m. tomorrow on "The British Mu-
seum" and at 4 p.m. Wednesday on
"Bibliography and History." Both
lectures, sponsored by the Depart-
ment of the Library Science, will be
given in Room 110, Library.
Mr. Esdaile was for 37 years a
member of the staff of the British
Museum staff, and retired in 1940.
He was editor of the British Library'
Association Record from 1923 to 1935,1
and has been a leader in international
library activities.
He has published several books on
bibliography, including "Autoclycus',
Pack," "The World's Great Libra-
ries," and "A Student's Manual of,
All three lectures will be open to
the public.

sinking 35 vessels. Official comment on lte extra-f
After reading the statements to a ordinary statement issued from Hit-
conference of foreign correspondents, ler's headquarters in Russia was lim-
an authorized spokesman went on to ited to the remark by a State Depart-
make a more direct attack upon Pres- ment spokesman, in response to ques-
ident Roosevelt, declaring: tions, that German propaganda
"He has started plowing under ecemed to be trying to deny the right
American boys. He is mobilizing pre- of self-defense to those countries in
judice. H^ is organizing war for Jew- I danger of attack.
.ry. But he cannot prevent the defeat This official referred reporters to
of either Russia or 'England." President Roosevelt's address of last
Mcnciay for a statement of this gov-
'Fight To The Finish,' j ernment's attitude as to who was the
aggressor in clashes in the North At-
Says Knox To Marines lantic between American, destroyers
(By. The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1--German-
American relations entered a phase University Professor
of greater tension tonight with a M
charge from Adolf Hitler that Ameri- Made Navy Consultant
can destroyers had engage' in ag-

Workers Hurt
IIn AFL Strike
Fifty Detroit Police Stop
DETROIT, Nov. 1.-(UP)-Detroit's
first serious strike violence in
1months, a melee of 'swinging fists
and baseball bats at a railway load-
ing platform of the Railway Express
Agency, Inc., sent six men to hospi-
tals today.
Fifty policemen dashed to the scene
in patrol cars to stop a 15-minute
fight between members of two AFL
unions who have been wrangling for
four weeks over jurisdiptional rights.
Four men received firat aid at the
The fighting, in which the four
seriouscasualties were head injuries,
climaxed. a dispute: between the.
Brotherhood of Railway and Steam-
ship Clerks and the Teamsters' Union
over recognition of the unions.
On Thursday the clerks' union had
called off its stiike, but the Ateam-
sters refused to return to work and
established picket lines at all loading
platforms of the agency. Earlier in
the stalemate, shippers of vital de-
fense goods had been directed by
government authorities to use other
means of shipment.
FHA Administrator
To Discuss Planning
In lctureTuesday
Earl S. Draper, assistant adminis-
trator of the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration, will deliver a University
Lecturp on "Putting Planning . into
Action" at 4 p.m. Tuesday in Room
102, Architecture Building.
A graduate of Massachusetts State
College, Draper is renowned for his
work as a landscape architect. He
was director of landscape planning
and housing of the Tennessee Valley
In 1932 he served as a member of
the President's Conference on Home
Building and Ownership, and was
also a visiting professor in the Har-
vard School of Landscape Architec-
Among his several publications are
"Southern Textile Village Planning"
and "Landscape Design in the South."
The lecture Tuesday, to be given
under the sponsorship of the Depart-
ment of Architecture and Design,
will be open to the general public.

made ac ti n e ounaaton today.
In order to further facilitate mak-
ing definite statements about the
individual being interviewed' it is
necessary to collect data about him.
Application blanks for interviews in-
clude the necessary information.
Staying two days in Ann Arbor Mr.
Freidman will continue his tour which
will take him to many other mid-
western campuses for the same pur-
pose. He is being sponsored in Ann
Arbor by Hillel Foundation's educa-
tional committee as part of a series
on the general subject of vocations.
Additional speakers will be announced
at later dates.
v twe
Mosher's Tea Dance, the first in
a series planned for this year, was
held yesterday afternoon. Ellen
Batteurs, '43, was general chair-
man for the dance and Mrs. Dan
W. Poppleton of the East Quad
and Mrs. Phelps, house director of
Sigma Nu, poured.
Residents of Victor Vaughan
House, upperclassmen of the East
Quad and the Sigma Nus were half of
the combinations that danced to the
tune of assorted recordings.
Stockwell held an informal dance
last night in their drawing room.
Miriam Dalby, '44, had a hard time
finding enough tickets to supply
the demands of Stockwellites.
Guests at Betsy Barbour's tradi-
tional Welcome Supper today will
include the Board of Patronesses of
the dorm, Miss Jeannette Perry,
Mrs. Byil Fox Bacher, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward L. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John
S. Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Vibbert, Miss Gertrude Frey and
Miss Roslyn Fellman. The last two
are former Barbour house presidents,
Freshman Honor Society
To Discuss Year's Plans
Phi Eta Sigma, freshman scholas-
tic, honor society, will hold its first
meeting of the school year at 7:15
p.m. today in the Union, Herbert
Heavenrjch, '44, president, announc-
Plans for the fall initiation will be
discussed, and the new freshman tu-
toring plan will be considered.

INnTRUCTOUR will snare turnishedu
4-room apartment with man-
reasonable-call after 7, Apt. 1,
611 Packard. 9lC
ate women. Cooking and laundry
privileges if desired. Also youpg
woman wishes roommate. Inquire
422 E. Washington. 1b2c
GUARANTEED 35 millimeter film;
54c per 36 roll, Eastman, DuPont,
Agfa. Cohn 6957. 81c
13 SETS of double-'decked beds-
Good condition. Call Gunnard An-
tell after 5. Phone 2-3169. 94c
of deceased physician. No other
Dr. in town. Mrs. C. A. Wilkinson,
Kendall, Mich. 101c

LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox
Careful work at low price.



Britain Produces E
New Ammunition
LONDON, Nov. 1-(A')-The Brit-
ish Ministry of Supply disclosed to-
night that Britain has "a new and
highly secret" ammunition already
in use by some British warships on
convoy escort duty.
The mention of the ammunition
was contained in the Ministry's ac-
count of how 20 men at "factory X"
worked all one night recently to com-
plete the production of a truckload
of the ammunition for a waitingi
Authoritative sources refused flat-
ly to discuss the new ammunition
or say whether it has any relation to
Britain's new aerial bomb which has
been described as five times more
powerful than explosives used pre-

Prof. Lawrence C. Maugh of the
civil engineering department has
been made consultant on battleship
design to the United States Navy
Professor Maugh spent three weeks
this summer in active navy depart-
ment work at the David Taylor Mod-
el Basin in Washington State. This
basin is. the Navy's most important
shipbuilding center, and design mod-
els are tested there in a 12,000-foot
Professor Maugh's knowledge of
statically indeterminate structures
and his experience in this field has
made his work invaluable to. the
Navy Department.

Each bundle done separately,
by hand
No Markings
Silks, Wools, and Coeds' Laundry
Our Specialty
All our work is guaranteed
Free pick-ups and deliveries
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will ploy for the


Meet me
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SPECIAL ROOM RATES extended to faculty
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The College Department is ever ready to
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Tin, BILTMORE has won the unique distinction of
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Served in the Main Dining Room-6:00 until 7:30 o'clock
Hot Frankfurters Golden Brown Waffle, Syrup
Hot German Potato Salad Grilled Little Pig Sausage
Apple Sauce Layer Cake
or French Vanilla Ice Cream Pumpkin Pie or Fruit Cup
Beverage Beverage
at fifty five cents

Friday, November 7, 1941, 9 to
will be on sale ct the Union 'Travel




Fresh Mushroom Omelette
French-Fried Potatoes
Chocolate 'Mallow Sundae
or Apple Sauce Layer Cake

Fruit Cocktail
Fried Select Oysters,
Tartar Sauce
Potatoes au Gratin
Cabbage Salad
Pumpkin Pie, Whipped Cream


starting Monday, November 3rd,
3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M.

..} e



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