April 24, 1923

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April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…ATHE] ,1UED1 COOLh LW1 LY '4r tl TOMORR( 146 EIGHT PAGES, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 1923 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIV EIHTPAE iT A6AIN [LIGHT AS NCE OPEN S Le ReElected FLOODS DEVASTATE By Sons Of',Vets UPPER MICHIGAN as RVESRISE 1 Tomorrow's Ballot ~10 T'TfN Detective, Chief Special Election for .Student 'J U LU S tJU11111U II' My HedForce Council, Wednesday, April 25, 1923. FNITECO Senior, Representatives F I T T ...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…_________ __ _____ ________THE MICHIGAN DALY _ _ _ _ -T i oiv 'i ;li s a i n JVEN IN SAR~AH Florida To Abolish Prision Cam pa, ~Xredits Sentor Btail1e do Dames", by Scribe and ,G11ye xwilli he presented at 8 o'clockJ ight in Sarah Ca,well Angell hal the annual production of the (.erl- rFrancai . Final dlres.s rehearsals re hold last night and, acording to use in charge, little remains to be ii to ina1ke the production the equal; any given b...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ________ WOMEN vui 1005 - - -Eections for the omnen's league, Athlleic a fsria~tion, and Y. W. C. A. ~in il et t715ococ hs 1(1b held f'rom_ 8 to 5 o'clock today; rig ~ ~ ~ ~ in'i i~aN om i Univ.rsity h ll. All University wo- ~rstyhal.mgn are urge d to vote since.'t1 .;. is the ____only opportulnity they will have to ~iorwomn wo hve h lect, officers, for next year. Yno provi- nir the catwo he Sen rGirs' nl egistration i:; ne...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…TJ [L MICI IIGAN DAILY ___ , All ~j ~ t~ince worthy of consideration and ~t~~t~U ~ ~ action upon the part of the men to * j whomn the Buildings and Grouinds de- C:I AEIV~SPAPERu OF THlE partment is responsible. Past- per- i a r T'B'l itv m wITi' . T 1 ,finn r"ci ln. t~ hat- it, ic4 tnly h1V '' CSUD O/ EDITORIAL COMMENTI __ ed every mrinig except 'Monday] e university year by the Board in of Student Publications1 rs f \Western Con frc...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

…TI IE MICHICAN DAILY 4 WHAT'S GOING ON, NTI CE-Copy for this colsup. shotili bo sublnaitted by13, .:;) o'clock 01 thme day before pitllieatlum. T[UESDAY9' 10):00-senior engineers meet il rooltIm 348 of the Enginecring builinug. z 11 :0$--SNopbomiorc engincers rmee~ft i room 348 of the Engineering" build- wife (?:nil..;roolr of the LUnio.. Ho15ll nI, i, H. ('rr~zmn spi zlsIn. room 1B of Law b Iuilding. 4 : 3t-Clhiles blusiness s v~ nl try...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alv-t=== .,... . s. r.. ,,.. , . t . 4 a~ t J t .. 2120 Yard1)ashS TrialN To lay; 3 penst Cf-g reiep iOI ih tndow5: j skiQiafie ' Perof irow gladlamia f)uf the outlook for good frosh team is In the fraternity baseball leagues; promising No attempt has been made games which were scheduled at 3:30 t,-+4- -, 11 . c. n f'rn-.t nf ar+ , , , ,~~i ,,1I- 1--uA of A -I r R'o0 1 S n R rl...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 7

…THE iICT-IGAN DAILY RISFINGIE NOTICE' T.Ihe joling Bo Replies are at the Daily Office: 12, 18, .10, DM, PDU, BA, BC, Jake. .MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classfed Rtes. 'Two cents a word! a day, paid 'in advance. Minimum .( charge fr first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter,. 2k. ;Three cents per word per day' if carged. White space charged for ,at rate of five cents perl agate line. Classifleds, charged only to those having phones. Phlone ...…

April 24, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 146) • Page Image 8

…TFIE M1CHKCAIN DAILN .. DA L F I LPublication in the. Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Crrivereity. Copy received until 3.3O 3o . n (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Voum : TESI)AY, APRIL 24, 1928J luniber 146 the eanus: There will be a conference of the Deans on Wednesday, April 25, at a.~ m. M. L. BURTON. Any ,nember of the University staff supposedly receivino Thle Michigan wily under the contralct between the Regents and ...…

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