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April 24, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-04-24

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By Sons Of',Vets


Tomorrow's Ballot ~10 T'TfN Detective, Chief
Special Election for .Student 'J U LU S tJU11111U II' My HedForce
Council, Wednesday, April 25,
Senior, Representatives F I T T
(volto for 6 only)
John A. Bacon PRNSSIIS.
Calvin Camphell I
Hloward Hoffman P01In S S IONI

Americans to Safeguard 'Legitimate
Natonal and uCommercial
Lausanne, April 23---(By A. P.)-,
Safeguarding of the legitimate na-
tional interest of the United States
and of the principle of commercial
opportunities of all nations was set
forth today as the guiding principle
of the American representatives when
the Near East peace conference re-1
sumed its labor in an endeavor to re-I
store peace between the Allied powers ,
and Turkey.




Bridg s and Tracks n1c Swept Away
by Foi eI of Ice Janas in Swollen
Strnam in
Alpena, April 23.-Thunder Bay
valley today was a great lake with
one of the worst floods in the his-
tory of northern Michigan sweeping
along the course of Thunder Bay
river. Water runs through the streets
of the- lower section of Alpena to
(eICTths of 10 to 30 inches.
.Iesidents in the low lying sgctions
oi tie city and farmers in the val-
ley have been forced to move. The'

Hugh Duffield
Jack Kelly
Richard Krause
Donald McCabe
William H. Merner
John Polbamus
f James A. Rice
SWalter K. Scherer
Donald Steketee
Junior Representatives.
(vote for 3 only)
Ray A. Billington
Alfred ,. Connable
Irwin Deister
Franklin Dickman
Edward M. Fox
John G. Garlinghouse
Robert A. Hummer

iMany Bills Await Settlement Before
no su.Tuorpy unpq '
May 5
Lansing, April 23 (By A. P.)-This
promises to be clean-up week in the
The University of Michigan build-
ing appropriation bill is slated to1
pass the lower branch this week,
probably as it cam' from committee,
with a total of $3,500,000 for that in-
stitution. No trouble with the meas-
ure Is anticipated in the senate, and,
the last night conference on the Uni-

Schneider Withdr ws Union Ca
dacy; Kelly Quits Cairmanshld
Lynch up for Union
All registered men students wiL
eligible to vote for the nmember

- I
f ti w . . wr YF~I

American Delegate Speaks
Joseph C. Grew, American minister#
to Switzerland and head of the Amer-!
ican delegation made this clear in a 'W. M onald Lee ,_....
W. McDonald lbee has been re-elect
brief inaugtual speechx. The confer-
ence divdAgitself into three commit-'ed commander in chief of the Sols of
tees, each of which will take up sub- Confederate Veterans. The re-elec-
tion took place at the annual reunion
jectsin dispute. s I of the. United, Confederate Veterans at
Minister Grew said the United INew Orleans.

flood waters, which already have
swept out two bridges, threaten
the power company dam and dyna-
mite is being used to prevent a fur-
ther jal of ice and logs. One bridge
already has been dynamited to pre-


States welcomed the resumiption of the
conference. It had reconvened on a
substantial basis, understanding had
always been reached on a variety of
important.changes, and upon this firm
foundation the United States expected.
soon to be erected a vast edifice of a
just and stable peace for which the
world was waiting with eagerness.
Says UT. S. Will Be Active
He said of the American representa-
tives"We;6re here in the same ca-,
pacity anfor the same purpose as
before adjournment, with full author-
' Tat'C1'tt{3rrF! f1I Y'-imit o-.Ie,''3@'w

Body. Fomiiid oni ew York Central
Tracks Neair Pabwyra Sunday

mit the ice and. logs to float out
into Thunder Bay.
Trains in and out of Alpena were
suspended Sunday when water over-
flowed the tracks to a depth of from
10 inches to two feet.
The flood came with a rush Sat-
urday following a period of mild
weather. Ice broke into huge chunks
and, floating dow-nstream to bridges,
formed jams which soon forced the
water over the banks.
Bridges Destroyed
Onaway, (April 23.-Bridges, rail"-
road tracks and breakwaters were
swept away and farm buildings de-
stroyed when the Black river tore
out large sections of its banks yes-
terday near Cheboygan.
The river cut a new course through
northern Michigan, !virtually isolat-
ing the eastern part of the state from
the western. Fear was expressed for
the welfare of some rural communi-
ties, cut off from their sources of

ited 'States"
'hat during the de-
ited States wished
national interests
cial opportunities

versity appropriation which featured Chief of Dectectives Michael
Senators Eldred and Whitely Active ifl the 1921 ession probably will be e Hughes
1Ia3-cient to Il:ve Measure 3 sig hsyer I~chlael Hughes, chief of dectectives
Reported of the Chicago police force department
Highway Bill is Live Issue is being mentioned as, a possible sue-
TO BE ACTED ON T'0flOIMifRlW; With May f tentatively set as the cessor to Chief Fitzmorris, an ap-
SENATE TIOUJIT HOSTILE ; date for business adjournment it will pointee of the Thompson ;egime. ,
bhenecesary for each branch to (lls-.
pose of all its own measures and dis-
Ianising, April 23-An attempt will patch. them to the othfer branch for 1
be 'nade Tuesday morning to have the final enactment next week. The
Whiteley homoeopathic resolution house and senate bills which are not B
acted' upon in the branch of their'
which advocates the re-instatement of origin this week probably never will
a separate school of homioeopathy i beiplaces onthe stautybookrs.ll
the University of Michigan reported As the legislature started down the F ABO.
out by the state affairs committee of home stretch many of the same prob-
lems that confronted it when it con- Gaine Originally Shelieduled Tomorrow
the senate. It was announced two vened still were ope to settlement, to Be Played Today at
weeks ago that the resolution would Highway finance, although it has lost Lansing
be allowed to remain buried in corn- much of its controversial interest,_---
nevertheless remains at' the top as FISIIEIS)ME'wA LLSET
mittee but Senator F. O. Eldred of ,h 'usadn sn ttetp sFSIRSMNALST
mitebtSeao..~ the outstanding issue. CONTEST WITH AGG11ES
Ionia, chairman of the state affairs CA' lenr Loaded _ET T A E
committee, which now has the resolu- Long calendars loaded with meas-1
tion under consideration, and Senator ures faced both branches when they Coach Fisher and 21 members of the
harry B. Whiteley, who introduce4 reconvened this week. In the house Wolverine baseball squad will leave
the measure, are insistent that it be there were nearly 100 bills ready for at 11 o'clock this morning by automo-
reported out. It is thought .here that final action, and half as many in the bile for East Lansing, where this aft-}
the action is being supported in order senate. During the week many more ernoon-they will play the M.'A. C. dia-
to give the homoeopaths of the state will be placed upon the calendar. mond aggregation.
another hearing in the legislature. Date of (aine Chaged,
The resolution will be acted upon at The,'game was originally scheduled
11 o'clock tomorrow morning. fortomorrow afternoon but owing to'
One member of the committee, who some slip-up the Aggie athletic offi-,
did not wish to have his name men- cials were of the opinion that it was
tioned, stated tonight that he would to be played today and as they had all
actively oppose the resolution. their programs, posters, and tickets
If the measure should be reported CUpaRAN SAYS TnAT POLITICAL 'hved a rdtgly the Wolverines
out by the committee, it will probably 'TUP DNTA IS NATIONAL have agreed to play the game todayt
be an unfavorable report but should ' iTIIIF IA IONA The game this afternoon will start
eanufvrberprbushldFAULT at 4:30 Eastern time, which will
it come upon the floor of the senate, it 4:s tmh_
is improbable that it will pass 'that . give the team plenty of chance for
body, both because of the pressure of Henry H. Curran, noted politician practice after arriving at East Lan-
time before adjournment, and the dis-s w Uiver edes isty sng.
favor or indifference with which most f two University lecturesyesterday Practice yesterday afternoon was of
of the members seem to look upon the afternoon in Room of the Law the usual routine. Benson took the
resolution. building. The subject of Mr. Curran's mound and sent them over for hitting
talk was "The Cost of Keeping Out
It is generolly conceded that if the : of Politics." . practice and after an hour or so
resolution does not come out of con- Mr. Curran first presented the facts Coach Fisher sent the squad through
mittee tomorrow morning, the hom- concerning the voting populace today oneyof the snappiest fieldir sessions
oeopaths will have met final defeat, in Only a small part of the voting pop- they have had this year.
their fight for a separate school in the lation really casts a vote nowadays, Will Take Big Suiad
University. Mr. Curran said. He went on'to Fisher is taking most of his squad

the Student council at the sp(
election tomorrow. The member
the council will all be elected by
campus instead of by classes a;
previous years.
No ballot in Tuesday's election
be considered valid, unless the v
indicates his choice for the requ
number of councilmen, as stipul
on the ballot, according to the E
tions committee of the Student c(
"Will Elect Nine
Twelve men have been nomin
for senior councilmen from whk(
are to be elected, and 7 for ju
I councilmen, 3 to be elected. T'.
9 men with the 3 ex-officio mem'
will compose the personnel of
I year's council.
The men nominated for senior cc
ctlmen are: John A. Bacon, '24,
irin Campbel '24E, Hugh Duffield,
Howard'Hoffman, '24M, Jack K,
'24L, Richard .Krause, 24E, Doi
McCabe, '24, William H. Merner,
John Polhamus, '24E, James A. Y
I'24, Walter K. Scherer, '24, and I
ald Steketee, '24. Those' named
junior councilmen are: Ray A.
lington, '25, Alfred B. Connable,
Irwin Deister, '25, Franklin Dicke
'25E, Edward Fox. '25E, John G. (
Iinghouse, '25, and Robert A. II

(Special to The Daily)
Palmyra, N. Y., April 23---Albert P.



safeguarued, Mr. urew declared that if N. uoastin, a senior inerary student supply.
other issues arose, or should ampli- in the University of Michigan, was Train communication on the DIe-
fication of the American position be found yesterday morning o the New troit & Mackinac line was disrup-
desired, the American representatives York Central railroad tracks one mile ted at Tower when the torrent car-
would avakil themselves of the privi- ried away the railroad embankment.
lege of further statements. cast of here. Goldstein apparently Efforts were made to save the em-
had been riding between the cars and bankment, which was built after the
had fallen through and died under the floods last spring, by building a
Iwheels of the train. His home is inbreakwater of sand bags. This at-
New York City tempt was unsuccessful..
_Nw okiyTrain Service Suspended.
F dNA r . G s , Train service between Onaway and
UN IT iN ANNUAL0 IL iFiends ofAlbert P.y N. Goldstein, Cheboygan was suspended after a fill
15 feet long and 25 feet deep was'
Seniors from all colleges in the Uni- ra, N. Y., are of the opinion that he swept away. This was the only con-
versity may attend the Senior Ball to ? left his hone in New York with the necting link by rail across the north-
be held Friday, May 1g, in Waterman intention of "bummiing" his way back ern section of the state.
and Barbour gymnasiumns. This will ' to Ann Arbcr.1 Many bridges on smaller streams
be the first time that such an affair A suit of clothes which he appsr- have been washed away so that farm~
has been held by the combined grad- ently did not want to4, carry with ers are unable to procure supplies
uating classes and it is hoped that it him. arrived at his rooming house yes- from villages.
'will become an annual affair as the Iterday, having been mailed from his At this season of the year few of
last big senior function to be heldl be. home. the farmers, it is said, have any con-
fore Commencement .Goldstein is said to have been an siderable amount of supplies, and
Both senior women and men may excellent student and was a candidate should the flood abate immediately
butickets for thi an innva- for the Varsity wrestling team. it would take considerable time to rc-
buy tickets for this affair, ail innova,-store communication.
tion in class social functions. Couples
will be admitted by one ticket held by PRORA JU3S A.ND iBOOTHS FOI
either partner so that women, as well MILITARY BALL ASSINED Give Out Frolc Tickets ' omorro m
as men., may tender invitations to the Tickets for the lrosh Frolic may
dance. Military ball progr.ams will be dis- be obtained for the last time between
The Senior Ball is an outgrowth of tributed and booths will be sslgned 9 and 12 o'clock tomorrow morning
asindthe reception formerly held b)y te in the lobby of the Union. Those de-
senior literary class during Cohrn 1:30 to 5 o'clock today and to- siring to -obtain tickets must call at
morrow in the lobby of the Union. the Union at this time as the commit-:
mencement week. Engagements withr
Paul Whiteman's and Ted Lewis's or- I There will be 24 booths, named after tee reports that this will be positive-l
chestras are being made for the dance .the allied countries during the recent ly the last' chanco.to-buy tickets.
which 'will last from 10 to 3 'o'clock. war and after organizations such as'
Tickets will be placed on sale at a the Y. M. C. A. and the Red Cross, Educational Club Adolts Resolutions'
later date. i to accommodate the 700 d.ncers. One, A resolution endorsing the proposed'
- -committeeman will bt assig"td to new proportionment of the state!
Bianehard to Sneak at Boston 'each booth as host. ;school fund was adopted by the Men'sa
Prof. Arthur L. Blanchard, head of I Tickets were mailed yesterday to iEducational club at a meeting last
the highway engineering department, patronesses and guests who have ac- night in the Union and will be sent'
'will leave tomorrow morning for a1 cepted invitations. Two or more to the state senate. This action fol-'
three days' stay in New England, Fri- fraternities wishing reservations in lowd the report of the committee ap-
day morning he will be in Cambridge, the same booth can obtain it by send-' pointed to investigate the matter. l
MIass., where he will deliver an address ing one man, providing he has all thet
efore the highway engineering de- tickets.
artment of the Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology. His subject will I SCABBIARJ) AND 'BLADE ' IfUJIL N. SMITH,' 16, DIESI
be "Bituminous Macadam and Bitu-' INITIATE SIX MEN' iN AEROPLANE ACt'hIE'NT r
m'nlnous Concrete Pavements."

mer, '25.
Womuen Not Eligible to Vote
No women will be allowed to vote
for councilmen according to th
changes recently approved by the Sen
ate council. This is the first yea
that the entire council has been elect
ed by the campus. The' presidentia
candidates for tthe council will b
selected from the newly elected mnem
bers by the outgoing council and wil
be submitted to an all-campus vot
at the regular election on May 2.
Men students who have not regis
tered will not be allowed to'vote to
morrow. Lists of those voters wh<
have registered have been compile(
and carefully checked over in orde,
to insure fairness and eliminate mis
Petitions for any office to be vote(
on at the all-campus election on Mai
2 must be given to Robert E. Adams
'23, by tomorrow.
Withdrawls Announced
Burton E. Dunlop, '23, succeedn#
Jack Kelly, as chairman of the Stud.
ent council elections committee, an.
n(;'unced yesterday that the name 01
Thomas J. Lynch had been v;withdrawr

Austin Texas, April 23 (ry A. P.)-.-
Marathon dancing would be prohibi-
ted in Texas according to a bill In-
troduced into the house today. The
bill prohibited dancing in either pub-
lic or private places for more than
8 hours of each 24 unless the dancers'
obtained a permit from the state
board of health,
Dodos To Present z
SOriginal Plays

prove that it is evident that the people
of today are not taking the amount
of interest in their own affairs that
they should take; all of which Mr.
Curran lengthened upon.
The pGlitical struggle today, Mr.
Curran brought out, is not with politi-
cal graft but with political stupidity.
And it is there that the college man
is needed, and are being demanded
tmore anod more to fill political posi-
tions in the country today
"The Value of Going Into Politics
-And How to Go -IN" is the subject
of Mr. Curran's second talk which.
will be delivered at 4:13 o'clock this
afternoon in Room B. of the. Law
Soph Engineers to Hcar Wallace
,Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the
engineering college, and Mr. L. W.I
Wallace, ,secretary of the FederatedI
Engineering societies, and former dean
of the Cornell university engineering
school, will be speakers at the meet-
ing of the sophomore engineers which
will be held at 11 o'clock today in
room 348, Engineering building.
Botanical Journal Club Meets
There will be a meeting of the
Botanical 'Journal club at 8 o'clock'
tonight in Room 173 of the Natural'
j Science building. Reports will be
read by Miss Mabel Fox, Miss Beulah
Brown. and Mr. C. 0. Erlanson.

fromn the student Council lallot. L~n
to M. A. C. for the game. Three catch-'
was nominated4 by petition as candi
ers will make the trip, Blott, Swan- date for president of the Union Hug
son and Slaughter. Seven moundsmen Duffield, '24, has been named in plac
are on the list including Baker, of Lynch. Kelly resigned his chair
O'Hara, Noonan, Gibson, Liverence, i
Barly ad Soesmtl1 - ,manship of the elections committe<
Barley and Sboesmith. following his nomoiination as coun
The regular infield of Knode on AcicMdidate.
first, Paper at second, Uteritz in the Philip J. Schneider, '25L, an
short field arno Ilaggerty at the hot nouncedi the withdrawal of his nam
corner will be assisted by Giles, Van from the list of nominees for presi
Boveh an~d Dillman. In the outer gar- dent of the Union, stating that hi
dens Ash, Klein, Kipke and Coleman work in the Law school would muak
are included in the personnel. it impossible for hin to take on an
It is probable that Noonan will get additional work.
the call for mound duty in the n The elections committee of th
test this afternoon. The small Wol- Student council, which will hay
verine pitcher has been going well for charge of the spring elections is con-
the past week and Fisher plans to give posed of Burton E. Dunlop, '23, chair
him a chance t0 show his wares man; James Flume, '23, Robert I
against the Farners. Most of the first Adams, '23, EdwardHaug, '23, Edward
team regulars will 'start iinthefracas Lambrecht, '23, and Herold ' Hunt
tod ay but 4 everal of the second string '_E__.__ _ - - -^--_ _
men may play before the en of the Professor White hi Jack-son
game. Prf A,° V White of tJackso-,

, '

Nan! Not So Hot
Quit smoking-but fire of pro-
gress still blares. The money
he previously used for cigar-
ettes and tobacco. he is now in-,

Scabbard and Blade club initiated;
at sunrise on Sunday morning, whenE
the following six men were: Cadet
captain Wesley H. Puyear, '23E; cadet
first lieutenants Robert A. Granger,;
'24E, Dean B. McLaughlin, Grad;
cadet second lieutenants, Anthony C.
Tucker, '23E, Herndon Taylor, '23E
andDonald A. Holm, '24E.
A banquet followed at the Union
last night. Major Robert Arthurj

Uhl M. Smith, '16E, died in an
aeroplane accident near Dayton,
Ohio, last Saturday when the
machine in which he was riding
nose dived into the Miami river.
Others who were killed with
Smith were Capt. W. R. Lawson,
pilot, Sarg. Sidwell, Langley
field, and Sarg. L. H. Rowland,
Selfridge field.
The accident occurred when
tho itanhinnill A..nh .1n- -



Three one-act plays will be offered
by the Dodos in their regular presen-
tation series at 8 o'clock tonight, to-
morrow, and Thursday. The plays
are to be staged in the Dodo play-
A Picture for the Paper," by Mrs.
Alfred Fisher, is to be the first num-
ber and is directed by Lowell J. Carr,
of the sociology department. Mrs.
Carr, Charles fHodgman, '24, and
George D. Wilner of the public speak-
ing department, have parts in this
John Adams, of the rhetoric de-
partment, and Herman Lyon, '23E,
will offer "The Hero," a melodrama
written by themselves.
A farce, "Odeuil', by IMiriam H1.

Little Known of Aggies
Little is known of the calibre of
the Aggie team this year, but the us-
url hard game is expected from them.
The Farmer baseball mentor had
quite a nucleus of veterans with which
to start the season and seems to have
built up a team which will give worthy
opposition to the Wolverines.
The Aggies of course have been as
greatly handicapped bythe weather as
has Michigan and have only played
two games. One of these resulted in a
defeat, Notre Dame taking the meas-
itre of the East Lansing nine by a
rather one-sided score but M. A. C.
made up for this by hammering out a

rI oA. LrNAd. iAe, or e c emeaic
engineering department, left Ann Ar-
bor yesterlay for Kalamazoo and
Jackson. He is expected to return

Seniors who have not yet o
dered their caps and gowns m
Sdo so by appearing for measui
ment before Thursday night
I George Moe's sport shop, '
I North University avenue. A
extention of the time limit h;
been given by the manufacti






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