February 22, 1920

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February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

….Z '1 I 11 I 00 ,'' 30 ,L, I- ANN AR13OR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1920 F KOREAN PROFESSOR TO TO SPEAK TONIGHT PT EDf Speaking on the subject, "America Go East," Prof. Homer B. Hulbert, for A 23 years a resient of Korea and a confidential advisor of the emperor of CHANGE Korea, will deliver the principal ad- dress at the third University Union STATES IS service to be held at 6:15 tonight in S Hill auditorium. OF ITS Professor ...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…' Sstreet, Ssined, the sig- its -x- drawal from tne university, tne proposal seems to have every point in its favor. THE PUNCH GLASS The old tin drinking cup had its day and has now been relegated to oblivion along with roller towels, uncertified milk, and the family tooth-brush. But how about its more fashionable sister-the punch glass, which moves in more pretentious cir- cles ? Is it the intoxication of the social whirl that makes us who...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…The Lansing high school basketball team, which played Ann Arbor Friday night was entertained after the game and Saturday morning by a commit- tee in charge of Russell Barnes, '20. x Afterthe game Friday the Varsity basketball team took the men to the Union tap room where they met sev- eral of the prominent men on the cam- TO BE pus and inspected the Union. SCHOOL Saturday morning they were taken to Ferry field, through th6 University dule for ...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…THIS OVER -TEST IT OUT rpose of the 20 Exercises in the new booklet "MEMORY CENTRATIO N" is to so stimulate and train this mental at it may be used at will. These Exercises do not obstruct dy; they aid it. The few minutes of diversion is re- the mental process is claified and stimulated for the real e day. is with kindergarten work in mental picturing. hly cultured minds know something, of the utility of this cturing. It trains the mind to pe...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

…ants Schools and provide scholarships or special idents provisions for self-help. America will then, assume the educational leader- t help build ship to which her new responsibilities e future ,by call her." of her uWi- all over the Griffin to Speak at Convention eau of edu- The second semi-annual convention Interior, in of the Michigan Retail Dry Goods as- d: "School sociation will be held March 10 and 11 in Grand Rapids. Prominent institutio...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…11 L1ome :tt i , .nda Hepner, dean of wom- raska university, arrived; >or Friday night to spend nd Sunday as the guest A. Neuman and Mrs. Neu- .te to Cleveland where she the convention of deans of id universities and heads hools throughout the coun- +ek. ner spent yesterday visit- nitories and expressed her- ng well pleased with our housing the University ebraska university women ses similar to our Univer- i. The dormitory system been tri...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 7

…BE ick' Edna' THE MAJESTIC ence," the modern ch F. Ray Com- st will produce at ay evening, Youth rful man who car- s arm and has his Experience, who takes this as an and introduces t like~ other young find work attrac- ced that he does pany his new ac- er, before Death uth is glad to en- Work. n's most signific- Whitney is Mrs. medy, "Mis' NellyI ng to Ann Arbor uccessful*run in are said Jr.," the Altemas. A chorus declared to be the mos...…

February 22, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 99) • Page Image 8

…LENTEN SERICES TODAY WHAT'S GOING 11 I: 11:30 a. m. t~o midnight~ aks and Chops $14 S. State 1, r SUNDAY' S SALE , Towels, Etc. viaster Corps Ave. WALSI ~Iv Alto I mo jr Acrd. Children 18c I Mon. and Wed. M&ts.E 5k- to $ImO2 sat. Mats., 50C to $2 . (Continued from Page One). subject of the sermon to be delivered ths mory~ug ~y Mr. Sidney S. Rob- bins in the 'Unitarian'church. A spe- cial supper for young people will be hel...…

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