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February 22, 1920 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1920-02-22

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Ssined, the sig-

its -x-

drawal from tne university, tne proposal seems to
have every point in its favor.
The old tin drinking cup had its day and has now
been relegated to oblivion along with roller towels,
uncertified milk, and the family tooth-brush.
But how about its more fashionable sister-the
punch glass, which moves in more pretentious cir-
cles ? Is it the intoxication of the social whirl that
makes us who contemptuously ignore the tin drink-
ing cup, merely frown when we are confronted
with an unwashed punch glass and then-drink?
According to Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, of the
Health service, it is entirely reasonable to assume
that out of one hundred people attending a dance,
at least a dozen will contrdct influenza via the un-
clean punch glass from one person present who has
the disease. Germs are surprisingly impartial as
to their means of travel and punch glass or drink-:
ing cup are quite the same to them. .
The ban on University dances will be removed
tomorrow. Punch glasses' will again come into,
their own and will continue in their work unless we
practice the prevention that the epidemic has taught
us. Let every dancer, no matter how thirsty he is,
show his regard for private and public health by
refusing to drink from glasses that have not been
properly washed in ?hot water. The arrangement
committee which does not arrange for this precau-
tionary measure is indeed assuming no small re-


Wants Second-Hand
"Dickenson Contei



. ...

...................HARRY M. CAREY
Brewster campbell
J ohn I. Dakin
ams Thornton SargDent r.
-- ---- ---.- . . oll
. . ...Margu erite C lark
..Jo s e p h A . B e rn s te in
an Mark K. Fhlbert

Dorothy Monfort
Minnie Muskatt.
Anna McGurk
Winfred Biethan
Robert D. Sage
Thomas J. Whinery


A. Oaines, Mark B. Covel
..-. ...HenryWhitin
P. Schneider, R. A. Sullivan
D. P. Joyce
1 Robt. Sommerville
Arthur L. Glazer
P. P. Hutchinson
on concerning news for any
editor, who has full charge

i. In this mutual world, a churchless commu-
nity, a community where men have abandoned and
scoffed at or ignored their religious needs, isa -
community on the rapid down grade.
2. Church work and church attendance mean .
the cultivation of the habit, of feeling some re-
sponsibility for others.
3.' There are enough holidays for most' of us.
Sundays differ from other holidays in the fact that
there are fifty-two pf them every year-therefore,
on Sundays go to church.
4. Yes, I know all the excuses. I know that
: one can worship the Creator in a grove of trees, or
by a running brook, or in a man's own house just
as well as in a-church. BuitI also know as a mat-
. ter of sold fact the average man does not thus wor-
5. He may not hear a good sermon at church.
. He will hear a sermon by a good man who, with his
good wife, is engaged all the >week in making hard
lives a little easier.
6. He will listen to and take part in reading
some beautiful passages from the Bible. And if he
is not familiar with the Bible, he has suffered a'



inuisday nignt
Woodruff, Sat-

ARY 22, 1920

(Oct. 6, igi)
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
. (Eastern Standard Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-6:io a.
M., and hourly to :o p. m.
Jackson Limited ' and Exprss Cars- :48
a. i., and every hour to 98 p. m. (Ex-
presses make local stops west of Ann Arbor.)
LocalCars East Bound-6:o a. in., 9:og a
m. and. every two hours to 9~o5 p. m., 10 ~50
. W. To Ypsilanti Only, : "p ,. m. :xo
a. mn. and to Saline, change atYpilant.
Loval Cars West Bound--7:48 a. m. and
i2:2a -a. m
Manufacturers and Regents Cooper.
ate in ian for Research Work
Formal acceptance of the personnel
of a committee to organize a Research
laboratory, in which the problems of
manufacturers throughout the state
might be solved, was made at the
meeting of the Board of Regents yes-
In speaking of this project, Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley says, "Such a lab-
oratory as is proposed. would afford
students and faculty most unusual
problems for investigation and study.
It has great possibilities for the Uni-
versity as well as for the manufac-
turing Industries."
Impetus was given this movement
more than a year ago at the annual
dinner of the Michigan Manufactur-
ers' association at Detroit. Repre-
senting the University at this dinner
were Lieut. Col. A. H. White, Major
A. E White, and Dean M. E. Cooley.
The Board of Regents passed resolu-
tions last month favoring the estab-
lishment of an industrial laboratory
of research, under the proposed con-
ditions. In these resolutions, the in-
dustries of the state were invited to
nominate representatives who would
constitute a committee to advise with
the Regents concerning the financing
of this undertaking.
It Is said that 40 members from
Detroit firms and 60 men represent-
ing manufacturers throughout the
state were selected to act on the com-
mittee. The names at present cannot
be divulged.
Early'indications point to the great-
est entry list for the 1920 University
of Pennsylvania relay carniva ever
received in the history of these track
games. Although the meet will not
be held until April 30 and May 1,
eastern and western .colleges are for-
warding their entries in larger volume
than ever before. Western entries to
date include Michigan, Michigan Agri-
cultural College, Minnesota, Nebraska,
Kansas, Northwestern, Coe and the
University of Southern California.
The eastern colleges include Yale,
Princeton, Columbia, Penn State,
Syracuse, Pittsburgh, and more than
20 other institutions.
To Protect Great Lakes Shipping
Added protection for Great Lakes
shipping is being planned by the
naval department, according to offic-
ials at Great Lakes, Ill. Whitefish
point, often spoken of as the most
dangerous spot on Lake Superior, is
to be protected and a radio station
is to be established near Brimly.

New and


Second Hand
For All Departments



A shipment of Victrola
XIV's in Mahogany and

Text Books


wood cases.


See These Fine Instruments

I -

iittee working out plans for
one dollar with the regular
aid compulsorily as is the
hip fee. ,
ed by the University treas-
1st for the use of the classes
voucher system similar to
sbursing the funds of the
ever any class should wish
urer would sign a voucher
nd amount payable, and the
trned over to the treasurer
vould pay out the necessary

7. He will take part in singing some good
. He will meet and nod or speak to good, quiet
neighbors. He will come away feeling a little more
charitably toward all the world, even towards those"
excessively foolish young men who regard church-
gong as a soft performance.
9. I advocate a man's joining in church work
for the sake of showing his faith by his works.-
The Gideon.
The Telescope
- I do' not pine for human gore,
Yet-boldly I assert,
I'd love to murder the-yap
Who calls his girl a "skirt."
-Peoria Journal.

Schaeberle & Son Music H


Established 1887

ation, un-
Id go into
would be

th the present voluntary system
dues brings conviction that its
sfactory. Only a small propor-
*e collected the first three years,
e thus prevented- from getting
ir money until the senior year,
ayment rounds up the accumu-
nethod is unpleasant for the stu-
nself with the piled-up debt on
as unbusiness-like for the class.
uld provide immediate and com-
funds under the present system
the purse-strings by an inex-
surer elected for popularity; ex-
lo not come under University
e books. are turned in at the end
system of amateur auditing stlp-
the requirement of a signed
class treasurer when he- turns in
iality bringing at once, if all bal-
rubber stamp of the registrar's
posed voucher system would as-
unting, plus the advantages of
the University of expenditures
of establishing a sinking fund
gill meet little serious opposi-
ing to leave other memorials
ds for them before graduation.
the number of scholarships
ly increased by this system, be-
a could be found for the class
aiding future students to attain
lege training, and it might very
tat a habit of saving. funds for
---rn in n o +n~~

-is expressed by fastidious taste

I wish to see no injured gnk,
Clutch at himself and wail
But I'd like to boot the crude galoot,
Who calls his girl a "frail."
-N. Y. Evening Tel.
There is a guy that well I know
Should sleep beneath the sod.
He never calls her by her name,
It's always just my "broad."

The well dressed woman s
herself informed on the h
shoes. Fashionable lines,
style in shoes give that "
appearance for which won
taste strive.

The Probable Beginning of the Lock Step
Then she crossed the room with a light step and.
placed it in her hair. - Moving Picture Stories
A Mysteiy StoryG in One Act
(Dimly lighted state. Figure of man seen slink-
ing along hallway. Knocks furtively three times
on a door.)
Voice froth within-Who is it?
The one knocking-It's me.
V. F. W.-Come in.
(No sooner is the door closed than another fig-
ure appears. He also knocks three times on the
V. F. W.-Who is it?
The one knocking-It is I.
V. F. W.-Beat it. You don't belong with this
The mystery then is to discover which one
one is an engineer.


Get your Furniture and Rugs
Koch and HIenne.-Adv.-


Things cooked as you like them
1 Minute Service for Breakfast
MENU includes
Bread and Butter
Tea, Coffee, Milk
Potatoes, Dessert
Soup--Cream 'of Chicken
Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken,
Cranberry Sauce........75c
Potted Roulade of Beef-
French Peas............35c
Roast Lamb, Apple-Jelly....40c
Roast Leg of Veal, Celery
Dressing ..............40c
Roast Sirloin of Beef......35c
Mashed Potatoes
Combinatipn Salad
Deep Cocoanut Cream Pie
We serve Regular Meals

Tan- Oxfords, with the military heel, always give ti
neat appearance. We are showing these in Russ
blucher cut, imitation stitch tip, light weight welt sole
blind eyelet, at $12.50.
The gun metal calf, five eyelet lace oxford, welt
priced at $12.00.
Cordo calf, five eyelet, lace oxfords, military heel, flex
are priced at $9.00.
We have a new line of street pumps, nicknamed t
pump," with full leather Louis heel, welt sole, and p
at $11.50.
Black kid pumps, Leather Louis heel, and plain toe,
priced at $10.00.
Boot tops or spats make these pumps attractive for stri
at this season. We have a complete line of both, in d
lar colors, in prices ranging fr9m $3.50 to $5.00.


mous Closing Lines -
finisher,' 'he muttered as he saw
p the Baby Grand from the rear

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