September 22, 2005

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September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…Thursday, September 22, 2005 ,;'U \ N 1 Gd lth( i Aj\/C7<w " E 1 T~y-,'~ News 3A Multicultural Greeks to hold Midnight Madness tonight Opinion 4A Krishnamurthy on knee-jerk security . .e t. Y sxiI One-hundred-fourteen years of editorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan m Vol. CXV, No. 152 @2005 The Michigan Daily 'U' backs Google lawsuit in Authors' trade group says Google Library project violates copyrights By Ekjyot ...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 NATION WORLD Rita may NEWS IN BRIEF devastate Texas GALVESTON, Texas (AP) - As many as 1 million people were ordered to clear out along the Gulf' Coast, and hospital and nursing home patients were evacuated yes- terday as Hurricane Rita turned into a Category-5, 165-mph monster that could slam Texas by the weekend and inflict more misery on New Orleans. Forecasters said Rita could be t...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

… NEWS The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 3A ON CAMPUS JetBlue plane lands safely despite wheel problem Chinese cities depicted in photo exhibition today The Institute for the Humanities has sponsored an exhibit that depicts the many layers of rapidly modern- izing Chinese cities. The exhibit can be viewed today and tomorrow from 12 to 8 p.m. at the Osterman Common Room, 0520 Rackham. Call (734)936- 3518 to make an appointme...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 OPINION Rhe irl 'cgttn ttil JASON Z. PESICK Editor in Chief SUHAEL MOMIN SAM SINGER Editorial Page Editors ALISON GO Managing Editor EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIvERSITY OF MICHIGAN SINCE 1890 420 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR, MI 48109 NOTABLE QUOTABLE We got to be ready for the worst." - President Bush, commenting on preparations for Hurricane...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 5

…22, 2005 - 5A Find out what makes Bank of America one of the fastest growing leaders on Wall Street with unmatched career opportunities for exceptional individuals. Come learn how you can contribute as part of our world-class Global Corporate & Investment Bank: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN (BBA) FULL-TIME PRESENTATION Monday, September 26, 2005 5:00pm - 6:30pm Davidson D1275 Representatives from the following businesses will be available to discuss...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday. September 22. 20( I . I lt the michigan daily .-s RUMMAGE SALE. FIRST 512 E. Huron St Friday, Sept urday, Sept. 24,9-1. Baptist Church 23, 9-5 & Sat- wART sUPPLY 800.462.2420' www. allartsupplies. corn 02 !PARKING AVAIL. ACROSS from South Quad. Call CMB 741-9300. ***PARKING AVAIL.*** Central Campus. 222-9033. ***PARKING ON CENTRAL CAMPUS*** 726 S. State St 520 Packard 1000 Oakland 1320S. University 7...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 7

… NEWS The Michigan Daily -' Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 7A The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 7A GOOGLE Continued from page 1 Lessig agreed with Google and its inter- pretation of copyright law. "Technically, copyright law states that if you make of copy of a work, that you need to obtain permission from the author," Lessig said. However, he said it is important to recognize what Google is attempting to accomplish by d...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 the mi chigan daily cassfieds presents.. " " ~UUUCM ~~IAMPUS MINISTRY "Spiritually alive, radically inclusive, justice +centeredk Wednesday Worship every week at 9:30 p.m. Ecumenical Center, 921 Church St. Fall retreat October 7-9 Dinners, discussions, social activities, service projects, and other programs Often on Thursday or Friday evenings Sponsored by First Unitarian Universalist C...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 9

… NEWS The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 9A We are not the children of lithography. POSTIONS CURRENTLY AVALABLE La, currenuy a Cteory strm, i stremening th city o falveston and prompting many to evacuate. Gun control advocates vow to defeatdeadly force legislation Our tools are not emulsion plates, ink and large offset presses. We do not view the world in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. We are the children of the Interne...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 10

…Thursday eRTicSi Fn til SPORrS sports. michigandaily. corn sports @michigandaily. corn 10A - - --- ---- -------- 0 I'll say it I love the marching band I'm proud to say it: I absolutely love the Michigan Marching Band. I still get goosebumps thinking about the first time I saw it perform. Growing up in New York, I had very little exposure to major college athletics - and therefore, very little contact with major college marching bands...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 - 11A Hun no . stranger to toughneSS dy Bryan Hamilton For the Daily It's match point. The opponent is serving, and you're trying to break him. The crowd is deafening and you pant in exhaustion. The match time has breached two hours. What separates you from your opponent? According to Brian Hung, a junior on the Mich- igan men's tennis team, it's mental toughness. "When it comes down to it, ev...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 -13A 'M' welcomes back Boyles By Tim Reid For the Daily Expectations are high for the women's soccer team as it heads into conference play this weekend. The Wolver- ines are looking to improve on last season's third-place Big Ten finish and qualify for their ninth straight NCAA bid. Adding to this season's expectations is the return of senior midfielder and tri-captain Stephanie Boyles, who ...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 14

…14A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 22, 2005 A songs 90fls $I 1 11 Ift -a f 4.. . :c..s .. A . f W IN 5 ., T ....... p f p... . . :_ ; 4 .,. .a ....... . , . , ,.... r .. .. , N . . 4 I. .. .. ,. : . . . . i . . .. ... c .. ,.. _a.. ii I.f. , , f ..St 6 .n .4..iku. kt 4f . : tT, ii BSS nfi . .. ..aJ6_:.... _.,.. fX m t .. . ti ... u . …

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 15

…e e -6 A Portrait of Ukraine Continued from page 15B Clockwise from top left: A young boy in Lviv waits for his friends. An elderly woman enjoys the Independence Day celebration in Kiev's central square on Aug. 24, 2005. A little girl brings a cow down from a mountaintop pasture in the Carpathian Range in Western Ukraine. People line dance in Kiev during a weekly summer street festival. An old woman helps bail hay in preparation for winter...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 16

… S 0 Q 3B The Daily Dish James David Dick- son tabs about college journalism. 3B The List Weekend happen- ings around town. 4B Youth movement How the Ukraine is rebuilding its society. 6B ShopEatDrink Zanzibar. 7B Point/Counterpoint Should loyd Carr get fired? 8B Nike Town A closer look at the Univer- sity's contract with Nike. 13B ShopEatDrink American Apparel. 14B Columnists Aymar Jean and Joseph Kilduff discuss style and campus life. 1...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 17

…0 _ _ T -._ .. -- 6 > 0 0- Real men wear scarves How Do You Dance in Flip Flops? j Style Column By Aymar Jean THm DAILY DISH New editor promises more thoughtfi Michigan Review Editor Jh By Donn M. A: nn Arbor is not Paris, Lord knows it, and a quick conversation with the aver- age guy on this campus would probably confrm it. Ask him to name a French fashion house, and, if he can think of one, he'll surely name Louis Vuitton. What makes ...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 18

… 9 AV 0 A woman and her daughter walk in front of an empty lot in Lviv, the western capital of Ukraine. Tragedy has many times befallen the people of Ukraine in the last century: millions of deaths during the Great Famine of 1932-33, a Jewish population nearly wiped out by the Nazis, the worst nuclear accident in world his- tory in Chernobyl and a rapid decline into poverty when the USSR disbanded in 1991. Today, the nation and its youth ...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 19

… stalled when issues over factory work- ing conditions for Nike's overseas factories arose. When the University tried to work in language to stay con- sistent with their new code of conduct policy, Nike pulled the plug. "We had had a relationship with Nike, and, as a result of our policies on human rights and labor standards, we wanted to see that reflected in the contract with Nike," University Gen- eral Counsel Marvin Krislov said. "We wante...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 20

…0 0 0 SHOP AT RIK Z A global feast anzibarbrings exotic flavors to A2 By Megan Jacobs, Daily Staff Writer Offering a refreshing variety of global textures, spices and menu items Zanzibar is a State Street venture worth trying. In Morris's opinion, corporate contracts are one of the many ways Michigan gets the revenue it needs to sup- port 25 competitive varsity sports teams. And in that line of thought, he has some company. SHUBRA OHRI...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 21

… "There's a disconnect between big- time college sports," Duderstadt claims with conviction. "Michi- gan is not competing so much with ,Ohio State commercially. They are competing with the Detroit Lions. I mean, we're competing for broad- casting dollars, for paying specta- tors. I think we're beginning to push the limits of that." Duderstadt comes from an educa- tion background. He was - and still is - a professor at the University and shows,...…

September 22, 2005 (vol. 115, iss. 152) • Page Image 22

…0S S 7W 0 4A & {r ',= '.Y_ ' Y , ,x r _ }r2''s C - y ^t t h w5 2.~: t F 4 + k. :, fi- I The commercialization of college By Ian Herbert Managing Sports Editor hen first man tha Michigan base- Saman- Findlay blasted a three-run shot to left field, the Michigan softball team became the first team east of the Mississippi River to win a softball championship. Michigan Athletic Director Bill Martin spent most of that week in Oklahom...…

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