December 06, 1991

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December 06, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

… 00 0 You by al COM( IBM-V l be surpise the thins that connecte to an Persona System. .. .:;, -: One year "" of maintenance on any 1990-1992 Mazda car or truck purchase. $75 in Sprinte long distance service. Up to $120 off American Airlines- tickets. 700ooff selected Sierra* computer game t software. When you're looking for a personal com- puter, make sure to look at all it comes with. The preloaded software. The mouse. The hard drive....…

December 06, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

… .) 0 The Prince of Tides (R) A sneak preview of Barbra Streisand's latest directorial effort, an adaptation of the Pat Conroy novel. We're sure everybody who's read the novel will love her adaptation. (At Briarwood: Saturday at 9:40 only; at Showcase: Saturday at 7:30 only) Ramblin Rose (R) Laura Dern and Robert Duvall star in a fine coming-of-age-in-the-South drama by Martha1 Coolidge, director of Valley Girl. (At Showcase: 7:25, 9:50,12:...…

December 06, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…0 FRIDAY MontyPytho:Liveatthe Hollywood Bowl All your favorite skits, performed live in concert. (Tery Hughes, 1982) . . 8-30 And Now For Something Conletey Different Something Different is actually quite the same as Holyovd Bow butthis one has those tasteful Gilliam cartoons. (lan MacNaughton,1972) MLB3 1000 ' ' - * Gangsters in Osaka?Itcan't be worse than Mobstes. Part of the Japanese period film series. (Hideo Gosha, 1983) Lorch 7:00 FREE...…

December 06, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

… . - ......U V.... a V r -. - 5' - -. - A - z 2 ill ........... 0 - - 91 . II VI .. A- The War of the Worlds Revisited The William Kennedy Smith rape trial probably isn't worth commenting on, except that it's being broadcast, live, on television. And if something is on television, it is probably worth writing about, if only for reasons of self- defense. Let me explain. On this JES E planet, the print media are the WALKER media of record....…

December 06, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…0 0 Entre Plus: Money for Nothing I refuse to go through the hassle of paying bills for the rest of my life. I can't understand them anyway. They're filled with dozens of numbers, and I can never figure out which number represents the amount of money I have to pay. So to heck with it. By the time I JONATHAN graduate, I plan to pay for my CHAIT food, car, house, etc. with Entr6e Plus. All things considered, Entr6e Plus is far superior to payi...…

December 06, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…Old Issues, 'New Diversity' By Rob Patton Daily Minority Issues Reporter What Does the New Prominence of Black Conservatives Mean? This was originally meant to be a story about the new conservative thought in Black America. Earlier this fall, during Clarence- Thomas' Senate confirmation hearings, I was surprised by polls that showed a majority of Black Americans supporting his confirmation, despite Thomas' opposition to affirmative action ...…

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