October 27, 1905

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October 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dail ANN ARB~OR, \tICHR0 \N, D\ i (f~S27.NO28 \N'c. X\Vf1. 0. 28. MICHIGAN'S ELEVEN THE GREATEST EVER Coach Booth of Nebraska Says Wol= erines Can Whip Any Team in the Country. 11cgetes-t foutotbal teaitt]everpoften ;meal isitthe verdict (if (Coachi Wltcr C. flitotil, if \Y r iikt-f-t. ii P1ichigan'- lto elevetn. ot oill lot Ile say that teamithtti HP ty- Mtclo th~t netvei lief~re a, a a(-rr Ott n of to i;- t yi~tde otterstog...…

October 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY Co. r r1. a111g v o MM HIANI TAILORS TIHE MVICHIGAN DAILY-. ft 11Po 1111ice Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS fff I 1Sf.. F ? The. tb1 frgcoa too141k iin tif tllh tit y ofexclusive, ('t ita n Of a r. 01'at thrillclasfab'I rios and spfc il tyl fr stl S 'f011 011 n' f dents. 0? 'f~~ t0lA i _______ _________ 6 G. H. WildmCo. 0 "311 S. ytate St. QaH [AN fite"yf an sng torthrough corrcty intead o...…

October 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…f~'or Art and Skill in Idilorinq Call ons SAM DU 1CHFIELD CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONK STREET I do ' MEN'S AND LADIES' Neckwear and Furnishigs All the Newest Novelties in Fullest Representation may he Seen Here Now MACK (Q CO. j SPA LDING' ATHLEI~C LIBRARY Na'. 112 HOW TO SPKINT By ARTHUR F. DUFFEPY s le ftle W old 's 'tood for l6is ads Pr-ice I0 Cents The bst hootk on Serintinge that ha, ve beenpua...…

October 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THEL MICHIGAN DAILY leisiStl YURsNFAEDoit 11151 T [)EItUlES ARiT STOR[ itsh h aiti- Iii ld ii Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. ISOMETHING I As well try t6 smokeytiapi~)c without, tobacco as to try to spent a coml ortH h se v, in at home withot ao "R & VI" t Smokine ,lacket or R ountopioc Rie Until you,,Lhv eje) c-lonie of to) i-toueCoats cor Lounging 1o-, ,-yoi don t know what comfor. n:zsy mneans My oepsesestt ivoe ca...…

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