April 09, 1907

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April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN. XVII.>>\A .AP IL, Vol- XVII. a . 14 r. BOOKER WASHINGTON theasotrli roillrs; of race andre PLEASED AUDIENCE n ole;ofclolamlonvlt'itced ttt his work if rc i nant. war racially Expressed Views on Solution of the prejudiced.l''here ro no farinaof slaverry i .... 4 ......... .... . . 1907 MICHIGANENSIAN IS READY FOR PRESS Books Will be on sale May I -Two Race Question - Asserted That the Negro is Wonderful Race. "'te...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…NJ 0r r" - 1 0 0c s ni g !Q '0 a1 H ' a y x o ' O o E N C/D n r "m X __ p1. C (2 r /: i Jam, , j. .-. J, l; l.. ^ . .J .. - _ - I _. , 1'; r I .... j, ,, J - t: ... s^ J ' 'r C Z "f .'7 % t r.+ ) r- 1 C V *r+ VH /"1 LJ p CCX " y~. '"t .ea ^ v "' C. (2); 6*4 ,04" '0t -« :,. - ;. ', f .%: :! 'J- .-- fy f V i. r. J ", ,r.. - r i / ', i. I- 5. 5 - ,i C '- n V ~ "' - 0 315.] °On !C o o ~ r . o a (2 0 IS H , OH,/ (12O ( s " 3, O ~ iz ...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…iI N / 111 1 Nw N,- -Nt ACollege Man looks as much a fossil in a suit of clothes made for his father as a Vassar girl would appear if she wore a dress buil for her mother. The difference twixt College Brand Clothes (just for young chaps and men who envy the youth) and usual garments, is every whit this much, no price difference. Fine Line of Spring Hats and Furnishings WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50- FOR MEN AND WOMEN- $5.00 The strong~est charact...…

April 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…TTIlE IChIIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY OF CHICAG Quarter, 1907 q THE UIYEIIITTGEI HiC:ACT A LA RI1CLOCKS1 HACK AN!) CARRIAGE HIRE~ Cn apman's JewelIry Store 206 So(:*I" MAIN SRLE~. TII 10iNtc, a T Po p ii "° v e tW co iA Wtchl ItroT'c i, T~ lif- lil A1r hl KtI1wi1 BRTANC SIORi.AI 2(04 South State Street 2 1n- for 1 1 lcr-,cr to a d bon al Irin llv101011 1 0)"r, 6 Y n1nd 0oI ad1111] 1ii itni I N Ni C, NOw Nicc b'S.'o .fter I a.11. ,2 0 1, crl e ...…

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