December 06, 1906

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December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n Daily ANN \RBOR, \Il( 11k \ \ I't YDll}sl V 11 N IIIR 6 , fo6 "oL. X VII. DISTINGUISHED ALUM4NI WILL COUNCIL PLANYS CHANGES DETROIT MANM WILL IN FRESH-SOPH RUSH ADDRESS CIVICS CLUB APPEAR Al PRESENTATION Members of Lower Classes to Confer D. IF. Wilcox, Secretary of the un wihCouncil Committee in Re- icipal League, Will Speak on Con- } vising De tails of Contest. stitutional Convention. Dir. James~ Angell, Jr., and Professor Je...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…THElMICI4IGAtN DAILY I f G. H. WILD CO. ii ItiixS.iiStateiiiSt.i THE MICHIGAN DAI LY. ii xxi ti le [x rf !; lar N(::.ilu . iixxr .c-xxi , lixaxi ' il'i'x ti' x' r.\Nxxxu 'i lx', ,5 .. . ... lail i' . Six4, veaneix iiix xxiIlixixan. x Paul i iiMixNvrer (urge A. Olxlirn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. ii irixlxl C. Sithil lxx ry '.I cSi uh' Glenn ID.lBraidleyi i Villiam A. Mulhern loydi x H. Jonies I. x I i'x x i .. lxi mw 'iiBiox l chiirlii' lexrge 11. Il...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY you'vxe never tried College Brand Clothe-', do so now -- vent]I neN er wxear anil ofleer k itid aftier I ~~Yo've once tries our suits. ox'rcoas, eravc'eies. All the latest shades In plaitnPities and mblacks-- prices $r5 to $25- Cliristnas Gifts for men moderaiely lricedi In (i it liaberdasli- erayIDepartmnttyoil'11lsliinnunierable suggestions ior useful and serxiceablclito.iday giltis for all taste - -;gifts priced -withina...…

December 06, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AL ARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE $1 For You For C hristnias Fens ve will dive0one 1o- lar tto iyb oy dy\it) our1 Pert att the r ir j prce lTev rel neo nd a- All Or Dohlla r louitlti Pfens 'at 7: (ent Iacts EE.CA LKINS Irstqji 1i /324 S.STTE.SR T 0. V. A. A J. R AILWAY t a11 F 1 ' a R U. 301,1Y. St 0 St ANN ARBOR RAILROA ANt)otAllDltNS To.i s 1.' vN 1R0n101i3 zba Chicago Btiatlo tBoso Ne York L tols Iotoo oo 1" ,gt, rai...…

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